Gay Erotic Stories

An introvert, part 11

by Nickyboy2222
26 Nov 2021

Gay Erotic Stories Men At Work

Tony had Raúl on all fours and slammed in cock right in him. Tony had been hooking up with Raúl for a few years and had gotten Raúl a job at the new Los Angelos office. Raúl will have to soon understand though that while they will still hook up, Tony's boyfriend will be Nick. Tony was gripping Raúl's shoulders as he kept thrusting his cock in him. Tony had gotten Raúl his own room at the hotel and made sure that he and Nick would be sharing a room. "Oh fuck Tony!" Raúl screamed. Tony leaned down and kissed Raúl's neck and a few more thrust started unloading in him. He flipped Raúl on his back and sucked his cock and drank down his cum.

They laid on the bed together for a few moments. "Ok" Tony said. "I've got a meeting I need to get ready for."

Raúl got up and gave Tony a kiss and started collecting his clothes. "I can't wait to do this more often with you once we're in LA." Raúl said as he got dressed. "This Nick guy is going to sharing this room with you?"

"Yeah." Tony said. "Come by later and maybe we can have a threesome." Raúl all dressed left the room.

Tony had ignored what everyone said about Nick not wanting him. Hell back when he and Cameron dated briefly Cameron said that Nick and Tony are sexually incompatible as Nick is a top like Tony is. Well he could break Nick into being a willing bottom he was sure of it. Now all he had to do was get Nick to dump Felipe and well all would be good. Not that he didn't try to get Nick away from Felipe by calling immigration, but Felipe has Tom on his side. Tony looked at the clock. Nick's flight was due to land at anytime, so he started getting cleaned up.

I got a cab from the airport to the hotel. I walked up to the front desk. "There should be a room reserved for me." I said. "The name is Nicholas Finnigan."

The clerk looked it up. "Yes you are sharing a room with Mr. Anthony Orstaski."

"What?" I asked. "No." The clerk looked at me. "I should have my own room. If the company won't pay for it, then I will pay for it myself."

"Just one moment Mr. Finnigan." the clerk said. I noticed a young guy that I've seen in the office before visiting Tony. He was eyeing me carefully. I looked right at him. "Yes?" I asked.

"Oh sorry." he said and quickly walked away.

"Mr. Finnigan." The clerk called to me. "We just spoke to Mr. Thomas Carpenter and he told us to get you your own room. We apologize for any misunderstanding. The clerk typed on a computer. And then handed me a keycard and called for a bellboy to come get my luggage. "Enjoy your stay in San Juan Mr. Finnigan."

I followed the bellboy to the elevator and he showed me to my room. I tipped him and once I was by myself, I looked at the time and saw there was only a couple of hours until the brunch meeting. I took a shower and while I was dressing my cell phone rang. It was Tony. i sighed. "Hello."

"Where are you?" Tony asked in a demanding voice.

"I'm in my room getting ready for the meeting." I said.

"You were supposed to be sharing with me!" Tony said.

"I don't remember agreeing to that!" I said. "Be lucky I'm here at all!"

"What's that supposed to mean 'be lucky I'm here at all!'?" Tony asked.

"Let's see before this trip was sprung on me, I was planning a romantic weekend with my boyfriend!" I said. "Now I am here having to save an account that I know that I can save with just a phone call! Don't worry I'll be at the meeting, but you need to understand I am only here for business so whatever ideas you have about you and me, forget about it!!" I hung up before he could reply.

I went down to the dining room where the meeting was to be held. Tom and Tony were there waiting for me. I knew that I would have to put my game face on to convince Mr. Fernandez to stay with us. Mr. Fernandez arrived and the meeting went well, and I convinced Mr. Fernandez to stay with the company. "You are all invited to a party I am having tonight here in the hotel's ballroom."

"It will be a pleasure to attend." Tom said as Mr. Fernandez departed. Once Mr. Fernandez was gone. "Did you two bring formalwear."

"I brought my tux." I said. "I always do as you never know if you will be invited to a fancy party."

"I have mine too." Tony said.

"Good." Tom said. "Well you're free until it's time for the party."

"I think I'll go enjoy the beach." Tony said. "Want to join me Nick?"

I shot Tony a dirty look but kept a friendly tone. "No my flight left early this morning."I said. "I am just going to go to my room and take a nap."

"Go on Tony." Tom said. "Nick a word please."

Once Tony was out of earshot Tom said. "Good work on getting Fernandez to stay with with company." There was a pause. "Though I could tell that you were putting on a show. Is there something bothering you?"

"Tom." I said. "Let me ask you this don't you think I would have been successful by simply calling Mr. Fernandez rather than the company spending money to fly all the way out here and spending on hotel rooms?"

"Come to think of it yes." Tom said. "Fernandez didn't need a lot of convincing."

"Also what was with me sharing a room with Tony?" I asked.

"I don't understand that." Tom said. "The trip itinerary said there was three hotel rooms booked, so naturally I thought your room was one of the three."

"Did Tony arrive here alone?" I asked.

"Yes." He said. "We flew together on the private jet. Are you saying that the third room was for someone else?"

"Yes." I said and told him about the familiar face I saw.

"It could just be coincidence but I will speak to the front desk about what happened to the third room that was booked." Tom said. "There's more isn't there?"

"I know Tony likes me." I said and Tom nodded in understanding. "But things that I am finding out well it's making me uncomfortable. When Tony told me to come on this trip I asked why Maria couldn't come. He said that Maria had family coming to visit from out of town. Then not even a half hour later I go into the break room and overhear a conversation with Maria and Cameron where she said that she had no plans for the weekend."

"I see." Tom said.

"And I asked Maria about it and she said that no one was coming to visit her this weekend. Also she was never informed about the possibility of Mr. Fernandez ending the partnership with the company and she was my partner on the project so she should have been informed."

"Maybe that was an oversight on Tony's part, and maybe he misunderstood about her weekend plans." Tom said.

I shook my head. "No, she told me more. She told me about Bogotá" I said. "Tom did you ever look through Maria's notes or anything related to Bogotá?" Tom shook his head. "She said she did everything by the book. I've worked with Maria on numerous projects and she is always by the book. She makes sure that every 'i' is dotted and every 't' is crossed. She would never have moved ahead on it if she wasn't absolutely sure that the company could profit from it. When at the last minute a principal partner backed out. And she said Tony came and offered to protect her from getting fired if she did what he wanted her to do."

"And what was that?" Tom asked.

"To get me to go out with him." I said. "I can't tell you what to do in this case, but if I were you I'd review Bogotá and see what went wrong, because I think Maria was sabotaged."

"Anything else?" Tom asked.

"No." I said. "I have no proof about Bogotá as it wasn't my project and I don't have access to Maria's files on it like you do. Just like I have no way of knowing for sure that Tony called immigration on Felipe."

Tom leaned forward. "You think Tony called immigration on Felipe?"

"I have no evidence of it." I said. "But Maria said that Tony is obsessed with me. What better way to end my relationship with Felipe by making sure he's sent back to the other side of the world?"

Tom was quiet for a moment. "You've given me a lot to think about. Now you said you were tired so go rest up for tonight."

I left the dining room leaving Tom pondering. I went to my room and got undressed. I thought of calling Felipe but I was too tired so I just went to sleep. I thought I spotted Tony with the young man from earlier in the lobby. Meanwhile after I left the dining room Tom went to his suite, and got on his laptop. He called the front desk. "I have a question my company originally had three rooms reserved correct?"

