Gay Erotic Stories

Double D Dorm Pt. I

by Solo_DR
09 Apr 2014

Asian Delights Bisexual Black and Beautiful College Days Cultural Exchange Exotic First Time Interracial Masturbation Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex Surprise Tales From School Threesomes

Double D Dorm Pt. I : A Lesson in Weed & Freedom

* This story was literally envisioned and written during one of the best highs I've ever been on... Enjoy

"Shit I'm late again." It was the third time this week that I over slept. The third time this week that my annoying fucking, douche-bag roommate spent half the night partying with his friends and keeping me up. And because of him I've spent most of my nights here tossing and turning in my bed, trying to differentiate between my dreams and the actual jackassery going on in my dorm room. Needless to say, I haven't been getting much sleep. And the worst thing about it is that even after all his douche-bag friends leave, he stays up for another few hours, banging the shit out of his girlfriend. I mean they go at it for hours, like freaking animals, as if I wasn't there just five feet away trying to sleep. I hate living with this guy. He's the worst. And its only been my first week in school.

So now at 9:30, nearly half way through my Econ class, I was just now showing up, dead tired, with images of my naked roommate and his girlfriend sprawled out on his bed seared in my brain. I was beyond pissed. For one, not only was I tired as all hell, but I ended up missing a surprise-quiz that ended nearly two minutes before I made it to class.

After class, walking back to my dorm, I was fuming. My day wasn't getting off to a great start. Hell, my college experience wasn't getting of to such a great start. The only silver lining though in my whole morning was that Econ was my only class for that day, and now at least I could go back to my dorm and catch up on some sleep.

When I got there, I was elated that my roommate was gone, but unfortunately his girlfriend Luna wasn't. "You're Sy right", she said to me as I entered the room. She was lying there in Omar's bed. Omar, my roommate, that by the way, I hadn't yet even officially met. But whom I've gotten the unwitting pleasure of seeing naked, time and time again, as he slept with Luna usually right beside him. All I knew about the guy was that he was a junior [I was only a freshman], and that he was a black dude with an affinity for Asian chicks, as displayed by all the posters of half naked Asian girls all over the walls, not to mention Luna.

"Yeah, I'm Syris." I said to her, with a bit of an obvious attitude. She got up and walked over to me. All she was wearing was a white sheet from Omar's bed, that was so see through, it was pointless for her to wear. She was hiding nothing. I could see nearly everything through the sheet. Every inch of her body. And boy what a body it was. She was really a hot little thing. A hot little Japanese Geisha. She was about 5'6, perky little tits, with dark nipples that were beyond visible and erect through the sheet. And she had these really thick sexy pink lips, that she just kept licking and biting seemingly uncontrollably as she made her way over to me.

"Well, hello Syris. I'm Luna", she said extending her hand to shake mine. Though I was unamused, and still a bit pissed off at her and her boyfriend, I reached out and took her hand. But just then the sheet fell to the floor, and Luna stood there before me, completely naked. Like I said before, her body was amazing. My jaw dropped. But what was even more amazing, and shocking for that matter, was the bush she had down there between her thighs. It was like she had completely shaven her entire body from the neck down, and had all the hair transplanted to her crotch. She looked like one of those old 70's porn stars. I was in awe looking at the naked specimen standing before me. But I didn't say a word, and neither did she. She just giggled, like it was the funniest thing that could have ever happened. But for some reason she was in no rush to cover herself. And then Omar walked into the room.

I admit, I was a bit scared. I thought he'd think something was going on between us, and kick my ass right then and there. But when he walked in, a still naked Luna ran over to greet him, jumping right into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Then they kissed, more like made out, like they hadn't seen each other in years. And again, they carried on as if I wasn't there. Then I tried to get there attention. "Hey.... guys" I said in an awkward little shaky way.

Then Luna climbed down off of Omar, grabbed him by the hand and led him over me. "Babe this is Sy, your roommate." She said.

"Syris," I reiterated.

"Hey man." Omar greeted me, shaking my hand.

"Hey." I responded.

"Man I hope she wasn't getting on your nerves too much while I was gone." Omar said, completely overlooking the fact that his girl was still naked in my presence.

