Gay Erotic Stories

The Model, Part 2

by Jettero
14 May 2012

Exhibitionism First Time Men At Work Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From The Workplace Underwear Action

Another two weeks went by before Steven heard anything about his “interview.” His agent, Mr. Johnson, called Steven and told him that the president wanted to see both of them in his office the next day. He told Steven that this only meant one thing; they were going to offer him a contract.

The next day, Steven went to the corporate offices, but this time he dressed a little more understated. Oh he was still something to look at, and he caught plenty of stares, but this allowed him to get where he was going without too much fuss. He was shown into the president’s office, and saw his agent already there. There were a few other people there who turned out to be lawyers. Lawyers could only mean one thing, a contract.

The president started by telling Steven how impressed everyone was with him, and how they would like him to represent their brand. They offered him a $1 million two year contract to be their exclusive underwear model. Along with his print modeling, they wanted him to be a spokesman and make public appearances; appearing only in his underwear. In addition, when he was not on a shoot or public appearance, they said he would be working in the office with the various departments. Obviously he would be working closely with marketing, but they wanted him working with the fashion designers as well. He would work with H.R. as a morale liaison, and for accounting and other departments, they would find something for him to do. But, all the time he spent in the office, he was to be only in his underwear as well.

Steven sat back to think about this for a moment. He practically saw the dollar signs appearing in his agent’s eyes; who apparently had no problems with the odd contractual obligations. The lawyers didn’t seem to have a problem with this either. Steven is not shy and is in fact a mild exhibitionist, so the public appearances didn’t concern him. Heck, people go to the beach wearing less than most underwear. He did not want to be the office slut, but he didn’t mind being the office beefcake.

“I accept all of the terms of the contract, but I want $5 million over two years,” he replied.

His agent’s mouth dropped open in shock at the amount of the request, hoping his client wouldn’t blow this deal. Steven kept looking into the president’s eyes; he wasn’t staring him down, he was drawing him in. The president counteroffered with $2 million. The agent quickly started doing the math, spending the additional money he figured he was about to receive.

“4,” was Steven’s answer. The agent closed his eyes.

“2.5,” was the quick response, and this is exactly where Steven wanted to be, and he knew he would get everything he wanted.

“2.5, plus you supply the underwear; I will be changing a lot. Plus, on the rare occasion I go out with clothes on, I will need a wardrobe of outerwear.”


“And, if sales increase, I get a bonus of 1% of the gross sales increase.”

The agent was about to fall out of his chair, when he heard the president again say, “Done.”

The lawyers were also stunned that this good looking man (did they just think that?) got this kind of a deal. Steven signed the contract.

“You start on Monday, 8 am.”

This being Friday, Steven spent the weekend celebrating by going to the gym.

Monday morning came and Steven dressed professionally yet understated. He wasn’t too concerned with his clothes, as he would be removing them shortly after getting to the office. He arrived early and was again met by the president; who escorted Steven into an office.

“This is your office, Steven. And this is your administrative assistant, Jordan,” the president said introducing the young man waiting in the office.

Jordan is Steven’s age, 22. Steven noticed that he was fairly handsome and appeared to be in decent shape. It was hard to tell, because his clothes didn’t fit quite right. Steven planned on helping Jordan, because Jordan was representing Steven and had to put on a good image. Besides, they worked at a fashion company. Steven shook Jordan’s hand and flashed him his most engaging smile.

“I’m looking forward to working with you Jordan; we’re going to have lots of fun.”

Jordan smiled back, not sure what to say to this god standing before him.

“I’ll let you boys get settled. We are having a staff meeting in the auditorium at 9:30, to present you to everyone. Jordan will show you where it is. Dress appropriately,” the president said has he left the office.

“I was told to make sure to get you there after everyone else had gone, and we have to go in the back,” Jordan finally spoke up.

Steven nodded as he looked around the sparsely decorated office. He had a desk with a computer and phone, a few chairs, and a cabinet. He would have to decorate a little. Hanging on the back of the door, he noticed a nice robe. He opened the cabinet and discovered that it was full of underwear. He found all types and colors; bikinis, briefs, boxer briefs, and boxers.

“So, how long have you been working here, Jordan?”

“About six months. I was down in the mail room; I don’t know why they brought me up here,” Jordan stammered in reply. Well, that explained the clothes. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do,” he continued. “They told me Friday night.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be too demanding. I think you’ll find this job pretty easy. Your main job will probably be to make sure I get to where I need to be. Do you know any of the other administrators?”

“Delivering the mail, I got to know everybody.”

“And that’s why you are here. I’m sure they all like you, you seem like a great guy.” Jordan blushed at the compliment. “After we get settled in, find some time to talk to the other administrators and get them to help you out.”