"Yes." The clerk said.

"What happened to the third room?" Tom asked. "Why was Mr. Finnigan asked to share a room with Mr.Orstaski?"

"The third room was occupied last night by Mr. Raúl Sanchez." The clerk said.

"Who?" Tom asked.

"You mean." The clerk said. "If he's not supposed to be there we can have him vacate the room."

"No need." Tom said. "I'll handle it myself."

"As you wish Mr. Carpenter." The clerk said. "And we apologize for any misunderstanding."

Tom hung up the phone and got on his laptop. He clicked on his work desktop and started reading through the Bogotá files. Tom realized that Nick was right. Maria was doing everything by the book and had firm commitments. Then a principal partner backed out right as Maria was getting ready to go to Bogotá to get the paperwork signed. Tom then pulled up the HR files. He was going to need a little help for this.

Felipe was sitting in Nick's apartment reading a novel that he found on Nick's bookshelf. Nick told him that he could spend the weekend at his apartment, and Felipe knew that his roommate was bound to have his girlfriend over so best to take up Nick's offer over being in the way at his own place. His cell phone rang, and thinking it might be Nick he put the book down and picked the phone up, but it wasn't Nick's number. It was Tom's. "Hola." Felipe answered.

"Felipe." Tom said. "It's Tom. I'm sorry for disturbing you on a Saturday but I have a favor to ask of you."

"Do you need me to go to the office?" Felipe asked thinking that Tom needed some information on a project.

"No." Tom said. "You can do this right where you are. I am going to put you on a three way call. The person only speaks Spanish, so I need a translator. Is that alright."

"Sí." Felipe said.

"I the person I want to talk to is called Mr. Gonzalez." Tom said. There was ringing and a woman's voice answered in Spanish. Felipe asked for Mr. Gonzalez in Spanish and explained to the woman who he was and that his boss was on the line too.

"Un minunto por favor." The woman said and put them on hold.

"She said one moment please." Felipe said.

A few moments of silence. "Hola soy Sr. Gonzalez." a man's voice said.

Felipe told Mr. Gonzalez who he was and that his boss was on the line as well. "Ask him why he backed out of the deal with our company at the last minute." Tom said. Felipe relied what Tom said in Spanish.

Mr. Gonzalez spoke for a moment and Felipe translated for Tom. "He says that someone in the office called him telling him that Maria was speaking to one of his competitors behind his back."

"Tell him that, that wasn't happening and ask if the person gave their name." Tom said. And Felipe asked in Spanish.

Mr. Gonzalez replied. "He said that no name was given only that it was a man and he said he was Maria's supervisor. And is is still interested in working with us if there was no underhanded deals going on with his competitor."

"Tell him we are interested and that Maria will be in contact with him on Monday." Tom said and Felipe relied it in Spanish. Once Mr. Gonzalez was off the line Tom said. "Thank you Felipe. And please don't tell anyone about this just yet."

"Ok." Felipe said and hung up.

After sleeping away the afternoon I called Felipe. "Hey it's things back in the Big Apple?" I asked.

"Fairly quiet here." Felipe said. "I hope you don't mind but I am reading one of your books."

"Of course I don't mind knock yourself out!" I said. "I wish you could be here with me or I were there with you though."

"We'll be together again soon enough mi amor." Felipe said.

"I know." I said. "I've got a few hours before I have to be at fancy formal dinner. I wish I could show off my handsome boyfriend."

"Tell me all about him." Felipe said.

We ended up having a phone sex session. I was imagining my cock buried deep in Felipe's ass as I stroked my dick and ended up cumming all over myself. When it was getting close to time for me to be ready to go to the party we ended our call. I got cleaned up and into my tux.

The party was a rather boring affair but it was a good way to get in contact with future partners. When Tom nodded at me showing that it was alright for me to make my leave I headed out of the dining hall. I was walking towards the elevators when I heard a voice. "Nick!" I turned and saw Tony coming towards me.

"Tony what can I do for you?" I asked. "If it's not work related then I have nothing to say."

"Look I'm going to be heading the new LA office." Tony said.

"Congratulations." I said.

"I want you to be my assistant." Tony said. "We'd make a great team in and out of the office."

Why was he so clueless? Did he think that I was going to end up in his bed? I kept my composure. "I'm afraid that I will have to decline the offer." I said.

"Come on Nick!" Tony said. "It would be a great opportunity for us."

"For me? Or us?" I asked.

"We'd make a great couple!" Tony said.

"Is this what it's about?" I asked. "The fact that you want me to be your boyfriend? Am I just supposed to forget that I already have a boyfriend? Or should I just forget about my life in New York to go to Hell A?"

"What makes Felipe so special?" Tony asked.

"He's special because he's Felipe." I said. "That's all I need him to be, and I'm in love with him. All of the low things you've done just so you can try to make something happen that's never going to happen. Sabotaging Maria's Bogotá project, and forcing her to try and get me with you. Calling immigration on Felipe. Tony what is it going to take for you to get that I'm not interested in you?"

"Sure I did those things but I did them for us." Tony said.

"There is no 'us' Tony!" I shouted. "There never has been an 'us' nor will there ever be an 'us'!" The elevator opened and I stepped inside. "And this conversation's over."

Little did I know that Tom was around the corner and he heard the whole conversation. After the elevator doors closed Tom came out from his spot. "Tony did I hear everything correctly?" Tony just stood silently. "Let's find a place more private."

They made their way to a private table in a dining room. "Now explain yourself!" Tom exclaimed. "You've sabotaged the Bogotá project, costing the company millions while also putting Maria's career in jeopardy. You tried to get Felipe deported. You booked three rooms here and gave one of them to someone named Raùl Sanchez who I have no idea who he is or what he is doing staying at this hotel on the company's money! Was all of this to try and shack up with Nick?"

"Yes." Tony said. "I can't help that I fell for Nick!"

Tom shook his head. "Sure you can't help how you feel, but you can at least control yourself! Has it ever occurred to you before that Nick is not interested?" Tony remained silent. "So who is Raúl Sanchez."

"He's going to be a new associate at the LA office." Tony said.

"Is there any particular reason why he is staying here on the company's money?" Tom asked. "While he maybe a new associate, he has nothing to do with this project."

"He and I have been well for a few years now intimate with each other." Tony said.

"So you had him here in case Nick turned you down?" Tom asked. Tony remained silent. "The company is not going to pay for your booty calls Tony. You are going to reimburse the company for Raúl's room. As for the rest..." Tom stopping thinking. "I should fire you, but how would I know you won't just start stalking Nick wherever you go? You are to be in LA in two weeks from Monday. I want that office up and running inside a month. And trust me when I say I am going to have you watched closely there, and if you do anything to harass anyone there like you did with Nick then you are done. Do you understand? I am being more generous to you than I should."

"Yes." Tony said.

"We're done here." Tom said and Tony got up and left.

Tony called Raúl on his way to the elevator. "Meet me at my room." he said.

Raúl was waiting outside his door. "We need to be in LA in two weeks." Tony said.

"And Nick?" Raúl asked.

"It's only going to be you and me." Tony said opening the door. "Maybe that's for the best."

