Gay Erotic Stories

Agony and Ecstasy

by Draconum
12 Jul 2006

Bondage Family Fun S/M


Mark stepped into the work trailer at 7:45am. He liked walking the 3 ½ miles to work, it gave him time to think of other things and it also gave him great exercise. This morning, however, he wished he still had a car. When he left the house at 5:30, it was already 85 outside and the sun was just peeking over the horizon.

Mark had taken his t-shirt off so as not to soak it and tucked it into his back pocket. Mark briskly rubbed the dark brown “fur” on his chest so it would stand up and let his skin breathe. He had always been furry since he was about 15 when it grew in like a coat all over his body. When he left high school at 18, he grew a full beard to match. Most of the girls he dated were only once, when they saw his all-over hairiness they did not want anything more to do with him, except Amanda. Amanda was the only daughter of his boss, Steve. Her younger brothers, five in all, watched over her carefully and did not take kindly to anyone breaking her heart.

Most of the way to work Mark’s thoughts were on Amanda and their date tonight at the Friday night hay ride and BBQ. Every Friday for the past three years they went to either a hay ride or a barn dance sponsored by her church. Mark had gone to her church a few times. He really was not that religious, but it made her happy, so he went.

As he walked, the heat of the day increased, and there was not even a breath of wind. He could feel the sweat collecting in his high steel-toed boots, his feet felt like they were swimming in his boots, he wished now he had brought along another pair of socks to change into at work. He hated wet feet, especially in these boots, his feet always were more sensitive when they were hot and sweaty and today would be worse still, he would not be going home until well after midnight. His feet would be so sensitive he would not be able to walk across the carpet without giggling. The sun was now full up and he had about another mile and a half to go. Sweat dripped from everywhere and into everything. He continually mopped his brow with a bandana, but even it was soaked.

As he approached the trailer, he noticed even his jeans had darkened because of his sweat. At the door he was met with a sign which read, “Mark, the AC broke last night in the trailer, just open the window and turn on the fan inside. There’s cold water in the fridge, and I need those plans on my desk put in proper order for the county inspector later today. I have gone to town to get another AC. Steve.”

“Shit!”, growled Mark as he unlocked the trailer. “Fuck!” he yelled as a wave of superheated air hit him when he opened the door. Mark stepped into the oven-like trailer and the door closed behind him. Mark turned to open the door again, but the handle was missing. Another note greeted him on the inside of the door. “Don’t let the door close on you, Nate broke the handle last night. I am getting a new one of these too. Steve.”

Mark sighed as he tuned toward the fridge and got a bottle of water, opening a window as he passed. He drank the water down quickly and then walked over to the desk. He felt light headed and thought it was just the heat. He though he’d sit down for a minute and ... Mark slid silently to the floor.

************************************************************************ Questions

Mark woke groggily. He felt something in his mouth he just couldn’t spit out. As he opened his eyes, he realized his arms were stretched and tied over his head; there was some sort of rubber bulb by his left hand. He was sitting on some kind of low bench which was giving him a very painful wedgie. His feet were in a set of stocks which spread his legs uncomfortably stretching the crotch of his jeans taut. He could see the tips of his boots peeking over the top. He looked around and saw his t-shirt over a chair. It was then he realized he was still in the trailer; he looked around and saw the clock, 11:00. The only light in the trailer was the sun pouring in the windows which were now shut tight. He continued looking around and noticed a neatly typed note taped to one of the file cabinets.


Dad is really upset about the $200.00 missing from the petty cash fund. He wanted fire you, but I told him you needed to be asked about it first. You will notice a gallon jug hanging over your head with a tube running out of it to a bulb pump by your hand. If you squeeze the bulb it will give you a drink of water through a tube in your gag. Watch the water carefully, it has to last you all day. So you don’t get cold, a heater has been set under your feet and it will turn on about 6:00 pm We will return tomorrow. Amanda thinks you are home with sprained ankle.


PS: The workers were told not to come in today because Dad thought it would be to hot to work on the foundation.


‘What the fuck?” thought Mark, “Shit it’s hot in here and my ass feels like it is ready to split.” He tries to lift himself off the bench by using the rope tied to his wrists. A small amount of relief was got, but soon his ass was feeling the pain again. He looked at the clock, 11:20. He closed his eyes and tries to sleep in the heat.



