Gay Erotic Stories

The Escapades of Jason, Chapter 7

by Jettero
23 Jul 2012

Bathroom Tales Bisexual Escort Confessions Family Fun First Time

Jason graduated high school and was free for the summer. When he showed up at Mrs. Douglas’ house to mow her lawn, he saw she was getting into her car. He walked over to her car and she rolled down the window. “Where are you going Mrs. D, I’m here to mow your lawn,” he said with a wink.

She reached out and put her hand on his arm, “I’m going shopping. My nephew is staying with us for the summer. When you finish, you can spend the afternoon with him. You boys are the same age.” With that, she winked and backed the car out, leaving a confused look on Jason’s face.

Jason still had a job to do, and he got to it. He took pride in his yards, and he considered every yard in the neighborhood his. He had been taking care of them for years. He had expanded his services over the years to include more landscaping. Of course, he also expanded his services inside the homes. When he finished, he went into the house as usual to clean up.

He saw the nephew sitting on the couch watching some show on television. “Hey, I’m Jason, I was mowing the yard.”

“I heard you, I’m Kevin. My aunt told me you would be coming in when you finished.” Jason saw that Kevin was about his height, and he could tell the he played some kind of sports. He was noticing guys more; not out of any sexual interest, but more out of a professional consideration. Kevin was talking to him, telling him about where he was from, and how he swam and played baseball in high school.

“I’m going to take a shower.” Jason headed for the bathroom, and Kevin followed him, continuing his stories. When they got into the bathroom, Jason just looked at Kevin. “Sorry dude, but there’s nothing on TV, and I’ve been bored here the last few days. Can I just sit here and talk while you shower?”

“Sure, why not,” Jason said. Being naked in front of anyone was not a problem for him. He turned on the shower, dropped his shorts and got in. He shut the curtains, and Kevin kept talking. Jason found that he was starting to like Kevin; they seemed to have some things in common with school and sports. As he showered, Jason started responding more to Kevin. Kevin was sitting on the closed toilet, and he opened the curtains.

“Sorry dude, but I couldn’t hear you. Do you mind?”

“Nah, shower in the locker room all the time with other guys, no big deal.” They kept the conversation going as Jason showered in front of Kevin. Jason saw that Kevin was looking at him, but not staring, and not looking at his crotch. Kevin was having a normal conversation with someone who just happened to be naked; he was not trying to sneak any peaks. Jason wondered what Mrs. Douglas thought would happen, but it didn’t seem like anything was going to. Kevin was now talking about girlfriends.

Jason finished his shower and was toweling off, while Kevin still sat there. “Hey, I got an idea, let’s go swimming,” Kevin said.

“I just took a shower, and I don’t have a swim suit.”

“You don’t need one; my aunt said she would be gone for hours. Let’s go!” Kevin jumped up and started shucking his own clothes. When he was naked, he ran out of the bathroom, “Woo hoo!”

Jason ran after him, laughing. They both jumped into the pool, and started swimming laps. Kevin was on the swim team, so he easily outpaced Jason. They started horsing around in the pool, pushing and dunking each other. There were no sexual undertones, and no incidental contact. For Jason, it felt good to let loose and be a teenager for a change. After wearing themselves out, the both got out of the pool.

“That’s a nice all over tan you got there,” Kevin commented.

“Thanks, I work outside a lot, and try to keep up with the rest. You’re a swimmer, how come you’re not tan.”

“I’m from up north; most of the pools are inside. But I want to start working on a tan.”

They laid out on the lounge chairs, working on their tans. They must have dozed off, because they were awakened by a cleared throat. “Boys, you better get inside and get some clothes on before my wife gets home,” Mr. Douglas said. Neither boy realized that he had been standing there for several minutes, admiring their young athletic bodies.

“Ok, Uncle Dan,” Kevin said as the both got up and ran laughing upstairs. When they got to Kevin’s room, they didn’t bother putting their clothes back on. Kevin turned on his laptop and they started surfing the internet. They were checking out all sorts of stuff from sports to cars. They started playfully arguing about what they were looking at, and Jason gave Kevin a punch on the arm. Kevin jumped up and tried to tackle Jason, but being the wrestler, Jason had the better skills in that arena. They both fell on the bed, with Jason on top of Kevin, and they were laughing and play fighting.

Suddenly, they heard the door open, and Mrs. Douglas stuck her head in. “Glad to see you boys getting along. Mr. Douglas has gone out for the evening, and dinner will be in an hour.”

Kevin had frozen like a deer in the headlights, with his aunt looking in the room while they were both naked. All she could see was Jason’s ass, because he was on top of Kevin. Jason saw the look of horror on Kevin’s face, and did what he thought he had to do. He rolled off of Kevin, grabbed Kevin’s cock and waved it, and said, “Hey Mrs. D.”

Mrs. Douglas smiled and said, “Very nice boys. Kevin, you should shave that thing like Jason,” then she left the room and shut the door. Kevin had turned a hundred shades of red. First there was Jason touching his dick, and then his aunt saw his dick and commented on it.

