Gay Erotic Stories

Like Father Like Son Part 2

by Furlong
11 Apr 2014

College Days Family Fun Gay Erotic Stories Straight Men, Gay Sex



I stood in front of them, my son grinning broadly at me while Marcus, still kneeling forwards with his hands prizing his arse-cheeks apart, peered over in wide-eyed horror.

"I just happened to see your light on and wondered what was keeping you two guys up," I said by way of flimsy explanation.

"Of course you did," Jake chuckled, and I was unable to stop myself from smiling back at my son in spite of his state of nudity. I made an effort to keep my eyes from making contact with his erection which he was brandishing flagrantly as if showing it off in some sort of macho display.

Marcus, meanwhile, struggled upright and away from him, and ended up crouching almost foetally against the headboard of the bed, trying to cover his genitals with both hands.

"I... er... I'm so sorry, Mr Furlong," he stammered, his face blushing a deep purple colour which nicely co-ordinated with that of the swollen head of his penis. "We were just messing around... and I... er... slipped... and Jake's tongue must have accidentally –"

He stopped when he saw that I was amused rather than angry and I did my best to reassure him, "It's okay, Marcus – really. I think the point my son was trying to make was that there are two Furlong mouths in the household."

Marcus stared at me, wide-eyed and with face flushing so dark it looked like he had been slapped on both cheeks, seemingly still unable to understand the idea which Jake had been mooting.

"I hope you appreciate, dad," Jake cut in before Marcus could formulate a reply, "how good it is of me not to hold grudges. I could so easily have ticked you off for spying on us and then sent you away, just like you did when you were in my shoes."

"It is indeed very noble of you, Jake," I smiled. "I'm proud of you."

I realised that the front of my pyjama bottoms were still being pushed outwards by the semi-hard-on I'd developed before I'd entered the room but I made no attempt to hide my excitement. Marcus peered at my unconcealed bulge with continued bafflement at first, before it finally began to click with him what was going on. At that point his gaze shifted from my crotch upwards to my face and he stared at my expression as if trying to figure out what exactly my motives were.

Jake got up off the bed and walked over to the chair in front of his desk and sprawled himself out naked on it, adopting an especially indecorous posture given his lack of attire. He seemed totally unbothered by the fact he had a very large hard-on, the shaft of which still bore some of the remnants of where it had so recently been, nor that his large pair of bollocks hung down gracelessly between his wide open legs.

He was far more keen to underline his self-righteous sense of magnanimity. "I mean, when I was a kid, you always told me how important it was to share. And some of us are very willing to share, even though you were so blatantly uncaring and unsharing last week!"

"I get the point, Jake," I retorted. "It just felt wrong last week... what you were suggesting with Bradley. Now – I dunno – it feels somewhat different."

I smiled at Marcus, hoping my expression didn't look too lustful or predatory, but he continued to look wary and kept his genitals well-protected by cupping them in both hands.

"Yeah, I wonder what could have caused your sudden change of heart," Jake chuckled as he scratched his large, hairy scrotum, and glanced towards at his extremely attractive young friend.

"Would you be happy for me to take up Jake's offer, Marcus?" I asked, hoping to ease his discomfort with a more direct approach. "And offer you a second mouth for your... er... continued pleasures?"

"My dad is, like, the best rimmer ever," Jake bragged, apparently oblivious to his friend's feelings of awkwardness. "He can probably get his tongue all the way up to your liver!"

Marcus looked over at me with even more embarrassment. How did a person respond to such an accolade about your friend's father when he was standing half-aroused in front of you?

"You've really got to get rimmed by him, mate," Jake went on. "He's so much better at it than I am!"

Well, he was right on that point.

"How do you know that, Jake?" Marcus asked with the same obvious unease.

"I saw him rimming a bloke downstairs on the couch one night. His tongue was so far in there, you wouldn't believe it! It was like –"

"Alright, Jake! I think he gets it!"

"You actually rimmed another man in front of your son?" Marcus asked incredulously.

Jesus Christ, he was going to be calling Social Services next.

"Jake has a tendency to interrupt my... er... soirees," I explained. "It wasn't like it was a performance I'd arranged especially for him to see."

I threw a pointed glance at Jake to let him know I was aware that his game tonight had been precisely that.

"But you have sex with other guys?" Marcus attempted to clarify, distractedly taking his hands away from his crotch. His cock had completely withered from its earlier glory and was looking disappointingly shrunken as it flopped against the fair, downy fluff on his balls. It was still rather lovely, though.

"Would it be a problem if I did?" I asked.

"Of course not," Marcus said, with a half-hearted smile. I sat myself down on the bed next to him in the spot Jake had vacated. There was a wet patch on the duvet from where my son's stiffie must have been dribbling as he'd made a pigs-ear of rimming his friend.

"It's just that it came as a bit of a shock when you walked in," he went on. "I knew you were divorced but I didn't realise you were... how would you call it... bisexual?"

I smiled and nodded. "It's a little hobby I discovered about a year ago and which, it seems, Jake has picked up from me."

"So that bloke we were with tonight at the restaurant," Marcus persisted. "The big fella, Guy... you and he are... well...?"

"Like you and Jake," I said with a nod.

Marcus nodded back and spent a moment to think the admission through. His penis, I noticed, was starting to betray its own particular interest in the image that was no doubt flashing through its owner's brain. Without Marcus seeming to be aware of it, it slowly lengthened an inch so alongside his thigh and thickened to regain some of its earlier stature.

"You did make a joke that it was like I was his boyfriend," I reminded him. Once again, I felt the strange tingle at the suggestion that I might be romantically involved with Guy.

"Yeah, it seemed as if you were more than just friends," he observed. "A bit like... well..."

"You and Jake," I smiled, hiding whatever it was I was feeling about Guy.

Marcus smiled back at me and I saw his cock continuing to stiffen and starting its gradual rise upwards from where it had been flopping against his balls. Whatever thoughts he was having about Guy and me, however the two of us men were coupling up together in his clearly vivid imagination, the steady hardening of his organ suggested that he liked the idea.