“Okay,” Jordan answered. He still wasn’t sure what was going on, or why he got this job. His new boss was certainly nice enough, but just being near him was stirring up feelings he didn’t understand.

Steven shut the door and said, “Time to get ready.” He looked at Jordan and shrugged. They were going to be working together, no sense in hiding anything. Steven started to remove his shirt.

Jordan stood mesmerized as Steven pulled his t-shirt over his head. He was captivated at the sight of the hair in Steven’s armpits as he raised his arms over his head. Time stopped as Jordan visually absorbed every inch of Stevens pits, chest and six-pack abs. Steven wasn’t paying attention to Jordan, as he sat on his desk to remove his shoes and socks. Steven got up to remove his pants and shorts. When he was completely naked, he noticed Jordan trying very hard not to stare at his 6 inch uncut cock. He went to the cabinet and selected two pair of underwear; briefs and boxers.

“Which one,” he asked Jordan, holding both up.

This brought Jordan back to reality, “Huh, what?”

“Which pair should I wear?”

“For what,” Jordan asked.

“Didn’t they tell you?” Jordan shook his head.

Steven explained the terms of his employment, as he selected the briefs and put them on. Jordan was doing okay, until Steven reached in to adjust his penis and balls. Steven continued to explain as he neatly folded his clothes and then put on the robe.

“So you have to walk around all the time in your underwear,” Jordan asked. “I have nightmares about that.”

“I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Want to check if it’s safe to head out?”

Jordan slipped out of the office, his face a little less red. He sat a moment at his new desk, trying to process what he just felt, and remember what he just saw. People were passing his desk, congratulating him on his new promotion. A few tried to find out about the new guy he was working for, but they had to get to the meeting. There were questions about that too. What was going on? Is someone high up leaving? Are they having layoffs? I thought sales were good….

After everyone cleared out, Jordan stuck his head in the office and got Steven. Steven followed Jordan down the hall, when he realized that he was walking barefoot. This concerned him more than the fact that he was about to be in his underwear in front of hundreds of strangers.

He put his hand on Jordan’s shoulder, “Remind me that I need to get something to wear on my feet.” Jordan felt the heat coming through his sport coat, swallowed hard and nodded.

They slipped in a back door, and were now “backstage” of the auditorium. Damn this office is huge, Steven thought. He heard the president speaking, telling all of the employees that they were about to meet the newest spokesmodel for the company’s underwear division. There were to be no photographs or video taken, and no one was to tell what they were about to see to anybody, until the campaign officially begins. Upon hearing the president call his name, Steven stepped onto the stage. He shook the president’s hand and stood next to him, smiling at the crowd, which was vigorously applauding.

“Ladies and gentlemen, our new spokesmodel,” the president said. With that, Steven opened his robe, and let it fall to the floor.

The reaction from the crowd was everything the president and the marketing people hoped it would be. There was thunderous applause, cheers, and whistles. Steven did some flexing and turned around a few times. Some in the audience were crying, men and women, like you would see from the old Beatles concerts. The president got the audience to quiet down as he put his arm around Steven’s shoulder. His hand slowly moved down Stevens back, until it was on his waist/ass by the time he was finished speaking.

“Steven will be working here in the office, with each department. Marketing is obvious; fashion design will use him as a design model. For everyone, he is our new morale officer. Use him has you see fit. And by the way, while he is in the office, he will be dressed as he is now.”

At the last statement, the crowd erupted in more cheers and whistles. “Please do not overwhelm this young man, or his assistant Jordan. He will be around to each and every department to personally introduce himself. Remember, not a word to anybody. Whoever let’s this out prematurely, will be terminated. Everyone remain seated until I dismiss you.” The president then thanked Steven, and indicated he should get out before the crowds left.

Jordan and Steven practically ran back to Steven’s office and shut the door. Steven flopped down into the chair behind his desk and started laughing. Jordan started laughing too, and they were like a couple of school boys who just pulled a prank.

“Damn, I was so scared up there. That was weird. It felt almost like a dream.”

They heard the people passing by the office, buzzing with what they had just seen and heard.

“One things for sure, Mr. Morale Officer, you certainly got people happy,” Jordan said, before he realized he was talking to his boss. “Uhh…sorry.”

“Dude, don’t be sorry. I’ m sitting here in my underwear. Just relax, and we’ll have fun.” Jordan nodded, and relaxed slightly. He was getting more used to seeing Steven mostly naked.

“Okay, so here is what we need to do. It seems I have to visit everyone, so make out a schedule.”

“While you were out there, I already got a memo from fashion design and marketing. You have an appointment with fashion in thirty minutes, and marketing is this afternoon.”

