Gay Erotic Stories

Joe's Problem

by Draconum
06 Jul 2006

Bondage College Days Gay Erotic Stories Hypnosis S/M

“Two pair, Kings and Queens beat that.” Joe said smugly.

“Full House, duces full of treys.”, I replied.


That was the best hand Joe had all night. He was losing badly and he was even throwing away good stuff. Joe and I had been playing cards every Thursday night since we met at college. Joe was an engineering student in the Army Reserve. I had been discharged last year from the Army after my 6 year enlistment as a combat medic. Didn’t see much combat though, it was during the Reagan years.

Anyway, Joe and I had been doing our poker night since orientation about a year ago. First, let me say Joe and I are what we call Bi. We love girls, but sometimes there is nothing like that special guy to share some intimate moments with.

Every Thursday afternoon or earlier if we did not have classes, Joe showed up with a couple of six packs and some chips and I would grill something and we would eat and play cards until we were tired or someone had won all the “booty”. I guess I should explain what we meant by booty.

We each started out with a certain amount of money, for me it was between $50 and $100 and for Joe it was usually about $100, the max money bet was $3 total. After all your money was gone it started getting fun, it became a game of modified strip poker. The person without money would begin by removing one piece of clothing and the other would place what they thought that piece was worth. Shoe laces $1, shoe $5, shirt $3, etc. Hey it was used clothing so prices were cheap. It was also one piece per one hand, no raising. The last item in the pot was underwear. It had a value all its own, it was called ‘all in’. If it was Joe’s boxers, I would put in all his clothes, except his shoe laces, socks and my start money. If it was my briefs, Joe would put everything in except $20.00 of his start money. If the buff guy won, we would continue playing. If the buff guy lost, he became the property of the winner until next Thursday. It really wasn’t all that bad. Usually it involved simple chores or a little fun in bed. Did I mention I had only lost once, and that was a fluke. When Joe left for the night, I always gave him back his shoes, (sans laces), jeans, and shirt.

Anyway, Joe was losing badly tonight, it was only 8:30 and he was sitting there looking at his cards and boxers on the table.

“What is your command, master?”

“Joe come over to the couch and let’s talk.” Joe and I moved to the couch and he sat down heavily, I sat beside him and ran my hand through his close-cropped hair. Joe looked like he had lost his best friend. “Joe, tell me what is wrong.”

“You know Molly, the girl in the snack bar, the one with the...”

“Yes, I know which one you mean, go on.”

“Well, we went out the other night and I couldn’t “Do it”. It rose to the occasion, but never fired. She thought I was a real master of control. I couldn’t tell her I really wanted to...”

“I can tell you that it happens once in awhile. It doesn’t mean there’s a problem just that you didn’t need to.”

“Fuck, I’ve needed to all last week. Even my five fingered friend hasn’t been able to make me shoot. I was hoping to lose to you tonight and let you enjoy me and maybe I could get my release.

“You have a lot of stress now, with that bitch of a project...”

“NO! I haven’t cum in over three months. Since the last time I went ‘all in’ with that Full house and you pulled a Royal Flush. Since then I have always ended leaving in my jeans and shoes. I want you to know, I really am scared.”

“Hey, wasn’t it that Saturday we went to a seminar on campus with the hypnotist? The one where you and I were the only ones there and you volunteered to be put under because you thought it was hooey?”

“Yeah, I remember needing to really cum that night and being unable to no matter how hard I worked it. What did he say to me make that happen.”

I whispered in his ear, “Pucker string”

Joe’s eyes glazed over and he sat there staring out. I whispered it again. “Pucker string.” I stood up There had been no seminar, the hypnotist was a friend of mine hired for one purpose, to secure Joe’s juice for myself alone because I had come to enjoy his juice too much to share it with anyone else. I was hoping to have this conversation sooner, but Joe, even at 22, was too naive and stubborn to ask for help easily.

“Joe stand up. Good. Now repeat after me, I can only cum when you let me.”

“I can only cum when you let me.”

“Good. Now I want you to start stroking your cock very, very slowly. You are to stroke it until I tell you to stop. Do you understand me?”

“Yes master.” Joe reached down with his left hand and started stroking it very slowly. His 11 inches grew quickly and his foreskin was moving back and forth over his red shiny head. Pre-cum was oozing out madly.

“Joe, you’re dropping pre-cum on my carpet. Stop it now.”

“Yes master.” Joe used his other hand to contain it.

“Joe, I am going to ask you a series of questions for which you will tell me which you would prefer. Do you understand pucker string?”

“Yes master.”

The questions were really simple, they involved 1. owning an object, doing something fun, or eating something special or 2. do you want to cum. Joe’s answer was always cum, even when asked if he wanted to be the richest man in the world, his answer was cum.

By now his right hand was overflowing with pre-cum. I told him to stop stroking his cock and licked his right hand clean. I then told him to go down the hall and go in the third door on his left. He obeyed me quickly. In this room was a king size bed and some other bondage equipment I had either bought or made.

