Gay Erotic Stories

Steve Is An Incredible Pig - MOTN - Steve - Part 2

by Pauljames.moody
22 Jun 2008

Arm Pits Athletics Bathroom Tales Bears, Daddies & Cubs Best Friends Black and Beautiful College Days Coming Out Family Fun First Time Free Form Friends Gay Erotic Stories Gym Workouts Hairy Interracial Jockstraps Man Meets His Man Men At Work Muscle Novellas Older/younger Orgies Sexual Identity Discovery Tales From School Tales From The Locker Room Threesomes


Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18.

Steve -

As I sipped the wine I couldn't help thinking about the man I had shared it with last weekend and the tumultuous relationship we had had since we met. Not long after my divorce a guy came into the bank to apply for a loan; Mike. He had just left an assistant coaching job at the state university and moved here to take the head coaching job at the private college in town. He was trying to buy a house except that his credit rating sucked and our loan approver had turned him down. He had tried another bank but they turned him down as well. Luckily the loan officer at the other bank, Andy, is a twink, a very princy fag who also knows the type of guys that I go for. I had let him blow me a couple times and I had pretty much told him what my type was as I was telling him that he wasn't the type of guy I would have a long-term relationship with. I told him that I was interested in heavy, hairy, muscular, big guys with the stamina to fuck three or four loads out of me. As with all the princy types, he got indignant for a couple of weeks until I claimed some excuse for denying a million-plus dollar loan and threw it to him. His loan writing fee was large enough that he and some new guy he had hooked up with were able to spend a week together in Cancun. It seems that now I'm back on his best-friends list.

I didn't see Mike when he made his first loan application or I would have remembered him. Hell if I had seen him, I may not have even let the loan approver turn him away, but then he would not have gone to see Andy, either. Andy called and said that he had turned down Mike's loan application and suggested to him that he come back to my bank and ask to meet with the president to 'discuss' an 'arrangement' to get something 'special' in the way of an 'agreement' so I could approve a loan for him. The way Andy emphasized each word left me with no doubt that Mike was probably my type and that he knew there would be some man-sex involved in the 'arrangement'.

There was still about an hour left with the day when my secretary brought a loan folder into my office and said that the applicant wanted to meet with me. I usually would glance at the figures in the folder and ask her to politely deny the request, but occasionally I would surprise her and say yes. I could tell by the look on her face that she expected me to say no to this one, but I looked in the folder and saw that even though the credit score was below our minimum it wasn't that far below. The other thing I noticed was that the applicant's first name was Mike... the only personal detail that Andy had told me.

I surprised her when told her to go ahead and schedule a time convenient for the applicant that also fit into my schedule. She said he was in the lobby and my calendar was free for the rest of the day if I wanted to meet with him right away. Since I did not have anything pressing to complete before my day ended, I asked her to go and get him while I looked over the loan application. There wasn't much to it; modest mortgage request, low salary in his previous position, a lot of late-payments but no defaults and his new salary was about 40% more than his old one; more than enough cover the mortgage payments.

I was just tossing the folder onto my desk as the secretary opened the door to let the guy in. I could tell that he saw what I had done and the look of disappointment on his face made me realize that my action appeared to be dismissive. Luckily his attention was on the folder and not on my face as the door swung closed behind him because my jaw about hit the floor. It's no wonder Andy sent him back to see me; heavy, hairy, muscular, and big were definitely words that would describe him. I had never considered that I might be attracted to an African American because there aren't many living in the area and I just did not have much exposure to African American men, but this dude was smokin' hot!

Mike was like few other men I have ever met, black or white. He was about 6 foot 3 to 6 foot 4 and weighed around 300 pounds. His arms looked like they were as big as one of my thighs, his shoulders blended right into a thick, corded bull-neck, and his chest was wide and flat except for a deep valley in the middle and two huge nipples pushing out the front of a tee-shirt emblazoned with his college's name and the athletic department logo. His nipples created two beautiful punctuation marks on either side of the college logo. There was a very definite overhang where his chest muscles ended but the shirt looked like it was tailored for him because it narrowed around his torso to make it obvious that he was sporting an eight-pack on his abdomen.

