Gay Erotic Stories

Group Delights - Part 1

by Fcukwolf
08 Dec 2009

Bathhouse Tales Bears, Daddies & Cubs Best Friends Fetish Hairy Men's Clubs Orgies

Tony stood there hard cock in hand slowly wanking himself off and playing with his large balls watching the scene before him. 2 hairy bear guys where on the bed fucking each other senseless. There were moaning and groaning in delight as they fucked, sucked and played with each other. The room was filled with the smell of poppers, cum and sweat. It seemed quite an audience had grown around the door with several guys all jacking each other off. Suddenly a big beefy hand reached over from the guy next to him and grabbed his cock and balls and began wanking him forcefully. Tony rested back on the door frame enjoying the show and the guy who was tossing him off. The bigger and older bear who was fucking the other on the bed looked over and winked at Tony who winked back. As if in unison and knowing it was time the bigger bear pulled his cock out of the guy he was fucking and wanked himself and shot loads of hot cum all over him the exact same time that Tony’s cock stiffened and shot load after load of hot spunk all over the place and dribbled down the hand of the guy wanking him. “Mmmm that was hot!” the guy wanking him off said and with that licked his hand and walked away. Balls empty the older bear who had been fucking gets off the bed and heads over to were Tony stood and kisses him madly. “Fuck that was hot! Love to have some fun with you!!” he whispered into Tony’s ear. He grabs and tugs Tony’s balls with one hand gives him a wink and walks off. As Tony catches his breath and looks back towards the bed he sees the guy who had been fucked was already busy getting fucked by another guy.

Tony heads away from the room and heads downstairs and gets in the shower and washes himself down. Even though he had shot a massive load his cock was still hard and dribbling. After a good soaping and ensuring he had washed himself totally Tony heads off into the changing room. Tony places his towel down on the bench and sits down to remove the locker key from around his ankle. Number 45. Tony stands up and walks over to locker 45 and opens it to remove his belongings. As he removes them an envelope drops onto the floor. He looks around cautiously and can see only one other guy who is just getting undressed ready for his afternoon fun. Tony bends down and pics the envelope up. The envelope is sealed with a golden wax seal of what looks like a big brown bear holding a massive paw up. On the reverse in elegantly written lettering is “To a special and hot guy!” “Who the hell left this? And what the hell is this?” Tony said to himself. Tony opened the envelop cautiously so as not to tear the seal. Inside the envelope was a card invite with the same mark as the seal. The invite read “You have been chosen to the gathering of the Golden Bears. For some time we have observed you and feel you are ready to join our elite forest and be part of the great bear brotherhood. Please come to Forrest Heights Hall on Saturday 24th November at 19:45. Dress code is smart but casual. Yours in brotherhood the Great Bear”. “That’s tomorrow night..” thought Tony. “What is this all about? Who left it? And why me?” Thoughts were flying around Tony’s head. He was excited and slightly scared at the same time. He felt he was no different to most of the other guys who come to the Sauna here and was nothing special.

Tony finished getting dressed in his Jeans and sweatshirt and put his watch back on looking at it.. it was now 5:55pm, “Oh well that was a very interesting afternoon!” Tony winked to himself. “Suppose better get home as I do live there”. Tony tucked the invite into his wallet which he placed in the back pocket of his jeans. Gave his hair one final towel dry and after flinging the towel into the towel bin next to the door grabbed his jacket and with key in handed headed through into the entrance lounge to hand the key in. As he heads to the counter with the key he sees that Neil the manager has come in to start his shift and smiles up as he sees Tony approaching. “Good afternoon then Tony?” Smiles Neil. “Yes thanks Ton. Plenty going on today. Had much fun thanks” replied Tony. “Good. Have to keep our regulars happy.. may go up myself later as need let off a little steam! Shame your not going to be there as think we have unfinished business bud!” smirks Neil. “Well may call back later as its 24 hrs again tonight.. Plus yeah owe you big time for the last!” smiles Tony. “So whats on the planner for the weekend then bud? Anything interesting?” says Neil with a glint in his eyes. Tying to sound as if nothing and wondering was it Neil who left the invite says “Umm you know me mate. Nothing is concrete and just like to take it as it cums haha.” Replies Tony. “That’s my guy! Wish could be like that myself but gotta keep this place going but am sure can get a few hours. If your coming back make it for after 11pm as Max will be in for a few hours so I can slip out for some fun,” “Yeah ok mate. Will see you later! As say you’ve twisted my arm and we have the unfinished business!” Tony places the key on the counter winks up at Neil and heads out. As he gets outside he is sure he spots the older bear from the play room upstairs on the corner of the street looking over and smiling at him. Tony looks over and gives an acknowledging smile and head nod. With seeing this, the guy walks off down the road. “Was it him who left me that note?” wonders Tony as he heads off down the road back to his flat.