"Do you actually, like, 'do it' together?" he asked, inattentive to the effect that simply asking the question was having on the size of his manhood.

"And some!" Jake laughed from where he was lounging in his chair. His own organ was still prominently aroused, undeterred by the earlier awkwardness after I'd entered the room, as it no doubt awaited further stimulation in whatever form that might take. "They're at it like a couple of stags all night, mate! When Guy's over, I might as well forget about sleep!"

"Is that right?" Marcus asked me, his face full of surprise.

"Not quite," I chuckled. "I think Jake's exaggerating somewhat."

"But you two guys are having sex together?" Marcus persisted.

"There's a woman called Debbie who I'm dating," I explained, "but I've found that I also enjoy being physical with other men. So, yes, Guy and I have a sexual component to our friendship."

I was fascinated to watch this young man's beautiful penis steadily rising upwards from the thoughts its owner was having about Guy and me. Was he imagining the two of us older men having anal intercourse – Guy on top, or me on top – or was he thinking of us working our cocks together, sucking each other off and shooting our semen all over each other's chests?

"That's amazing," he muttered. "It's great you're so open-minded."

"If you'd like me to show you some of the things I enjoy," I went on, "with Jake here, of course, I'd be more than happy to."

Marcus beamed at me and for the first time glanced down at the swelling of his cock, now well on the way to achieving its earlier grandeur.

"I suppose my dick's kind of answering that for me, Mr Furlong."

"Well you can drop the 'Mr Furlong' for a start," I quipped. "If we're going to be getting... er... more friendly, Marcus, I'd prefer it if it was just plain 'Rob'."

He chuckled and agreed to drop the formalities.

I stood up and started unbuttoning my pyjama top. I hoped my body would be appealing to him: in spite of me being a little chubby around the middle and bit hairy between my pecs and on my legs, the squash I played kept my physique reasonably attractive. Since he obviously liked what Jake's body had to offer, he might also enjoy the more mature and cuddlier, filled-out version.

"This is going to be so cool," Jake extolled, clearly relieved that I'd managed to surmount his friend's initial misgivings. He stood up and his erection rose upwards from between his legs as if hoping to get another turn on the tight, blond bum it had earlier enjoyed.

The front of my pyjama bottoms had also recovered their earlier promise and was being pushed upwards and outwards more than ever by what seemed like a third leg inside them. Marcus grinned over at me, apparently pleased that the elder of the Furlong males was apparently just as well-equipped as the younger.

"Are you sure you want to go ahead with this?" I checked before I exposed myself to him. I had a sudden vision of this being some sort of elaborate misunderstanding and having his infuriated father phone me up threatening to call the police.

"God, yeah!" Marcus laughed. "I can't believe you guys are both up for this together. This is, like, totally out of the ballpark!"

I unbuttoned the waistband of my pyjama bottoms and let them fall to the floor to expose my semi-aroused erection looming upright above my huge, pendulous balls. If I'd known I was going to be presented with such an opportunity this evening, I'd have trimmed my pubic bush: apart from that, though, I was very proud of the large set of genitals I was able to present to the astonished gaze of my son's friend.

"You might want to stand over here, Marcus," I suggested, gesturing to the one patch of uncluttered floor in my son's untidy room. "That way the two of us can... well... attend to both sides of you at the same time."

Marcus almost yelped with delight at the prospect of having the two of us, father and son, pleasuring him simultaneously.

He leapt off the bed, calling out, "Wow! You guys just get stuck in... whichever way you like!" Then he stood upright on the spot I'd recommended, as Jake moved forwards to take him up on his invitation, giving his own large erection a few preparatory tugs as if coaxing it back to its full, impressive size.

I kicked my pyjama bottoms to one side and stood before the two of them as naked as they were. Jake grinned over at me – in all the years we'd lived together, this was the first time we had both been completely undressed and aroused in each other's company. I smiled back and, just as he had, gave my cock a few masturbatory jerks to help myself grow fully hard. He laughed at that – he liked to see me do it – and put his hand back on his own to do the same.

Now it was my turn to laugh and I wanked myself a little more for him, yanking my foreskin back and forth just as he was doing. Why did it feel so good to be masturbating with Jake? This was my son standing in front of me and yet – while I wasn't in any way attracted to him – it felt so exciting to be facing each other while we rubbed at our erections. Whatever was arousing me, Jake clearly felt it too because he kept leering at me as the gentle tugging which had so amused us at the beginning was cranked up rapidly by us both into a full-on wrist-pounding wank right there in front of each other.

Marcus laughed over at us, amazed by the sight we were making. Our legs were apart and our hips thrust forwards like a couple of cowboys, pointing our erections at each other as we beat them off as fast and as hard as we could.

"Wow!" he chortled. "Look at you guys go!"

Our foreskins were sliding frantically back and forth across our near-identical cock heads, and our scrotums were bobbing around between our legs with our similarly plump bollocks jiggling up and down inside them.

Jake laughed again as we grinned at each other, our hands trying to outdo each other as they pumped up and down our long, thick shafts as if this was a game. "I'll race you, dad!" he called out to me and I was hugely tempted to agree; the two of wanking ourselves off in some childish competition until we climaxed one after the other, right there in front of his friend.

However, I forced myself to stop and say, "Some other time, maybe, Jake," and then took my hand away from my now spectacularly aroused organ. Jake did the same and his stood upright in front of him, almost identical in appearance: it was like looking in the mirror we were so well-matched.

He looked at me, still grinning, and I could tell he was hoping that we would play around again like this sometime soon: not touching each other or getting weird at all; just masturbating together as it was, perhaps, natural for a father and son to occasionally do.

"You guys are funny together," Marcus chuckled. I didn't ask him which meaning of 'funny' he meant.

Jake glanced over at him, standing waiting for our attentions with his cock arching upwards and his arse-crack still wet from the tonguing it had received.

"You've got a very large penis, Mr Furlong," Marcus said brightly. And then corrected himself: "I mean... er... Rob!"

I beamed at him with pride. I always enjoyed it when other men complimented my organ: Debbie seemed to find my over-sized erection at best cumbersome and at worst repellent.

