Gay Erotic Stories

East Texas Stories: Holiday Hookup (I)

by Hassle_off
28 Dec 2010

Bears, Daddies & Cubs Cyber Sex Holiday Cheer Older/younger Threesomes True Stories

This is a true story, though it happened almost a year ago, so you can be sure a few of the details are fudged or exaggerated. This story is the first in a series of true stories about sexual encounters I had in East Texas in recent years. If you like what you read, email me at - let me know what you think. ---------------------------------------------------------------

It was December 22, 2009, only a few days before Christmas, and I was visiting my father and his family for the holidays. At the time, I was a student at the University of Texas living in Austin with my girlfriend. I was out to her as a bisexual, but my encounters with other men were a secret. As my girlfriend was spending the holidays with her family in San Antonio, I found myself free to find some Christmas ass to play with in the coming days. I didn’t know anyone in the area, but I did have a trusty old friend who could help me find someone – Craigslist.

Thankfully, my niece, who lived next door to my father and his new wife, always left her laptop at my father’s house when I was visiting. That night, after my family went to bed, leaving me alone in front the television, I brought out the computer and logged into Craigslist to check out the m4m personals.

Nothing interested me off the bat, so I decided to post an ad and see what I could find. After a few minutes of typing, I reviewed my ad:

"Visiting Student Seeks Christmas Hook-Up - 21 - Athens

"21 year old UT student in town visiting family for the holidays. Looking to meet a guy (or two, or three) who can host nearby for some Christmas fun. I'm 6'2", hairy, white, stocky at 225lbs, but good looking, shaggy brown hair, blue eyes, glasses, beard, deep throat, big lips, 7"x5" thick uncut cock with big balls. DDF/clean - you must be, too.

"Send your stats/pics and location - looking for anytime between now and Dec. 26."

Happy with what I had written, I attached a small jpeg of my erect cock in the ad and published it.

Writing CL ads always got me hard, so I unzipped my jeans and pulled my erect, 7-inch dick out of the fly of my boxer briefs and began to slowly stroke it. Knowing that it would take a while before the ad was posted, I started to peruse my favorite porn sites - SeanCody, StarrFucker, Monster Cock Land.

After a few minutes of jerking off, my dick was nice and hard and just beginning to leak some pre-come. I pulled my t-shirt off before checking back on CL and saw that my post, cock picture included, was up and available for anyone to respond to. I logged into my secret secondary email account and sure enough, I already had two responses.

My dick jumped at the excitement of finding some East Texas redneck to fool around with, and I grabbed it hard with my left fist, moaning a bit as I did, before opening the first email.

The response was from an older gentleman, a trucker, who lived over an hour away in the "big" city of Tyler. I looked over his stats and tiny picture before realizing it wasn't worth it and deleting his email.

The second email was even less promising. A big guy myself, I know I shouldn't be too picky, but I have to admit I'm definitely not attracted to heavy guys. The second response was from a 290-pound guy with a creepy, thin mustache and a tiny dick. I have my standards, so I deleted this one as well.

A bit down and with my boner waning a bit, I clicked back into the inbox and saw that I had received a third response while reading the other two. I opened it:

"Hello, my name is Brad, and my partner, Dave, and I were looking at your post and wanted to invite you over for some Christmas Eve fun. We are a bit older than you, 44 and 47, respectively, but we are decent looking guys and have a big, empty house to play in."

I looked at the attached photo - it showed two men standing shoulder-to-shoulder, arms around each other's backs. They were handsome. The man on the left was tall, thin, blonde and with a bit of scruff on his face. The second man was shorter and a bit squat, but filled out in the right places. I noticed an impressive bulge in the shorter man's pants.

I responded immediately:

"Hey Brad & Dave - glad to hear from you. Wow - you two are pretty good looking guys. I'd definitely like to meet up with you. What are you into? Are you clean/DDF as well?"

I quickly attached the best picture I had of my face and body, ferociously stroking my rock hard dick with my left hand, and clicked SEND.

After a few minutes, they responded:

"Nice to hear back from you. Glad to hear you think we're handsome - you are, too. Very nice lips. Can't wait to get them around our cocks."

My dick jumped again as I read this last line. I continued reading:

"We'd love to have you over on Christmas Eve, sort of as a Christmas present to us. Something hairy to unwrap on Christmas sounds nice, don't you think? We've been together for 10 years and wanted to do something special. We're open to just about anything, so long as we play safe - kissing, giving oral, rimjobs, anal (we're both versatile) and mutual masturbation."

Reading this response had me so close to coming, and this last bit almost brought me over the edge. I hated that it was still two days away from Christmas Eve.

After almost blowing my load all over the borrowed laptop, I slowed my stroking down and typed my reply:

“Wow – you guys sound too good to be true. Let’s do this – Christmas Eve, right? I’m up for the same things you listed. I’m also really into getting a nice big facial, too. Send your address and let me know when you want to meet.”

