Gay Erotic Stories

A Day In Heaven, Part 1

by Bryan
18 Jun 1998

Gym Workouts

When Todd finally tapped out, he was completely drained of all strength. As we wiped the sweat from our faces and drank some cold water, he began to elaborate on how I could collect on the bet. He had a sex slave named Christian who would be mine to use as I wished for a day at Todd's estate out in Scottsdale. Todd owned about 200 acres at the foot of a mountain, so there would be as much privacy as we needed. I chose the next Wednesday. When I showed up at Todd's at 8:00, the most beautiful man I have ever seen, wearing only very brief, neon orange running shorts greeted me. The color of the shorts added to his visual appeal by really setting off the deep tan on his hairless, perfectly sculpted body. Christian is the embodiment of male perfection; he stands about 5'10, weighs about 165, is slender but very muscular. He's not bulky like many bodybuilders, but has perfect muscle and skin tone. His muscles are extremely well-defined and perfectly shaped. This tan, blond Adonis would be mine for a day. Todd had told me I could do anything that was safe, i.e. use a condom, and left no permanent marks on Christian's flawless body. Christian invited me in and said Todd was away for the day, and the housekeeper was off on Wednesday. I had to find out more about this striking man. I learned he was 23, had been with Todd for a little more than 3 years, was a student at ASU, and had no worries in the world, because Todd took very good care of him. Todd had told him to make him proud by pleasing me. I told Christian I was into submission wrestling and was getting very excited about gut punching, especially punching a guy who had been forced to exercise to exhaustion. The sudden bulge in his shorts told me Christian was already excited, but he calmly said I only had to ask, and he would do anything. I asked him what he did to stay in such great shape. He shyly said he was blessed with great genetics which he reinforced with a lot of running, biking, swimming, and light to moderate weight lifting. He lifted for shape, definition, and tone, not for bulk; Todd wasn't into bodybuilders, but he really liked Christian's body for its aesthetics. I asked if he had ever been punched in the gut, and he said he and Todd had been playing around with some scenes in the gym for a couple of months; he said it was a great turn on for both of them. He took me on a tour of Todd's estate; the pool area was huge with about a 25-foot wide deck surrounding an enormous pool with a diving board at one end. The gym was behind the garage, next to the guesthouse; it had a terrific combination of strength equipment, lots of aerobic machines, a speed bag, a heavy bag, and a 12-foot ring. I told Christian I would work him out until he couldn't do any more, then punch him until we both cum. He smiled and said he would enjoy that a lot. Todd had told me about the mountain behind his place and the trail to the top, about a two-mile round trip which gained about 300 feet in elevation. Christian said he regularly ran the trail in the morning and the evening; he had already been to the summit that morning. I pulled 3 coins from the pocket of my cutoffs, gave one to Christian and told him to put it between his teeth. He would have to run to the summit, leave the coin there, and return as fast as he could. I would run along to make sure he ran hard and to keep time. He would take the other 2 coins up on later trips and pay the penalty if those trips were slower than this first trip. He smiled and asked if he could wear running shoes. I was amazed that he was ready to run bare-footed if I wanted, but I told him to get his shoes. He was back in a minute ready to go. I took off my shirt and left it by the pool. Christian took off at a blistering pace, which I could not match. He stopped after about a quarter mile to wait for me. I told him to go back to the house and start over. I'd restart the time when I saw him start back this way. I continued up the mountain for several minutes before restarting my stopwatch. I had barely reached the obvious summit when Christian caught me. He handed me the coin and I flipped it away; Christian noted where it fell, so he must have guessed he'd have to come back for it. We took off for the house and Christian left me in his dust. I stopped my watch when I saw Christian stop in the driveway: 13 minutes. When I got to him, he had already gotten me a bottle of cold water. I told him to get the heaviest pair of leg weights in the gym and put them on for the next trip up the mountain. He happily complied, and I gave him the second coin. While I drank the bottle of cold water, Christian made another trip to the top and back, but it took him 15 minutes. He wasn't breathing especially hard when he returned, but he was sweating big time, and his shorts were completely soaked. I told him that he was 120 seconds slower than the first time, and that would mean he owed me 120 pushups