“Good job, you’re on the ball already,” Steven said as he got up and headed to the cabinet with all of his underwear. “Well, guess it’s time to change,” he said has he pulled out a pair of boxer briefs.

He pulled off his bikini briefs, and again Jordan looked shocked. “Does this bother you?”

“Um, no, no, I’m sorry, no, you’re fine.”

“Don’t be sorry. But if it bothers you, I won’t change in front of you anymore.”

“NO!” Jordan replied, louder than he intended.

Steven pretended not to notice, “What should I do with these,” he asked holding up the briefs he just removed.

“Wish I could afford to wear our underwear,” Jordan sighed.

“You want these? I’m clean, and I didn’t have them on long. Here, put them on,” he said as he tossed the briefs to Jordan.

“Here? Now? “

“Why not? I’m standing here naked already. We need to get you some new clothes too. You have a decent body, you should show it off more too.”

“I do? No I don’t.”

“Yes you do, here take that jacket off,” Steven said as he moved to Jordan and removed his jacket. Steven then noticed the tent that had formed in the front of Jordan’s slacks. “Put them on.”

“Not now, maybe later.”

“There is nothing to be embarrassed about,” Steven said as he started unbuckling Jordan’s belt and opening his pants. Jordan’s pants dropped to the floor, and his erection was now obvious to both of them. Steven ignored Jordan’s dilemma, and instead lifted his shirt, exposing his abs.

“Look at that, you have a great body. I can tell you work hard on it, you shouldn’t hide it with clothes that don’t fit you. Now, are you going to put those on, or do I have to do that for you too?”

“I can’t…I…my…” Jordan stammered.

Steven looked down again, the head of Jordan’s hard cock was straining at the waistband of his tighty whities. Steven had total control of his own cock, and to try and calm Jordan, he allowed his own cock to swell.

“Yea, that is a problem,” acknowledging Jordan’s erection for the first time. “Now look, I got one too.”

“Are…are…are you….gay,” Jordan asked.

“Me? No. I prefer the ladies. But I’m not uptight, I can admire and appreciate a nice male body; like yours. Are you gay?”

“I’m…not…sure. I’ve been with women, and I never really thought about guys, until today.”

“Yea, I get that a lot. Sometimes the guy really is gay, and sometimes just curious. Most of the time, they don’t even realize they are touching me. Do you want to touch me?”

Jordan swallowed hard, unsure what to say. Yes he wanted to touch Steven, but he was so afraid. Steven knew he had an appointment and had to resolve this sexual tension soon. He pulled down Jordan’s briefs and grabbed his still hard cut cock.

“Look, it’s no big deal. Well, you are a big one,” men always liked to have their dick complimented. “But I’m not gay, and this doesn’t make me gay,” he said as he pulled Jordan’s cock a few times.

Jordan tentatively reached out and took hold of Steven’s cock. Even though it was hard, it felt like velvet in his hands. Judging by how nervous Jordan was, Steven was surprised when he fell to his knees and took the cock into his mouth. He ate it like he had been starving for it. His hands explored Steven’s balls, then worked their way around to his ass. Jordan managed to take Steven’s entire length down his throat several times; Steven was impressed for Jordan’s first time on a cock.

“Ok Tiger, I’m going to cum soon. Pull off if you don’t want it in your mouth.” This warning caused Jordan to increase his efforts on the cock. He was rewarded with a mouth full of hot, thick cum, which he swallowed completely.

Jordan fell back onto the floor, savoring his first taste of cum. His cock was standing straight up. Steven sighed and gave it a few tugs. That was all it took for Jordan to unload onto his stomach. Steven used Jordan’s old underwear to clean him up.

“Now you have to wear these,” he told Jordan, tossing him the underwear he had just removed. Jordan held them to his nose. “Hurry up and get dressed, you have to show me how to get to fashion.” Jordan looked disappointed that they were finished. “Don’t worry, man. You are going to have as much access to me as you want. You are a good cocksucker.”

Jordan brightened as he finished getting dressed. Steven had started to put on his fresh underwear, but Jordan stopped him and did it for him. He lovingly tucked Steven’s cock into the shorts. He went to give Steven a kiss, but he stopped him. “Here are the rules, neck down. You can suck me all you want, but I will only jerk you off. If you want, I will fuck you, but you have to get your work done.” Jordan had not thought about getting fucked, but now that the idea was there, he couldn’t wait. “And outside this office, it is hands off and completely professional.”

“You got it, boss,” Jordan finally responded. He was glad he had such access to Steven. Everyone else will be jealous of him.

Your comments and feedback are appreciated,


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