"Do you like it?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips and giving him a little wiggle of it from side to side.

"Very much so," Marcus grinned with a sly flick of his eyebrows. "I like it a lot."

His look told me that he wanted to have more to do with what was between my legs than we'd probably be able to with Jake in the room. He wanted to suck my organ and perhaps even have me fuck him with it, but with the action between us being overseen by his more regular fuck-buddy, for now, at least, he'd likely have to content himself with just looking at it.

For my part, as much as I would have liked nothing better than to have ushered this attractive young man over to the bed and to have penetrated him far more sensually and passionately than my son seemed capable of, I knew that I was very much the invited guest in Jake's bedroom and that I shouldn't to overstep the boundaries which my son imposed on me.

"You do his bum then," Jake ordered me with typical workmanlike brusqueness, "and I'll suck his knob."

I couldn't help but grin at what he'd said. What father hasn't dreamt of hearing is son utter those very words?

I moved around to get behind Marcus and, perhaps seeing my erection looming up on his friend's rounded buttocks, Jake felt it necessary to clarify: "Just... er... rimming, mind, dad. Nothing more."

I was only being allowed a few licks of the candy. Anything more worthwhile was clearly seen as being strictly my son's prerogative.

"I'll give you a few tips on how to rim a guy properly, Jake," I offered. I thought it was quite a nice gesture, offering to share my not inconsiderable skills with my nearest and dearest.

Jake, however, threw me an indifferent shrug, nonchalantly content that his own technique would suffice well enough, and then knelt down in front of Marcus, licking his lips at the erect organ that was almost crying out for a mouth to pleasure it.

After he'd slowly and sumptuously applied his mouth to the first few inches of his friend's organ, I had to admit that my son was indeed a very proficient cock-sucker. Whoever he'd learned the tricks of the trade from, it certainly hadn't been me: I had never come anywhere close to matching his oral artistry and most men I try to pleasure with my mouth soon get frustrated and end up just thrusting in and out, trying to make the best of it they can.

Jake confidently pumped the cock with his lips and tongue, developing a slow, steady rhythm up and down the shaft and focusing on the most sensitive parts of the head. When he saw that I was watching him, his mouth broke into a smile, and I could see he was enjoying showing off to me, working his friend's organ as deftly as he could and using the whole of his mouth to stimulate it fully.

"Oh, yeah," Marcus called out, "that's really nice, mate!"

Jake started using his head more roughly on his friend, taking longer, faster sweeps along the length of his organ and sucking it more forcefully with the back of his throat. He didn't seem tempted, as I would have been if I were in his place, to use his hands to help him service the excited organ more fully: he used all the muscles of his mouth and cheeks to pleasure the whole length of the cock, squeezing it with his lips while he teased the precum from its slit with the tip of his tongue.

Marcus' manhood responded by swelling appreciatively to its full stiffened girth. An entanglement of veins rose up along its impressively hardened shaft and the head of it, only occasionally visible when Jake pulled back from an especially thorough suck, pulsated with a deep purple opulence, the skin of it taut and shiny; slick and streaked with froth from my son's spit.

It suddenly dawned on me why Jake was able to perform such an accomplished blow-job: I had often suspected, from the length of his erection and the flexibility of his back, that my son might be able to reach his own cock with his mouth. Now, from his polished and confident technique, I could see that was very likely to be true: he'd probably been sucking himself off under his duvet for a good many years, honing his skills since his early teens and perfecting his oral mastery of the aroused male member.

Our eyes made contact again and he threw me a cheeky grin with the pounding shaft of his friend's fully charged hard-on between his lips. I smiled back at him, keen to show my admiration of his abilities, as he swept his mouth back and forth, gliding up and down the spit-soaked shaft with his cheeks straining inwards from the pressure he was exerting.

"You little bugger!" I thought. "All those mornings you spent lounging around in bed, telling me you were tired and needed extra sleep – this was what was going on in your bedroom!"

If only we'd had the open door policy back then.

With an especially elaborate flourish of his tongue and lips, Jake withdrew his mouth from Marcus' cock out and we couldn't help but chuckle at each other. His eyes were full of naughtiness but there was also a flicker of pride thrown in: he'd just demonstrated to his father how to give a guy an exceedingly expert blow-job.

"Come on, then, dad," he said. "Show me what you've got!"

"Watch and learn, Jake. Watch and learn!"

He craned his head to observe me as I homed in on his friend's cute bubble butt.

I pressed my mouth against the crack of his backside – low down where I guessed his hole would be lurking among the wispy hair between his cheeks – and gently extended my tongue between his two firm, muscular buttocks. As soon as I eased it into him, I could taste quite strongly the gustatory version of the smell I had enjoyed out in the corridor: his butt-crack was rich with the same seasoned, pungent flavour that the pounding of my son's cock had managed to disperse into such an alluring vapour.

I pulled back and said to Jake with a smile: "This is an especially nice bum for rimming. It needs to be savoured with the whole of your tongue, not just flicked at with its tip."

He smiled and nodded. "Come on, then. Show me how it's done."

I moved back in for a deeper taste and reapplied my mouth to Marcus' magnificent cheeks. This time, he bent forwards slightly to give me better access, no doubt delighting in the playful competition Jake and I were enjoying and eager to see which of us, out of the father and his son, could pleasure him more effectively.

I pushed my tongue more fully into him, impressed by how stretched and splayed his hole was from accommodating my son's erection, and feeling him shudder slightly at how sensitive his inflamed anus was from the rough and ready fucking he'd received. I worked my tongue around his ring, gently soothing it with its caresses and my warm saliva, and Marcus gasped with excitement at how tender and sensual it felt.

"Oh, that's really nice, Mr Furlong," he called down to me before correcting himself, again, to plain Rob.

I eased my tongue more fully into his arsehole, relishing the stronger tastes inside it which were a magnitude more powerful than those around his anus. This was rimming at its most delectable: almost electrifying in the intensity of its tastes and deeply satisfying in the effects my tongue was having on its squirming recipient.