A noise brought Mark around. Steve’s youngest sons, twins, Tony and Sam, were bringing a large basket in. Tony closed the door and both removed their shirts. The twins were identical except Tony had a tattoo of a crab on his left shoulder. Both were over 6'5" and were on the swim team at college.

“Damn it’s hot in here!” Sam said. “Nate was right, this place is an oven. Tony, remove his gag, He needs to eat.”

Tony grunts and walks over to Mark. “Stupid fuck-wad, why did you do it. Why did you have to screw-up like this. We all loved you and Dad said he was going to let you marry Amanda and everything. Now you’re just fucked.”

He reached down and undid the buckle in the back. He then walked over to the big desk and sat down glowering at him. Mark spit out the gag, licked his lips and tried to speak, but only guttural sounds came out. Sam walked over with a large thermos, and held it to Mark’s lips and Mark drank the mushroom soup down, he didn’t realize how hungry he was. After the soup, Sam looked into his eyes and said, “Tell me you didn’t take the money, please, just tell me.”

His voice came husky and thick, “I didn’t take the money, I didn’t even know there was $200.00 in the box. There has never been more than $50.00 for as long as I can remember.”

“Liar!” Tony yelled, “Dad put the money in there a week ago Monday for a beer party last Friday. When he went to get the money, it was gone. He tried to think of anyone else who could have taken it. Nate and Dave were at Grandma Roddy’s 500 miles away putting on a new roof. Joey was at Uncle James in California helping him build a new room on. We, Sam and I, were at Jamboree in Wyoming. Other than Dad, no one else has a key to the trailer and he even moved the box Monday when he put the money in it. And you were the only one here he told. YOU TOOK IT.”

Mark tried hard to think of anyone who had been in the trailer last week. All the workers had been laying the foundation for the new house. No one had even come to the trailer except Steve to see if there were any delays for some of the concrete. He had not even touched the box since it had been moved, there was no one who needed anything at that time. To top it all off, even if someone broke into the trailer, they would have left a mess looking for the box as it was very well hidden. The only explanation was he must have taken it, but he didn’t.

Tony walked back over with a napkin and wiped Mark’s face. Quietly he said, “If you tell us were the money is, Nate said he would let you go. But you would have no place to go around here. Dad has already cleared all your stuff from the house and put it in a box under the trailer. Nate, Dave, Joey and Dad tore that house apart looking for the money. While you were out, Nate went through your pockets and found only three bucks. Please, just tell us where it is, and Nate will let you go. He even said he would pay for a bus ticket to anywhere. Please, where is it.”

“I swear to you, I didn’t take it. Listen, in the seven years I’ve known you, have I ever lied to you?” They shook their heads. “I’m not lying now.”

The boys hung their heads. “Sam, we need to finish preparing him.”

“Yes, I’ll get the things.”

Mark tried to speak, but there were just no words to comfort those very sad faces.

Sam walked over to the basket and removed a small tool chest. Returning he said, “What do you think of this set up. Tony and I built it months ago to use on Joey, but Nate decided to test it on you. The stocks are adjustable, see?” He reached over and picked up a crank and slipped it into a slot on the top and began turning it. Mark’s legs slowly move together, but now the wedgie was getting worse.

“I’ll put them back later. Now the bench you are sitting on is actually a long 2X4 set on edge and shaved to a wedge, and thus, instant wedgie. The watering system was all Tony’s work. Sweet, isn’t it.”

“Your hands are held in place in a specially designed stretcher. It is shaped like a giant C and can pull you into many different positions. Don’t worry about the wedgie bench hitting your back; you’re sitting on the end of it. Currently you are at the top or 90 degrees, with the press of a button; I can change it to anything from +90 degrees to -90 degrees. I am adjusting it to +15 degrees.” An electric motor turned on and Mark slowly was let down to the proper angle. The device kept his body stretched the whole time.

“There is also a special pivoting support for the shoulders. Tony will put it in place once your at the right angle. Now you’re more vulnerable and you can still watch everything. Neat, isn’t it. I’ve shown it to some of Joey’s special friends; they think it is cool and wanted to see a demonstration of it. I put Tony in it and they saw what the system can do. They want to buy it and mass produce it. They think there is a market. I never knew we could be filthy rich at 20... ”

“When are you going to let me go?”

“Now, we decided you needed some company while you waited and thought about things, so we have brought you some special guests. But first, you have to be prepared.”