It was 6:20pm when Tony got back into his flat. He gets the post out of the mailbox as has been out all day and pops it on the table in the sitting room along with his keys and wallet and switches on the box and puts sky news on. Listening to what’s been going on in the news Tony pulls his jacket off and places it over the back of one of the dining chairs and walks into the kitchen and turns the kettle on. “Better get something to eat and drink if heading back to the Sauna later to meet Neil! Plus better be re-energised knowing what he’ll have in store!” Feeling good after a good afternoons fun Tony’s thoughts turn to the encounter of the older bear upstairs in the fun room and then the mysterious invite from the Golden bears and then the same guy as if waiting outside for him. None of it made sense. Why all of a sudden and so out of the blue? Tony throws a micro meal in the microwave and walks back over to the coffee table and picks the invite up again. The writing was superb. It reminded Tony of something you may have found in the olden days and the invite was written on parchment type thick paper. The more it went through his head he was sure he had regularly seen this mysterious guy at Neil’s Sauna but never had any interaction with him before today only slight glances. Beep.Beep.Beep the microwave signalled the end of its heating cycle and Tony’s dinner was ready. He dished out the meal onto a plate and grabbed the tray and went and sat on the sofa along with a cold can of cider from the fridge and switched on to the local news. Having finished dinner Tony takes the dishes into the kitchen and washes up. Once he was happy everything was tidy he goes back and lays down on the sofa and starts flicking through the channels. He must have been more tired than thought and had dowsed off as next minute he woke to the 10 o clock news starting on ITV. “Blooming heck” said Tony has he sat upright gave a large yawn and stretched out. “Suppose best get ready if going back to Neil’s.” Tony runs up to the bedroom and changes into a black pair of combats and black t-shirt. “Leave the unides tonight I think! Easy to get dressed then” thinks Tony. He goes back to the living room and grabs his keys and wallet from the table and heads out.

Just after 10:55pm Tony enters Neil’s. As Neil had said Max was in and greeted Tony as always “Hey up T-Man see your back again hey?” “Yeah as usual Max! Take it Neil’s gone in to slut it up again?!” “Of course! Oh he said no worries about paying tonight as it’s his treat and said to tell you he’ll just take the payment in kind later.” “Hmm typical Neil.. thanks Max catch you later.” Tony takes the locker key number 69 off Max and goes into the changing room. As Tony is getting undressed he notices 2 other guys doing the same and another 6 getting dressed and looking like going to be going out on the town. “Well it is a Friday night after all” thought Tony. Once naked Tony goes to locker 69 and puts his clothes away and wraps the freshly laundered towel around his waist. Looking at the key thinks “Cheeky git! He’s been planning this for a while! Mind you do enjoy my times with Neil he is a very horny guy!”. Smiling to himself Tony heads upstairs to the showers. Whipping the towel from around him he hangs it on the towel hook and gets into the shower and turns on. The hot water rains down on him as he rinses himself off and all his body hair becomes thick and matted. “Oi tart!” calls a voice from the Jacuzzi just around the corner of the showers. Tony recognised the voice of Neil who was lounging out in the hot tub alone. Turning the shower off Tony grabs his towel and slings it onto his shoulder and walks over to the Jacuzzi where Neil is waiting. “Hey less of the tart Neil! After all I ain’t the one who owns a Sauna and comes up to whore it every days lol” replies Tony. “Ok Ton.. Only joking.. but glad you came. Love our fun and missed you whilst away! Don’t just stand there jump in!”. Neil is a very attractive bear type guy. Although bald head has masses of thick black body hair with a large 10” uncut cock. He has several tattoos and both nipples pierced. He is 57 this year but has such stamina and vigour and is also a very horny guy. Tony could see Neil’s cock was already hard as he was getting in and could feel his going the same way.