"I think so." Raúl said following Tony into the room. "I saw him checking in earlier and he was furious upon hearing that he was sharing a room with you. He said he'd pay for his own room." They sat on the bed. "He doesn't sound like he likes you too much baby. You should be with someone who wants to be with you."

"Like who?" Tony asked.

"Me." Raúl said taking Tony's hand in his. Then leaned towards each other and kissed. Before long they were naked in the bed Tony's cock deep inside Raúl. After they made love Raúl said. "I love you Tony."

Tony finally seeing what a fool he was for going after someone who didn't want to be with him, looked as Raúl with new eyes. Raúl was someone who was patiently waiting for this moment, and Tony was now in love with someone new after spending the last few years pining over Nick. "I love you too Raúl."

After Tony left the table, Tom made a couple of calls. After he had everything arranged with the first two calls, he made a third call. He knew it was late but Tom was hoping since it was Saturday night that he might still be awake. "Hola." the voice said on the other end.

"Felipe." Tom said. "Sorry for calling you so late, but I need your help again."

To be continued...


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Chad and I were living together for two months now. Chad was now my former boss, now that I had a new job for nearly two months. Chad moved in with me about a month after I left the restaurant. Chad's was living with his grandparents, and they kicked him out. After Chad had moved in with me, he came out of the closet and told his boss that he and I were seeing each other. One evening when Chad

Changing Times

It was just my dad and me. My mother passed away from breast cancer shortly before I turned 10. I was an only child and so it was just my dad and me. After my mother's death my father sold the house we lived in and we moved into a two bedroom apartment. The years passed in a haze of routine. I think my dad was just in auto drive until I was sixteen. Until he meet Marta. I of course

Chess club boyfriend

After spending nearly a good ten years of working dead end jobs, I choose to take the only route that was open to me, that was going back to school. I once I was in school I joined the university Chess club. It started between one of the members of the chess club, Shane and me innocently. Just a little wager on what the loser has to do for the winner on chess games. Shane was around 22 with nice

Chess Club Boyfriend, part 2

When the chess club next met, I made sure to play Shane. He sat across from me. He looked to make sure nobody else was around at the moment and lean forward and gave me a little kiss.

Chess Club Boyfriend, Part 3

Shane's point of view.Nick had me on all fours. I felt his tounge probing my ass. I was moaning real loudly. God why did this get me going? Why did it feel so good and turn me on so much? The only think better than Nick eating my ass, is Nick fucking my ass. Nick's tounge hit a sensitive spot and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Why that never happened to me before? Nick better hurry

Chess Club Boyfriend, part 4

Shane's point of veiw.I slammed the bathroom door. I just had a fight with my mother. I was getting ready to head to campus for my classes. I knew that I should had signed up to live at the dorms, however; my mother talked me into just commuting to campus. I know that living at the dorms would be more expensive, but it would beat having to deal with my overbearing mother.I never gave much

Chess Club Boyfriend, part 5

Shane's point of veiwI don't know why, but I'm always horny. I thought having a boyfriend that I have a pretty good sex life with would help with that problem, but it only makes it worse. Thankfully I've never had any complaints from Nick about my always being horny. It seems whenever I want sex, he's willing to give it. One night when Nick was working late I went over to his apartment.

Chris Richardson, Part 1

First off I want to say yes there will eventually be sex in this story. But there won't be any in this installment. And this story is completely fictional. Our story starts when Christopher Richardson was only twelve. As a lot of what happens here play a lot into what happens later. His older sister Valerie who is grown up and married with a young son of her own. His parents Lilian Meyers and

Chris Richardson, Part 11

This story is completely fiction. None of the characters have or ever will exist. Chris Richardson sat in the living room with his stepmother Sandy and his boyfriend Tim. His younger brother Davey was over at a friend’s house after school. They sat in silence until the doorbell rang. Chris got up to answer it. There stood Charlie Bell. Who was the school bully, and had confessed to Chris about

Chris Richardson, Part 12

This story is completley fiction. "Will I marry you?" asked Tim "Yes." said Chris. "Will you marry me?" "Of course I will." said Tim. "It's like we are already married though." "I know I just want to make it official." said Chris. They stayed in their embrace kissing until they fell asleep. The next morning at school Chris recived a surprise when he got to his English class and saw

Chris Richardson, Part 13

The rain was falling outside. Chris was sitting in his and Tim's apartment watching it. The next day was Friday. It was now October and tomorrow was the big homecoming game. Chris wasn't planning on going to the game. Chris and his friends were never big on going to the big sporting events. It was just that he was worried about Charlie and Dan. Both Charlie and Dan had received assurances from

Chris Richardson, Part 14

Chris and Tim arrived at the hospital and found Charlie with who Chris assumed were Dan's parents. Charlie was in tears. Chris put his hand on Charlie's shoulder and said. "What happened?" Charlie explained about how he was waiting outside the doors of the gym for Dan. How he had waited there for a while before Dan came out all bloody. How Charlie called an ambulence and how the coach helped

Chris Richardson, Part 15

Chris and Tim had gotten home from school that day. It was a long day; starting with Mr. Mackey's assembly at the beginning of the day, and with the confrontation with the guys on the football team, and then the conversation with the assistant Principal Mr. Rayburn. Chris dropped his backpack on the couch and flopped on the couch of his and Tim's apartment himself. Chris' dead father had

Chris Richardson, Part 16

Chris let Peter Meyers and his boyfriend inside. Chris quickly introduced Peter to Tim, and Sandy. Peter wanted to know what happened with his father Frank Meyers. Chris and Tim explained everything starting with the time Frank nearly beat Chris to death when he was twelve, to his father's murder then to when Frank was holding Tim hostage with a gun. Once they finished telling the story Peter

Chris Richardson, Part 17

Chris sat in the living room of his home. He was baffled at everything that was happening; the hate crimes that were taking place. His stepmother Sandy had taken his younger brother to her mother's house out of town to keep him safe. Chris looked at his fiancé Tim who was doing his homework at the dining room table. Chris finished his homework hours ago, but Tim had a Karate lesson right after

Chris Richardson, Part 18

"You're going to kill me?" asked Chris. "For what? What did I ever do to you? I didn't even know you existed." "I am going to kill you because you are his son." said Dale Richardson. "Because I am my father's son?" asked Chris. "I am sorry, but I don't see how that has to do with anything. People don't choose their parents and honestly with my father I think I lucked out with having him as

Chris Richardson, Part 19

Just as Dale was going to stab Chris with the knife, the door to the house burst open and Tim came through the door. Dale looked at Tim, and slashed through the air with his knife. Tim ducked and swept with his legs Dale's feet knocking Dale to the floor. Tim immediately put his foot on one of Dale's hand with the knife forcing Dale to open his palm and drop the knife. The police entered the

Chris Richardson, Part 2

Chris was now fifteen years old. It had been a little over two years since he was nearly killed at the hands of his abusive stepfather. His stepfather Frank took a plea bargin which he was sentenced to only one year. Chris' father David wasn't too happy about that and had gotten a restraining order so that Frank could stay away from Chris. Chris' mother Lilian wasn't granted any visitation rights

Chris Richardson, Part 3

First I want to say that this story is 100% fiction. None of the characters in this story have or will ever exist except in the minds of the writer and reader. Tim Hanning woke up that morning. He was surprised to see someone sleeping the in bed that was until a day before empty. Tim figured that he had a new roommate. What he could see of his new roommate turned him on slightly. The roommate

Chris Richardson, Part 4

This story is completely fictional. It is about a young boy who finds the love of his life. Lilian Meyers was frightened. That day when she was putting clean underwear into her husband’s drawer she found a gun there. She never liked guns and forbidden them from being in the house. When herex-husband was murdered the police came and asked her and her husband where they were at the time of the

Chris Richardson, Part 5

This story is completley fiction. Chris looked right at Lilian Meyers. "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked. "Chris I needed to see you," Lilian said. "I bet that husband of yours followed me last night." Chris said. "You tell him if he wants to finish the job then bring it on!" Chris looked up and saw a policeman standing there by Lilian. "Officer please arrest this woman!"

