Gay Erotic Stories

A Day in Heaven, Part 3

by Bryan
03 Sep 1999

Gym Workouts

I’m sure my voice conveyed my excitement when Christian called to invite me to another “workout” at Todd’s. Christian added a little mystery to the event by telling me that there would be an additional player. We agreed on Wednesday morning at 8:00, because that was the housekeeper’s day off. When I drove up to Todd’s estate in my open jeep, there was an older pickup in the driveway. Christian opened the door as I walked up the steps. His naked body was every bit as gorgeous as I remembered, and he led me out to the patio. Todd, Christian’s master and benefactor, was talking with another stunning young man. Christian introduced me to Patrick, his brother. Patrick stood up to greet me with a firm handshake. He was wearing only a brief pair of neon green, nylon running shorts, split to the waist, and a pair of running shoes. As I sat down, Todd asked what we might do with our “subjects” on this hot Arizona summer day. I wanted to know more about Patrick. He was 2 years younger and several pounds heavier than Christian, but his muscles were not as well-defined. He was more muscular, but there was a thin layer of fat that partially obscured his impressive muscles. Patrick told us that he did heavy lifting three times a week but not much running or aerobic work. When I asked about running, he told us that twice a week he ran about 2 miles, enough to keep him in shape to pass his fireman’s fitness test each 6 months. I asked the two brothers, side-by-side, about their workouts: reps, poundage, etc., and took notes for later. While I was recording the brothers’ data, Todd went inside to get his video camera. I finally asked Patrick if he knew what we planned to do today. He said Christian told him we would work him to exhaustion then gut punch him to climax. I told him that was about right, and he said Christian had told him it was the most intense orgasm he’d ever had. I told Todd I thought we could arrange for some contests between the brothers with the loser of each contest earning gut punches at the end of the day. Todd liked the idea, but we were both wondering how to arrange the contests to compensate for the different strengths of the competitors. I had an idea for the first contest that would put Patrick on notice for what he had gotten himself into. I asked Todd and Christian if there had been any sign of vehicles of any type on the dirt roads beyond Todd’s estate. Except for the mailman, neither had seen any traffic of any sort in at least 3 weeks, ever since the daytime temperature started regularly going over 100. I told Todd about my plan for the first contest, and he liked it. Christian put on running shoes while Patrick slipped off his shorts; he wouldn’t need them for the rest of the day. While the two young studs are similar in appearance at first glance, the differences in their physiques are significant. Both are smooth, deeply tanned, and quite muscular, but the deep striations in Christian’s muscles really stand out next to his brother’s larger but smoother muscles. This difference is especially noticeable in the abs and legs. Each of Christian’s breaths causes a beautiful cascade of muscular motion in his abs, but Patrick’s abs simply move slightly in and out with each breath. Patrick has massive thighs, but Christian’s calves, runner’s calves, are larger, better shaped, and definitely more defined. Patrick’s shoulders are huge compared to Christian’s, and his thick pecs seem to hang on his chest when not flexed, while Christian’s always-firm pecs appear to be molded onto his chest and move with every breath. The taper from Christian’s broad shoulders to his extremely small waist is more pronounced than Patrick’s, because Patrick’s waist is not as small as Christian’s. While their lat spreads are similar when viewed from the front, Patrick’s lats are almost twice as thick as Christian’s. Both young men have impressive arms, large, rounded muscles with striations, but Patrick has veins that look like ropes under the skin. It was after 8:30 when we put the mountain bikes and some rope in the back of my jeep, and I climbed in behind the wheel. I backed out of the driveway, pointed the jeep down the lonesome dirt road, took it out of gear, and turned off the engine. I told the boys they would not like the second part of this event if it took them more than 30 minutes to push the jeep touching only the bumper to the corner a mile away. Without asking what might happen, Christian and Patrick began pushing my jeep up the dirt road while I steered; Todd followed on foot taking in the scene on video tape. Todd and I changed places several times, so each of us could enjoy the show. The boys’ bodies were nearly horizontal as they pushed the jeep, and the sweat rolled off them in rivers. I delighted in watching the sweat roll down their backs and pool in the small of their backs just above their buns, then roll off to the sides. After ¾ mile, we all stopped briefly and removed Todd’s bike from the jeep. He would ride back to the ½ mile mark and wait for Christian. The two