Once Tony was settled in next to Neil, Neil turned round and grabbed Tony close to him and began snogging the face of him whilst with his other free hand went under the water and started wanking Tony off. “Mmmm see you’ve missed me as well” smirked Neil. Taking Neil’s cock in hand he started to return the favour. “Of course Neil! You make me horny as fuck and our sessions are so hot miss them when your away!” With that said Neil pulled back and said “Right.. stand up, turn round and bend over!” he sounded like a headmaster instructing a naught pupil what to do before being caned. Without hesitation Tony did as was told.. when he bent over his hairy crack was inches from Neil’s face. “Oh fuck yes Ton” gasped Neil. “Now spread those beef curtains for me and show me!” Again this was said with such authority and Tony obliged without hesitation. With cheeks spread Neil leaned forward and with smelling the scent of a freshly showered crack dives straight into it and starts licking and chewing like mad. “Oh Neil” gasps Tony. “Fucking yes. Get that tongue in there and eat that fucking arse!” Tony can feel the top of Neil’s bald head rubbing in between the crack of his arse and could feel his saliva dribbling out of his hole and down his legs. Whilst still eating Tony’s hole, Neil reaches between Tony’s legs and pulls his cock backwards and starts tugging on it forcefully. “Fuck yeah” gasps Tony who was enjoying having his hole eaten by Neil. Neill stops chewing Tony’s arse and moves down to his cock and balls and with the same vigour starts sucking Tony’s hard cock. Whilst doing this Neil starts to finger Tony’s now well moist hole. Neil stops and says “C’mon Ton got my gear upstairs and be a bit more comfy than here plus less interruptions!” With a glint in his eyes Neil leads Tony upstairs to the large playroom which houses the sling. Tony notices the doors locked and sees Neil remove the key from around his neck and unlocks it. “You sly ol’ dog Neil! See you were banking on me coming over tonight!” “Of course! Plus as you can see is pretty quiet and if the owner can’t have a few incentives”. Both laugh and go into the room which Neil locks with the key behind them.

Tony looks around and sees Neil has bought a vast range of toys and equipment. He saw the vaccum pump, the elctro-stim kit, sounding rods, the harness and cuffs, and the largest strap on cock extension he has ever seen. Also, the obligatory poppers and elbow-grease! “Well deffo well prepared Neil” winked Tony. “Of course Ton. Plus we did speak about what we’re both into and you’ve always said how you wanted to try a few things! Plus I know your into pumping and sounding as well as ff and watersports so thought lets try elctro and some of the toys here.” “Oh fuck Neil use and abuse me!” That said Tony walks over to the sling and settles in so his legs are in the straps and his arse over the ledge to give Neil full access. Neil walks over to Tony and connects the elctro stim strap to his cock and the other around his balls, and turns the control up to 3. “Oh fuck Neil that is nice!” “Knew you’d like it tony wait till later!” winks Neil. Next he gets the vacuum pump and applying a little lube places Tony’s hard cock inside and starts pumping it. “Oh fucking hell Neil!! Yess.. oh yess…” murmurs Tony in pure delight. Neil can see the pure ecstasy on Tony’s face and is getting really hard at the sight. He reaches for the remote and turns it up to 5. “Ohh fuck Neil… fuckk” shouts Tony as he fills the pump of hot cum.. Wave after wave of spunk can be seen shooting out of his pumped cock. Watching in pure delight Neil wanking hard stands over Tony’s helpless form in the sling and unleashes his cum all over him. Hitting him on his face, neck, chest, stomach, and cock. “Oh fuck Neil yes give me more!” begs Tony. Neil walks behind Tony’s head and puts his cock by his mouth which Tony greedily sets to work on and swallows right down his throat. “Fuck Tony! Mmmm.. Suck that cock.” Neil watches as Tony cums all in the pump again and himself sends a flood of hot spunk deep into Tony’s throat who swallows the load. “Oh fuck Tony! I am going to fuck you now!!” Neil goes round and undoes the pump and as he does the cum flows out all over Tony’s cock and balls which Neil laps all up. “Fuck Neil leave the electro on!” shudders Tony as again he explodes another massive cum load which again Neil laps up.