Chris Richardson, Part 6

This story is completley fictonal Chris sat at Tim's hospital bed as he opened his eyes. Chris let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank God you’re alright." Chris said as he leaned forward and gave Tim a kiss on the lips. "Chris," Tim said. "I saw your dad." "What?" Chris asked. "I saw your dad," Tim said. "Just before I woke up here." Chris' eyes were shining with tears. "What did he

Chris Richardson, Part 7

This part of the story is going to be about Tim's family, since they are going to play a major part in the next installments. Anyone would tell you that Jack Hanning was insane; anyone but his wife Alison, as she was also insane. Jack Hanning was raised by very liberal parents. JoAnn and Harold Hanning tried to teach their children the importance of tolerence. All of their children seemed to

Chris Richardson, Part 8

Clint Davis awoke that morning laying next to his boyfriend Ted Carver. Ted was still sleeping. Clint got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Clint glanced at the door leading to the room that was once Chris Richardson and Tim Hanning's room. Two other guys were living in that room now, though Clint and Ted saw Chris and Tim often. Clint felt that during those few weeks that

Chris Richardson, Part 9

Chris opened his eyes. The sun was pouring through the windows. He looked to his right and Tim was there sleeping peacefully. Chris remembered the scenes over the past couple of nights. First was his confrontation with Jack Hanning, the other at the hospital trying to keep Clint off his stepfather after the death of Clint's mother. A smile came across Chris' face. Today was Tim's sixteenth

Chris Richardson, Part10

This is a work of fiction. None of the characters have existed in real life. I have decided to take the story in a different direction. The alarm went off. It said 6 am. Chris reached over and turned it off. It was the first day of school. Beside him in the bed Tim groaned. "We got to get up and get ready for school. You fix yourself something to eat while I take a shower." "But I want to

Clear as Crystal

Michael's POV: If anyone had told me at the beginning of senior year that I'd end up being married to a man, I would have laughed in their face. I would have laughed even harder if they had told me that man was Carter Radnor. At the beginning of senior year I had a girlfriend. I was kind of popular. I didn't play sports so I wasn't a jock, but I did a lot of volunteering for school

Clear as Crystal, part 10

Carter's POV: I woke up on Saturday morning in the bed alone. I wondered where Michael was and moved to get out of the bed when he came through the door carrying a tray of food. "Don't move." he said. He was only wearing boxer shorts. "Wow nobody's brought me breakfast in bed." I said. "Well get used to being spoiled." He said putting the tray down over my lap and he climbed into

Clear as Crystal, part 11

Michael's POV: It was the last day of school before Christmas break and we were all sitting at our lunch table. Carter and I were grateful to have such supporting friends. There was David and Lauren who were themselves now dating. David had his arm around Lauren with her head resting on his shoulder. Then a few of Lauren's cheerleading friends, and Carter's teammates from the football

Clear as Crystal, part 12

Carter's POV: I woke up on Christmas morning with Michael's arms wrapped tight around me. I looked up and saw Michael was fully awake. "Merry Christmas." He said. "Merry Christmas to you too." I said. "How long have you been awake?" "Not long." Michael said. "I didn't want to get up, it was too nice laying here with you." "I can't disagree." I said. "But you know what would be

Clear as Crystal, part 13

Dr. Craig Radnor's POV: I stood there in stunned silence as Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez said that their daughter was threatening Carter and Michael. I was much more stunned when the man who introduced himself as Michael's father who was also a prosecutor said that it looks as though the car accident that Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez was in wasn't an accident at all. Mrs. Vasquez had accused Marie of

Clear as Crystal, part 14

Carter's POV: I woke up the next morning with Michael laying next to me his arm draped around me. I immediately got up and grabbed my underwear and started putting them on. I grabbed my pants when I heard Michael groan and he sat up. "Why are you getting out of bed already?" He asked as I pulled up my pants. "You know I'd love nothing more than to stay in bed with you." I said

Clear as Crystal, part 15

Michael's POV: After getting up super early and riding to the airport. Then the flight, and getting the ride to the beach house we finally were in Miami. We stood in the living room of the beach house and Craig and Beth looked at all of us, Carson, Samilia, Carter, and myself. "The two of us need to be at the conference in a couple of hours." Beth said. "So all of you can do what you

Clear as Crystal, part 16

Carter's POV: I woke up the morning after our first day in Miami with a raging hardon. Beside me Michael was sleeping on his side with his back to me. I moved up beside Michael and put my arm around him my hand finding his big, fat, hard dick. I started kissing his shoulder. He gave a pleasurable groan and moved on his back and grabbed my head and brought my lips to his. We made out

Clear as Crystal, part 17

Michael's POV: We saw Marie sitting out in front of my house as we pulled up to it. "What is she doing here?" I asked looking around seeing my car parked in the driveway but my parent's cars were gone. She noticed us there and stood up. "Ok" Craig said. "She's seen us so here's what we are going to do. Michael we're going to get your stuff out, and I'm not leaving until she leaves.

Clear as Crystal, part 18

Carter's POV: We were sitting in the cafeteria during lunch the following day. Michael and I were filling in everyone on our trip to Florida when we saw a couple policemen enter the cafeteria. Our eyes focused on where they were going and they stopped at Marie's table. Now everybody was watching as one of the police officers handcuffed Marie and escorted her out of the cafeteria.

Clear as Crystal, part 2

Carter's POV: To this day, I don't know how lucky I was to have met a guy like Michael. I guess you could say that I had a bit of a crush on him before I even knew it. I think back to those weeks before I had that weekend at my aunts house. How I admired Michael's walk, his smile, his puppy dog brown eyes. I didn't know it was a crush until after that weekend at my Aunt Cindy's. I

Clear as Crystal, part 3

Michael's POV: I woke up the next morning in Carter's bed with Carter snuggled up against me. Memories of the previous night rushing back to me. Carter taking me into his room, and kissing me. Then we had sex, and later he asked me to be his boyfriend. So Carter Radnor was my boyfriend now. I smiled to myself thinking that before the party that I would have never considered the idea of

Clear as Crystal, part 4

Carter's POV: I remember that when I was thirteen or fourteen asking my parents when they knew that they were the ones for each other. My parents are both doctors and they always told my brother Carson and I that to figure something out to use the scientific method. To examine facts and evidence and data to make a conclusion. But I remember being surprised that day when I asked that

Clear as Crystal, part 5

Michael's POV: I sat quietly as Carter started driving towards my house. Someone who I thought I knew, it turns out I didn't truly know at all. Or did I and not just see the signs? Thinking back through my three year relationship with Marie, how well did I know her? Carter was right that whenever I was talking to him, or someone else outside of our friend group, Marie would interject