I hit send and grabbed my dick again with both hands, enjoying its girth and warmth. I was getting impatient, and I wasn’t sure I could hold my load in much longer.

After a couple of minutes, I got the reply I was looking for:

“Sounds good – we’re looking forward to meeting you. Below is our address – I think we’re about 20 minutes from you…”

Not too far, I thought. Worth it. Definitely.

“…so if you don’t mind making the drive, we’ll see you on the 24th, at around 11PM? And since you like facials, this picture’s for you.”

I hadn’t noticed the attachment yet – the thumbnail above the email was too small and dark to make out, so I clicked it to download the file, and after a moment, I got my reward.

The picture was of the taller guy, on his knees with a big, erect dick – looked to be almost as thick as a beer can – flopped out in front of him, the head of which was dripping with jizz. The kneeling man’s face was covered with a load so big, I thought he must have jerked off half a dozen guys. Everything from his forehead to chin, from ear to ear was splattered with thick ropes of man juice.

This image alone made my dick jump so hard that I almost didn’t have time to grab it and aim it away from the computer before I shot a huge load. Most of it landed back on my bare torso, a bit hitting me square in the chin. I bit my lower lip to keep my voice down, but I couldn’t contain my moans.

After a few minutes of cooling off, my breathing slowed and I used my dirty shirt sitting next to me to wipe my hands, chest, face and spent cock. I was about to stand and head to bed when I realized I hadn’t replied to Brad and Dave’s last email, so I penned them a short confirmation message and told them how hard the picture they sent got me off before shutting off the laptop and heading to bed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The next two days passed in a blur. I couldn’t stop thinking about my upcoming date with the two studly East Texas daddies. The shopping trips for pre-Christmas groceries and last-minute gifts barely fazed me; every candy cane reminded me of hard cocks, every Christmas tree a man’s hairy torso, every cream-covered pie Brad’s jizz-soaked face.

Finally, Christmas Eve arrived, and I had had a boner for almost two days straight. I promised myself the night of receiving Brad and Dave’s email that I wouldn’t jerk off until we met to save my loads up just for them.

The hours ticked away until it was after 10, and finally (thank god) my father and step-mother when to bed. I ran upstairs to take a quick shower and clean myself up before heading out. I double checked the directions, jotted down Brad and Dave’s cell phone number and grabbed my pipe and bag of weed before quietly sneaking out of the back door.

I tiptoed to my car and started it, wincing and hoping the parents wouldn’t wake up. No lights came on, and I didn’t hear the family dogs barking, so I headed up the steep driveway until I was well away from the house before turning on my headlights.

I followed Brad and Dave’s directions, getting turned around a couple of times in the unfamiliar territory, but at last, I pulled onto their street and headed down toward their house at the end of the cul-de-sac.

I stopped a few yards back from the house I knew was theirs, turned off my lights and loaded a bowl of weed in the dark and quiet. I took a hit and held my breath as long as I could before the smoke choked me and I coughed it all out. After calming my lungs down, I took a couple more hits and finished off the bowl before hiding my stash in the glove compartment and pulling out my cell phone.

Trembling a bit from nerves and the cold December air, I dialed their number on my cell and waited as it rang for a moment or two. At first, I was worried they wouldn’t answer, and after each subsequent ring, I felt more and more disappointed.

Just before the voicemail clicked in to answer my call, I heard the receiver on the other end of the line being fumbled and a hurried voice answer,

“Hello, hello? You here?”

“Yes, sir,” I replied.

The voice on the other end laughed.

“‘Sir’,” he said. “I like that. Come on in.”

With that, a porch light on the house in front of me clicked on, and the front door open. Two silhouettes peered out of the open door, and with a moment to steel myself, I opened my car door, stepped out into the cool air, shut my door and approached the front door.

“Hello there,” said the taller one, a big smile spreading across his face. “I’m Brad.”

He extended his hand, and I shook it.

“And you’re Dave, I presume,” I said to the other man, who didn’t smile, but had a sort of assertive, lustful twinkle in his eye.

“Call me ‘Sir’,” he replied, throwing a look at his partner, who laughed.

I blushed and shook his hand, too.

“Just fucking with you, man,” said Dave. “Call me whatever you want.”

He winked at me and motioned for me to follow them inside. Dave put his arm around Brad’s waist, and the two led me into their home.

The entrance hallway opened into a very large and beautifully decorated home with a sunken living room and a large, cushy sofa. A glass jar full of what I assumed was bourbon or some other adult beverage and three glasses sat on a small table in the center of the room.

“Care for something to drink?” asked Brad.

I laughed and replied,

“Sure, but to be honest, I smoked some weed just before I got here, so…” – I left it at that.

The men in front of me looked me over and smiled at each other.

“Thought he smelled familiar,” said Dave.

“Very hot,” said Brad.