after he finished all the running. He apologized for disappointing me and said he was ready for his punishment. I told him we'd settle all of that later. I asked him if he had a pack; he ran to get it. I told him to put 50 pounds of weights in it and put it on for the next trip. When he strapped it on, I handed him the third coin and started my watch. I told him he could stop for water, but he was on the clock. He grabbed a bottle from the refrigerator and headed out. This trip took 18 minutes. I told him he would have to give me a special sit-up for each of the 300 seconds he was slower than the first run up the mountain. I had him exchange the 50-pound pack for a pair of 25-pound dumbbells which he would carry on his next run up the mountain. I told him to go get the first coin. He was off in an instant; it took him 19 minutes to get back. That meant he would owe me 360 reverse crunches. His upper body and face were bright red from the strenuous running and the intense Arizona sun. I told him to leave the dumbbells and go get the 2nd coin. He was back in 17 minutes; I added 240 dumbbell curls to his workout list. I told him to take off the leg weights and go, get the 3rd coin. I told him this would be his last trip, if he got back in the same time as the first trip. He grabbed another bottle of water and took off up the mountain. He was 3 minutes late returning, so I told him that would cost him 180 torso twists and another trip with the leg weights and the pack. I'd go along with a leather strap to motivate him. This time I could keep up with the weighed-down runner, and I amused myself watching the flexing of his calves and hamstrings as he ran. At the top, I ordered him to give me 50 pushups with the pack still on. He banged them out like it was nothing, so I had him do another set of 50. As we headed down, I told him he could go ahead, and he had to do pushups in the driveway until I arrived. I slowed to a walk after Christian disappeared. When I came around a big rock, I saw Christian arrive at the house and dutifully begin doing pushups. I took my time getting to the house and ordered him to stand up. He was breathing heavily and his soaked shorts revealed a large bulge. That was all the running for now, but I wanted to finish Christian's workout out by the pool, not in the gym. He had to bring out some equipment from the gym to the pool. After he brought out what I asked for, I had him strip, tied his feet together, and told him to do 20 laps in the pool. His energy was amazing. He had great technique, but he was struggling for the last 5 laps. Now it was time for bench presses. I had him load up the bar with 120 pounds and told him to do 3 sets of 50. I didn't know if he could do that many after all the pushups, but I figured we'd find out. He cranked out the first 2 sets with good technique and was getting hard again. When he laid down for the third set, I leaned over and pressed down on the bar. I figure he was now pressing 160 or 170 pounds. He could only do about 20 reps; I pulled back and ordered him to finish. He could only do about 12 more. When he stood up, I noticed the beautiful pump in his pecs and his hard cock now leaking precum. He began apologizing for not finishing the task I'd given him and asked me to punish him. I decided to play along and had him lie down on the bench again. I straddled him, grabbed the barbell and placed it across his stomach. I grabbed the 25-pound dumbbells and had him do a set of 25 flyes. Time for pull-ups. After he jumped up on the bar, I tied a 25 pound plate to his feet and told him to do 25. He handled that with relative ease. Noting my surprise, he told me he did a lot of pull-ups - good for the shoulders, arm, and lats. What would it take to wear him down? I had him bring out the stair stepper. He would combine a 20-minute step workout with alternating dumbbell presses while wearing the leg weights. I was now obsessed with finding his limits. Near the end, his face was finally showing some strain. Now it was time to work off his debt from the running. He had to do 120 deep pushups; his feet were on a weight bench, and his hands were on 6-inch blocks. For a pushup to count, he had to touch his chest and cock to the deck. If he couldn't do all 120 pushups, I would punch him for every rep he couldn't do. It took a few reps before he found his range and began doing the pushups like I had ordered. He struggled on the last dozen but did all 120 as I had ordered. Time for sit-ups. I had him sit with his butt on the edge of the pool and facing me with his hands clasped behind his head. I would hold his ankles, and he would lay back into the pool so his face was covered on each rep. Then he had to sit up and touch his elbow to my opposite shoulder. He owed me 300, and he got to 265 before he couldn't do any more. That would mean 35 punches. Next was reverse crunches. I elevated the sit-up board as high as it would go and then put it on the 6-inch blocks. Christian had to do 360 with the