Gay Erotic Stories

The Conquest of a Straight Man

by Funandbold
13 Jan 2017

Arm Pits Fetish Gay Erotic Stories Hairy Leather HOT Action Muscle On The Job Sexual Encounters Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex Surprise Tales From The Workplace

I was sitting behind the huge glass and steel desk in my new office. The building was finished less than a year ago...designed exactly the way I wanted it, impeccable decorations and furnishing, it was the statement that I have wanted to make for the past 10 years. The building is gorgeous, the architect had come up with a design that was elegant and understated, but impressive at the same time.

I actually lifted my hands from my head sitting dressed in custom tailored Armani from head to toe, yes I paid $250 for my haircuts and I won't even mention the price of manicures and pedicures, I was impeccable from head to toe, and now today everything I owned and had worked so hard for since the age of 19 was hanging by a thread! For the first time in my 15 year career, I had no idea what the hell to do to save it all.

What brought my head up from being cradled in my hands was the roar of a motorcycle, a Harley I was certain before I even turned to look out the floor to ceiling windows, that were not only custom cut glass they were also solar collectors! Expensive, hell yes, worth it, fuck yes...all cutting edge.

I turned my chair around and watched a very tall, very fit man of about 6'3” get off the bike, take off his helmet and store it in a locking saddlebag. He was decked out in black leather from head to toe. The first thing I noticed as he raised up, and raised his right leg high to clear the bike was the size of his black boots, they were huge, must have been 14 or 15's easy! The next thing I noticed were the broad shoulders and wide chest, that seemed to explode from a tiny waist that looked almost too small for an adult male.

I was really watching this creature now, and not only because it was 7:30 a.m., and my office didn't open until 9:00 a.m., but because of this man's amazing form. He started to take a step away from the bike, then stopped...left foot about was boot length in front of the right and twisted his body sharply to grab the keys from the Harley. That pose is still etched in my mind!

He stood a minimum of 6”3”, with probably a 30” waist, at least a 46 if not 48” chest, shoulders that only complimented his chest, and biceps that had to hit close to 18”. The skin tight leather went from his chin to his toes, and the black leather pants appeared to be painted on, and just highlighted a butt that any black man would be jealous of, not to mention his thighs looked as if he was a soccer player.

I watched him walk as far as I could toward the main entrance, he had a very deliberate way of walking that seemed to just show off and highlight his amazing build. Then because of landscaping and the design of the building I lost sight of him, but laughed to myself knowing that there was no way he was getting in until 9:00 a.m., I couldn't figure out what he wanted this early in the morning anyway.

I was surprised when a few minutes later my phone rang, and it said “Security Emergency Call”! This was very unusual as there were only a very few people who had the access codes to disturb me before the offices were open, and most of them also had my cell number and would have called that instead of going through the hassle that had been set up to protect my private time when I was at the building working before or after office hours. On the 3rd ring I finally punched the button on my desk phone to answer the call and heard, “Mr Collins, this is Alexander Harvard Bedford III, I need to speak with you on some urgent matters, please buzz me in!”

“Sorry Mr. Alexander Harvard Bedford III, you will need to contact my staff and make an appointment, I am working on some very important business matters and cannot be disturbed, call back at 9:00 a.m., thank yo....” “Mr. Collins, I KNOW what you are working on, you are trying to keep your company from dying a painful death like a gutted fish flopping around on a fishing dock! I can help you!”

I paused before I spoke, “I highly doubt that Mr. Bedford, good day!”

Before I could hang up he said, “You will never know if you don't listen to what I say, and when your company and this huge deal you have put together are a thing of the past, you will always wonder if I could have changed things!”

“I started to give him directions to my office before buzzing him in, and he said, “Mr. Collins, I know where your office is!” I hit the remote switch for emergency entrance to the building.

I watched on the monitor as he made his way to my office taking long confident strides. I hadn't closed the doors when I entered earlier so he just stepped in and introduced himself again. I was kind of taken back by the look of this man he would remind you of the old romance novel hero Fabio, only more masculine! Tall, chiseled features, a thick hairy chest showing from the opening at the top of his vest, and as I made my way down his leather clad body, I was amazed again at the broad shoulders, thick chest, tiny waist, bulging arms and thighs, and something I hadn't noticed on the camera outside was a huge bulge! He closed and locked the door to my office.

It looked obscene, hell his entire outfit was obscene! This guy was close to my age, probably early 30's all decked out in leather that looked as if it had been painted on! Sure he has a great body, but did he “have” to dress like that, the leather was so tight it almost looked like spandex, I had no idea who this man was, how he know about my situation, and how he thought he could fix it!

He stood there introducing himself again, while slowly pulling down the zipper on his leathers, in the process he was exposing a very tan, very thick hairy chest. I stood up and walked around my desk and he made certain to let me know that he was scanning my body also, it was a strange meet, and the vibes were all weird.

Now I'm not built anything like him, but I am a damn good looking man, I make time for the gym 4-5 times a week, I have a chest and abs, and like most men wish my biceps were larger, but all in all a pretty damn good package, but I don't feel the need to put myself on display like him.

We shook hands and his shake was a little too firm, but I gave it back, and he smiled and said, “May I sit and explain to you why I'm here?”

“Sure Mr. Bedford, have a seat, I don't have much time, but let's hear what you have to say.”

He took a seat and I returned to my chair behind my desk. When I sat down, I realized he had unzipped now to his waist! He saw me look and commented, “Well Mr. Collins, apparently your HVAC system isn't set to compensate for your earlier mornings, that would be easy to change, but since it's a bit warm in here, sorry, I need to open up here a bit, the leather can cause a personal sauna!”

“Make yourself comfortable, we are the only ones in the building for about another hour.”