I licked deeply into this young man's bowels, feeling my cock straining painfully at the sheer force of the arousal I was experiencing, with the downy hairs of his arse-crack tickling my nose and chin as my face pressed so firm against the splayed valley between his buttocks.

"I can see what you mean about your dad's tongue reaching up to my liver," Marcus laughed down to my son.

"Yeah, he's like the rim king," Jake laughed back. "He's even better than Nathan."

I kept working my tongue back and forth out of Marcus' arse, wondering who this Nathan guy was. It might be nice for Jake to invite him to stay over some time so we could exchange tips and ideas about our shared hobby. If he was anything like as easy on the eye as Marcus, he would prove a very welcome guest in the house.

As my mouth continued to pleasure Marcus in ways that my son had achieved on the organ around the front, his body suddenly started shuddering slightly and I realised that Jake had resumed giving his friend a blow-job.

The two of us worked together for a few minutes – Jake out front and me taking up the rear – as Marcus thrust his hips back and forth, eager to work with the two mouths that were so intimately attending to him. I rolled my tongue into a tube and gently fucked him with it as he bucked his backside against my mouth, aware that this might be the only chance I would get to work myself in and out of his arse; at least while Jake was in the room.

"Oh, God, this is so nice, you guys!" he called down to us.

I hoped Jake was feeling as thrilled as I was to be servicing this charming young man; the two of us working together as father and son to pleasure his cock and his rear at the same time.

I pulled off him and called up to him, "Are you getting near, Marcus?"

As if it was part of a universal language among post-pubescent males, I knew he would interpret my question as referring to the immanence of his climax. No matter where men come from or what age they happen to be, they always recognise a question about how close they are to releasing their semen.

"Not too far off, Mr Furlong."

I felt irritated by his reluctance to drop the formal use of my name, but instead of correcting him, I started wanking my own painful erection as I crouched behind him. With my mouth clamped to such a delightful behind, I knew my release would quickly follow.

Before returning to rim him again, I glanced around his right hip at Jake. His blow-job had become far more assertive in its style: his mouth was being thrust up and down his friend's organ quite roughly with his expression almost hostile and verging on a snarl.

I wondered if this was how liked to use his mouth on himself when he knew his climax was nearing: forceful and insistent; stubbornly masturbatory.

Imagine him giving such an uncompromising blow-job to me!

Oh God, what was I thinking?! This was my son!

Then, to my surprise, Jake pulled away from sucking Marcus' highly appreciative erection and hurried over to grab the tube of lube which was on his bedside table. He squirted a gob of it onto his middle finger and applied it perfunctorily to his backside, and then, throwing us both a small smirk, turned around with his back to us and bent forwards to splay open his hairy arse crack. His large, puckered anus was clearly visible, extruding from the dark forest between his cheeks, looking as used and swollen as mine often does after an especially heavy session with other men. His large, hairy knackers hung down between his legs, pulling his scrotum downwards with their full, heavy load.

He turned to grin at me, clenching his well-worn ring a couple of times to show me his dexterity, and said, "Nice, huh?"

"Very nice," I agreed, surprised by how stretched and dilated his entrance was.

I assumed Marcus must have enjoyed his own turn on Jake before I'd started watching the favour being returned. Otherwise, perhaps in the restaurant, when they'd both headed off to use the bathroom grinning and giggling, they'd had a quick moment of togetherness in the quiet of the cubicle.

As I was about to make a quip about this making an ideal angle for a selfie, Jake surprised me by reversing his backside onto Marcus' erection with a couple of backward strides. The cock glided home, as it had presumably done many times in the past, and the two of them shuddered in involuntary gratification as their bodies became joined once again.

And then, in an action I'd never seen performed before, Jake started thrusting his hips rapidly backwards and forwards, wanking his friend's shaft with the tightened ring of his arsehole. He turned to me with a triumphant leer and, seeing my surprise at witnessing such a novel variant of anal penetration, cackled and called out, "Watch and learn, dad! Watch and learn!"

He put his hands on his knees and jerked his bum back and forth to rapidly masturbate the foreskin of Marcus' cock.

"Jesus Christ!" I was thinking. Where the hell had he learned such an innovative technique?

Marcus called out in pleasure and, grabbing Jake by the waist, worked his crotch rapidly against him, matching my son's frantic rhythm.

Although he was a guy who obviously enjoyed being fucked, he was perfectly happy to adopt the corresponding role.

I liked the fact that such a polite and articulate youth – the very ideal of a good and proper young husband – had such well-concealed depths to what one might imagine to be a rather boring sexuality. I sat back as I watched him, marvelling at the sight of his smooth, muscular body and his mop of fair hair, grabbing my son's hips as he so enthusiastically fucked him up the arse.

He turned and looked down at me, and flashed me that lovely, sweet smile of his.

Then he asked, with a delightful courtesy that I wished would rub off onto my son, "Would you mind putting your tongue up my bum again, Mr Furlong?"

I laughed and agreed whole-heartedly that I would like nothing more.

I plunged my face back in between his round, flexing buttocks, aware that if he wasn't able to call me Rob after making such a request, it was likely that he never would. I took up my own pounding rhythm on my desperate cock, wanking myself between Marcus' shins as I inhaled the delicious scent he'd no doubt left on the back of many a pair of discarded underpants.

As soon as my tongue lapped into his most sensitive spot, his sphincter started clamping tightly shut around it and I knew his balls were discharging their collected loads into my son.

His backside started munching at my tongue like we were enjoying a most intimate kiss together as its owner gasped and panted and shot squirt after squirt of his hot, white semen into the bowels of his friend.

Whether it was fucking Jake that had brought him to his orgasm, or the sensation of having my tongue inside his bum again, I don't know: I'd like to think, though, that I played some significant part in it.

When his climax had subsided, I pulled away from him, masturbating myself as I still squatted behind him.

Jake pulled away from him too, his arse releasing one of its less rambunctious farts as he did so, and he breathlessly announced, "Right, now let's have my turn, mate."

He moved around to where I was crouching, his cock twitching upwards as it demanded release, and curtly told me, "Get out of the way, dad."