He was wearing sweat-pants with the college's logo on the thigh, but it appeared that the pants weren't as well made as the shirt because the fabric around the thighs was stretched tight, distorting the logo and the substantial basket pushing out the front of his sweats made me think that he must have been wearing a cup.

He caught me ogling his crotch as he looked up and apologized for being dressed the way he was. He said that he had just left work after starting his day with an early morning practice and thought he would only be offered an appointment, not expecting me to see him immediately. I made some comment about not putting things off that you can do today and asked him to sit.

As he turned to check out the chair he was about to sit in the mouth-watering sights just didn't quit; a thick, high set of glutes forming a shelf over his ass as a counter-point to the reverse shelf of his chest. If only this guy knew that more than anything all I wanted to do was to shove my tongue into his asshole as lap at it until he worked up a load of cum to dump into my throat.

I asked him to tell me how he had gotten so many late payments on his credit report and he started telling me about friends that he hung around with while at his previous job always talking him into making stupid purchases that he couldn't afford and as he was speaking he reached up and started scratching at the side of his left tit. The left pec muscle flexed while the right muscle stayed relaxed. He did that on the left side several more times like he had an itch that wouldn't go away and then he did it to his right tit as well. I didn't register a single word he said. I was fixated on his chest and what he was doing to it. I was imagining myself feeling up each pectoral muscles and suck, licking, and nibbling on each of his nipples. The throbbing cock in my pants was becoming uncomfortable and if I didn't do something soon there would be nothing left for me to do except pull it out under my desk and blow a load right then and there.

Luckily Mike chose that moment to notice that I wasn't really listening to him, but watching his chest instead. He stopped talking and flexed each pec muscle independently, first one side, then the other, two or three times and then asked; "What do you think"? Not stopping to think first I said; "That is unbelievably hot! Do you mind if I touch them while you do that"?

Mike just smiled and flexed his pecs alternately again and said he would love to have me touch them, but he was asking about his mortgage application. I felt a bit embarrassed until he laughed a bit and said that he was just teasing a little and knew his show was getting to me a bit. Then he flexed both pec muscles at the same time, creating a grand canyon between his twin mounds that I would have loved to have my cock buried in. He asked if I wanted to do it in my office or somewhere else and I was somewhat confused; "Do what?" I asked. "Feel my chest while I flex. Isn't that what I have to do in order to get you to approve the mortgage?"

I felt like a complete idiot; I had made up my mind to give him the loan before he ever came into my office and he hadn't said anything to make me change my mind. I did not want him to think that I was demanding this from him in return for the loan approval, so I said so. The look of relief on his face made me realize that he was only going to go along with letting me touch him in order to get the loan. I pulled the letter listing his pre-qualification amount out of his folder, signed it, and handed it to him. As he took it he looked at the signature and said; "Thanks, uh... Steve?" "Yeah, Steve. And can I call you Mike?" I said as I stuck out my hand to shake his. Instead of shaking my hand he grabbed it and placed it on his left pec muscle and flexed while he said; "Yep, most people call me Mike." The huge muscle felt like a plate of armor when it flexed with its big pointed nipple pushing the fabric of the tee-shirt even further out. I ran my fingers along the outer edge of his chest muscle while my thumb was scraping back on forth over his nipple. I was mesmerized; my cock was twisted to the side and getting a hard as granite fast. If I didn't adjust it soon, it would break in half in my shorts. Mike saw me adjusting myself and if possible the grin on his face got even wider.

He grabbed the other hand and placed it on his other pec muscle and just said; "Do them both." I was watching his chest as I felt up his pecs and rubbed my thumbs across his nipples but lower down saw his basket tenting outward, pulling the waist-band of his sweat-pants down and out so I could see a little bit of a treasure trail extending below the bottom of his tee-shirt and into the band of the jock strap that had become visible above his sweat-pants.

"Man! You're really getting into this, aren't you?" he said. About all I could choke out was a low; "Fuck yeah!"

Mike; "You want more?" Me; "Fuck yeah!"

Mike; "I'm staying in a cheap dive of a hotel without private bathrooms. Can we go to your place?" Me; "Fuck yeah!"