“Great!” And with that he leaned forward and peeled off the jacket, and dropped it on the chair next to him!

Again, I was very surprised, but what the hell, I had given him permission.

It was difficult to concentrate on the next few things he said, and I was taking in one of the most spectacular bodies I'd ever seen!

He saw my checking him out and smiled and said, “I hope this doesn't bother you, but it is really warm in here, you must be a bit uncomfortable too!”

I assured him I was fine and asked him again why he was here.

“Alright Mr. Collins, let's get right to it! You have managed to put together one of the most remarkable deals I've ever seen, something that when completed will generate an amazing amount of profit and income for you and several of the other corporations you have involved in this, is that correct?”

“Yes, but how do you know...”

“Please Mr. Collins, let me get through what I have to say, and then we can discuss this!”

“Okay, sorry for interrupting!”

“So as I said, I have studied your deal, and it is totally legal, totally above board, and an amazing concept and I realize it took a lot of work to put together a deal of this sort, and you have leveraged “everything” you have, and a lot of the funds you are controlling to put this deal through, with very little chance of failure, bravo!”


“Let me finish Mr. Collins...however, there was only one factor that you did not take into consideration, and that is your wife filing for divorce and demanding an immediate and total pay back of the funds belonging to her that you used to help put your deal together, you have leveraged everything you could get your hands on, and pulling her funds out of the deal would cause an immediate collapse. It will cost you and several others major losses!”

“How the hell do you know all of this?” “Let me finish Mr. Collins! When that happens, it will appear that you have put together a Ponzi scheme of epic proportions, and not only will you loose everything, you will most certainly end up in prison, for a very, very, very long time!”

I was seething, almost panting, not only because everything he said was true, that somehow he had found out about things, that almost no one on this planet knew about!

Also he continued, “Even if you “somehow” which I'm almost certain you won't avoid prison, you and your reputation will be ruined, you wouldn't even be able to buy a McDonalds franchise much less put together an type of an investment deal, at the age of 32 you will be totally ruined, and the press “never” let's the public forget something like this!”

The scent of a gym locker room combined with the scent of leather was starting to permeate my office, I noticed Mr. Bedford occasionally running his hand over his abs and massive hairy chest, now as he was talking he was also kind of rubbing his massive bulge, as if this was all turning him on, and his eyes felt as if they were piercing my soul!

I could feel my face getting red, my body was hot, I was starting to sweat, and I lost my cool and just blurted out, “How the fuck do you know all of this?”

“Calm down Mr. Collins!” He smiled and rubbed his bulge again! “My father and grandfather own one of the corporations that you pulled into this deal!”

He was sitting there with his muscular legs spread wide, groped his crotch one more time, leaned back, pushing his crotch closer to the edge of the seat, and then raised his arms and put his hands behind his head!

“Well that would give you some information, how the hell do you know about the battle I'm having with my wife? How the hell do you know about how I put the money together, I worked very hard to move funds from corporation to corporation, to protect those involved, it is almost impossible to see where the funds came from, I did that to protect my investors!”

With his arms raised, the scent of him, his maleness was almost rushing to my nostrals, it was kind of heady and overpowering mixed with the scent of leather!

“Yes, and you did an amazing job, I have to give you kudos on that, and that is one of the reasons that I think this deal will work well if you don't have to liquidate!”

“How did you get access to the information on the funding? I was again seething, almost panting and sweating. I had worked for years to figure out the process I had used!

He removed one hand from the back of his head and actually ran it through his armpit, and whiffed it as he slid the other down his hairy, muscled torso and gave his bulge another tug!

“Your wife gave me the codes and access I needed to review your work!”

“What, why the fuck would she do that?” I stood up with my fists doubled, and leaned across the desk at him, that only made him smile more and actually push his now humongous bulge farther out and more toward me!

“Mr. Collins, please calm down, at the very least you are going to ruin, what is probably a $300.00 shirt, and I really don't want you to have a stroke either!”

On some level I realized he was right, I hated to allow him any control in this situation, but I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, then looked at him again, now with one hand insert into the waist of his leather pants, and the other again, behind his head, I said, “Okay buddy, tell me what the fuck is going on here!”

Again I receive a big wide smile, “You're a smart man Mr. Collins, I thought you would have this figured out by now, I'm the man your wife is leaving you for!”

I leapt out of my chair and came around the desk, “I am going the beat the living fuck out of you!”

He didn't even flinch, he just stayed in the position he was in and said, “Well Mr. Collins, there are two things about that you should consider, before you try, first is that it would really hurt your chances of me helping you, and second I'm rather certain that you can't!”

With that he stood up about two feet away from me. He towered over me by about 6”, and I got to see up close the muscaleture of his body, and figured he was probably right. He actually took another step toward me, almost touching and the scent coming off his body was amazing! In most cases the sweaty odor of a man was almost repulsive to me, but either his scent, or his scent mixed with leather triggered something in me.

“I'm not here to harm you in any way, I have kind of caused the situation you have with your wife demanding you liquidate her funds and return them to her, by causing her to leave you, and I won't be personally harmed, but a couple of people I know have investments in some of the corporations involved in your deal and I don't want them hurt. But mainly I just want to control you for a while!”

We were still standing almost toe to toe, when I said, “What!!?”

He smiled again, and stepped back a bit and then sat back down in the chair, again with the wide spread legs showing off his huge bulge. “Sit down Mr. Collins, let me explain some things to you, and I think you'll see things my way, and want to cooperate with me to save your deal and your future!”