leg weights on without letting his feet touch the ground; at the bottom of each rep, he had to extend his legs just above the ground. This would not only work his abs but also his arms, because he had to hold himself up on the incline bench. He laid back on the board and grasped the elevated end with both hands over his head. I couldn't help but marvel at his beautiful, extended abs which I would soon be brutalizing. He began cranking them out. By the time he got to 90, he was breathing very hard. He only did 170; that added 90 punches to the debt. Time for curls, 240 curls with 25-pound dumbbells (120 of each arm, alternating). I made him lie on the diving board and lower the dumbbells until they almost touched the water. He could only do 90 with each arm, so I added 60 more punches to the program for later. Finally, it was time for torso twists. I had him stand with his feet about 2 feet apart, holding a 25-pound dumbbell in both hands at shoulder level. I held two poles behind him with my hands about 6 inches below his shoulders. He had to rotate the dumbbell by twisting his torso more than 90 degrees to touch each pole above my hands for one good rep, and he had 180 reps to do. He would get one 15-second rest if the dumbbells dropped to the level of my hands in exchange for adding 25 punches to the total. Using his rest after 75 twists, he finally couldn't keep the dumbbells up after 110. The grand total was now 380 punches for an exhausted Adonis. I asked if he wanted to cool off before the punching. He said it was my choice, so I told him we'd take a little dip in the pool to cool off. I used a 5-foot rope to tie his feet with more than 3 feet of rope left between them. Then I tied his hands in hammerlocks behind his back. I had him walk the plank, the diving board. When he got to the end, I stepped on the rope between his feet and pushed. He was now hanging head down from the diving board with water covering his head and chest. To breathe, he would have to flex his abs enough to curl his shoulders and head out of the water. I enjoyed watching this for about 30 minutes, before releasing him for the punching. I wanted him refreshed before the punching, so I told him to do another 20 laps in the pool with his feet tied. I decided not to tie Christian for the gut punching. I made him stand naked on the pool deck with his hands clasped behind his head. I told him I would add 25 punches for every time his hands came down. He confidently told me to begin. I told him he had to thank me after each blow and ask for another. "Yes, sir. Please begin." I put on the 10-ounce gloves and curled my gloved hands around some short rods. The force of my first punch surprised Christian. For the first time all day, there was a little doubt showing on his beautiful face. I focused the first 50 punches on Christian's upper abs to see how strong he was and to take his breath away. He held up well. When I started digging into his lower abs, he slightly folded over and let out a load groan with almost every punch. This was where he was vulnerable! By the time the punch count reached 100, Christian's lower abs were feeling a little mushy, but his cock was anything but mushy. He was starting to drip precum again. I had to undo my cutoffs to accommodate my growth and went back to hammering both his rectus and his obliques. After another 70 or 80 punches into his solid upper abs, he dropped his hands. He apologized for letting me down, and begged to be punished. I let him rest for about 30 seconds, then began again on his obliques. He had lasted through almost half of the planned punch count before dropping his hands. For someone so slender to absorb so many heavy blows, I was very impressed; but I still had work to do. As the color of the Arizona sunset began to fill the sky, Christian, after dropping his hands a couple more times, could barely stand up straight, and my 400th punch caused him to blow his load all over me. I was also ready to cum and stripped out of my cutoffs. When Christian saw me, he knelt down and licked his cum off my belly working his way down to my cock, finally putting my cock in his mouth until I pumped his throat full of my juice. I was amazed at how much he had taken, the running, the exercises, and now 400 punches. I knew he had a lot more in him. Todd had him well trained, and Christian had an amazing, beautiful, and strong body. I wondered if Todd wanted to fight again with Christian again as the prize. I'd be ready anytime.


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When Todd finally tapped out, he was completely drained of all strength. As we wiped the sweat from our faces and drank some cold water, he began to elaborate on how I could collect on the bet. He had a sex slave named Christian who would be mine to use as I wished for a day at Todd's estate out in Scottsdale. Todd owned about 200 acres at the foot of a mountain, so there would

A Day In Heaven, Part 2

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