"No actually I just now got back in from class." I said.

"Oh Ok. Good. I'm Omar by the way. Sorry we haven't officially met yet. You've been going to bed pretty early and I didn't want to wake you" he said to me, completely oblivious to the fact that not only does he wake me every night, but hell with him, I never get any sleep to begin with. But I didn't want to bring it up. I didn't want my complaints to be the first topic of conversation we had. Besides I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop concerning Luna's nakedness. But oddly it never did. “Man you've been missing some pretty epic parties.” Omar informed me.

“Is that so.” I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Did you get it babe?" Luna asked Omar, jumping up and down like a giddy little school girl.

"Yeah I got it." he responded. Then again they kissed like I wasn't in the room. Then Omar reached into his bag and pulled out this crazy looking bong. It was neon pink, and looked like a freaking lava lamp, only ten times weirder.

"Wow babe, its beautiful." Luna said mesmerized by the bong, which to her was more like a piece of fine art.

"No babe you're beautiful." Omar said to her, before they kissed again. It was so sickening. I mean how much in love could they really be. And why the fuck is she still naked. Am I the only one seeing this, I thought. It was oh so awkward. I was so confused. None of this was normal to me. But they just continued on with their over exaggerated displays of 'affection', while I looked on in awkwardness. Then Omar snapped me out of it. "Hey you smoke bro?" he asked.

"Yeah sometimes" I responded. The truth was, I had never smoked a day in my life. Honestly I didn't really know anyone who did, or at least that admitted that they did. When I say the town I grew up in was small, I mean small. And not just small, but a small bible thumping, uber religious town, where everybody knows everybody, and nobody's secrets were safe. To be honest, I was really pretty much just an innocent little white boy. And all my parents wanted was to keep me that way. But I definitely didn't want that. I wanted to live for once. To experience some things outside of that small ass town, that I'd kill, hell, even die to get away from. “Yeah I smoke.”

"Cool, wanna light up now?" Omar asked me. He didn't have to ask a second time. I was down for anything. And with the lure of finally getting to live, to finally do something bad for once, made me completely forget how pissed I was at them. The next thing I know Omar goes back into his bag and pulls out a giant bag filled with weed.

"Ooh babe, is that the Double D?" Luna nearly screamed.

"Yeah babe, I got the Double D." Omar said to his girl. Then Luna jumped excitedly back into his arms and met him with another kiss.

"What's Double D?" I asked, revealing my inexperience with the drug.

"What's Double D?" Omar said, shocked at my lack of weed knowledge.

"Sweetie, its the closest thing we're getting to a piece of heaven on earth." Luna said, grabbing my face and planting a kiss right on my lips. I was a bit taken aback by Luna's boldness especially right in front her boyfriend. But hey, it wasn't like she hasn't been naked in front of me for the last hour, without a care. Besides Omar didn't seem to care at all. He was more worried about setting up the bong, and getting started with the Double D.

"Man, this stuff is gonna send a jolt to your balls." Omar said giving me a pound on the chest. This was all so much for me, all so intense, and we hadn't even started smoking yet. Was this college? Is this dorm life? Was this how the next four years of my life was going to be? If so, I was ready.

Minutes later, we were all sitting on the floor [Indian style] passing the bong back and forth. And for the first time in my life, I felt free. Free from restriction. Free from the strict controlling nature of my family back home. Free from the judgment of those small town, ass backwards hicks, I left behind in my dust. In this moment I was finally free. And then staring at Luna, who was still naked, a thought came to me. Why am I not free from these clothes yet? The Double D was definitely beginning to work its erotic magic on me.

The next thing I know, I stand up and start taking off my clothes. First went my shirt, revealing my bare slightly hairy chest. The air on my naked skin felt amazing. Then I kicked my shoes off. "Ooh take it off." Luna howled. Omar just laughed and enjoyed the show. Then when I got to my pants, I started having a little trouble. It was like somehow my fingers had grown ten times their size and I didn't know how to used them anymore. Undoing my belt had suddenly become like a maze to me. Seeing the predicament I was in, Luna crawled over to me. Then on her knees she began to undo my pants. Before long they were dropping to the floor, and there I stood, in just my boxers. Before then Omar just watched, but once my pants hit the floor, he started undressing too. Much in the same fashion that I did. Then Luna grabbed the waistband of my shorts, and looked inside. "Ooh, I think we've got a big one over here babe", she said as she crawled away from me and over into the lap of a shirtless Omar, where again she found his lips.