“Mr. Collins I was born into great wealth and opulence, and even at a young age I became bored of regular life very easily. Over the years I watch my father and grandfather take their great wealth and make it greater, I found that very facinating, but as I got older I realized that during that process, they controlled people. Not usually harming them in anyway, but the people they dealt with ended up doing some things they would have probably preferred not to do, to get what they wanted, and they would usually obtain some wealth themselves in the process, and by the time I was a young teen watching this happen gave me some kind of sexual thrill, a fetish so to speak.

Over the years this process has evolved into something that give me great pleasure, doesn't really harm anyone, and when it's over the person I've controlled looks at life a little differently, and usually comes out the other end with some amount of wealth that he wouldn't of otherwise obtained.

“I don't understand this, unless you are telling me that this is a game you play with real people, and you somehow get sexual jollies from it?”

“Well yes, that is a very simplified version!”

“And you think I have nothing better to do, than to be some pawn in a game you’re playing, so you can get off?”

“Oh no Mr. Collins, it is much more than that, and remember, I am probably the only hope you have of holding this deal together, and keeping you out of trouble with the law, and actually making you one of the wealthiest men in the country who will be sought after by many to help them increase their own wealth.”

“Okay Mr. Collins just how to you expect to be able to hold this deal together and get my wife to back off until I can complete the deal?”

“Well Mr. Collins, not to rub it in your face,” he grabbed the big bulge in his leather pants and said, “I am sleeping with your wife!”

Although it infuriated me to no end, I had to follow his hand to his crotch and see a hugely thick tube of what looked like a cock that belonged on a farm animal down the leg of his tight pants.

“I shook my head and almost had to laugh and was surprised to hear myself say, and just how would you control me, what would I have to do?”

For the 1st time I saw what I figured was a really genuine smile on his face, and he knew I was actually considering whatever it was he wanted to do!

Still smiling like he had just won the lottery he said, “Well for starters you'll suck my cock!”

I had been leaning against the front of my desk during this exchange and I was overtaken by anger and this time I did lunge at him. I couldn't believe how quickly he moved I almost didn't see it happen, and his booted foot came up and I massed my own balls against it trying to get to him! Suddenly I was on the floor rolling in agony, trying to catch my breath and cussing!

As soon as the pain subsided to about 50% I started trying to get up, and without having to do much to change his position one booted foot came down on my throat and the other landed on my crotch. It took me a minute to realize that he wasn't going to kill or hurt me, he was just securing my position.

Mr. Bedford began talking in a very calm voice after my hollering about how I was going to kill him, about how I'm not a cocksucker, and about how I'm not gay tapered off.

“Here how this works Mr. Collins. When I target a man to control, he always has to be very good looking, well groomed, somewhat buff and very successful, otherwise I don't get the thrill out of controlling him! Yes I realize that most people would look at what I enjoy doing as more then a little wrong, but I just can't help myself and although you may not see it now, when this is over I guarantee you, that you will come out the other side of this a better person, you will look at some thing differently, but you will be a better person, and you will like I said, be one of the wealthiest and most sought after financial handlers in the country, if not the world!”

With his boot on my throat I had a difficult time talking, and he said again, “Let me finish what I have to say, and then we can discuss this, but I am fairly thorough and you probably won't have many questions!”

I will admit that your case was a little different to start with, and your motivations are different than others, with much stronger consequences if you decide not to cooperate, but it will all turn out the same. You will be my cocksucker, my boytoy, my sexual slave, my bitch so to speak. You will have to perform acts, submit, and pleasure me in many ways, and although you probably won't believe it now, you will actually enjoy and get some amount of pleasure from these acts, that will depend on how much you submit and allow yourself to enjoy the acts that you preform. Seriously the worst thing I'm going to do to you is to help you enjoy doing some things that you previously were certain that you didn't want to do.

Also, as I have told you, I am a man of my word, and when this is over, it's over, no one besides you and I will ever know anything about it, it will all be totally private, I give you my word on that!

After that he had released some of the pressure on my throat and crotch, but he assured me the pressure would return with a vengence if I decided to do something stupid, but that I was allowed to ask any questions I wanted or needed to ask. “So great, my wife was stolen away from me, and turned against me by some deranged faggot!”

This was the first time I actually saw him laugh! “Oh I get that all the time, narrow minded people always want to label themselves and others, I don't view things that way. I'm not a homosexual, I'm not bisexual and I'm not hetrosexual, I'm just sexual!”

So here is the deal, if you agree to be my cocksucker and sex slave for the thirty days between now and when your big deal is finished, I will make certain that your wife withdraws her liquidation order until the deal is closed even if it takes over 30 days!'

I started to say something and he stopped me again! “Think about this Mr. Collins, suck my cock right now and be my sex slave, well actually bitch for 30 days, and at the end of it no one ever knows about it, and you become one of the richest men in the world, or you refuse and loose everything you have and go to prison to probably be a group of mens bitch for the rest of your life, I only see one reasonable choice for you here, and Mr. Collins, it's a good one!

“But I'm NOT a cocksucker, and I'm NOT gay!”

That's the beauty of it Mr. Collins, I would have absolutely no interest in you if you were gay, or had had sex with other men, you should be glad you're straight and haven't played around with guys, or this offer wouldn't be here.

I just groaned.

“Think about it this way Mr. Collins, if I told you that I could and would make all the problems of your deal go away, if you would just suck on my finger, and let me slide it in and out of your butt for a wouldn't want to, but you'd probably do it, right, no be honest!?”

“Well doctors have already done both of those things to me before, so yeah, probably.”

“Mr. Collins, my finger is just an appendage connected to my body, so is my cock, think on those terms.”

“There's a huge difference here and you know it!”

“Yes, and most of those differences and the feelings you have about them are other people's sexual hang ups! I don't have any of those hang up, and you don't have to have them either, to be filthy rich and kind of the King of the World, all you have to do is change your thinking a bit! In ancient times almost all men had sex with each other on some level.”