Mike; "You had better let go of me or my dick with be hanging out of my jock while I'm walking to my truck." Me; "Fuck yeah!"

Then it registered just what he had said and I again felt a bit foolish. I let go of his chest and looked up into his face. For the first time I realized that he seemed to resemble Denzel Washington and that he was just gorgeous. I said that I would have to calm down a bit before I could walk to my car, also. We sat again and I asked him to tell me about his work to help distract us, since discussing my own work is the most a-sexual thing in the world to me, I was certain that it would help us regain control. He just smiled and opened his mouth to speak but just then there was a knock on the door. Since nothing would seem out of the ordinary to a visitor I told the person to come in loudly enough for someone outside the door to hear. It was my secretary saying that she wanted to make sure I didn't need anything before leaving for the day. I scribbled a quick note, clipped it inside of Mike's loan folder and asked her to deliver it to the loan department. Since I knew that I was still sporting a raging hard-on, I did not stand up to hand the folder to her as I usually would have, so she had to come close to take it from me.

She was an ancient old hag that was a hold-over from the last bank president and I had once heard that he had inherited her from the president before him. She was competent so I had no reason and really no desire to replace her as long as she wanted to stay. But, what I will say is that she can kill an erection faster than a twink can do the around-the-world finger snaps. On her way out she gave Mike one of her once-over looks that lingered a bit too long on the bottom of the tee-shirt now out of his sweat-pants where it had been tucked inside when he came in.

Me; "Okay, that calmed me down enough to walk to my car. Are you ready?" Mike; "Fuck yeah!"

I couldn't help but laugh and said that I thought we would get along very well with that sort of quick wit. I grabbed my suit coat and draped it over my arm to hide the last vestiges of my tented pants and we headed out of my office. Turned out that we were the last two in the building; I laughed and told him that we needn't have worried if we had continued in my office, but since we were already heading out we should still go to my place where we would be more comfortable. All he said was; "Fuck yeah!" and we both laughed.

He followed me to my house and parked in the driveway outside the cluttered half of the garage so he would not be blocking my car. I left the garage door open so he could follow me into the house rather than going through it to let him in the front door. He had not tucked his tee-shirt back into his sweat pants and as soon as he was into the kitchen I pointed to a bar stool and ask him to sit... well I guess I demanded that he sit since all I said was; "Sit."

I grabbed a couple of beers, not asking if he liked my brand or not since that is all I had. Hell, if he didn't drink any of it then I was sure I would polish both of them off. I set them down on the counter, took a long swig out of one and then reached out to Mike's chest like we had not even interrupted our session in my office. He took the beer that I had drunk from and pulled a big swig of his own out of it and then handed the bottle to me to drink from while he used that opportunity to pull his tee-shirt over his head. I thought I was going to choke on the beer before I could swallow. The guy was covered with soft curly hair very different from the kinky hair on his head and the hair did little to soften the stark lines of muscle striations below his furry brown skin.

I grabbed each peck and started squeezing while I pushed each nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I did not even ask him or look at his face as I said; "Fuck yeah!" and leaned in to lock my lips around one of his nipples. I switched back and forth from one nipple to the other a couple of times as I felt up his flanks. I rubbed up and down feeling his lats and as I did it he reached his arms around me and hunched his shoulders to make his lats flare out in a cobra pose. I was going wild sucking on his nipples and licking his chest leaving a wet trail as my tongue moved through his furry chest. When he raised his arms to move into his cobra pose I caught a whiff of his arm pits. His work as a coach or possibly just a workout had built up a load of sweat that hit me from both sides. I thought I would cum right then. I buried my face in his left pit and bathed the whole area in my spit, soaking the underarm hair and then sucking my spit back into my mouth along with Mike's sweat. While I was working on his left pit, Mike relaxed his pose while I continued to feel him up. As I finished licking the remaining sweat out of his left pit and prepared to move to do the same to his right, I looked up and was mesmerized by the bulging mound of his bicep.

What had started out as an episode of me getting piggy with a hot muscle stud was now an all-out muscle worship session as I grabbed for his bicep and began licking and kissing it. He twisted and flexed his arm, putting his muscles into ever changing positions while I ran my tongue through every crevasse that appeared as the huge muscle moved under his chocolate colored skin.