Neil walks over to the small table where all the toys are and opens the tube of elbow-grease. He takes out a large handful and rubs it onto Tony’s arse. “Mmmm.. nice and cool that Neil.. open me wide big boy!” groans Tony in delight as he cums again.. “Fuck Tony! Your loving that electro aren’t you?” smirks Neil. “Fuck yes Neil!! Now I know why you do too!” Tony replies. Tony’s cock is solid hard and Neil can’t believe how much the electro has made is friend cum! As Tony’s hole is nicely lubed Neil begins to insert his fist and open Tony up. Within minutes Neil has both fists alternating in and out of Tony’s wide gaping hole. “Fuck Neil yes!” murmurs Tony releasing yet another blast of cum over his cock and balls. “Fuck Tony! You have the greatest arse! Your rosebud is beautiful tonight!” With that Neil bends down and starts licking the juices flowing from the gaping bud that has blossomed from Neil’s handy work. “Fuck Neil oh yes! Yesss” shouts Tony as yet again his pulsating cock fires another load of hot cum over the place. “Ok Stud! Think that’s enough electro for now! Or you’ll be in trouble! Plus your making me look a fool with the amount your fucking cumming with it” giggles Neil as he switches the electro off and removes the ring from Tony’s cock and balls. “My god Neil!” breaths Tony who sounds extremely out of breath. “How many times did I cum with that? We must certainly use it more often as have never cum that much in the whole of my life!” Tony continues with a huge smile on his face. “Too many to keep track of Stud! But was good tasting your hot load was sweet! Now I am going to fuck you good time.” With that Neil makes sure that Tony’s rose bud is still protruding out and rams his cock deep inside and balls as well. “Fuck Neil! Fuck me I am your whore!!” growls Tony from the onslaught his arse is taking from Neil’s hard cock. Deep in and out Neil thrusts Tony. In and out. Tony’s bud clamping onto Neil’s cock like a vice and drawing him in deeper with every thrust. Neil continues to fuck Tony senseless for 20 minutes. Then when he has to let go Tony feels Neil’s cock stiffen and clamps down his arse as both guys Unleash the biggest bursts of cum they ever have. “Fucking take it Tony!!” growls Neil as he thrusts the final flow of cum from his cock deep inside Tony. As Neil pulls out all the cum and juices flow out of Tony’s gaping hole and trickle down to the floor. “Fuck Neil! What a sess! Your so fucking hot! We must get back to our frequent arrangement. Look at us. We are soaked and full of cum and lube! Lets get showered and go down for a ciggy and a beer!” “Good idea Tony! Am well spent as I sure you am babes!” grins Neil. Neil helps Tony up out of the sling and collects all the toys and gadgets from their horny session. “Fuck me Tony! We’ve been at it for hours!! Its 5am already!!” gasps Neil. “Well we always are two horny fuckers and make our fun last for hours on end! But loved every minute of it!!”. Once Neil was certain everything was clear he wiped the sling down and took the bag and unlocked the door. As they exited they were met by 4 guys who clapped and wolf whistled at them. “Seems we still attract the crowds hey Ton! Shame they don’t know what was going on in there!” said Neil as he turned round and winked at Tony. “Let me take this stuff away and will join you downstairs”. With this Neil walked away to the room marked Staff only and opened it closing the door. Tony headed off downstairs to the showers were he washed himself and could still feel his cock pulsating from the electro stim kit.