Clear as Crystal, part 6

Carter's POV: After leaving the hospital Michael and I went back to his house. We did promise his parents we'd come back and explain everything to them. So Michael and I are now sitting at the Kenny kitchen table as Mr. and Dr. Kenny are serving us food. We ate in silence and once all the plates are cleared Michael spoke up. "There's something we need to talk to you about." Michael

Clear as Crystal, part 7

Michael's POV: I woke up the following morning with Carter snuggled up against me and with a raging hardon. My hand moved down Carter's back and groped his ass. My finger rubbing against his hole. Carter groaned a little and he said. "Just take me." I turned him on his stomach and pushed inside him and started to fuck him. I leaned down and moaned in his ear as he pounded him from

Clear as Crystal, part 8

Carter's POV: I had trouble falling asleep Sunday night. With Michael not being there the bed felt so empty, but I knew we couldn't spend every night together at least not at this moment. I was also worried about school the next day. Would Marie have told everyone? If so what was she saying? I finally managed to drift off to sleep and before I knew it my alarm was going off. I

Clear as Crystal, part 9

Michael's POV: It was Friday evening and I was waiting with great anticipation for Carter to arrive. My parents had left that afternoon to go and pick up my sister from college, and decided to have a romantic weekend away before bringing her back home for Thanksgiving. So Carter and I had my house to ourselves all weekend. Carter said he'd be at my house by around five, and it was

Darren and Dylan, Part 1

I was in my first year of college. It was now October and everyone was just getting settled in for the year. My roommate Pete asked. "Hey Nick do you mind if you go somewhere this weekend? I am having some hot pussy over." Pete knew I was gay and was cool with it, but he always seemed to want to bring his girlfriends over on weekends. "Sure." I said with a little disappointment. I was going to

Darren and Dylan, Part 2

I woke up about eight o'clock on Saturday morning. I looked over and saw one of the twins laying on my right side. I looked to my left, the other twin was gone. I didn't know if the twin sleeping on my right was Darren or Dylan, but I felt happy. I got up and went to the bathroom. I walked back into the bedroom. The twin was awake. "Where's your brother?" I asked him. "Dylan's on duty right

Darren and Dylan, Part 3

Monday things went back to normal; the normal routine of going to class and studying. I had biology right before lunch that day. Darren was in my biology class and he came up to me and asked. "Your roommate eats in the dorm?" He then winked at me. I knew what he wanted. "No he goes to the cafeteria at Drake Hall." I said. "That's where the pretty girls all hang out." "Good." Darren said. "I

Drunken beginnings

I woke up in my bed. I sat up with my head hurting wondering how I got home. I hope that I didn't drive home as I know I got too drunk to drive. Did someone call me a cab? I noticed that I woke up in my underwear. I stood up and got my robe on and walked out of my bedroom and made my way to the kitchen. There was someone there. I looked at him, trying to think of what happened the night

Drunken Beginnings, Part 2

I led Pedro to my bedroom and put him in the bed and started stripping him down. Once I got him naked I went down and started sucking his dick, I also spread his legs and pushed a finger into his hole. "Oh my god!" He gasped as I started finger fucking him and sucking him off. Shortly after he shot a load in my mouth and I start gulping it all down. I then crawled his to his face and

Finding True Love Part 3

Paul and I walked into the dance hand in hand. There was a slow dance going on and I move infront of Paul and put my arms around the back of his neck. He put his arms around my waist and we started dancing together. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. All around us people were staring, with their mouths dropped open. No one suspected that I was gay. And Paul wasn't as popular

Finding True Love, Part 1

I was at Tyrone's house for the weekend. It was in the fall of my senior year of high school. My parents let me spend weekends with Tyrone; well they wouldn't have much of a choice since I turned eighteen during the summer. Tyrone was eighteen too and we were both on the football team. I was the quarterback and team captain. If the rest of the team knew what Tyrone and I were doing it would of

Finding True Love, Part 2

I drove to Paul's house. I rang the doorbell and Paul answered. He gave me a smile and pull me to me and gave me a kiss. We broke our kiss and I said. "Paul couldn't you of waited until we got inside?" "It's cool." Paul said. "This neighborhood everybody stays inside after dinner." "What about your parents?" I asked him. "They know I'm gay." Paul said. "They know that you are coming over

It happened one day.

I had been teaching for 8 years by the time it happened. I had resisted fucking a cute student for 8 years. I started teaching at this very school right out of college. I had seen many cute boys come and go. I would watch as they came in as freshmen looking like little boys but leaving as seniors looking at the cusp of manhood. While they were great looking I always resisted the urge to

Justin and Joe - Part 2

Justin and I were sexually involved for about three weeks before Joe came home from college for the summer. Joe was Justin's brother and was the valedictorian graduating class. Because of this, Justin's parents expected Justin to live up to that honor, which made life hell for Justin. Before Justin and I had sex for the first time, Justin had confessed to me that he and Joe had a sexual

Justin and Joe, Part One

I have been out of high school for about seven years now. It was strange the way things happened during the last two years of school. My name is Chris. When I was a junior, I was six-feet tall, had brown hair and eyes, plus a muscular build. I am pretty much the same now, except that I’m a couple inches taller. That was during my junior year that I got involved with Justin. The summer after

Justin and Joe, Part 3

It was Thursday evening, and Justin and I were lying on my bed making out. I had Justin's shirt off and I was feeling his nice smooth body. My hands went down and I was unbuttoning his pants. I got up and pulled off Justin's pants and his boxers. Justin lay there naked as I took off my clothes. I took off my pants and underpants and I put Justin's legs on my shoulders and I pushed my hard

Justin and Joe, Part 4

It was the 20th of December. I was finally finished with mid-terms. Joe and I were on the couch of our apartment watching television. Joe was leaning on me with his feet over the arm of the couch I was sitting up with my feet on the coffee table with a bowl of popcorn in my lap. Joe and I had not had sex since I started studying for mid-terms. I felt bad knowing that Joe liked getting fucked at

Losing My Wife

One mistake. That's what I made. One mistake. I knew since I was a teenager that I was into guys. I was openly gay as a teenager and had a few classmates that I did stuff with. God I loved the feel of a nice hard body. Nothing in the world got me hotter. Then I made the mistake. One night at a party I was drinking pretty heavily. I was scoping out the hot guys and trying to find a guy to give

Meeting My Man, Part 1

I was shaking. No guy had this kind of effect since my first time when I was a teenager. All of a sudden I had a big flashback of when I was a teenager, a bit of a geek and the handsome captain of the wrestling team Ian laying on top of me kissing me wanting me. What was happing now? How come this guy I had just met is having such an effect on me? Things were getting a bit stressful at work. I

Mr. Smith

I was finally done with college and was working on building my career. I started working for an ad agency. I had no steady boyfriend, but I had some guys that I would fool around with. One Saturday night I went to a local gay club. I wasn't expecting to have any sexual encounters, or was planning on running into anybody I knew. I was sitting up at the bar drinking a beer when I looked over the

My Best Friend's Brother

I knew since I was 13 that I was always into guys. It was something that I have had kept secret for sometime. The only person I told was my best friend Amy. I had let her in on my secret that I was gay. Amy was a good friend. I got through my teen years without going insane because I was able to confide in her. I also confided in her that I had a huge crush on her brother Brad. Girls chased