Tony picked up the gag and held it at Mark’s mouth. Mark refused to open his mouth. “Open or I will have Sam twist your nipples off. Mark opened his mouth and the gag was back in place.

Sam now undid Mark’s belt and unbuttoned his fly. Mark for the first time felt scared. Sam reached in and pulled out the treasure he found in there. Mark’s cock was a limp uncut 8" and his balls were large, firm, and solid. Mark had always been proud of his tools, but now he was wishing they were a bit smaller. Sam held a tin can to Mark’s cock and said “Pee.” Mark obliged. Tony pulled an assortment of cock rings from the chest and examined them. He then handed one to Sam and Sam slip it down the shaft all the way. Mark winced, he hated cock rings. They made him feel ever so horny. Sam emptied the can in the bathroom and put it beside Mark.

Tony went back to the basket and got a ball of rough cotton twine.

“So, I told you almost all about this wonderful set of stocks, but not all.” Sam picked up Mark’s balls and starts caressing and tickling them. Mark gasps and giggles a little. “So, it’s true, you are very ticklish, almost as much as Joey.” Sam continued his torment..

Mark begins to struggle more and tried to beg through the gag.

“The stocks have a pulley system in the base which is battery powered. The pulley will rotate about one inch every six hours, not much, but the pulling is constant and the relentless pulling will continue to stretch your balls painfully from your body. An inch isn’t much until you realize I start with your balls already stretched tight in the bottom of your worthless sack.” Sam isolated each ball to the bottom and Tony tied a piece of twine to each. Sam let’s go, and then knelt down and reached under the bench. Tony tied loops in the other ends and waited for Sam. Sam handed Tony a small hook attached to nylon line. Tony starts to attach it to left side.

“No, to the other side.” To Mark, “Added pain and suffering, no extra charge.”

Tony attached the line to right side and then flipped the sack over and held it for Sam. Sam attached the other line. “Now, first I stretch them taut.” He pressed a button on the remote and a motor could be heard. The lines began to move and soon Mark’s sack was stretched taut. “When I press this yellow button the motor will go very slow and you will feel a sensation you may have never felt before.”

Tony began buttoning up the fly, forcing Mark’s nutsack below the first button and trapping his cock between buttons two and three, finishing by re-buckling the belt. Tony then took hold of Mark’s cock and pulled the foreskin back and forced a smaller ring just past the head holding the foreskin back. Mark’s cock began responding to the rough treatment and the swelling was becoming painful. Tony wet his finger and began lightly massaging the head. Mark moaned and tried to thrust his hips which only gave him a deeper wedgie. Sam was now using a stiff feather to lightly stroke the stretched sack. Mark was moaning, grimacing and giggling all at the same time. Tony leaned down and began tonguing the tip of the swollen cock, and it responded by standing straighter. Sam was now using the quill end of the feather to draw little circles on Mark’s nutsack. Mark wanted it to stop and never end at the same time. His moans and giggles were getting louder.

A horn beeped outside. Tony and Sam stopped and smiled. “Time to go, Tony. We will be back Sunday morning before dawn.” Tony filled a pitcher and refilled the water jug. Sam turned the crank to again stretch Mark’s legs apart, this also applied pressure to his trapped cock and balls. He then reached into the basket and pulled out a small square lidded box which seemed to be buzzing. Tony pulled the crank handle from the stocks and reached down and unplugged the heater from timer and plugged it into the outlet. The heater came to life and Mark felt the agonizing heat through his boots.

Sam set the buzzing box on Mark’s fuzzy stomach. “The box contains your guests for this evening. If you want to see them, just knock the box off and they will keep you company.” Sam followed Tony out the door, just before he closed and locked it, he pressed the big yellow button on the remote. Mark heard the motor start and felt the increased pressure on his trapped balls.

A truck started and left. The clock read 3:15.

His cock stood tall and proud, its head glistening in the heat; his balls felt like someone was sticking a thousand red-hot needles in them, the box buzzed on. The unbearable heat caused him to pass out.

Mark woke with a start, something had fallen. He looked around and realized the box had fallen to the floor. The buzzing increased and a black cloud of insects began flying around. Several landed on him. They were big black horseflies and they were biting him everywhere they could reach. He tried to shake them off, but this only excited them and more were now coming to feed. The biting and struggling went on for some time. There were bite marks everywhere especially on his throbbing and swollen cock and balls. Mark, exhausted and dripping sweat, passed out.