Jason got off of Kevin laughing, “Sorry dude, but she’s right. You should shave that forest.” Kevin looked like he wanted to kill Jason, then as Jason kept laughing he joined in too.

“You think? You like yours shaved,” Kevin asked, just now noticing Jason’s manscaped pubes.

“I like it, but even better, the girls like it too. Go do it,” Jason said as he pushed Kevin towards the bathroom. Jason plopped back down in front of the computer. Jason waited about fifteen minutes, and when Kevin still hadn’t come out, he went in. Kevin was sitting on the side of the tub, still unshaved.

“Dude, you waiting for it to fall out on its own?”

“I’m nervous, I’m afraid I might cut myself or something. And I’m not sure what to shave off.”

Jason rolled his eyes and chuckled, “All of it. You want help?” Kevin nodded. Jason wondered if he should start a shaving business too.

Jason stood Kevin up, got the shaving cream and razor, and got on his knees in front of Kevin. He lathered up Kevin’s pubes, held his dick out of the way, and started shaving. Kevin was confused by Jason’s actions. Here was a good looking guy, casually handling his dick for the second time. “Umm, Jason, are you….uh….gay?”

Jason stopped shaving; he had been getting that question a lot lately. He looked up at Kevin and said, “No, are you?”

“No, I don’t think so. But you are holding my dick in your hand.”

“You want me to cut you,” and Kevin shook his head. “What do you mean you don’t know? You told me about your girlfriends.”

“Well, we never did anything. They all wanted to wait.”

“You’re a virgin?” Kevin nodded, a tear started to form in his eye. “Hey, don’t sweat it. You’re going to enjoy this summer, I promise. See, I have no problem touching you; I’m helping out a friend. Before I was just messing around, no big deal. Does this bother you?” Kevin shook his head again. “Want me to continue shaving?” Kevin answered yes.

Jason removed all of Kevin’s pubic hair, then lathered up his balls and shaved those as well. During the shave, Kevin’s cock had grown hard in Jason’s hand. Just as Jason finished, Kevin let out a moan and jets of cum hit Jason on the chest. Jason pretended to be upset, “What the fuck dude! Really?”

“Oh my god, I am so sorry. No one has ever touched my dick before, and you were holding it for a long time. I was trying not to all this time.”

Jason laughed, “You’re right, you did warn me.” Jason scooped the cum of his chest and rubbed it on Kevin’s chest. They both started laughing as they cleaned Kevin’s cum off of themselves.

A gleam came into Jason’s eyes, “Hey I got an idea.” He grabbed Kevin by the arm and started dragging him toward the door and downstairs.

Kevin started protest, “But my aunt…”

“She already saw you, let’s show her what we did.”

When they got downstairs, Jason called out, “Mrs. D, check it out!” He pushed Kevin in front of him, but Kevin was covering his crotch with both hands. Jason punched him in the arm and pulled his hands away.

“Much better boys,” Mrs. Douglas said smiling.

“Smooth as a baby’s bottom,” Jason said as he ran his hand across Kevin’s freshly shaved pubic area. “When it starts to grow in, I’ll show him how to keep it like mine.”

“You boys should take care of those,” she said, indicating both of their hard cocks.

“He already blasted me once, but I think he is ready to go again,” Jason said and grabbed Kevin’s hard cock again.

Kevin was stunned again, standing naked in front of his aunt, along with Jason who didn’t seem to care. Jason was grabbing him again, and talking about sex with his aunt. Jason was pulling on Kevin’s cock when he saw Mrs. Douglas lick her lips. He took the hint as to what she wanted, knelt down and took Kevin’s cock in his mouth. Kevin’s knees buckled, but Jason was quick and caught him, and scooped him up into his arms. “He’s a virgin.”

“We’ll have to take care of that,” she said.

Jason carried Kevin to his bedroom, and laid him on his bed. He took his position by Kevin’s cock again and started sucking. Kevin’s head was spinning. He saw that his aunt was now naked, and she joined Jason in sucking his cock. To never have had a mouth on his cock, to now having two was amazing for him. “He’s not going to last long,” Jason said, much to Kevin’s annoyment but he knew it was true.

They both got off his cock and Jason held it straight up, while his aunt sat on it. His cock slid smoothly into her pussy, and she did all the work for him. This was about servicing Kevin, so Jason sucked on his nipples as he watched Kevin’s dick slide in and out of his aunt. His other hand was massaging Kevin’s balls, so he could tell when he was about to cum. He signaled her to slow down a little, trying to extend the pleasure for Kevin. Kevin moaned loudly as he shot waves of cum into his aunt. From the amount of time it took, Jason knew this was a bigger load than the first.

They both lay on either side of Kevin, embracing him, their arms and legs intertwined. They both moved in for a three way kiss with Kevin, their tongues working their way into his and each other’s mouths. Their hands stroked Kevin’s body, from his chest to his thighs, as Kevin came back to earth.

“You said you’re not gay.”

“I’m not, and you’re not a virgin.”

To be continued...

Your comments and feedback are appreciated. Thank you to everyone who has written so far,


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