Dave walked over to me and put his arm on the small of my back, just above my ass. My skin prickled at his hand, and I almost melted, so turned on by even his small touch. I thought we were going to get started right then and there.

Instead, Dave pointed past me toward a dark hallway and spoke,

“Well, why don’t you head in there and get ready for us while we have a quick drink. There’s something in there for you. Get creative.”

The vagueness of this last instruction made me excited and nervous – my imagination jumped to traffic cone-sized butt plugs, whips and chains and electrified nipple clamps.

Brad sensed my unease and smiled, turning around to pour himself a very deep glass of liquor.

“Don’t worry,” he said.

He raised his glass and drank the whole thing in one big gulp.

“I think you’ll like it,” he finished.

“Alright,” I said, giving Dave a nod and turning to head into the other room.

As I stepped into the dark hallway, I saw Dave taking a drink himself and kissing Brad passionately, sharing the last taste of liquor with his lover.

Brad placed a hand softly on Dave’s chest – a gesture both passionate and tender at the same time – and I smiled. This was going to be fun.

I passed through the dark hallway and I entered an even darker bedroom. After a moment, my eyes adjusted and I saw something waiting for me on the bed: a fuzzy red-and-white Santa hat and a large, bright red bow.

I smiled to myself. This was definitely going to be fun.

I began to strip my clothes off, folding my sweater, shirt, pants and underwear into a neat pile on Brad and Dave’s wooden dresser. I set my socks inside of my shoes and set them on the floor nearby.

I heard Brad and Dave speaking out in the living room and decided to settle myself on the bed. I was very aroused at this point, but I didn’t want to get too excited, so I tried to calm myself down until my dick was only slightly erect.

I grabbed the bow and hat and placed one on my head and the other on my crotch, then switched them, then switched them again, having a hard time trying to decide whether to cover my junk with the hat or the bow. I settled with the latter, sticking the bow’s adhesive to my semi-hard dick and pulling the fuzzy hat over my head and ears.

I heard music coming from some stereo out in another part of the house, and Brad and Dave’s footsteps getting louder let me know they were coming. Here we go, I thought to myself.

Brad entered just before Dave and stopped his partner, nodding toward me - their horny little Christmas present wrapped before them on the bed.

“Merry Christmas,” Dave said.

“Merry Christmas to you, too,” I said, smiling broadly.

Dave moved first, pulling his shirt over his head and revealing his slightly hair chest and belly. He wasn’t ripped and had a slightly belly paunch, but was very attractive.

Brad followed suit and pulled his shirt off as well. His torso was a little more cut than Dave’s, and at first glance, I thought he was completely smooth. As I looked him over more closely, I noticed, however, that he was covering in a thin coat of wispy blonde hairs. Very sexy.

Dave approached the bed, and Brad followed suit. The two hastily unzipped, unbuttoned and dropped their pants, knocked off their shoes and socks and stood beside each other, completely naked save for their briefs covering two impressive looking bulges.

Dave leaned into Brad, grabbing his face, and the two kissed passionately, tongues darting back and forth between their mouths. Brad whispered something I couldn’t hear to Dave, and Dave moved around to the other side of the bed, and the two men crawled onto the bed on other side of me.

I looked nervously from one of them to the other, waiting for someone to make the first move. I wasn’t sure if it was the marijuana talking, but I finally realized how nervous I was. At last, Dave put his hand on my chest, and I took the cue.

I leaned over to Dave and pressed my face to his. Our lips met and we kissed each other fiercely. His mouth tasted like warm whiskey and mouthwash, and suddenly my case of the nerves disappeared. My cock engorged instantly, and I pulled Dave’s face to mine hard and we kissed for what seemed like several minutes before Brad reached over and rubbed his hand over my chest, too.

I broke away from Dave’s mouth and turned to Brad. I noticed his hard cock straining against his white briefs, so I reached a hand down to gently graze and grope it while we kissed. Brad’s mouth was just as wonderful as Dave’s, and we made out for a few moments. Brad reached over to touch my rock hard cock and slapped the Christmas bow away. After a moment, Dave’s hand reached over and pulled on my balls while Brad stroked me.

It was too much for me to handle, and I collapsed onto my back against their pillows, resting a hand behind both of their heads and pulling them in to a three- way kiss. Our tongues mingled together as we ground our faces and hands and cocks into each other. I could feel Brad’s impressive dick to my left and Dave’s even more substantial cock to my left pressing against my thighs.

I had to have them.


--------------------------------------------------------------- Again - if you like what you've read, drop me a line at Let me know if this stuff got you off - would love to hear about it. ;-)


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East Texas Stories: Holiday Hookup (I)

This is a true story, though it happened almost a year ago, so you can be sure a few of the details are fudged or exaggerated. This story is the first in a series of true stories about sexual encounters I had in East Texas in recent years. If you like what you read, email me at - let me know what you think.

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