All showered Tony goes down stairs and gets dressed and heads outside after grabbing a beer from Max and sits at the round table under the heater and lights up. Just as he goes to take his first drag of his cigarette the door opens and out comes Neil freshly showered and dressed in jeans and a very tight fitting t-shirt. “Well that was a fucking hot sess there mate!” grinned Neil as he took the sit next to Tony and took a cigarette and lit one. He placed his beer on the table next to Tony and puffed a large smoke ringlet up towards the sky. “Anyways Ton.. whats biting you mate?” A little taken a back from his words Tony says “How you mean Neil?” “Oh come on Tony. How long have we known each other and had fun? It’s over 20 years that’s how long so I think we both know each other well enough to know when there’s something on one another’s mind!” “Neil your right but I don’t know where to start! Today has been such a strange day and I don’t know where to begin..” “Well start at the beginning then Tony! You know how good friends we are and I’m always here to listen as you have been for me.” Interrupted Neil. “Ok Neil but please this must stay between us ok?” Neil nods his head in committed response. Neil has always kept anything said to him to himself but between him and Tony they have never had secrets. They tell each other everything and always have been. This must be something Tony can’t or hasn’t figured out himself. “OK” sighs Tony. “This is going to sound so strange am sure you’ll never believe me! I am still uncertain if I am dreaming and when I awake later today this would have all been a dream and everything will be back to normal..” “Oh come on Tony mate. Your starting to scare me a little now mate!” “OK.. well you know I was in earlier.. well yesterday now lol.. well when I came down from a great afternoon I found a strange envelope in my locker.” “Nothing strange there Tony! You know we sometimes place flyers in there or someone will pop a piece of paper with their phone number etc.. on for someone they got on well with upstairs!” “Yeah but this wasn’t like that! It was weird! The envelope had a gold seal of a bear holding up one of its huge front paws in the air. When I opened it there was a card which looked like had been written in parchment and saying I had been watched for sometime and asked to go to Forest Heights Hall.. tonight at 7:45pm dressed in Smart Casual.” Trying to look and sound as if he didn’t know anything Neil replied “that is strange matey! Did you not see who left it? Anyway.. I was always the impression that Forest Heights Hall was owned by that really rich guy who seems to keep himself to himself and I believed it was where the Masons were based!” “Me too Neil! That was until yesterday! What was strange was when I came out there was a guy as if waiting for me to come out on the corner of Spears Road watching. He watched me coming out and winked and then walked off down the road.” “Oh come on Tony matey! This does sound funny! You read far too many crime and fiction novels! I think your tired!” Neil laughed as if to try and distress his best friend who was clearly concerned and somewhat a little frightened. “No shit Tony! Your serious?!? I can tell by your body language.” “Yes Neil I am mate.. plus look…” Tony removes the invite from his wallet and passes it to Neil. Neil takes it and recognises at once what it is but feels so bad that he cannot let his friend know he knows and it was in fact him who left the invite and has planned this for many years. “Well what you gonna do Tony?” asks Neil. “That’s the thing. I don’t know! I do and don’t want to go. It’s rather exciting and frightening at the same time. Years ago I had heard of some sort of great gay bear brotherhood but just put it down to fiction. What do you think Neil? You know I have always trusted you and trust you with my life! Please help me here!” This was the first time Neil had heard his friend pleading for help and was in desperate need of reassurance. “Tell you what Tony.. I will come with you and wait outside so if anything happens you know I am there for backup how about that?” Neil was hurting for his friend but couldn’t let him know what was to come and what was in store. He knew Tony belonged with the brotherhood and could not let his plan fail. “Neil I can’t ask you to do that! I appreciate the other but…” “Shut it you daft sod!” barked Neil in his masterful voice. “Look you watch my back and I yours! We look out for each other and besides I’m offering not being asked! I think you should go though as very intriguing don’t you think?” Neil could see that Tony was relaxing and coming around to the idea. “Ok thanks matey. What time do you think to go?” “I’ll pick you up at 7:20pm. That way can get there in plenty of time. I’ll beep the horn when outside ok? Right better get back in and let Max go or he’ll be demanding overtime and time off in Lou! Bloody students hey? Lol.” With that Neil flicks his cigarette but onto the floor and stamps on it and heads back in. Tony downs the last half from his bottle of beer and heads in and leaves heading home.

Most of Saturday Tony sleeps. All be it restless. Many thoughts fill his head. The invite, the mysterious stranger, the hot horny long lasting session with Neil and of course what will happen tonight. At 3pm Tony wakes up and looks at the clock. “Oh fucking hell! Look at the time! I am a lazy sod! Hey why am I worrying its Saturday! But not long till Neil is coming to get me. Better get my skates on and get something to eat before getting ready.” Tony leaps out of his bed and grabs a pair of silk black boxers from the draw next to his bed and pulls them on. Tony notices he can’t just pull the boxers up as normal. “Oh fucking hell! Deffo morning glory today! Sorry boy no play time for you at the moment!” Tony smiles to himself and replays last night marathon fuck fest with Neil over in his head and his cock twitches in sheer delight. With his boxer shorts finally up over his rock hard cock Tony heads into the kitchen and switches the radio on and makes a cup of coffee whilst looking in the freezer for something to eat.

Meanwhile across town at Neil’s he didn’t sleep well either. Here he was the great bear of the brotherhood preparing for the initiation of his dearest and closest friend who he appears to have frightened. “No Neil!” He says to himself. “Yes he is a dear friend and you love him very much you have to uphold your responsibility to the brotherhood! It is only human to have these mixed emotions as this guy you love deep and would die for! Feelings like this don’t come easy and you have made the right choice to admit him into the brotherhood!” his head continues to tell himself. “But..” Neil argues with himself… “No buts! The brotherhood is in your hands you are the great bear of the forest! You were chosen because of your skills and experience and cannot let the rest of the forest suffer for your personal desires!” “No your right! I must and will do this! Everything is ready. Tonight Tony will become one of us and experience the true delight the forest has.”