A Special Present

The moonlight illuminated the room and Mark saw it was almost 3:00. He had heard something, but not sure what. The door opened and a tall figure entered and closed the door.

“Fuck! It’s hot in here.” Joey switched on a lamp on the desk. He walked over to Mark.

Joey was wearing a pair of cut-offs and flip-flops. His well chiseled 23 year-old 6' 3" frame and dark tan would have had any girl swooning, and he knew it and used it well. Joey reached up and undid the gag and removed it.

“Man, why? Why? Can you tell me that? If you needed money, all you had to do was ask. Dad would have given you anything you needed. Fuck. Now Nate wants to tear you limb from limb and feed you to the hogs. This hit him hard, he thought he knew you. Damn, you both wrestled in high school. When you quit, he helped you get on at the lumberyard. When that closed, he asked dad to hire you here. Dad loved you like a son. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” Tears were rolling down Joey’s cheek.

Mark tried to speak, but he couldn’t.

Joey pulled a chair over and sat down. “Nothing to say, just as well. I wonder what other lies you’ve told us over the years.” He looks around. “Tony said they designed this for me. They were going to use it on me for fun. I’m sad I didn’t get to break it in. I love this kind of thing. I loved it when you would join in the fun. I loved you.”

Mark’s face glistened, Joey took out a bandana and wiped Mark’s face and then his own.

“Joey, I didn’t take the money. There has to be another explanation. Let’s think...”

“Shut the fuck up, asshole. I don’t know where you put the money or what you may have used it for, but you are not going to lie there and tell me you didn’t take it. There is absolutely no other explanation, so SHUT THE FUCK UP.”

Mark was stunned; he had never seen Joey so worked up about anything. Joey got up and went to the medicine chest. He came back with a bottle and a large jar of cotton balls. “Let’s clean these bites up before they become infected.” Joey opened the bottle and Mark could smell the alcohol.

“No, not alcohol, hydrogen peroxide!”

“Shut up!” Joey poured the entire contents of the bottle into the jar of cotton balls and then reached in and started cleaning the bites up. He started with Mark’s arms and face. Mark grunted and groaned every time one touched him. Joey moved down his chest and stomach. Then he started on Mark’s balls. Mark began howling.

“Fuck! Stop. It burns. Fuck! Please stop. Please.”

“Fucker, I said shut up. Take it like a man, wimp.”

Mark continued to wince and groan as Joey swabbed his cock, but did not say any more.

Joey sat down again and put the lid on the jar. “Nate and Dave gave me an alcohol enema for my birthday last year. I thought I was going to die. I got even with Dave for that, He was drunk one night and I squeezed a whole tube of muscle rub up his ass. When he awoke, he thought someone had stuck a red-hot poker up his ass. He tried to shit it out and it only made his hole burn worse. His ass was sore for days after that…”

Joey pick up the feather Sam had dropped earlier and began stroking Mark’s ribs and belly with it. Mark began laughing loudly. “Stop, please. It’s too much. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Joey continued for several minutes. He then turned in his chair and started on Mark’s balls. The sensation was phenomenal; the pain of the stretching, the itch of the horsefly bites, the burn of the alcohol, and now the tickling sensation of the feather. It made his limp cock stir and his voice shriek higher.

“Please, I’m begging you, stop! I can’t take it any more. SHIT! FUCK! PISS!”

Joey smiled and bent down and began lightly tonguing Mark’s piss slit.

“FUCK! Please stop. I’m going crazy, please no more.” Joey continued for another five minutes tonguing and feathering. Mark’s voice took on a sense of urgency; you could even hear the tears in his voice. “I’ll do anything. Please, no more. I have some money put away. It’s more than enough to cover the $200, you can have it all, just stop.” Mark dissolved into tears and sobs as Joey continued. Mark’s tears were like rain.

After 15 minutes Joey stopped licking Mark’s cock and put the feather on the floor. “The money you’re referring to, the $2500 you had hidden in your sock drawer; the money, which was wrapped around an engagement ring with Amanda’s name inside. Is that the money you mean?”

“Yes, take it all; just let me go, please. I’ll leave and never come back again.”

“Nate found that money, he gave it to dad. Dad went through it carefully. Only 5’s, 10’s and 1’s in the wad. No hundreds in it at all. You can’t bribe me with money you don’t have. But you will do something for me. Joey stood up and unbuttons his cut offs. His cock was nowfully erect and over 12 inches of pure meat swung freely. “Suck my cock until I have cum three times, and don’t forget to swallow.” Joey straddled Mark and touched the end of his cock to Mark’s lips. Slowly Mark opened his mouth and began clumsily servicing Joey.