I groaned again.

I'm going to give you one other way to look at this Mr. Collins, and then you need to make a very important decision, about your life, the lives of others, and a huge shit pile of money. Being my sex slave/boytoy/bitch, gets you a couple of hundred million a day, so even if you feel the need to look at yourself as a hooker, you would be the highest paid hooker in the history of the world!

He had a 'really” big smile on his face when he said, that, but it didn't make me feel one bit better about what he wanted me to do. I only had to think about it for about 5 seconds to realize the consequences of NOT doing what he wanted to deep inside KNOW that I was going to have to do it! Then I had a thought, “How do I know you can get this done, and how do I know that you will actually do it?”

I could tell he was “really” happy with my question, as that pretty much told him I was about ready to agree. He just reached to the side of his chair and opened a very expensive leather case and pulled out a document that rescinded my wife's liqudation order, all it needed was his signature as her financial advisor.

Once you agree and give me your word I will sign it and fax it to my office and the liquidation will stop immediately. But be certain to read the resicintion clause, I can reverse this order at any time, if you don't show up at an appointed time, if you tell me no about anything sexual I want you to do, or even if you give a lifeless performance, I want you to perform for me like you're the best pornstar in the world, world class performance, do you understand!

I nodded my head the best that I could!

I was pretty certain that I was going to agree to what he wanted, but damn I hated to admit it even to myself, much less him, but since about 9:00 a.m. Yesterday I had seen not an even remote chance of a way out of this! Now I was being offered an option, not one I wanted, but it was more than I had to work with until this moment!

“Mr. Collins, I am going to make this easy on you, usually I make a man unzip my pants and fish my cock and balls out, but seeing that these leathers are skin tight and it would take a lot of effort, I'm going to take them off, and when I'm finished I'm going to stand over you, then all you have to do is get up on your knees and take my cock, that will seal our deal, and I will sign and fax the reversal contract, then you will be mine and serving all my sexual need for the next 30 days and your super deal will progress exactly as you planned.

With that he took his boots off of my throat and my crotch, and proceeded to remove them, then he unzipped and worked his tight leather pants down his muscular thighs and soon they were off. The scent of leather and sweaty man permeated the air! “Okay Mr. Collins, you have 15 seconds to have your mouth on my cock, you don't have to immediately suck it since I know you haven't done that before, but you must start kissing it, then within 30 seconds you must start licking it, and then within another minute, you must take the uncut head into your mouth. Time starts now, my cock or prison!

I'm guessing if he hadn't mentioned prison again, even though I knew it was a very real possibility if I had to liquidate enough to pay off my wife, I just didn't WANT to do this! I quickly sat up, looked up at his deep blue shining eyes and started to reach for his huge uncut cock, he nodded at me and for the first time in my life I touched another man's cock. It was hardedning and thickening by the second! He said, “First, just kiss it! Four seconds left!”

This time I didn't hesitate, I leaned my face in and pressed my lips against his massive cock! Fuck I thought, what am I doing...then I thought I HAVE to do this!

I remembered he said I had to act like I was enjoying it or he would renig and even rescind the reversal, so I looked up at him and smiled, I figure I must have looked like a serial killer!

He smiled warmly again and said, “Come on now Collins, just take a deep breath and start licking my cock from the base to the head, you know you can do it!”

I immediately started licking the shaft of his cock as I figured my time was about up, but it wasn't lost on me that this was the first time he had NOT called me Mr.!

He laughed and said, “Come on Collins, you can't be on your knees licking my big sweaty uncut cock and expect me to call you Mister!” “Ouch!” Well I guess I knew where this was going to lead, or at least I thought I did!

“Okay Collins it's time to get this big cock in your mouth where you can actually suck it! Now I don't expect you to deep throat it the very first time, but soon I will, this time, let's just see how much you can take without gagging!”

I knew I had to do as he said, and for the first time in my life I had a cock in my mouth, it was huge and getting longer and thicker by the second! Actually it wasn't horrible like I had imagined it, but of course I did not want to be doing this at all, Bedford moaned as I took the thick head through my lips and it touched my wet tongue!

“That's it Collins, just let as much cock slide into your mouth as you can comfortably take, watch your teeth, run your tongue around, and then slowly slide your mouth back to the head applying some suction while working your tongue all around.” It was a lot of interesting texture, the soft skin and steel hardness underneath.

I noticed so many things at the same time, the salty sweetness of his cock, the huge increase of manscent mixed with leather, that was kind of intoxicating, and as I slid back to the tip using suction, my tongue was immediately coated in slick salty sweet precum, that amazingly I didn't hate!

I had closed my eyes trying to get myself into a zone or a frame of mind to NOT think about what I was doing, when I heard him say, “Keep your eyes open boy, look up here at me, I want to see your eyes!”

I looked up at him just in time for him to take off the skull cap he was wearing and watched as he shook his head a long blonde shoulder length hair tumbled down and framed his handsome face. He smiled down at me and said, “Okay boy, you're doing well keeping your teeth off my cock, now let's see how much of it you can get into your mouth without gagging!”

I nodded at him still holding eye contact and I slid forward until I felt the thick head against my throat opening. I slid back to the tip and received more of his silky sweet precum, I realized that beside enjoying the taste, I liked the silky texture. He said that was good, let's see if we can improve that, then I felt his hand on the back of my head pulling me in pushing more of his cock into my mouth. Just as it grazed my gag reflex he backed off again, but not before tears welled up in my eyes and one ran down each cheek.

“Ahh, your first cocksucker tears, that looks so sexy on your handsome face!”