"Em, you got a python over there, huh little white boy." Omar said to me. I didn't respond. So Omar stood up and walked over to me. "So do you have a python or what, White Boy?" He said stepping in my space. His face was nearly inches from mine. I could feel his warm breath on my lips as he exhaled.

"No, I've got a viper." I said laughing. Then I gave Omar a little peck on the lips. We all broke out in laughter. Then suddenly, Omar wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me into him, and thrust his tongue in my mouth. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, earlier that day Luna's kiss was my first, and now Omar's was just my second.

"Ooh, kiss for mama boys." Luna moaned from across the room. She was now, sitting on the edge of Omar's bed, her legs spread so wide that only the tips of her toes touched the floor. She sat there touching herself. One finger in her mouth, and at least three in her pussy. She just sat there and pleasured herself, while her boyfriend pushed me down on my bed, and climbed on top of me.

Hard doesn't even begin to describe the state of my dick. It was solid, throbbing, explosive, as Omar straddled my hips, and leaned in to kiss me. Then he sat up, still straddling me, his knees planted firmly into the bed, and then he began to ride me. My eyes rolled in the back of my head. The sensation, from the friction his jeans were making against the thinly covered fabric concealing my dick, was electric, intense. The friction was so much, that before long the front of my boxers were ripping apart, and my dick was now being set free from its cotton jail.

"Babe, looks like we do have a viper over here." Omar said looking back at Luna, who was thoroughly pleasuring herself on his bed. "I think I got you beat though white boy." Omar said to me as he stood up and dropped his pants. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and when his pants it the floor, boy what a python, or better yet anaconda, it was that popped out. My jaw dropped at the sight of his schlong. It was huge, long, and definitely a snake that I knew was full of venom.

Then suddenly, Luna walks up behind him, wrapping her arms around his hard body. She grabbed hold of his muscled chest and begins to rub and tease at his pointy nips. And Omar just stood there, with his eyes closed and moaned, while he let her have her way. Then suddenly her hands started moving lower. Knowing the erotic show I was in store for next, I reached down and grabbed hold of my dick. It was throbbing in my hand. And Omar's was throbbing in Luna's. It was so hot, the way Luna's tiny, little, red nail painted hands were so expertly moving the skin of Omar's throbbing black mamba back and forth. And did I mention, Omar wasn't cut.

I just sat there and watched, my hand clasped tight around my own dick, as Luna gave her boyfriend the hottest reach around I'd ever seen. Who knew the erotic shows you could find in a quiet little college dorm room.

Then suddenly between the effects of the Double D and the natural attraction I already had for both Lunar and Omar, I decided to get involved. I got up and walked over to Omar, who was still being pleasured by his girl. I grabbed his face, then planted another kiss right smack on his lips. He opened his eyes, and kissed me back. Then our tongues began to wrestle. Luna continued to jerk him off, but now she also had my dick in her hand. The feeling was amazing, to have Luna jerk us both off, while both our tongues and dicks wrestled.

Luna then began to pick up speed on both our dicks. Her hands knew exactly what to do, exactly how hard to squeeze. I could feel myself getting close. I reached behind Omar and grabbed hold of Luna's tits. I could feel my cum building up. "I'm cumming" I moaned in Omar's mouth, as I squeezed Luna's tits with a vengeance. Then suddenly I gasped, as if air was being taken directly from my lungs and I shot my load into Omar's pubes. I had never felt so good, so satisfied, so free. But we weren't done yet. Omar had yet to let his seed loose. And I knew, from the size of that thing between his legs, a little wank wasn't enough to get the job done. So he kissed me again, and he whispered, "Why don't you finish me off Mr. Viper."...


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