“I believe this is the first time you’ve sucked my cock, but I’ve sucking yours at least once a month for the past five years. I love your taste; I love your hair in my teeth. I told Nate about your sensitive balls and body during a questioning session a few weeks ago. He was quite interested. My cock suffered greatly from the red bandana that night and there were many things I told him about you.” Joey tensed and shot his first load in Mark’s mouth, Mark worked hard to swallow it all. He had never tasted cum before, and he kind of liked it.

The next two were done in silence. After the last one Joey stepped back over Mark and pulled on his shorts.

“I have a present for you. Do you remember at Christmas, you gave me a gift card for those special order Chucks, and you told me about the hi-tops in my size. You even helped me later that day to order them and how proud I was to have a real pair of Chuck Taylor’s in my size?” Joey looked off toward a screen only he could see. “We looked at the selection and I ordered jade green with a sage green tongue and skull bone interior and a bright yellow heal stripe and off white rubber stripe with a black racing strip and ivory laces. When they arrived, I was overjoyed. You had even had some embroidery on the heal strap put on. ‘TKL ME’. I was in heaven. I put them on and they actually fit a true size 17. Man, I gave you the blow job of your life.” “Well, I want you to enjoy them now. I know they are way too big for your feet, Mr. 9 ½, but that is not where I’m putting them.”

Joey went to a knapsack sitting by the desk and pulled out his prized shoes and a small box. The shoes hit the floor with a loud thud that startled Mark. Joey retrieved the gag from the floor and rinsed it off and held it for Mark. Mark opened his mouth and Joey secured it. He reached down, picked the shoes and set them on Mark’s belly. Mark saw they were laced up tight and then he reached into one of them and pulled out a large metal nut.

“You know what these are; they’re the nuts we use for securing concrete bolts. Well there are 15 in each shoe and they are heavy.” Joey opened the box and pulled out a special set of clover nipple clips, the kind that get tighter as they are pulled, each with a chain about a foot long. He attached one clip to each of Mark’s nipples and the other end to the top of the shoes. He then lowered them gently on each side of Mark. Mark gasped and groaned. Joe began the shoes to swinging back and forth.

Joey then reached into his bag and pulled out several fly strips and hung them in the trailer and refilled Mark’s water. Picking up Mark’s t-shirt, he grinned.

“I hope they’re good for you, because it looks good to me. But don’t worry, when we are through with you, I’ll still wear them with pride.” He turned off the lamp and closed the door. Mark heard a motorcycle start and scratch out.

Mark’s nipples hurt only for a little while until they became numb. He knew the real pain would be in the removal of them. Then a new smell assailed his nose, it was the smell of sweaty sneakers. He could do nothing about it. He could tell it was near dawn. Mark began to realize they were going to do some really horrible and weird things to him, especially tickling and more tortures to his body. His mind was a-whirl with imagination and he was now really scared. He didn’t even notice that the heater had been turned off and the fan on. Mark fell asleep, his mind churning with the horrors of what was to come.


Taking It Up Another Notch.

Dave had walked in quietly; he did not want to awaken Mark yet. He was looking at the guy his brothers all called his better twin. Mark was born 3 minutes before and 4 states away from Dave. Both were the same short, stocky 5'7", both wore the same size in everything. Both had the same color hair. But where Mark was furry all over, Dave was smooth. Dave had always envied Mark’s ability to grow hair almost everywhere. Dave had to work at it just to grow a scraggily mustache, it took almost a month for anyone to notice it.

Dave looked at Mark closely. He smelled the sweat and funk, an aroma he really enjoyed, especially from Mark. He reached down and lightly grazed the hair on Mark’s stomach and a spasm rippled through his six-pack. Mark’s eyes opened and focused on Dave in the mid-morning light.

“Finally awake, dirt bag? To think they called us twins, you must be my evil twin. I have never been more disgusted in all my 25 years. Never! And to think we were going to let Amanda marry scum like you. If Nate and I had our way, you would be a part of the foundation of this house, but the others thought you would probably just ruin the pour. FUCKIN ASSHOLE!!! Why, that’s all I want to know, why? Joey’s home rocking back and forth on his bed, holding your t-shirt like a lost child. Nate said to leave him alone. To Joey, you were the one guy outside the family who showed him kindness and appreciation for his special talents. Now, he’ll probably have to go into therapy. Ohhhhhh, SHIT.”