brothers were covered in sweat, and each quickly downed a bottle of cool water. After 28 minutes, at the intersection a mile from Todd’s estate, I parked the jeep. Patrick took the bike out, and I began to tie the rope several times around his waist and to the stem of the bike. As I tied the rope around Patrick’s waist, his cock suddenly straightened and grew; he apologized and told me was easily aroused. I told him to relax, as he had a long day ahead of him. After Patrick was ready to start towing me, Christian started running back towards the house. Todd would tie Christian to his bike; then Christian would try to catch his brother before reaching the estate. The brothers would tow Todd and me around the 1-mile-square plot of empty desert land, finishing at Todd’s estate, and the loser would earn 100 punches to be delivered later in the day. Patrick began to struggle after turning the corner a mile from the jeep and finally had to stop about ½ mile later and walk several yards. He began running again and didn’t stop again until he was about ¼ mile past the last corner of the route, only ¾ mile from the finish. He was shocked when he looked over his shoulder and saw Christian turning the corner; he began running as hard as he could, but Christian passed him in the last 50 yards and won this first event. We made sure the brothers got some water and cooled down a little, before reminding them that they had to go get the jeep. When Patrick started to groan, Christian jabbed him in the ribs and winked: it was all part of the day’s games. To add a little spice to the event, Todd and I would run the 4-mile course in the opposite direction the boys had just done, trying to catch them before they pushed the jeep back to the house. All 4 of us started at the same time, and Todd and I ran the route counter-clockwise. We decided to take it easy in the 90-degree heat and ran about 9-minute miles, but we still caught the boys with about 100 yards to go. That would mean another 50 punches later for each of them. As the two brothers cooled down and drank some much-needed water, Todd and I decided on the next event. We agreed that it should emphasize strength, not aerobic endurance, so that Patrick might have an advantage. I didn’t want the event to be simple weightlifting, so we decided to have the brothers race against each other pushing the pickup and my jeep. We checked the registrations to see how much weight difference there was between the two vehicles; they were within 150 pounds of each other, so we put 150 pounds of weight in the jeep and lined up the vehicles in front of the house. The race would be ¼ mile on the dirt road, and I would use a stopwatch to keep the time. After a one minute rest at the turn-around point, they would switch vehicles for the race back to the house. I would walk alongside at a normal pace, and each boy would earn 50 punches if I beat both of them to the house. The loser would earn an additional 100 punches. Both brothers were sweating profusely and breathing hard when they reached the ¼ mile mark, and their skin was bright red. Patrick had a 10-second advantage to start the return trip, and he stretched that to 25 seconds at the end. I beat both of them back to the driveway of Todd’s house, so each contestant got his 50 punches, and Christian earned 100 more. Patrick was beginning to wonder if he could go on like this all day, but Christian provided a great deal of private encouragement. Todd and I decided to let the boys cool off during the next contest, a tug-of-war in the pool. We tied their ankles together and had them start in the center of the pool, Christian facing the east end, Patrick facing the west end. The winner would be the first one to touch the edge of the pool he was facing. The splashing was furious for several minutes as Christian slowly got about half way to the east edge, but Patrick countered and pulled Christian almost back to the center before his endurance began to wane. Christian again gained the advantage and eventually touched the east edge of the pool with Patrick in tow. The 10-minute contest had drained both competitors, and they lay, gasping, on the patio beside the pool for several minutes to recuperate. Patrick moaned and Christian smiled when I announced that Patrick had earned another 50 punches. Christian recovered more quickly than his brother, and when he got up to escape the burning sun, I had him start bringing equipment from the gym: a weight bench, a dip station, and 2 barbells, one with 100 pounds, and another with 220 pounds. I planned to use the 100-pound barbell for their curls and the 220-pound barbell for bench presses. I chose the weights by taking two-thirds of the difference between the usual weights each of the brothers used and adding that to the weight Christian normally used. But Patrick would not have an easy time of it either. After the equipment was in place on the patio, I explained the final competitive event: a continuous cycle through 4 exercise stations, pullups, bench presses, curls, and dips. Each time they completed a cycle, the number of reps of each exercise would