In his impatience I was nudged backwards, and I fell back against his bedroom wall, still mechanically wanking my shaft up and down as I watched my son claim his final prize.

He pushed himself into Marcus' slick entrance with a single impetuous thrust, muttering that he wouldn't take long as Marcus bent over to receive him. It seemed this was an established arrangement between the two of them: whoever climaxed first would allow his rear to be used to bring his companion to an equivalent state.

"You got it nice and wet dad," Jake told me, as he stood upright, roughly buggering his friend in front of me for the second time this evening.

"I'm so pleased," I managed to say, as I sat right behind him watching him indulge himself, his thrusting bum just inches from my bemused face.

His rhythm quickly increased to a frantic hammering action, his balls whacking against his friend's thighs and his hips making loud slapping sounds against his buttocks.

He kept turning to look back at me, wanking myself off so quickly as I sat where I'd fallen behind him, smiling down at me as he butt-fucked Marcus' bent-over body. He kept pulling Marcus back with him and even muttered, at one point, "Move back a bit, mate!" all the time moving in towards to where I was as if intentionally trying to push his pummelling backside closer my face.

It was nice bum, I had to admit, and I liked the way the hair of his crack was splayed outwards and sticking to his buttocks from the lube he'd applied to himself. I reminded myself, though, that was my son's arse in front of me and, however attractive it looked, the words I'd said to Bradley came back to me: I'd had to wipe this bum when Jake had been a baby.

Jake, however, didn't seem to share my misgivings.

He kept working his body backwards towards me, fucking his friend faster and faster, until his heaving backside was right in front of my face. I could smell the odour from it as it flexed and thrust, driving his hips back and forth against Marcus' muscular cheeks, and I have to admit the smell was very intriguing: undeniably attractive in spite of who was producing it.

Jake turned to me again and, seeing his flexing backside so close to my face, called out, "Go on, dad – do it!"

I stared at him and he grinned at me, egging me on to do the unthinkable: "Have a lick of my arse! Right in my crack!"

I looked back at his bum, his buttocks a rhythm of muscular movement, finding myself inexplicably tempted by what I knew was lurking between them.

The smell was quite fascinating: much harsher and more pungent than what Marcus had to offer and strangely reminiscent of my own anal whiff when I pull off an especially well-worn pair of underpants. I sniffed at it with mounting interest: at once appalled by the knowledge of whom this brash, musky smell belonged to but at the same time indisputably aroused by the sheer, unparalleled naughtiness of having such an out-of-bounds hole so close to my face.

This was my son's bare arse and he was asking me to lick it!

I looked back up at him, my hand now a blur up and down my cock, and he grinned at me more broadly.

"Go on, dad – shove your face in! Rim my nice, juicy arsehole!"

I think Marcus might have said something to stop us – something to remind Jake that this was his dad he was talking to – but I was too overcome with excitement to take it in.

Perhaps mercifully, Jake and I started climaxing together – him with his cock spurting deeply up into his friend's innards and me spraying my load all over the back of his legs as he loomed over me with his odorous, hairy crack right there in front of me.

I couldn't believe I was having an orgasm – and an extremely copious one at that – with my son's relentlessly heaving buttocks brushing against my face. My nose was poised on the brink of his freshly-fucked arse crack: another step backwards and my mouth would have been pressing between his thrusting cheeks.

I pulled away from him as my cock was still squirting, trying to catch what I could of my profuse outpouring with my other hand. Not that it really mattered, the mess Jake's bedroom floor was in.

I stood up, watching my son doubled up over Marcus' bent back, still driving the remnants of his seed upwards into his friend's body. Jake held onto him tightly as the spasms of his orgasm subsided, the two of them staring vacantly forwards as they had no doubt many times in the past.

After he'd finished, they stood up and disentangled themselves, Jake pulling his softening organ out of Marcus' bum with a quiet, sloppy fart.

Marcus felt it necessary to immediately apologise: "I'm sorry about that, Mr Furlong."

"For farting?" I laughed. "All things considered, that was very restrained."

He smiled and, as tissues were being passed around, Jake joined in with the apologies.

"I'm really sorry, dad," he said. "I shouldn't have said that stuff. I don't know where it came from."

I smiled to hide the discomfort I was feeling as I wiped the goo from my chest and pubic bush. Jesus, I really should have trimmed myself down there.

"Forget it, Jake," I said, like all this was perfectly normal. "We all say stuff like that when we're getting carried away. It doesn't mean either of us would have acted on it. Not in a million years."

Was that really true? I, for one, had been tantalisingly close to reaching forwards and licking my son's bum; Jake, in all probability, had been similarly close to making that extra step backwards and pushing his hairy arse-crack onto my nose and mouth.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he said, smiling at me in spite the fact we were both naked and his cock was still angled half-upwards, looking as large as ever in spite of its softening state. "I suppose you might say it was just the spunk talking!"

"Of course it was," I laughed, but I knew it wasn't true. The spunk could say what it liked: I knew for a fact that, given just an extra couple of seconds, my son and I would now be having a far more embarrassing conversation.

We cleaned ourselves up – for Jake and Marcus that proved to be a rather more involved affair – and agreed that, from first thing the next day, we wouldn't discuss what we'd done any further. That's not to say we were denying that there might be a repeat – we were just keen that whatever sex we enjoyed wouldn't impinge on the more 'conventional' activities we did at other times.

Before I went back to bed and while Marcus was carrying out his ablutions in the bathroom, Jake caught me outside my bedroom door and apologised again.

"There's really no need, Jake," I assured him. "We just got carried away. No harm was done."

"You won't, like, dwell on it and build it up into more than it was?" he asked.

"Of course not," I laughed. "I've said a few inappropriate things in the heat of the moment. Such things are best forgotten."

"Okay," he smiled. "Thanks."

As I turned to go to bed he had one last thing to say.

"In future, though, when you've got mates over to stay with you and I'm left in my room feeling like a spare prick..."

I smiled and nodded. "Of course you can come in."

"Really?" he grinned. Clearly he'd expected more resistance from me. "That's brilliant!"