Dave’s fist launched toward Mark’s face, but pulled back at the last minute. Instead, he slapped his face several times leaving red hand prints on Mark’s cheeks.

Dave reached down and picked up the can and grabbed Mark’s cock and hissed, “Piss”. Mark tried, but only a small amount flowed. Dave let go of the cock, set the can down, and picked up the forgotten feather. He began tracing patterns on Mark’s exposed skin with the quill. Mark’s muffled giggles were arousing to Dave. Dave unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. The main difference here between them was Dave was cut. Dave began pumping himself and tickling Mark until his dick exploded a huge sticky cum wad all over Mark’s chest. Dave continued to trace patterns through his cum and then he dropped the feather.

Mark’s giggles died down and he stopped squirming and sweating. Dave refilled the water jug and then sat down by him.

Reaching into his pocket he said, “I do have something for you; just a little something to ‘kick it up a notch’ as it were.” He pulled out a small vial with a red liquid in it and some cotton swabs and set them on the table.

“Our favorite hot sauce, Scotch Bonnet pepper sauce, you called it. Well, I wanted you to remember the good times, so I have decided to give you some of this stuff.” Dave opened the vial and stuck one of the swabs in. Setting the vial down, he then grabbed Mark’s head and inserted the swab deep in on of Mark’s nostrils. Mark tried to buck, but was unable to move very much. “Hot enough for you?” He filled another one and shoved it up the other nostril. He then scrubbed them on the inside of Mark’s nose until Mark’s eyes were rolling in his head. He pulled them out, dropped them on the floor, and picked up another one. This one he stuck in Mark’s bellybutton and left it there.

He got an extra long swab, dipped it deep, and held it close to Mark’s face, “This one is for a very special place, I see in your eyes you know where it is going.” Dave grabbed Mark’s cock and very slowly inserted it down as far as it would go, twisting it back and forth. He then poured the remainder of the vial on his stretched balls, “That ought to keep you warm.” Dave got up and left without another word.

Mark’s nose, stomach, cock, and balls felt like they were on fire. Mark tried to piss the swab out, but it wouldn’t budge. Lightheaded, Mark passed out.


A Dog’s Life.

Something was tickling Mark’s nose, as he opened his eyes, all he could see was a large dog’s muzzle.

“Huckleberry, sit.”

The dog moved back and sat down. Mark could now see who else was in the trailer. Nate sat on the corner of the desk. His tall, lanky frame was bare except for a pair of plaid boxers. Nate was looking at Mark and smiling. He stepped over to him and unbuckled the gag and gently removed it.

“Here, drink this.” Nate held a large takeout cup with a straw in it. Mark began greedily sucking; his mouth was filled with icy chocolate.

“Don’t try to talk until you’ve finished your shake. I am not going to ask why; I really don’t want to know why. I am only interested in where the money is. What did you do with it. The only place we didn’t look was in your boots, but we will solve that later. For now, concentrate on the shake. Tomorrow, you will be questioned, using some of the techniques of the Spanish Inquisition. No one has held out long when I use them. I was taught by the best and you will answer each and every question I put to you.”

Mark sucked the last of the shake and Nate threw the cup in the trash. “I swear I didn’t...

“Fuck up. I don’t want to hear your lies about not taking it. You did and the sooner you admit to it the sooner you can leave. Where is it?”

“I don’t know asshole. I didn’t take it.”

“Fine. I’ll bet a half hour with Joey at those feet of yours, plus whatever else we can manage, you will tell us everything. Open.” Nate forces the gag back in Mark’s mouth and buckles it tightly.

“You know, I was skeptical when you and Dave were feeding Huckleberry that special sauce of yours, but now he seems to crave it. I noticed you had some on your cock and balls, Huckleberry will be glad to ‘clean’ it up for you.” He walked over and gently pulled the swab from his cock and rubbed it all over the head and then Nate pointed at Mark’s cock and balls. “Clean”. The dog came up and began licking his stretched balls as Mark struggled and laughed. The dog then began licking and sucking his tortured cock. Mark moaned and panted.