After a couple of minutes working on his left arm, he reached over with his right hand and grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me to his right side with my tongue lashing out at each nipple and the hairy furrow of his chest as my mouth went past. Now I was face-to-pit in his right armpit and he was flexing his right bicep expecting the same as I gave the left. This time I started on the bicep before moving into the pit. Each hair was soaked with my spit and then licked clean. I drank in the aroma of his hairy, sweaty armpit and its effect on me was immediate and intense. It was an aphrodisiac that had my cock hard as granite and drooling pre-cum through my underwear and my suit pants.

I went back to work on his nipples and began tearing at my clothes. I had to be free of those constraining garments so I could use any part of my body to please and satisfy this muscle-god sitting before me. My tie, shirt, tee-shirt, shoes and socks were gone in a matter of seconds and I only broke my lip-lock on his nipple for a second while I pulled my tee-shirt off and moved to the other nipple at the same time.

I began pulling at my belt so I could get my pants off when he grabbed my head again and pulled me off of his big man-tit. I could see that his cock was hard and pushing the waist-band of his sweat-pants down so I could see the entire band of his jock strap as well as some of the pouch. "Man, if you don't ease up a bit on my tits, I'm going to shoot a load in my sweats." And then he pulled my face to his and kissed me. I thought I was going to blow my load into my shorts then. My gaydar had not tripped on this guy and I thought I was simply getting a straight guy off on some muscle worship, but the way he kissed me left no doubt that this guy was going to get off on being with me just as much as I was going to get off on being with him.

Where I had been frantic to get my clothes off before for fear that he would decide to leave; now, everything seemed to slow down. I grabbed the back of his head with one hand to hold our lip-lock while I used the other to leisurely open by belt and pants. I kicked my pants to the side and was left wearing nothing but my Jockey trunks; the sort with the horizontal fly and the head of my cock was poking up out of the fly and drooling a near steady flow of pre-cum.

I left my underwear on while I reached down to grab for Mike's leg. I lifted it until I could reach his shoe and pulled it off. I grabbed his sock and pulled it off, too. I reached for the other leg, but Mike beat me to the job by pulling his shoe off himself, but then he raised his leg so I could pull his sock off for him.

We were still in a lip lock, swapping spit and dancing tongues in and out of each other's mouth. I put my arms around him and pulled so he could tell I wanted him to stand. I broke our kiss with a low moan and squatted down in front of him to pull his sweat pants down. They were already low in the front where it looked like his cock was pushing the crotch of his sweats halfway to his knees. I started rubbing my face and lips over the fabric covering his cock and reached around to hook my fingers into the band of his sweats to pull them down.

As my hands roamed over his glutes I was hit again with the urge to worship this man's huge muscles. I squeezed his ass with both hands while pulling him tighter into my face so I could blow my hot breath through his sweats. He groaned and said; "Awww, fuck! Please don't tease me like that!" He reached down to start pulling his pants down himself, but I quickly pulled from one side and pushed from the other so he turned to face the counter top. As he turned I moved around behind him and hooked my fingers into the waist band of his pants and began working them down over his hips.

Below the band of his jock strap his ass was lighter than elsewhere and was covered with the same soft fur as his chest. As his ass was exposed my cock began jerking and twitching and leaking pre-cum like it never had before. I knew that if I even came close to touching it, I would blow my wad all over the kitchen and this gorgeous hunk whose ass I had in my face.

I stopped with the band of his sweats just below the mounds of his glutes and began licking and kissing those two big muscles just as I did his biceps earlier. Mike groaned again while he leaned back into my face and pulled his sweats down below his knees and then picked one leg up to pull it free from the pant-leg. As he did so I caught a glimpse of his pucker hidden away at the bottom of a surprisingly hairless crack and immediately I wanted to be in it; my face, my nose, my lips, my tongue; everything I could get in there. With the first leg free he lifted the other leg to get it free of the sweat pants and I grabbed at the pants to pull them off and then directed his foot onto the foot rest around the base of the bar stool. With one foot on the floor and other on the bar stool that left his cheeks spread and his man-hole within easy reach.