"Just... er... be more careful what you say when you're getting a bit hot and bothered..."

He laughed. "'Course I will!"

"And, one more thing," I added. "Not when I'm with Guy."


I could tell from his disappointed expression that Guy's evenings at our house were probably near the top of his list of couplings he'd like to join in with.

"Guy's... er... special," was all I could manage by way of explanation.

"Okay," Jake said with a disappointed shrug. "Not when you're with Guy."

And with that I went to bed, wondering why it was so important for me to keep Guy to myself while, after what had just happened with Marcus, all of the rest of my occasional visitors would be fair game for Jake to join in with.

What was it about Guy that made him "special", I wondered.

What was it that kept making me feel so weird when I thought about the two of us?

Without being able to adequately formulate an answer to the question, I went back to bed; leaving my door slightly ajar, just like Jake's.




More Gay Erotic Stories from Furlong

A Holistic Approach

A HOLISTIC APPROACH Part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

A Man in My Bed

A MAN IN MY BEDPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

A Walk in the Park

A WALK IN THE PARKPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlongrobert

Adam and Steve

ADAM AND STEVEPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong


AIR BNB by Robert Furlong === === "So first thing next day I knocked on their bedroom door to say good mornin' and one of them called out, tellin' me to come in." "This was one of the gay blokes who owned the house?" Brian asked. "Yeah. I think I was the only one rentin' a room that night." He nodded and I went on.

Awake with Jake Part 1


Awake with Jake Part 2


Awake with Jake Part 3

I got into bed with Marcus, having to push him to one side so that the two of us could fit into the single bed.

Awake with Jake Part 4

AWAKE WITH JAKE PART 4by Robert looked at the clock. It was going on for three. At this rate, I was going to need half a jar of coffee to get me going in the morning.I'd been enjoying having horny thoughts about the first time I'd hooked up with Marcus, and it had been nice to lie here snuggling into his back and

Badly Drawing Boy

BADLY DRAWING BOYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===While Matt Strickson's PowerPoint presentation was unremittingly dreary, the way his arse flexed and rippled in the back of his tight grey trousers every time he turned towards the whiteboard was more than enough to keep me entertained.

Bedtime Stories

BEDTIME STORIESPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Blast from the Past... and from my Son!

BLAST FROM THE PAST... AND FROM MY SON! by Robert Furlong === === Warning: contains mild scat === The night before Jake and I were going to watch Liverpool play Leeds, the tumble drier decided to break down. I had, of course, left the bulk of the laundry we needed until the night before our trip and so we had a large pile

Both Ways

BOTH WAYSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===At first I was convinced my ex-wife was in the bed with me.It was Sunday morning and I was in that half-dreaming half-dozing state I sometimes end up in when I've slept too long and I really should get up. I'd opened an eye to check the alarm

Bunk Buddies

BUNK BUDDIESby Robert fuck-buddy Rob has always been fascinated to hear about my time in prison. I told him early on in our hook-ups that life inside hadn't actually been that interesting – that it was mostly mind-splittingly dull and that the sex, such as it was, was brief and infrequent – but he keeps asking about

By Popular Demand

BY POPULAR DEMANDPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Candid Cameron

CANDID CAMERONPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Carried Away

CARRIED AWAYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Pulling out of the car park after meeting Cameron, I couldn't help but marvel at how much nerve he must have. Imagine going back to a stranger's flat and rimming him while his mates looked on! The idea of doing something like that myself was

Coupling Up

COUPLING UPPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===I was back at the small toilet building tucked away among the trees in the park.Curiosity about what I'd seen there on my last visit had got the better of me and I'd left the office early with the excuse of having a bad stomach and the

Danny Comes to Stay Part 1

DANNY COMES TO STAY PART 1 === As we undressed for bed, Alex said to me, "I feel kind of sorry for Danny." "Sorry for him? You're kidding me!" It was hard to believe he would feel anything but mistrust for my ex. He hadn't been keen on Danny visiting us, and sure as hell hadn't been comfortable with him staying over with us for

Danny Comes to Stay Part 2

DANNY COMES TO STAY PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === Perhaps it's not surprising that my husband had lost his hard-on while he was watching my ex hungrily rimming my splayed hole. "Just gonna get him nice and slippy," Danny had said before plunging his face into my butt crack and giving me the most intense and satisfying

Doing the Dirty Part 1


Doing the Dirty Part 2

DOING THE DIRTY PART 2by Robert's odd but strangely compelling to watch your own son masturbating right there in front of you. I was fascinated to see how different his technique was from my own – his hand seemed so much more frantic and his fingers more agile – while marvelling at so many physical

Don't Freak Out (Part 1)

DON'T FREAK OUT (PART 1) by Robert Furlong === === For several months, I'd been promising my son that I'd show him how two men can make love very intensely and passionately together using only their two cocks. Jake is young and bisexual but when it comes to other boys, he has made it very clear that his interests are

Don't Freak Out (Part 2)

DON'T FREAK OUT (PART 2) by Robert Furlong === === "I'm not gonna freak out, Rob," Guy assured me. "I'm just surprised, that's all..." I smiled at him again to show that, even though he was quite visibly shaken by what he was seeing, I was more than comfortable to have my son's mouth slurping up and down my large erection in

Doubling Up Part 1

DOUBLING UP PART 1by Robert opened the front door to find Guy grinning at me broadly, his son Simon following right behind. I showed them through to the sitting room, where Jake introduced Simon, who he'd been to school with, to Marcus, his friend from university.While I was busying myself collecting in coats,

Doubling Up Part 2


Doubling Up Part 3

DOUBLING UP PART 3by Robert felt odd for my son and me to be squatting naked together, his back rubbing against mine, but I was sure it must feel even stranger for his best mate Marcus who was lying out on our front room carpet, facing upwards at our two splayed bums and pressing the twinned heads of a double-ended

Driving Home for Christmas

DRIVING HOME FOR CHRISTMASThe epilogue to the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert FurlongContact me for the full series: looked over at me and we grinned at each other.I was desperately pleased to see him and I could see that he was pretty chuffed to see me, even though he hadn't found the time to phone home in over a fortnight.