be reduced by one. The winner would be the one with the greatest number of total reps; the loser would earn 100 punches. Christian looked somewhat apprehensive at the heavier than normal weights, but Patrick seemed stunned when I told them the first cycle would be 25 reps at each station. I placed wet towels on the weight bench, and the boys put on leather gloves. I let them put their shoes on so their feet wouldn’t burn on the sun-baked patio. Patrick won the coin flip and decided to have Christian start. Christian jumped up and grabbed the pullup bar and began cranking out the reps. After 25 seemingly easy pullups, he laid down on the bench and began his 25 bench presses. The extra weight became a noticeable struggle after about 20 reps, and he was breathing hard when he completed number 25. As Christian started his curls, Patrick had to begin his pullups. Christian started well, but the last 5 reps were quite difficult for him. Patrick had some trouble with his last 3 or 4 pullups, but he never slowed down during the bench presses. Christian did his 25 dips quickly, and grabbed a drink of water before beginning his second cycle of 24 reps each. Patrick had no trouble with the 25 curls, but his heavier bodyweight caused him to struggle through the last few dips. The sweat poured off both young men as they continued. Each completed the second cycle with some additional difficulty. Christian could barely pull himself up for his 23rd pullup as he began his 3rd cycle. His arms were fully pumped but seriously fatigued. Todd spotted Christian’s bench presses while I watched Patrick struggle with the last 10 of his 24 dips. I told Todd that it seemed to be working out as I had expected. Patrick would have trouble with the bodyweight exercises, and Christian would have trouble with the heavier-than-usual weightlifting. We would soon see who would wear down first. The first break came after 3 cycles when Christian could not complete his 22 pullups, and he dropped off the bar after 17. Holding his hands on his hips and gasping for air, he walked around the patio once before beginning his bench presses. Patrick struggled with his 22 bench presses and took a short break before beginning his dips. As with the sets of 24 and 23, he struggled and finally completed his 22nd dip. By now Patrick was breathing so hard that his abdomen had ripples in spite of the smoothing layer of fat under his skin. Neither young man wanted to quit while the other was still going. Eventually, each young man could not complete the assigned number of reps of any of the exercises, but neither was ready to give up. Finally, Todd stopped Christian when he could not press the barbell off his chest for the eighth rep on his sixth cycle. Patrick saw this and continued his dips. I reminded him that Christian had started two stations ahead of him and that he needed to keep going. Patrick was three reps behind Christian when he dropped off the pullup bar after only 4 reps. He laid on the bench and began cranking out the bench presses. After 14 bench presses, he stopped and asked for the score. When I announced that Patrick had 11 more reps than Christian, Christian wanted to continue, but neither Todd nor I thought that would be wise. The next event would again be in the pool. With their ankles tied and hoods on their heads, we pushed them into the pool. We had thrown 20 dimes and 20 pennies into the pool. Christian had to retrieve the dimes one at a time, and Patrick had to do the same with the pennies. They had to dive to the bottom, locate a coin by touch, determine if it was a dime or a penny, and bring it to the surface. I sat on the end of the diving board, and they had to bring each retrieved coin to me before diving to find another one. This event helped cool them down and gave Todd and me a chance to discuss the next event. We decided to add something erotic to the next event. We had each boy wrap his right arm around one of the posts for the pullup bar; these posts were 4x4’s with a heavy duty marine finish and stood eight feet tall with the crossbar about four inches from the top. Todd tied Christian’s right wrist to the base of his right thigh, while I did the same to Patrick on the opposite post. The brothers looked at us in wonder, as we described the event. They had to figure out how to get into a position where they could simultaneously suck each other’s cock. If it took more than 10 minutes, they’d have to run Christian’s hill in weight vest and leg weights. The brothers sized up the situation and decided they needed to meet on the crossbar, but they couldn’t figure out how to climb the posts without the use of the right hands. Finally, Patrick had the idea to wrap his left arm tightly around the post and use his knees to shinny up the pole. When he tried, he screamed when his cock and balls touched the hot post. I asked if we could help, and they both begged us to hose down the posts. We obliged, but that made them slick and harder to climb. Eventually, the two young studs toughed it out and climbed the posts so they could hang with their right arms looped over the cross bar. They