Nate watched for awhile and then told the dog to sit. He walked over and removed the two cock rings from Mark and then showed him something new. “See this, it is called a cinch. It is designed to give a guy a custom fit. This snap was a safety device, but I glued it shut.” He slid it down the shaft and gently pulled the strap to snug it up. “We will adjust it later as needed.

Now for the top, I had this one made for you. It is a stainless steel corona ring and long cock plug in one. It is shaped like a snake; I will pull your foreskin back and fit it to you.” Nate forced the skin back and placed the ring just past the head while guiding the head of the serpent down through the piss slit. Mark gasped and whimpered.

“Huckleberry come! Mark, I thought I knew you. Damn we wrestled together in high school. I just don’t know now. All I can say is you in for some heavy pain and laughter tomorrow. You really are...”

Mark’s eyes slid quietly closed.


The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.

“Mark! Wake up! I got to get you out of here! Fucking bustards, they lied to me. Mark! Wake up. Where’s the remote.” Mark woke up just in time to see Tony hit Sam on the back of his head. Sam slid silently to the floor.

“This is so fucked up, man; you really shouldn’t be listening at doors. You are so naive when it comes to things like this. Uncle Phil was right. You’re can’t do it.” Mark saw Dave come up behind and Tony joined Sam on the floor.

Nate walked in then. “Strip and tie the two of them up. First put those vibrating dildos up their chutes and make sure you tie them tight. Remember we must always strive to treat the twins equally.”

“What a mess, damn! I saw Sam run out of the house to the barn and I knew something was wrong. You looked confused, well I guess you would. I had better start at the beginning. First, let me tell you we all love you very much. That said, I will now give you the skinny.”

Without turning Nate said, “Joey, if you’re going to set Sam’s on high, you have to set Tony’s on high too. Good boy.” The dull hum of the dildos were amplified as the twins were tied tightly to the wooden arm chairs. Dave gagged both of them and placed rubber cock rings on their long cut cocks. The twins began to stir and were moaning and struggling against their tight bondage.

Nate continued, “There is no money missing, there never was. What is really going on here is the Initiation, which all guys born into the Alighieri family face. At a male child’s 18th birthday, lots are drawn by all the men of the child’s father’s generation, except his father. The new man is sent to visit this uncle or cousin for a month, fully unaware of what is going on. During that time he is initiated into the family pastime. After the initiation, he is taught about the pastime and given ample opportunity to try being both top and bottom. Many of us are both with certain leanings, but there are a few exceptions, like Joey who can be a top, but really prefers to be used and abused. Everyone who has been initiated receives a tattoo of an eagle spread, talons open, in the small of the back.”

“There are five simple rules for the pastime, first, and most important, if it is a direct descendant or direct ancestor, it is forbidden at any age. Second, if it is under 18, it is forbidden. Third, if it does not want to play after initiation, leave it alone. Four, control and respect. Five, women are not participate. The rules are set up to protect everyone, but while rule one, three, four, and five are absolute, rule two can be bent slightly, a little brotherly tickling is encouraged, self exploration is encourage, but nothing more until after initiation, period.”

“As to your current situation, it is early Saturday morning, you were moved from the trailer to a fake one in the barn, and the lighting was easy to fake being in the barn. The temp inside the trailer never got above 101, the ball stretcher only felt like it was getting tighter, it can; however, do what Sam said it could. Joey’s shoes only have one nut each in them, the so called ‘hot sauce’ was really only 10 drops of the hot stuff and the rest tomato juice, and every time we left some nitrous oxide was pumped into the trailer by your head, to knock you out while we reset things in the trailer. Oh, and everything from your place is right where it was when you left this morning, except Dad does have your money and the ring, they are in a safe place. If you are wondering about how we found out, Joey will fill you in on bandana tortures later. Unfortunately, the flies were real and Joey was told to use hydrogen peroxide on your wounds.”

“Now, here’s the deal, there is always room for those who marry into the family, but they are chosen carefully, and are treated as sons of the bride’s father.” Mark’s eyes welled up with tears. Nate reached down and gently removed the gag. “I hope you are not mad or anything, Dad was worried you would not want to and we convinced him differently after watching you and Joey the day after Christmas. You did a great job on his feet and I personally never saw him shoot so hard before. What do you say?”

Mark’s face grew dark with fury, “I’ll never tell you where the money is. Do your worst.”

Joey quickly moved down to Mark’s boots and began unlacing them, trembling with anticipation, Dave began playing with the nipple clamps, and Nate smiled down at his future brother-in-law.


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