As he slid and back a bit of drool trickled out of my mouth and he smiled and said, “You had better take off that shirt and tie, you don't want to walk around with all day with spit and precum stains on you!”

I moved my head back off of his cock and started to get up and he stopped me, “No just keep sucking, you can undress with my cock in your mouth!”

I put his cock back in my mouth and took off my tie still sucking him, then as I started unbuttoning my shirt, I felt his hands take my head and start slowly fucking in and out of my mouth. His cock would hit the back of my throat and cause more tears and then more spit, I was hurrying to get my shirt off as things were starting to get wet.

He was lowly moaning, and his cock reached a thickness and hardness unlike before and I figured he had finally reached full hardness and capacity, this was a HUGE cock. I figured, just my luck, I'm going to have to suck a cock and it has to be one of the biggest around.

As I was taking off my shirt, I was also looking up at him and he was slowly sliding his big cock in and out of my mouth. Slowly he was increasing the speed and the depth of penetration, just slightly hitting the back of my throat with a little more force. He assured me that he would train me to deep throat him, but I had serious doubts!

I was also glad he told me to take off my shirt as now tears and drool were running freely. The huge cock banging against the back of my throat kept me just or the verge of gagging, but not quite, he was good at what he did. Soon my drool was running down my stomach and I started to wipe it, he just said, “No!”

With that he pulled his cock from my mouth, bent over and put his hand in my armpits and helped me up! “You've got to get rid of those pants boy, you're going to distroy them!”

We were as close to being eye to eye as we could be with my height of 5'11” and his height of 6'3”, his long blonde hair was gorgeous and I was jealous of his hairy chest. I have a nice body, but not ripped abs, a bit of body hair, a tight stomach and decent chest and arms, I realize that some of his body was purely genetics, but a lot of it had come for a lot of hard work outs.

I was standing there in a pair of Zimmerli Handmade silk boxers and hoped he didn't make me take them off, because although I had never had any problem or embarrasment over my thick 7.5” cock there was a huge difference between my soft cock and his throbbing and thick at least 10” cock!

“You have a nice body boy, go ahead back down on your knees and let's get back at it!”

This was all so surreal, here I was a powerful business man taking orders from someone younger than me and those orders included me sucking his cock, and more. I got down on my knees again and he looked down and smiled at me, and told me to keep my eyes up and start licking again to get it all wet!

“That's it, start at the base and lick to the head...while you’re at the base, inhale the scent from my bush, it will fuel your desires toward me!”

Wow, fuel my desires? What the hell did that mean, did I have desires toward him, I hadn't put up any fight this time, I had just dropped to my knees and took his cock, he didn't even threaten me this time. I did have to admit that it wasn't the god awful thing that I thought it would be, I didn't want to do it, but to save close to a billion dollar deal, I guess worse things could have happened. Then he told me to open wide and take it into my mouth again, that brought me back to reality again, but I did as he said. I was again amazed at not only the length of it, but the thickness! The head had been leaking his sweet fluids, so when I took it in my mouth I at least had that pleasure. While it was still wet from my licking he slowly started moving it in and out of my mouth. He again told me to keep my eyes up to his and now to run my hands over his hairy abs and chest, that was a strange sensation, but it was something that I kind of wanted to do. It's not every day that you see a body like this, so I got to satisfy my curiosity of what it felt like. The muscles were hard as steel, but the hair/fur was soft and curly.

I was concentrating on keeping my eyes to his and running my hand over his body when I realize that he was pushing all the way into my gag reflex and easing back to the tip, he was probably moving about 5” in and out without problems. Then his hands came to the side of my head and he started pushing in farther, holding me still as he pushed against my throat!

For some reason having his big hands and long fingers wrapped around my head was comforting, not threatening. Maybe because I'd never had this kind of intimacy with a man, maybe because my relationship with my wife had left me “without”, here I was with the stunning man who wanted me.

He smiled down at me and said, “Just relax, just breath.” and as a trickle of drool left my mouth and ran down my chin to drip off my chest he smiled bigger and said, “So fucking sexy, those big eyes with tears, and that sexy mouth with the lips a bit swollen from my cock working them, so fucking sexy! You can control your gag reflex and all this can be smooth, but you need to concentrate on relaxing your throat and controlling your gag, now when I back out, take a deep breath and as my cock moves forward first swallow and then stick out your tongue.”

With that he backed away from my throat and just held the leaking head of his cock on my tongue and I took a deep breath, then as he slid in again, I did as he said and swallowed and then pushed out my tongue as best as I could below his thick cock and the head of his cock actually moved into my throat! I was surprised for a second, and then the gag reflex kicked in and I splattered drool and goo all over him and me!

He looked down and smiled again, and said, “Good first time, now again!” He pulled his cock back I took another deep breath, swallowed and pushed out my tongue and he pushed his cock back into my throat again, and this time it was farther, and this time, my gag reaction was stronger. Although he still had his hands wrapped around my head, I moved my hands down to his thighs and pushed back to get his cock out of my throat!

Suddenly I kind of came back to reality, fuck, it's like I had been mesmerized by his cock for a few minutes. Here I was in my office, basically naked, on my knees, sucking the huge cock of the man who is now fucking my wife! “No! This is not going to happen!”

He didn't flinch, and he didn't remove his hands from my head, in a very calm, loud and deep voice he said, “Boy, we have an agreement, you either stick to it, or it's prison rape for you, make your decision now, and if you agree move your head forward, open your mouth and take my cock back into your throat as far as it just was and hold it there to the count of 10! I already told you that one time of you not cooperating, or telling me NO one time ended our agreement, I get it that you're a powerful man and that this is difficult for you, so I am giving you this ONE time, if it happens again, our deal is over! Do you understand?