awkwardly worked themselves into position so each brother could suck the other’s cock. It had taken 13 minutes, and we let them enjoy the fruits of their labors for a few minutes while Todd continued the taping. When I climbed up on the step ladder and untied the ropes holding their wrists to their thighs, they both dropped as though they had just finished a long set of pullups. Without giving them any time to rest, I made them put on their running shoes and leg weights. Christian let Patrick wear his weight vest and threw his weighted pack on his own back for the ½ mile trip to the top of the hill overlooking Todd’s estate. Each grabbed a bottle of water as they went through the house and out the front door, naked except for the shoes and weights. Todd was inspired by the erotic addition to the last event, and he said he had a couple of ideas for more erotic events. He went into the house to gather some materials and get them ready for the boys’ return. When the boys returned from their hill climb, it was obvious that Patrick was completely spent and would need some time to recover. We decided to let both of them recover in the pool again. I tied a 15-foot piece of rope around each brother’s ankles as they stood on the diving board. Todd had already tied their wrists behind their backs. When I finished, I looped the rope between the two around the diving board and pushed them off opposite sides of the board. Hanging down to their waists in the water, suspended by their ankles with their wrists tied, they had to flex their abs to lift their heads out of the water. Christian had been through this before, but it took a little while for Patrick to get the hang of it. Eventually, they were both doing the same thing: take a deep breath, relax with the head under water for about 30 seconds, sit up out of the water, get another deep breath, and repeat the process. We left them in this predicament for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, Todd had cut some pieces of cord and punctured several tennis balls, props for the next event. He told me I would enjoy watching the boys play tennis his way. When I released the boys wrists and let the rope fall into the pool, they swam slowly to the edge and pulled themselves out of the water. Todd told Christian to get a couple of tennis racquets. When Christian came back outside with two tennis racquets and a sleeve of balls, Todd showed him the cords. The huge smile on Christian’s face told me he knew what was coming next Patrick also broke out in a big smile: Christian had told him about how Todd kept score when playing tennis. While Christian and Patrick each tied one of the cords around each other’s balls, Todd explained the next event to me. When Todd and Christian played, Todd kept score by the number of balls on the string hanging from each man’s scrotum. Winning a set meant adding a ball to a man’s cord. The match continued until there was no room left to add another ball. Christian and Patrick were both very good tennis players and had been district high school doubles champs during Christian’s senior year; they still played about once a month and were evenly matched. I reminded Todd about Christian’s superior endurance, and we agreed to slow Christian down with leg weights and to spot Patrick one ball. I complemented Todd on his unique score-keeping system, and we joked that you’d never see it at Wimbledon. The match was fiercely fought with the two brothers splitting the first two sets. Patrick shifted strategy at the beginning of the third set. Instead of trying to win each point quickly, he began to concentrate on forcing Christian to run to the ball, side to side and front to back. Christian won the first 2 games before starting to slow down from the leg weights. Patrick proceeded to run his older brother into the ground for 3 games before Christian took up the same strategy. This was what Todd and I wanted to see: 2 beautifullly-built young men chasing a tennis ball all over the court dragging a string of balls from their own balls. It was wonderful theater, and continued for almost 2 hours. When Patrick won his fifth set, there was no room left on his cord to string another ball, so the match was over. Christian smiled slyly at the new he had earned another 50 punches. To relieve both men from the fierce Arizona heat, we sent them to the pool for the last event before the gut punching finale. Todd had come up with an alternative to the pool-edge situps I’d had Christian do before. Using Christian to demonstrate, Todd took off his shorts, straddled Christian’s ankles and sat on the edge of the pool with his legs dangling in the water to either side of Christian. Only Christian’s lower legs were on the ground; the rest of his body was in the pool with his back to the wall. The task for Christian was to sit up out of the water and kiss Todd’s penis, then lie back into the water and repeat the situp and kiss. Todd wanted this to continue until he shot his load, and Christian seemed eager to please. Patrick looked at me with a huge grin and asked if I was easily aroused. As he and I got into