My Choice

It was a hard choice. A choice I didn't want to make but felt that I had to make it. I had been torn between two guys. David and I were best friends since the first grade. He and I had done a lot of things together. When we hit high school and started dating, David and I dated each other; though it was secretly that we did this. I knew since I was thirteen that I was gay. I knew it as I would

My New Stepbrother

There he was changing in the locker room after GYM class. Daniel Martin was to me hot. He stood about 5'9 had nice dark brownish blonde hair a nice set of blue eyes and a hot body. I was trying not to stare but trying to get dressed myself. I finailly got dressed and ran out of the locker room. I was a junior in high school. My mother had died when I was eight, and my father was left to raise

Office Affair, Part 1

I was new to the office. I was 26 and had taken a good job offer. I had been there for about two months. First I want to say though I am friendly with my co-workers I never became friends with them. I was always polite and courteous, but never would I say "Hey let's grab a beer after work." They were nice people, but I just drew the line between mixing work and my personal life. I did start to

Reunion, Part 1

I was driving to my mother's home in the suburbs one evening. She called me and said that she needed some things from the grocery store. I was already in a bad mood as it was raining hard and the traffic into the suburbs was bad seeing it was Friday rush hour. I was in a mood that my mother wanted me to go to the grocery store for her seeing as she had her own car and the nearest store to her was

Reunion, Part 2

I allowed Alex to come in. He looked around the apartment and said, "Nice place." "Thanks." I said. "Where did you know how to find me?" "I have been staying with your mother." Alex said. "I was there not even an hour ago." I said. "I know." said Alex. "I stayed upstairs." I offered Alex a seat and I sat myself. "I thought you would be in the NFL right now." I told Alex. "What are


July 1997,

Reunited, part 2

2008I got dressed in my best clothes for the class reunion. I had reservations about going to the reunion as I don't know how many of my old friends, some of which I hadn't seen since before I left for college would take to me being gay. I was staying in my parents house for the weekend, and was half hoping that my ex-boyfriend Nick would be at the reunion. Nick and I were secret

Ryan, Part 1

Ryan was this nineteen year old kid I knew from my work. I worked at a stocker in a grocery store, and Ryan was a cashier. I befriended him, and thought of him as a good friend and nothing more. I took a small promotion and a raise and transferred to another location with the company I worked for. I kept in contact with everyone at my previous store including Ryan. Ryan seemed like the regular

Ryan, Part 2

Ryan and I were lying on my couch making out. We were both totally naked. Ryan had his back to me and his head was turned. I grabbed my rock hard cock and pushed it inside him. I started fucking him real hard. While I fucked him we continued kissing deeply and passionately. I pounded him harder before I unleashed a load of cum inside him. After I came we laid there just cuddling and kissing.

Ryan, Part 3

I was sitting at home waiting for my boyfriend Mike to get back home from work. It had been about a year since Mike and I got together. In that year I had met Mike's family, all but his father who had disowned him for being gay. His mother and sister were really nice though. I had gotten promoted into management at my job, and Mike was working construction. Everything seemed to be going well for

Something Hard To Believe, Part 1

(This story is completely fiction) I was having a hard time. My family was giving me a hard time especially my sisters. I was out of the closet, but that was not the reason for it. My mother who was always open-minded about those sort of things could hardly believe that her own son was gay, however she was accepting it. My sisters were ok with it. My father really surprised me when he said

Something Hard To Believe, Part 2

(This story is completely fiction) I sat there at the computer reading Pavel's e-mail. Pavel said that he would be coming over on the next Saturday and will be staying for two weeks. When I had boarded the plane in Rome I thought that my fling with Pavel was just a fling. Yes we traveled over Europe, and spent most of that time in hotel rooms having hot sex. After I got back to Ohio I started

Somthing Hard To Believe, Part 3

(This story is completely fiction) Pavel was coming for Christmas. I was going back to Ohio for Christmas, though I was only going to be there for two days. I really didn't want to go home for Christmas. My mother had twisted my arm so I agreed to go. I enjoyed life in San Francisco too much, I really didn't want to leave the nice weather of California for the cold winter weather of Ohio. My

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 10

I heard the blow of the coaches whistle, and dove into the water. My arms started going in their motion and my feet were propelling me forward. I hit the other end of the pool and shot back to the starting position. Back and forth I went. I don't know what it is about being in the water, I just feel so natural in it. I made my last round. The coach blew his whistle again.The coach looked at

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 11

When I went to school the next day I noticed a lot of looks from the other students. I just tried to ignore the looks and went about my day. At lunchtime Jake and I sat at our normal table. I noticed a lot of people staring at us, whispering. Then I heard a shout.

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 12

Jake and I were in his room making out. We were both shirtless. My hands moved down his body and I started to unbutton his pants. I pulled off his pants and underwear and I slide off mine. I pulled Jake onto my lap and we started making out again. My cock was rubbing his ass, Jake's cock was rubbing his abs, with his pre-cum smearing my stomach. I grabbed the lube and lubed up his hole and my

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 13

Things were gearing towards graduation. Things were moving pretty fast now towards it. It was hard for me to believe that soon I would be getting ready to enter college, and starting a new chapter in my life. I was kind of scared of it but it comforted me knowing that Jake would be right there with me. I know that I was a teenager then, but somehow I knew that Jake and I would be together for

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 14

I was being shook awake. I opened my eyes and Jake was there shaking me awake.

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 15

Jake and I were laying on our bed making out. It had been twelve years since we got together, and are still together. We got married in 2004, and found surrogates and I have a biological son named Paul after my grandfather, and Jake has a daughter named Tammy after one of our best friends. Even with kids in the picture Jake and I still have a pretty good sex life. Jake and I have sex at least

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 16

Jake and I pulled up in front of my parents house in the rental car we got from the airport. The kids had fallen asleep on the way to my parents house. Jake and I got out of the car and got into the back seat and each got one child out. I walked up to the front door of house I grew up in carrying a sleeping Paul and rang the doorbell. My mother opened the door a moment later.

Stealing my sister's boyfriend, part 2

When I first woke up the next morning I thought that the events of the previous evening were just a dream. Jake's confession of being gay and only dating my sister Alice to get close to me and our love making session. I opened my eyes my head was turned to my beside stand. The alarm clock said 8:05. Something was not right. I was naked. I always slept in pajamas. I turned over and saw Jake

Stealing my sister's boyfriend, part 3

My family came home the next day so Jake and mine's weekend ended. Before Jake went home he asked to speak with Alice in private. Alice came back looking kind of put out. I walked Jake out to his car.