Dropping the Bottle Opener

DROPPING THE BOTTLE OPENER by Robert Furlong === === So he bends over to pick up the bottle opener, his jeans so far down you can see his arse inside his boxers, and I say, "Fuckin' 'ell, Tyler! Are you deliberately flashin' me an eyeful o' wank-fodder!" He turned to grin at me, still bending over, and reached round to the

Father and Son Moments

FATHER AND SON MOMENTSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===

Football Match

FOOTBALL MATCHThe start of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Considering the impact it was to have on my life, it now seems difficult to believe that it came with no warning. But then, I suppose that's true of almost all of life's most momentous events: they emerge unannounced amidst the most boringly ordinary of our daily routines.

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 1

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === The first night I slept with my twenty-year-old cousin Jake, the two of us snuggled up arms around each other in his double bed, confirmed to me that I was more into guys than I was into girls. It just felt so right to be close to another dude like that, our two big

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 2

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === It was beaut having Uncle Rob's mate Guy over for the evening. He's always up for a laugh and it's great how his no-nonsense way of speaking and brash sense of humour are so at odds with the airs and graces Uncle Rob puts on. It was especially great, though,

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 3

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 3 by Robert Furlong === === "Whoa! I didn't know you guys were playing piggy-backs in here!" Jake called out when he saw his dad on all-fours with Guy squatting behind him. The hairy broad-chested plumber chortled across at his fuck-buddy's son. He always enjoyed a bit of banter with Jake.

Furlong Four Play Part 1

FURLONG FOUR PLAY PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === It was nearly teatime on Saturday afternoon and my cousin and I were sitting on his bed with his mate Marcus from university. Marcus had come to visit from Surrey where his parents lived, and even though he'd only arrived on the train that lunchtime, things were already getting

Furlong Four Play Part 2

FURLONG FOUR PLAY PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === I didn't get my threesome with Jake and Marcus after bedtime. It wasn't that my cousin and his buddy didn't recover themselves after the jerk-off we'd had before tea, it was just that by the time the three of us collapsed into Jake's bed, we'd had so much fun with Uncle Rob

Further into the Furlongs Part 1

FURTHER INTO THE FURLONGS PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === "Look, about last night," Jake said, walking into the kitchen. It was the morning after I'd stormed out of his bedroom and he was, no doubt, going to try to make amends. I figured I knew what my cousin was going to say. That he was sorry he'd messed things up by

Further into the Furlongs Part 2

FURTHER INTO THE FURLONGS PART 2by Robert was still a bit offish with me next morning, giving me a wide berth in the house and keeping conversation to a minimum. After lunch we went to meet a couple of his mates and I thought he might be a dork by dissing me in front of them and taking the piss out of my

Getting Together

GETTING TOGETHERPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlongrobert.furlong@rocketmail.comFind my older stories at

Giving Smithy a Bum-Job

GIVING SMITHY A BUM-JOB by Robert Furlong === === He kept going on about how hard-up he was. How he hadn't had his cock up an arse for however long it was and how his balls were so blue that a fart would get him off. Me and Biggsy kept laughing at how desperate he was acting but I kind of felt sorry for him in a stupid sort

Go Ahead

GO AHEADby Robert I need to use a public toilet, I invariably go into one of the cubicles even if the entire row of urinals is empty. This used to be because, having had some bad reactions from women at the large size of my manhood, I was self-conscious about exposing my genitals to other people and preferred

Guilty Pleasures

GUILTY PLEASURESPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Jake and Simon were focussed on the afternoon's football game when they emerged from their hotel bedroom and there was no mention of what had taken place between their dads the previous night. Guy was his usual bright and breezy self, but I was feeling more subdued: troubled

Having A Laugh

HAVING A LAUGHby Robert started out with the two of us having a laugh. I showed Reece some photos on my phone of our mates doing stupid shit with their cocks out and he said we should go one better and pretend like we were doing gay stuff.So that's how it started and it seemed really funny at the time. Grabbing

How Do You Like It?

HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?Part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Hypothetical Hitch-Hiker Part 1

HYPOTHETICAL HITCH-HIKER PART 1by Robert lad grinned across at me, pleased for the lift. I wasn't going exactly where he wanted, but I could take him to a motorway junction twenty miles short without too much of a detour. He'd have to sort himself out from there: either stand in the cold with his thumb sticking

Hypothetical Hitch-Hiker Part 2

HYPOTHETICAL HITCH-HIKER PART 2by Robert both positioned our respective underwear in front of us – the outer and less intimate surface of the gussets facing towards us – and Dane lifted mine up to his nose first. I followed his lead, applying the outside of his shorts to my nose even though I would have strongly

Jake's Christmas Present

JAKE'S CHRISTMAS PRESENTThe final part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert FurlongContact me for the full series:>> NOTE TO READERS>> I wanted to add a message to this final part of 'Butt Monkey' to say, firstly, thanks for reading and following my story (especially if you've very kindly messaged me to express your appreciation) and,

Just Like My Dad Part 1

JUST LIKE MY DAD PART 1by Robert met my friend Ivan because I bought my car from him.I liked him because he was so unlike the younger, cockier salesmen I'd encountered in all the other dealerships. I'd been trawling showrooms most of the weekend and had long since grown bored of being pestered by smarmy

Just Like My Dad Part 2

JUST LIKE MY DAD PART 2by Robert I drove Ivan back across town in my swanky new car, I asked him how he'd ended up seeking out men for sex in spite of being married to such an attractive woman and having what he'd described as an 'enjoyable' sex life.

Like Father Like Son Part 1

LIKE FATHER LIKE SON PART 1by Robert first time I felt like I might be developing feelings for another man was the night when we'd gone out for a meal, and Marcus – my son's friend from university – made a joke that it was like I was Guy's boyfriend.We'd all laughed at the absurdity of the suggestion – after all, Guy and I are both

Like Father Like Son Part 2

LIKE FATHER LIKE SON PART 2by Robert stood in front of them, my son grinning broadly at me while Marcus, still kneeling forwards with his hands prizing his arse-cheeks apart, peered over in wide-eyed horror.