I simply took a deep breath, swallowed and moved my mouth back over his cock and slowly pushed it into my throat and immediately started counting to 10! When I had done that I slid it back out of my throat. He immediately patted my head and said, “Good boy!” as if I was a puppy! Then he said, “Again!”

I repeated the process 5 times and only had a gagging fit twice, but by that time my face, chin, chest stomach and even my boxers were dripping with the goo that came out of my throat. He smiled down at me and said, “Now we're going to do a little exercise that will help you overcome that nasty gag reflex much faster, but it's not as difficult as taking my cock so deep, but you'll get used to that too, but hey you are learning much faster than your wife did!”

He immediately just started pushing only the head in and out of my throat making a gushing/popping sound. When he said that about my wife, I just saw red, but I couldn't stay angry long as I was dealing with his cock in and out of my throat in rapid thrusts. Drool and goo was pouring out, my eyes were tearing like I was balling then suddenly after about 10 thrusts of just the head he pushed in about half of his cock and it just slid in, he didn't leave it in long and went back to short thrusts which were much easier to deal with, then again after about 1o thrust he push in deep again, held it for a second backed out and then pushed right back in again!

I was pulling in breaths whenever I could, but was amazed that I wasn't gagging much, he realized it to and went back to just popping it in and out of my throat about 5 times, then held my head and push the entire length into my throat! His huge cock was buried in my throat, my nose was buried in his thick bush, and his fuzzy balls were against my chin, fuck I was now I true cocksucker.

He pulled the head out, gave me a chance to breath then immediately pushed back in to the max with my nose again in his thick bush. Again he pulled out, then pushed back in and now he just started a fucking motion his cock never actually exiting my throat for about 5 strokes!

Finally he pulled it all the way out of my throat and mouth saying “Good boy, good boy! You are a fucking natural!” With that he slid his goo dripping cock and balls all over my face, up into my hair as he caressed my head, neck and shoulders just cooing praise and telling me how amazing and beautiful I am! For some reason that made me feel good, with all the bad things going on in my life, the praise and caresses felt nice.

He made a motion with his hands still around my head for me to stand up, I did, and he was looking right into my eyes and said, “boy, that was amazing, you gave it up to me, I have now conquered your throat and I will use it whenever and however I want for the next 30 days, and I think we will both be sorry when that time is over!”

He took his hand and wiped most of the drool from my mouth, then shocked me as he leaned down and kissed me. My first reaction was to pull away of course, but it felt kind of good, and kissing him was easier than taking his 10” cock down my throat. His kissing was passionate and I felt his big hands slide down my shoulders, then down my back and I was surpised when he cupped my ass and pulled him tightly toward him! He squeezed and massaged the cheeks, then broke his kiss and said, “Tonight THIS will be my next conquest!” He was squeezing my ass hard as he said it! Then kissed me deeply again!

FUCK, with all the drama of sucking his huge cock, the thought of him fucking my virgin ass had been totally out of my realm of concentration. I know he felt me flinch and my eyes flew open, but he pulled me tighter to him and said, “Don't worry about it too much, the way your throat opened for me your virgin butt will too, besides, your cock is hard, on some level you are enjoying this!”

Again my eyes flew open at that, I hadn't even realize I was hard, but just to drive his point home, he leaned in to kiss me again, and hooked this thumbs in the waste of my silk boxers and started pulling them down, my cock was up and the boxers actually caught on them and when he pulled enough, my cock came free, and slapped up against my belly splattering precum!

I was so embarrassed at my hard cock I didn't know what to say, he broke our kiss and said, “Apparently the worst thing I'm going to do to you is show you that you enjoy sex with men!” Now with one hand around my throbbing cock he leaned down and took one of my nipples into his mouth and tongued and sucked it, and I was not able to hold back a low moan! “Yeah boy, that's exactly what I mean!”

He straightened back up again and leaned in for an even more passionate kiss and this time I participated with all of my being and kind of shivered has his big hands again slid down my back and cupped and squeezed my butt! He broke our kiss and moved his face to my neck just below my ear and said, “I don't want your throat to close up again, so I want you to go down and take the entire length of my cock into your throat again, and then I'm going to start a process to slowly prepare you to loose you virginity to me later this evening, suck my nipple on your way down boy!”

Even though I was concerned about whatever process he was going to start, I was kind of anxious to get his cock in my throat again, it had taken a lot to get it in there and I didn't want to loose the ground I had gained. As I made my way to his nipple, and as I licked and sucked on it, he moaned and raised his arm over his head exposing his hairy pit and releasing a large manscent, not raunchy, but a very strong male scent, I was surprised that a man like him didn't appear to use deodorant or add any scent to his body, in a few seconds I realized why! As his scent waifed to my nostrils, I almost felt a rush similar to that of an inhaled scent I had tried a few times at parties when in college.

I easily made my way down his tight trim body feeling the thick blondish body hair against my face, and lips. His cock was very hard and still somewhat slick from my earlier efforts, so I started licking it again to make certain it was wet enough, I swallowed a couple of time, took a deep breath, and swallowed his entire length down my throat to his bush and balls! He moaned making the loudest noise I'd heard from him so far, followed by, “Fuck yeah boy, swallow my big fucking cock!”

I started off removing it totally from my mouth and letting my throat adjust again, and long strings of oral fluids strung off of it and my lips, but I didn't even flinch I just leaned in and took it to the balls again several times. He started moaning and telling me what an amazing cocksucker I was, then took ahold of my head and started caressing it again and then slowly took over fucking my throat again, alternating between long full strokes and shorter ones where his cock didn't even leave my throat entirely. I was starting to feel a bit entranced with the progress, and actually felt my cock ooze more precum. It was all feeling good to me, and I'm sure amazing to him, when he slid all the way out and bent over and kissed me again, raising me up to my feet.