position, I told him I was easily aroused but very slow to cum. He told me he’d try to make me cum earlier than usual. As both boys bobbed up out of the water, Todd and I leaned back on our arms and enjoyed the service we were getting. True to his word, Patrick got me very hard very quickly by adding a slight tongue lap and suck with each situp. After about 40 reps, both boys began taking our heads into their mouths; both Todd and I were sure we wouldn’t last to the 100th rep. Todd let out a loud groan and filled Christian’s mouth with cum on the 80th rep. I gave Patrick my load 3 reps later, and he continued to suck me dry for several more minutes. Todd and I both rolled into the pool and floated on our backs for several minutes to complete the enjoyment. As we climbed out of the pool, Christian eagerly asked how we would set up the gut punching. After discussing some other options, we finally decided to tie the brothers back-to-back. First we tied Christian’s left ankle to the outside of Patrick’s right ankle; then we tied Patrick’s left ankle to the outside of Christian’s right ankle. Then Todd tied Christian’s right wrist to Patrick’s right wrist behind their backs, while I did the same to their left wrists. Then we put a soccer ball between their backs and ordered them to hold it there until we were finished. This forced the boys to hold their arms high to keep the weight of their hands off the ball. Both boys’ cocks suddenly came to attention, as Todd and I stripped out of our shorts, put on boxing gloves, and got into position. Before we threw our first punches, I announced the final score: Christian had to endure 300 punches; Patrick had 250 punches coming. I started on the middle of Patrick’s exposed midsection, just above his navel. After about 40 punches, Patrick started groaning with each punch. I shifted my focus to his lower belly, occasionally brushing his throbbing, hard penis with my gloves. After another 10 punches, it looked like Patrick was ready to cum, and I stopped punching. I took off my gloves and wrapped a string tightly around Patrick’s cock, just behind the head. I told him that he wouldn’t cum until I was ready for him to cum. Todd stopped and watched what I had done. He grabbed the ball of string and similarly tied off Christian’s cock head. The boys were squirming and struggling to keep the soccer ball pressed between their sweaty backs. Before putting the gloves back on, we both pinched, pulled, and twisted the boys’ nipples. I thought Patrick was going to blow his load out the side of his cock. It was throbbing and bobbing, and Patrick moaned in utter agony. By this time, Christian was also throbbing. Resuming the punching without the gloves, I could feel Patrick’s softened abdominal wall of muscle give with each punch. I got a little harder with each punch because of the feeling of his abdomen wrapping around my naked fist with each punch. I wanted Todd to experience the sensation, so we switched positions. After 3 punches, I could see Todd was immersed in the feeling, and he started holding his punches in Patrick’s gut for a couple of seconds. Christian’s abs were still rock hard and didn’t give a bit with my punches. Suddenly the soccer ball popped out from between the two boys. Todd looked at me, asking with his eyes what to do. I told the boys they had to get the ball and get it back between their backs any way they could. Patrick was so obssessed with his aching cock that he couldn’t think; Christian had to talk Patrick through the process of sitting next to the ball and leaning over on their sides to capture the ball between their backs. It took several tries, because the ball kept slipping out from between their sweaty backs. Once they had recaptured the ball, they carefully sat back up and, pressing the ball between them, rose to their feet. With the soccer ball firmly between the boys, Todd and I resumed the punching countdown. I was pounding Christian’s abs 4 times for every punch Todd threw into Patrick’s softened belly. I sensed that it would still take several minutes to finally break through Christian’s muscular defense. Todd stopped punching Patrick, and they began duelling with their pricks. Christian’s cock was throbbing so hard it seemed to dance, as I punched his lower abs. Slowly, Christian’s abs began to give a little with each of my heavy punches. Patrick was begging for us to untie his cock so his cum could shoot out in what would certainly be an explosion. Todd told me that he could tell that Christian was also ready to shoot his load, so we untied the boys’ cocks. As soon as the cord came off Patrick’s cock, his cum exploded into my face and chest. Todd started laughing and started to untie Christian’s penis. In like fashion, Christian painted Todd with a huge white load. We quickly untied the boys so they could reclaim their juice with their tongues and again drain Todd and me of our cum.


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A Day In Heaven, Part 1

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A Day In Heaven, Part 2

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