Mankini Bearcub Part 1

MANKINI BEARCUB PART 1by Robert couple of months ago a lad called James I know at work pulled me to one side to show me something on his phone. I knew it was going to be a piss-take the way his mates were all sniggering and throwing glances at each other and it turned out it was the stupid mankini video which my

Mankini Bearcub Part 2


Medical History

MEDICAL HISTORYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Online Briefing

ONLINE BRIEFINGPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===I scrolled down the pictures of men's underwear filling the screen, trying to locate the Calvin Klein boxer briefs Jake prefers. If I bought him the wrong ones, he'd wear them once and then that would be it. He'd say they were

Pantomime Cow

PANTOMIME COWPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong=Jake mentioned over tea that the drama department at his college was looking for someone to help out with the Christmas pantomime. It was still early November but rehearsals were already underway.

Pleasant Thoughts

PLEASANT THOUGHTSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong==Debbie turned out to be very nice. A bit giggly, perhaps, but that could be put down to the nervousness of being on a first date. She probably thought me too quiet for the same reason.We'd got on well – better than I'd dared to hope – and I'd suggested that we could meet

Questions and Answers

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Roadside Assistance

ROADSIDE ASSISTANCEPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Driving over to Rugby for a meeting with a prospective customer, my car started spluttering on the A4304, and refused to respond when I tried to accelerate. Half a mile on, the engine was threatening to cut out altogether, so I pulled

Silas in the Library

SILAS IN THE LIBRARYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Stain Devils

STAIN DEVILSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===The restaurant seemed a lot more expensive than those I was used to: it certainly wouldn't have been the sort of place I'd have picked if given the choice. The starters alone cost more than I would usually be prepared to pay for a whole meal,

Surprise at Rogerson Shopping Mall

SURPRISE AT ROGERSON SHOPPING MALL by Robert Furlong === === I'd agreed to meet my son Jake in Leeds city centre one Saturday afternoon. He was in his second year of studying at the university there and, as I had most of the day free, I thought it would be nice for the two of us to meet up for a coffee and chat. I was picking

Taking It All In

TAKING IT ALL INThe penultimate part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlongrobert.furlong@rocketmail.comFind my older stories at's not every day one gets caught by one's own son being anally pleasured by another man, but that's how Saturday had started out for me.I'd woken rather later than I usually would, a consequence of a very eventful

The Bride's Brother Part 1

THE BRIDE'S BROTHER PART 1by Robert, my partner, unlocked the bedroom door and I noticed Jason peering down the corridor to make sure the three of us weren't being watched.

The Bride's Brother Part 2

THE BRIDE'S BROTHER PART 2by Robert threw our jackets on the floor and then kissed again, grinding our erections together through our open zippers, regardless of the fact we were smearing each other's precum across the fronts of our trousers.Ricky smiled as my tongue entered his mouth and this time he let me

The Halfway Inn Part 1

THE HALFWAY INN PART 1by Robert glanced across at Pete as I took off my shirt. Perhaps because he was a lot younger than me, he seemed oblivious to any sense of self-consciousness or embarrassment that the two of us were having to share a room and get undressed together. He looked young enough to have graduated from

The Halfway Inn Part 2

THE HALFWAY INN PART 2by Robert got on the bed first, kneeling down on the mattress and splaying my legs wide open. Seeing me like that, facing him expectantly with my cock arching upwards, made Pete laugh again.

The Paint Job (Part 1)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 1 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === With the current fashion for newlyweds to have their wedding night nuptials committed to canvas, I have become familiar with sketching hesitant couples alongside their conjugal beds. Painting such tender moments presents a fascinating artistic challenge and I've developed a

The Paint Job (Part 2)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 2 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === "You've obviously discussed the other five paintings of the set in some detail," I remarked to my two clients. "Could you give me a rundown of what you have in mind to give me an idea of context." "Okay, so the first is the beautiful composition of us kneeling face-to-face

The Paint Job (Part 3)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 3 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === "So... onto the first consummation," I suggested, pausing for the two men to reposition themselves and sit alongside each other on the couch. "In this painting, Adam is... er... making love to Stephen. Am I okay to describe it like that?" I'd expected Adam to haughtily

The Paint Job (Part 4)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 4 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === After leaving the tea to brew, I went back through to the studio to find Adam and Stephen having what looked like very intense sex together kneeling on the couch. They were both upright and facing forwards. Stephen had one arm around Adam's prominent chest, fondling a

The Right Trousers

THE RIGHT TROUSERSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===On Friday afternoon, after meeting a group of potential clients at their Coventry head office, I thought I'd take a walk into the city centre before the shops closed to see if I could find a new pair of trousers. I'd been wondering what

Troy Story

TROY STORYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Up At The Crack

UP AT THE CRACKby Robert few months ago I met a guy called Edward and it turned out that, among his varied and chequered past, he'd been divorced and has a son in his late teens, just like me.His lad is called Ashley; he's eighteen and at university in Sheffield. My son is Jake who's nineteen and at Leeds.

What Happened in Harvey's Room Part 1

WHAT HAPPENED IN HARVEY'S ROOMPART 1: CIRCLE JERKby Robert five of us gathered round Harvey's laptop, pulled our dicks out and he loaded up the movie so we could all wank off to it.I was new to the academy and I'd never been in a circle jerk before, so it seemed funny and horny at the same time for us

What Happened in Harvey's Room Part 2

WHAT HAPPENED IN HARVEY'S ROOMPART 2: SLOPPY SECONDSby Robert turned out to be totally different from playing around with girls. For a start, we didn't even get on his bed together and there was cuddling each other or anything like that.I just hitched the front of my jeans down so my aching hard-on

What Lurks Beneath

WHAT LURKS BENEATHPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===As I was getting into bed, Guy returned to the room chuckling that the lads had still been on their DS, which he'd confiscated.

Work and Play

WORK AND PLAYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong


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