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 4

I knew that there would be no time to talk to Jake tomorrow about my conservation with Alice, so I decided to get on my computer and send him an e-mail about it. I wrote:Jake,Alice suspects that you are gay. She said she found gay porn on your pc. I think she's out to cause trouble for you. Please be careful as her brother I know what she's capable of. I love you, Nick.Within minutes I

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 5

I was getting pretty excited for the end of the week. I had a swim meet Friday evening, then I was going to spend the weekend with Jake. Jake's dad Bill discovered that Jake and I were seeing each other and he and Jake's mother were cool with it. There was just the factor of Alice and if Jake had to worry about Alice making his life miserable for the rest of the school year and then on into the

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 6

I woke up on Saturday morning and Jake was laying next to me. I was spending the weekend at Jake's house. I was extremely horny my cock was rock hard. Jake was still sleeping. I put my arm around him and reached under the covers and started jerking his cock. I started kissing his neck. Jake stirred a little and his cock was fully hard now. I started rubbing my cock on his hole. Jake turned his

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 7

I woke up Sunday morning with Jake on my lap. My cock was hard and Jake was rubbing it against his. I was spending the weekend with Jake at his place, and his parents left to be with Jake's grandparents since Jake's grandmother was having surgery, so Jake and I had the place to ourselves. So we were both gay teenagers(which means we were walking horndogs), alone, and in love so that meant that

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 8

When I got home from school on Monday I saw a strange car sitting in front of the house. There was no swim practice that day so I was hoping to be able to get a little nap in. Jake and his parents were going out for the evening so I thought a little time to myself wouldn't hurt. The car in front of the house looked familiar. Though it could be anybody's car, just the same make and model. I

Stealing my Sister's boyfriend, part 9

I was in my English class the next day when I got called to the principal's office. When I got to the principal's office my father, Jake's parents and Jake were there. The principal Mrs. Shelly was sitting behind her desk.

Stealing my sister's boyfriend.

It's been years now since Jake and I came out to our families. I created quite a stir in our conservative hometown. While our families didn't reject us(in fact when we came out they were quite accepting) we knew that because of our sexuality we could never live in that town again. It was fun seeing the look on my bitch of a sister's face when Jake told her that he had dumped her to be with me.

The Farmer's Son

I had finished college. I was looking to go back for my masters degree, but I wanted to take a year off. I also wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, so I took a job as a farm hand for a year. Tom Jamison the owner of the farm was showing me around the farm, and going over things I would be doing. Helping with the harvest, tending to the animals and such. He then showed me to

The Farmer's Son part 2

Tyler and I were a couple now. He were working on his father's farm. When his father would come to talk to us, it was always about the work that needed to be done. He never acknowledged Tyler as his son. I could always see the disappointment in Tyler's face by this. I guess Tyler felt that his father would eventually accept the fact that he's gay.

The Farmer's Son Part 3

I woke up. The sun was out. At first I freaked and thought that Tyler and I didn't set the alarm, as we would be late to start our work. Then I remembered it was our day off. I then remember today was the day that Tyler and I would have our

The Farmer's Son part 4

The next morning Tyler and I got up early to start our work. It started out like nothing other than any ordinary day. We helped with the milking of the cows, fed the animals, and whatever other chores that were assigned to us. We were working on our last bit of work for the day which was cleaning one of the barns. We were finishing up and putting away the tools we worked with when we heard

The Farmer's Son part 5

I woke up the next morning. The sun was out. I freaked at first thinking that I was late for my work on the farm. I looked around. The room was different. Then it came back to me. The events of the previous day. Of Trevor's rock attack on Tyler, or Anne finding Tom's father's missing will. Tyler and I were no longer in a cabin on the farm, but in the main house.I looked next to me Tyler was

The Farmer's Son, part 10

I had Tyler's pants down. His dick was in my mouth. I was bobbing on it. Sucking on it for dear life. I could hear Tyler giving out soft moans. My hands were on his ass rubbing his asscheeks. I kept bobbing on his cock deep throating it. Then I heard him say.

The Farmer's Son, part 11

Tyler and I woke up together the next morning. We woke up in exactly the same positions we fell asleep the previous night. With Tyler's arm around me. My ass was sore. I took a pounding from Chip, and after we got home Tyler ravaged my ass. I didn't have to be at the office until later, so I thought a little more fun for Tyler and me was in store. I started kissing Tyler, he and I making out. I

The Farmer's Son, Part 12

Friday came. At breakfast Anne asked Tyler and me.

The Farmer's Son, Part 13

After Chip told me he loved me I got up and out of bed. I grabbed my pants and underwear and started putting them back on.

The Farmer's Son, part 14

I woke up with Tyler kissing the back of my neck the next morning. I felt something moving slowly inside me. I realised that Tyler was fucking me while I slept. For a moment I wondered if this was the first time he ever did it. I felt his kisses on my neck and I moan softly. I felt his cock moving slowly in my ass. It felt good. I wasn't ready to let him in on the fact that I was awake, so I just

The Farmer's Son, Part 15

I woke up with Tyler the next day. I had to go to the office. I spent sometime at the office working on payroll. Once I finished at the office I met Tyler for lunch, After lunch we went back to our room, and started getting dressed to go swimming. I just put on a normal pair of swimming trunks. Tyler came out wearing a red pair of speedos. My cock was already starting to get hard. I walked up to

The Farmer's Son, Part 16

The next morning I got out of bed. I took a shower, got dressed, and headed for the office. I finished payroll that morning. I went back to the main house for lunch and found Tyler there waiting for me. We had the house to ourselves. Trevor had finally left to go camping with Barry's family. I wondered if Barry's parents knew about Trevor and Barry. I had no idea if Anne talked with them about

The Farmer's Son, Part 17

Tyler and I were all packed and ready to go. We were going to Buffolo for the weekend with Ben. Ben had the excuse that he wanted to give us a bacholer's part to Anne. Since Tyler and I became engaged Anne had been looking around Boston for a nice place to hold our wedding.Tyler and I didn't care if it was a big ceremony, or if it was just the two of us in front of a judge. Anne however was

The Farmer's Son, Part 18

Tyler and I were in a hotel room. We were naked making out. It was the night before our wedding. Anne had a lavish ceremony set up at a nice club in Boston. Then she had us going to Venice for our honeymoon. Ben was my best man, and to my surprise Trevor was Tyler's best man.I was in position on my back and Tyler on top of me. I felt him push himself inside me. I fucked me real hardcore

The Farmer's Son, part 6

I woke up one Saturday morning. I didn't have to go down to the office because it was Saturday. I felt something on the back of my neck. It was Tyler. He was kissing the back of my neck. Tyler and mine's sex life took an amazing upswing recently. We were having sex at least five times a day now. Where when we were farm hands it was only when we weren't too tired out from work. Now we were doing

The Farmer's Son, part 7

Tyler and I got off the plane and got our luggage. I was feeling quite a sense of dred. I was going to visit my family. Part of me was saying to myself, why did I agree to this. Tonight my sisters and their kids, and myself will have our Christmas dinner with our mother. Tomorrow we will visit with our father as well his his siblings and their kids, and their kids' kids. I just wanted to get back

The Farmer's Son, part 8

Winter went by farily quickly. I spent most of the winter doing the farm's taxes. Spring came and with it the nice weather. Tyler and I would often take walks around the farm. He and I both knew that it was getting ever closer to when he and I would have to go back to school. While we were both going to the same school we were deciding on weather or not to live together, or just to stay at the

The Farmer's Son, part 9

I was woken by something, I was in a deep sleep. I heard someone screaming. I woke up and the person screaming was Tyler. He was obviouly having a nightmare.

The Freshman, Part 3

I woke up the next morning my arm around Caleb and looked up seeing Steven getting dressed.