By 7.10pm Tony is ready and waiting nervously for the sound of Neil’s horn out the front of his apartment. Tony is dressed to impress. He is wearing a new pair of Black trousers with a Metallic Dark navy short sleeve shirt that is tucked inside the trousers. During the afternoon Tony had nipped out and had his jet black hair cropped to a number 2 all over and with his designer glasses on and silver Rolex was ready. Beep.. Beep.. Neil’s horn startled Tony who stood up and tucked his wallet and keys into their prospective pockets and grabbed his new Grey and Black checked jacket which he flung around him. Making sure everything was off apart from the radio Tony opened the door, locked up when out and made his way down to Neil who was waiting in the car. “Fuck Tony!” gasped Neil as he opened the door and got into the leather seat in Neal’s new Toyota sports car. “You sure now how to impress a man!! Look at you! you hot stud muffin you! And look at me just in jeans and a t-shirt lol Plus you got my favourite aftershave on!” “Thanks Neil” said Tony gingerly. “Don’t think over the top do you? Plus that aftershave is the one from Bali you got me that you said would smell great on me!” “Ahh yes I remember it now! Not a cheap one I can tell you! Plus the hassle trying to get it back into the UK here! It does smell wonderful on you! Wish we were going out for dinner with you like that!” Smiled Neil. “Mmm thanks Neil.. the way my stomach feels think would rather be on a date with you and back to the sauna for another hot frantic fuck fest with you babes!” “Look Tony. My gut tells me you’ll be fine! What more could you want knowing I’m watching your back! Trust me it’ll be fine babes!” with that Neil lent over and gave Tony a long lingering kiss. “Anyway enough chit-chat come on or you’ll be late!” Neil turned the ignition causing the car to roar like a lion ad burst into life as he pulled away from the curb and off into the night. 10 minutes later the pair pulled into Forest Heights Hall drive. “Wow!” the pair breathed. “Bet that guy has some money who owns this place! Look at the stained glass windows! Dread to think how many rooms are in there! Plus look at the driveway up!” says Neil. “Indeed Neil glad dressed the part now. Feel a little like beauty and the beast but it’s the beauty who lives in the castle instead lol.” “Oh fuck off Tony!” giggles Neil. “Right you go in. I’ll go and park down the driveway. I have my mobile on so call me if you need me. Plus relax you look fine sexy to eat all up!!”

Once Tony had stepped out of the car and walks up the stairs to the enormous wooden door Neil drives off down back the way they came. Tony could not see where he had gone as it was too dark and the drive had no lights leading up. Once at the great door Tony could see a small bell button. He pressed the button and within moments an elderly gentleman in top hat and tails came to the door and greet him with “Good evening Sir.. please come in you must be Tony? I am Ramsey the butler. We have been expecting you. Please follow me.” Tony follows Ramsey into the hallway which was massive and had corridors running off in all directions and a large spiral golden staircase that led to the upstairs of the house. Directly in the middle of the circular hallway hung the most superb Chandelier. It must have had hundreds and hundreds of crystals hanging on it and their light reflected all around in all brilliant colours of the rainbow. Down a large corridor Ramsey led Tony. This must have been the older part of the house. Statues and portraits covered the walls as they passed and instead of electrical lights candles lit the way. At the end of the corridor stood a large solid oak door which what reminded Tony of as an entrance to a chapel or great hall. “This way please Sir.” Called out Ramsey who at this point had opened the great door and was ushering Tony to go inside. Tony did as was instructed and walked through the doors and into what indeed looked like a great hall. The ceiling appeared to be miles up and was in fact made of pure clear glass as Tony could see the full moon shining through and illuminating a small proportion of the room. From what light was in this immense room Tony could see the walls were all pure black marble and shone in the moon and candle light. Directly in the middle of the room stood a huge golden statue of a massive bear holding up its right Paw. “The seal!” gasped Tony.

As he walked towards the statue from the far end of the great hall a door opened and a procession of robed men all hooded carrying candles solemnly walked forward towards the statue of the great bear. Ahead of the procession was a robed figuring carry a try and behind him was a flag with the image of the statue with the words “In honour of the forest” written in the same writing as on the invite. There was about 17 of these cloaked and hooded men. As they got nearer they fanned out to create a wide circle around Tony and the statue. Each of them held a large church candle in their hands. The front two who were carrying the flag and tray came forward to the statue and placed the flag and tray in front of it and stood looking at Tony. The guy with the tray was wearing a gold cloak and from what Tony thought must be the head. All the others were wearing red or green or black cloaks. The yellow cloaked guy walks over to Tony and lowers his hood. “Neil!!” gasps Tony. “What the hell is going on here?” “Good evening Tony. Yes it is me and I am sorry I have had to put you through this. But here I am referred to as the Great Bear.”


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