I walked in behind Joe and said, “When I snap my fingers, you will not remember anything after I won the hand, except my order to go to this room and we would see how full your nuts were and your excitement at release you desperately need.. I snapped my fingers and then told Joe to lie down on the bed and told him about a new game we would be playing. I was going to ask him to make lists, if he got the number of items I asked he was on his way to release. If he didn’t, I would tie one of his appendages to one of the bedposts. His left hand would be the last. If he failed to get four complete lists before I tied his left hand, he would not be allowed to release himself, and he would be out of luck.

Lists he got: 9 NHL teams, 9 Santa’s reindeer, 9 Dog breeds. Lists he missed: 15 US Presidents, 12 signs of the zodiac, 5 animals found in Africa, 4 deadly sins.

As I tied his left hand, I said, “ I will give you an hour to think about your mistakes. Then I am going to work on your soft, fleshy, and very ticklish feet for a couple of hours and then we will talk.

“Noooooooooooooo!” he screamed as I closed the door. Good thing I soundproofed the room.

I left Joe to contemplate his fate. He had told me one night several months ago, his feet were very ticklish to the point of maddening if they were tickled for a long period of time. His definition of long was more than 5 minutes. After that I made it a rule if he was barefoot, he had to put them on the back of a chair so I could look at them. He complied because he liked my admiration of his size 14's

As I walked into the room, he began begging, “Please, please, please don’t tickle my feet. I will do anything; I will give you anything, anything. I can’t stand my feet being tickled.”

“Your feet are my property now. I will do with them as I see fit.” I reached out a single wiggling finger and within two inches of his sole, he was howling. This was going to be goooood.

My fingers danced from one to the other, his howls of laughter were deafening.

“Pleeeese, (pant, pant) HAHAHAHAHAHA, stop, HAHAHAHAHAHA, Noooooooooooo! (pant, pant.)

His pitch changed when I picked up a feather and slid it between his long toes. His cock was standing erect from the excitement. Pre-cum leaked like water. I stopped long enough to slurp it up and lightly play with the hair on his balls.

“Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. FUCK, STOP. NOT THERE!”

Well, added bonus. I will have to explore his ticklishness more closely under hypnosis. This could be better than I could have dreamed of.

I went back down to his feet and picked up a ball of baby yarn, you know the kind, soft as a baby’s butt and strong. I started with his little toes and tied them to the bottom of the bed post, pulling his foot in that direction. I then ran a strand from each of his big toes, using it to wench his big toes closer. This opened his toes wide and would allow me to use something special there. I then ran one strand from one of his middle toes to the head of the bed and back to the other foot’s middle toe again wrenching it tight to restrict all movement. Throughout the tying he begged, laughed, swore, howled and panted. I then picked up the new electric toothbrush and turned it on.

“Please, don’t, I can’t take it. I’m going to pass out. Please no. Please.” He was pleading; his eyes looked like a puppy dog being scolded.

“Answer me one question and I will not use this on you tonight. Who was the murderer in the original “Friday the 13th” movie?”


The toothbrush moved toward his left foot.


“Wrong answer, it was Jason’s mother.”

“HAHAHAHAHAHA. Stop, please, no. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” His laughter was making the walls ring in the room. I will have to check the tape recorders to see if I need to add more insulation. I continued the assault on his feet. When the battery ran down, I finished by spraying whipped cream on his feet and licking it slowly off. His begging was music to my ears.

“Pucker string. You are a pucker string…a pucker string is all you want to be. What are you Joe.”

“A pucker string.”

“Good. From now on you will do exactly as you are told. Your new instructions are:

1. Stroke your cock for one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. You can not cum, but you will work it like you can.

2. Anytime I ask you will give me your feet and allow me to tickle them as long as I want. In addition to this, you will give me your socks. After I am done with your feet, you will thank me and ask for more. On the days I tickled your feet, you will stroke your cock for an extra hour in the evening.

3. Every Thursday night you will eventually lose to me, but if you lose before 11:30, you will not cum that night and you will go home completely naked after a two-hour tickle session. If you lose before 9:00, you will leave immediately, completely naked, and you will come over on Friday and we will play again. If you lose before midnight on Friday, I get you for the whole weekend and you will be tickled until I am tired of it and let you go home wearing only your jeans. If you make it after midnight, you will go home in you shirt, jeans and shoes. At home, you will stroke your cock for three extra hours in the evening either way.

4. You will only be allowed to cum when I say to you. ‘I’m out of Joe Juice, do you have any?’ You will respond yes and then I will drain your nuts of every drop any way I see fit. When the sun rises the next morning, you will not be able to cum again until I need more Joe Juice.

Now you will remember these instructions as if they are habits you were born with. You will not remember me giving them to you. When I snap my fingers, you will awake refreshed, and do whatever I say. Understand?”

“Yes, master”


“Joe, I’m out of Joe Juice, do you have any?”



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