“You are doing amazing boy, let's start getting your butt ready for tonight, I'm too close to coming and if you keep that up I'll shoot my load, and I'm not ready to give you your first load yet. Go get the black bag that I brought and bring it back to me.” I noticed that after our kiss some of the precum and throat goo was dripping from his chin. I don't know what possessed me, but I leaned in and licked off a string and he smiled.

I handed him the bag and it was heavy, I had no idea what he was going to bring out of it, but I felt excitement mixed with fear. He gently moved me to my desk and kissed me again, then he turn my body toward my desk and told me to lean over it. “What a great ass you have, this is going to be amazing for both of us! It was just made for fucking, I'm surprised it hasn't happened before!”

First he ran his big hands all over my butt and the backs of my thighs, then I felt him kneel down behind me. He took both of his hands and spread my cheeks wide and I heard an almost gasp, “Boy there is nothing more beautiful that a virgin butthole, but yours is especially gorgeous. Not quite that of a 18 year old, but gorgeous none the less. Tight pretty pucker, and just the right amount of hair to realize that this ass belongs to a man!”

Then one of the biggest shocks of my life happened as I felt his face, lips, beard stubble and tongue make contact with my body, just behind my balls sack, and in one slow movement his wet tongue travelled from that point to the base of my spine, it made me shiver! The only diviation of his path was that he kind of skirted around the right side of my butthole on his path.

Two thoughts immediately jumped into my brain! The first one was I couldn't wait until as a newly single man I was in bed with a smoking hot woman, and I got to use that move on her...the second was that I would probably blow three more men to get Bedford to do that again!

Luckily I didn't have to wait long on the 2nd thought as he started a slow motion of dragging his tongue in the reverse direction back toward my butthole, it felt amazing again, and my only issue was that this time he chose the left side not to lick directly across my now almost throbbing hole, his nose however was so close to my hole I felt his hot breath!

He repeated his movents several time, licking deep into my crack get it very wet and tingly, it was intoxocating, I was shivering and panting, and before I knew it I hollered out, “Jesus Christ, lick my fucking asshole! PLEASE!”

He actually snickered and moved out of my crack and said, “Well since you asked so nicely!”

With that I felt his wide flat tongue start lapping at my hole like a dog, I almost jumped over the desk at first contact, I could not believe how amazing it felt. After a few licks he told me to quit squeezing my hole so tight and that it would feel much better, to actually push out! As soon as I did that the point of his tongue gain a tiny bit of access for a split second, I wanted more, I groaned as I pushed my hole out and as open as much as I could, seconds later I felt what I knew was the big thick head of his cock wiped across my hole and if I thought his tongue made me shiver the cock although I knew it was way too thick to enter felt crazy good!

He snickered again, and licked my hole a few more times, then he pulled me up, turned my face to his and kissed me deeply as he slid a finger in! Fuck, fuck, fuck why did I never know this felt so fucking good.

He brought his hand to his mouth broke our kiss and sucked a finger then plunged that one in, just slightly bigger than before. After a few seconds he broke again, and offered me his thumb. I sucked it like I was starving, thenthat went in! I was a fucking mess, I was loving it, knew I shouldn't be loving it, wondered what else I would experience as I had gotten myself into this ordeal.

He broke our kiss again, bent over and pulled a couple of things out of his bag. I couldn't see it, but soon felt something bigger than a finger, but much smaller than his cock starting to slide into my hole. This is a plug, it is narrow at the tip and widens at the base, it is just a bit larger than my thumb, so if you relax it will go in easily.

Well it felt good at first, but suddenly I could tell it was thicker than anything that had been in me, it was stretching my hole, it hurt a bit, but felt good at the same time, he told me to take a deep breath and push out with my hole as I exhaled. I did as he said, but it seemed to just keep getting thicker and stretching my hole wide, when I was at the end of my exhale, he quickly shoved in the last ½ in or so and my hole snapped shut around it. I didn't know how to respond, but my body grunted.

With that he gently smacked my ass, which made me jump and made my hole squeeze down tight on the plug. Then he pulled me up, kissed me again, and told me I had done great. For some reason I seemed to love praise from this man!

He massaged my ass cheeks for a short kiss, then brought his hands around and worked my nipples again for another short kiss, then he broke off and said, “We don't have much time before your staff starts showing up, so we need to finish this now, “Drop down and deep throat my cock until I'm ready to cum and I want you to stroke your cock at the same time, but don't cum until I tell you to, understand?

I nodded yes and almost too eagerly dropped to suck him. His cock easily went into my throat and this time, at least at first I did all the work. Interestingly, it now felt good, hell better than good, and there was also the side of it, that I was pleasuring this amazing looking human being even if he was a male, for some reason, now that didn't seem to matter.

The entire time I was sucking and stroking I could feel that plug in my butt, and like everything else on this strange morning, it just kept feeling better and better, I was actually squeezing and relaxing my hole so I could feel it more. Soon he took charge and took my head in his big hands and started fucking, all different depths and speeds, but I knew he was getting close because his low hangers had pulled up, and he asked if I was close and I did my best to respond, he just said, “Good!” With that he pulled all 10 inches out of my mouth and throat, give his cock a few strokes, aimed it down at my cock I was beating like made and said, “Cum, now!”

He shot one squirt from my cock to the top of my head. If I hadn't seen and smelled, and yes tasted it, I would have thought he was pissing! I realized I was stroking my cock using his cum for lube, that set me off even though his load was dripping from my eyebrows, nose, lips and chin, I holler and shot too! While I was hollering, he shoved his cock back into my throat holding my face tightly to his bush, as I felt the huge tube on the underside of his cock pulse more of his hot cum down my throat!