The Freshman, part 7

Caleb's point of viewI woke up Labor Day morning. The sun was coming through the window and I looked next to me and Nick was still sleeping peacefully. I was rock hard and needed to get off bad. I went over to Nick and started licking his nipples lightly and I reached under and felt his rock hard cock. I simply kiss down kissed down his body and started kissing and licking his cock and I then

The Freshmen, part 2

The week went by rather slowly. The only time I saw Caleb before Friday was for the Music Cultures class that we were in together. Though after the class he and I snuck into the bathroom and got into a stall where I gave him a blow job. Friday night seemed to take forever to arrive. Caleb and I texted each other throughout the week and agreed that on Friday night we'd go out for dinner and he'd

The Freshmen, Part 4

I looked at Caleb after waking him from his nightmare and he told me he has to tell me about his family. I moved around and sat up and turned on the light. Caleb sat up in bed as well. Looking at the clock it was 5 am still dark out but soon the sun would be coming up. Caleb took a deep breath and said.

The Freshmen, part 5

Caleb's point of view:How long have I been in this place? A year? Two? I don't even know how long it's been nor exactly where it is located. My parents found out that I was gay and sent me to a place to be

The Freshmen, part 6

Caleb's point of view:I woke up first the next morning. Nick was laying beside me sleeping peacefully. I slipped out of bed and got dressed and went to the bathroom. After I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and found a package of bacon and some eggs. I looked in the cupboards and found a loaf of bred. Eggs bacon and toast for breakfast sounded nice. It had been a couple of years

The Freshmen, Part 8

Caleb's point of view:A few months had passed and I was in the thick of classes. OSU managed to get me enrolled for the fall semester and I was spending most of my time studying or going to class. Nick didn't seem to mind, as he was busy with his work. As a teacher Nick often brought work home with him, papers to grade, updating his gradebook, and making lesson plans. Nick and I had the

The freshmen.

My senior year finally. After three years of having to be up late studying and working on projects and the like I was finally in sight of the finish line. I was excited especially when I saw the dorm arrangements and saw that for my final year that I would have a room to myself. I was over the moon at finally being able to focus on getting through the next 8-9 months and being able to graduate.

The Geek And The God, Part 1

It's been about nine years now when my Nicky and I got together. It's amazing that after nine years Nicky and I are still together and still very much in love with each other. It started when I was in high school. I was the caption of the football team and the wrestling team. I was king shit. I could have any girl that I wanted. Nobody knew that I was not into the girls but into the guys. I would

The Geek And The God, Part 2

It had been about a year since Nicky and I got together. We were spending just about every moment we could find with each other. Considering that I was a jock and had a pretty full after school schedule and that took a lot of time. Sometimes I just wanted to quit sports so I could spend some more time with my Nicky, but Nicky would hear of it. My friends were always trying to hook me up

The Geek and the God, Part 3

The alarm clock went off. I groaned, and reached over to turn it off. Beside me Nick was sitting up on his elbows. "Good morning." Nicky said. "Good morning babe." I said and I leaned over and kissed him. We kissed for mineutes. I was hard having morning wood. I would usally take care of my morning wood by a good masturbation session, of course with Nicky on my mind. This morning was

The Geek and The God, Part 4

I woke up in my hospital bed the next morning. Nicky still had his arms around me. My cock was hard, but I couldn't do anything about it now with Nicky or by myself. What if a nurse walked in? I rested in Nicky's arms, never wanted those arms to get away from me. I laid like that for a little while until Nicky woke up. When he woke up we started kissing. I stopped the kissing and said. "We can't

The Geek and the God, Part 5

I was resting my head on my husband Nicky's shoulder as we were on the plane. Nicky and I were due to start college in a few weeks. Nicky's uncle Jack set us up on a campus apartment with another gay couple. Nicky was staring out the window as the skyline of Columbus, Ohio came into view. Uncle Jack would be flying in later in the afternoon to see that we got set up. The plane landed. Nicky

The Mechanic

It was nearing 6pm almost time for the garage to close. I was the closing mechanic and was kind of glad when all the other mechanic's left for the day, I tire of hearing about the other mechanics sex lives with their wives and girlfriends when my own wife has refused to touch my dick in years. In fact my wife and I are only married in name only and we have an "agreement" where we can fuck

The One that was always there.

I was sitting at home on a Saturday evening. Nothing going on. I was thinking of messaging one of the guys that I normally hook up with when the knock came at the door. I got up to answer it and there stood Brysen. Brysen was a friend who well we started out by just hooking up. It was my freshmen year of college that I met Brysen. Early in the year I found myself quite horny all the time.

The One that was always there. Part 2

I sat there stunned. Brysen who had I had a friends with benefits relationship for years had come to stay with me after his girlfriend broke up with him. Of course we fucked. We were seated at the kitchen table having breakfast. Brysen mentioned that I would be turning thirty the following month and that we should get married. "Get married?" I asked. "You don't remember?" Brysen

The One that was always there. Part 3

I woke up. I remembered the night before when Brysen and I agreed to get married finally after so many years of hooking up admitting our love for each other. I looked over and Brysen wasn't in bed. I remembered that it was Monday and Brysen and I both had to work. Brysen was a plumber, and I worked in an office. I got out of bed and heard the shower going in the bathroom. I walked into

The One that was always there. Part 4

It had been a couple of days since I had proposed to Brysen. We have yet to discuss any wedding plans. The truth was I was never into big weddings. I always thought that simply going to the courthouse and having it done there was better. I'd rather save the money on the actual marriage. Maybe have money for a down payment on a house or maybe use that money for a nice honeymoon. I wasn't

The One that was always there. Part 5

It was Saturday afternoon and Brysen and I were in bed engaged in a kiss. I was on top of Brysen my arms tight around him. Brysen was naked and I was only wearing a pair of briefs. Brysen's hands moved down my sides and he slid down my briefs. My cock sprang out and I shimmied out of them letting them hit the floor. Brysen then reaches over to the nightstand and grabs a bottle of lube. He

The One that was always there. Part 6

I woke up on Saturday morning to find Brysen just sitting up in bed. It wasn't out of the ordinary for Brysen to wake up before me. He normally wakes up before me, but he normally gets out of bed and makes breakfast. I sat up next to him and asked. "Is something wrong?" Brysen looked at me. "Am I good enough for you?" "What do you mean by that?" I asked puzzled. "You have a

Tired of Hookups

I was a senior in high school and I was tired of just sex. Tom had just came inside me and he turned over and went to sleep. I had half wanted to get dressed and go home. The only thing that kept me there was that if I were to be picked up by the cops on my way home that I could be picked up for breaking curfew. Tom lived in a different town and was on a rival football team. He and I placed a

What about your girlfriend?

I met Grant while I was in college. We worked together as pizza delivery drivers while working on getting our degrees. He and I immediately clicked. We both liked football, working out and smoking weed. He was handsome standing about 6 foot with brown hair and blue eyes, he was built with nice biceps and a six pack. If I ever had a sexual attraction to him then it was only momentarily as

Younger lover

I normally don't go for guys younger than me. I am not too big on the younger generation. Yes, at the start of this I did accept a position teaching Spanish in a high school. My interest in young people was simply to educate them, to see them grow in their knowledge and get them out in the world. I don't go for older guys as well as the thought of being with a guy who is old enough to be my

Younger Lover, part 2

I woke up the next morning at around 8 am. Normally when I get up for a morning run it's much earlier, however since I was doing an evening run I normally sleep in. I went to the kitchen and made some coffee and a bowl of cereal and was eating the cereal when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there was Sean wearing only a bathrobe.


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