There were at least three big pulses, then he backed out and shot a couple more onto my tonsils and covered my tongue, and finally pulled all the way out and with a huge grunt/moan shot one last stream onto my face! He started moaning and slapping and wiping his cock all over, my face chest, hair, anywhere he could reach!

As I was recovering from a mind shattering orgasm, I realized that my hole was holding onto that plug for dear life, I remember feeling my hole pulse around it as I shot a massive load myself! I had to really concentrate to relax my grip! I never really realized that my hole played so much of a part in my shooting my load!

Soon he reached down and pulled me up by my armpits again, and I was surprised as he leaned over, at first I thought he was going to kiss my messy face, but he continued bending over, and his tonge and lips made contact with my body, just above my bush. He literally licked and sucked up as much of the cum as he could in one trip up my abs, chest, neck and chin. The he mashed his mouth to mind and share a load of our mixed cum!

He reached back and squeezed my asscheeks which made the plug throb again, and finally stepped away. He said, “I'm certain with an office such as this one you have a private bath and shower in here,” with that he spun me around to a big mirror on the wall and showed me my sweat and cum covered face and body. “I need to get out of here quickly too, your staff will be showing up soon!”

With that he released me bent over and picked up my $2oo silk boxers, wipe his face and chest, then bent over and wiped his legs where I had shot my load, and finally cleaned his cock with them and dropped them on the floor. “Well you won't be wearing these anymore today, it's a good thing I included a pair of undies for you in my bag, I want you wearing them when you show up at my penthouse plugged and ready for me!”

“You mean I have to keep this plug in all day?!”

“Oh no boy...not that one, there are a couple of more in the bag, you'll only wear the one you have in now until noon, then you'll change to the next size one, and at 5:00 p.m. You'll get in the shower again, clean your pussy out with the items I have in there for you, and put in the last plug and by to my place at 6:00 p.m. Sharp! Don't be late!”

I was kind of in a daze as I stood there watching him dress back in his leathers, tuck his hair back into his skull cap and then pull on his boots!

“This was hot boy, you did a lot better than I expected, we're going to have some amazing experiences in the next 30 days, starting with turning your butthole into my own personal pussy, you're going to LOVE it!” Once you've showered and cleaned up and look presentable for your staff, look at all the things in the bag and there is a list of instructions on what to do with all of them and when. I turned to look at what was in the bag, and when I looked back he was gone. I watched on the security monitors as he strode out of the building like he owned it. Well fuck, I guess he owned me, at least for the next 30 days!

Once I got in the shower and started washing all the cum from my hair and body, the realization of what had just happened, and what I had committed myself to really first hit home. I had allowed myself to be used and dominated by another man, done and enjoyed things I would have never before thought of doing, and what I was looking at this evening, the prospect of actually getting fucked, by a man, with a HUGE cock, kind of hit home and scared the living shit out of me!

I guess I was in the shower longer than I though, because just as I was stepping out and reaching for a towel, my assistant James walked into the bathroom. I hadn't shut the door, and it was common for me to change a shirt, do a touch up shave, or touch up my hair if I had driven to work in my convertible with the top down. James was a bit surprised that I had showered and was naked, but made no bones about checking me out fully.

James had only been my assistant since building the new offices. Dorothy who had been with me for close to a decade was a great lady and knew her job well, however there was a lot of new technology and she was a bit frumpy in her manner of dress, and I felt like I needed someone not only efficient by cutting edge in look and style. When I ask the staffing office to send someone like that to fill the position, I hadn't expected a male. But James' credentials, style, and manner of dress impressed me so I decided to give him a try.

I had figured from the start that he was gay, but I'd never had issues with that, and from the start he had been amazing at what he did, including coordinating with a laundry and dry cleaner to see that I always had everything I needed, whether it be business, business casual for a client dinner, or sport and work out clothing. He was so good at style that he was now choosing and purchasing my dress shirts and ties, and even some of my casual wear. Hell he was the one who insisted I try to $200.00 silk boxers that were now the only thing I wore.

After letting this young man get a good look, I smiled and said, “James, please hand me a fresh towel!” I continued to stand there naked and wet as he went to the cabinet and pulled out two fresh towels for me. He smile broadly as he handed me one, and I was surprised when I turned my back to him, that he took the other towel and started drying my back for me!

I hadn't expected this, and said, “Thank you James, but that's not necessary.”

“Mr. Collins, it is necessary, you have a meeting with Ash, Meyers, and Wilmington about your divorce settlement in 15 minutes, I'm certain you want to look your normal impeccable best, and since you're told me there are some issues, I figured you wouldn't want to be late!”

My phone was lying next to me and I picked it up and read the message from Bedford, “All is good, the liquidation order has been reversed!

James just continued what he was doing and dropped down to dry the backs of my legs as I bent forward a bit to set my phone back down, and I heard him almost gasp and say, “Oh my!”

Fuck, in all the craziness I had actually forgot about the bright blue buttplug that Bedford had put into my ass, and now James had seen it! Fuck!

“What is it James?” I couldn't let it go.

“Oh sorry, nothing sir, I dropped my pen!”

“Okay James, well I'm fine getting myself dried and I just received a message about the settlement, so let the old vultures wait on me a few minutes. When they arrive signal me, but don't speak to me, then let them cool their heels for about 5 minutes before showing them to the conference room! Thank you James that will be all!”

“Yes Mr. Collins, there is coffee and fruit on your desk, let me know if you need anything else!”

I nonchalantly turned back around again, facing James and he hadn't quite gotten up yet, so that put him about 2 feet away and almost exactly eye level with my thick cock!


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