I dove into his crack; running my tongue up and down his furrow, dipping more and more of it into his man-hole each time I went past. I couldn't believe how good he tasted. I could tell from his body that he had engaged in a pretty strenuous workout not long before coming to see me, but it seemed that he must have showered thoroughly before that.

I stopped licking his crack and turned my attention to just his ass-hole. I had my lips locked tight around his pucker and I was pushing my tongue up into him as far as it would go. As with the rest of me, my tongue is a bit larger than most and soon Mike had laid his chest down on the counter and had reached behind himself with both hands to grab each ass cheek and spread them apart. My tongue was pushing past his dark brown pucker and exploring the smooth pink flesh of his anus. I kept working up whole mouthfuls of saliva that I pushed into his hole with my tongue. Soon I was sucking my own saliva back out of his ass mingled with his heady ass juice.

Mike was practically dancing as he moved his ass up and down trying to get more sensation from my tongue and lips. He started chanting; "Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah!" Then he stopped suddenly and tensed up. He started groaning and managed to choke out; "I'm cuuuuuummmmmminggggg." I reached for his hips and spun him around to face me and dove for his jock strap. I locked my lips around the wet spot where the head of his cock had been leaking pre-com into his jock pouch and began sucking. I felt his cock spasming through the pouch of his jock as he grunted with; "Aww, Uuuunh, Aww Uuuuuh, Aww Uuuuuh!" At first all I could taste was a mixture of sweat, piss, and pre-cum but as his cock twitched and spasmed I was soon tasting his jizz as I sucked it through the pouch of his jock. As his cock twitched and he kept cumming I reached up and pulled his pouch out of the way so I could lap up his cum directly from the source.

It barely registered that his cock was the biggest I had even encountered; I just wanted to get my lips over the end of it so I could capture every drop of his manna on my tongue and in my mouth. I grabbed at the shaft of his cock with both hands and began jacking him to get his balls to release every drop of cum they had in them. After swallowing one mouthful my mouth was filling with cum for a second time when the shear piggishness of the whole episode struck me. I had met this man barely an hour ago; within minutes I was sucking his tits and worshiping his muscles. Minutes later I had my tongue buried in his ass and rimmed him until he started cumming and then I stuck the head to his cock in my mouth to suck as much cum from him as I could get! In the half second that it took for that thought to pass through my mind, it sent me over the edge.

I pulled back off of his spent cock with a mouth full of his cum and as I was swallowing I reached for my cock, sort of half gurgling; "I'm cuming!" Mike grabbed me below my armpits and lifted me onto the barstool while saying: "Fuck yeah!" My first volley of cum landed squarely on the huge slab of man meat swinging between his legs. My second shot caught him across his nose and lips and ran down to form a long drop of cum drooling off of his chin. Then he had his mouth around my cock head to catch the remaining three or four shots in his mouth.

I was in ecstasy; he held my cock in his mouth and obviously had not swallowed the cum he collected from my cock as he swirled it around my cock with his tongue. It got to be too much and I had to pull him off of my over-sensitized cock. He just looked up at me and opened his mouth to show me his cummy tongue. I leaned in and locked lips with him. I could not believe that this guy who had not done a single thing to trip my gaydar barely an hour ago was now snow-balling my cum with me after I had just sucked his ass and ate his cum!

All I could hope was that this was only the beginning.



More Gay Erotic Stories from Pauljames.moody

Steve Is An Incredible - MOTN - Steve - Part 3

STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN By Part 3 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. Steve - From part 2: I pulled back off of his


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LOGAN BECOMES AN INSATIABLE PIG By Part 2 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. ------------------------- Logan. Though he had


LOGAN BECOMES AN INSATIABLE PIG By Part 3 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. ------------------------- Logan. The parking

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Steve Is An Incredible Pig - MOTN - Steve - Part 2

STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN By Part 2 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. Steve - As I sipped the wine I couldn't help

Steve Is An Incredible Pig - MOTN - Steve - Part 4

STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG By Part 4 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. ------------------------- Logan came bounding into the

Steve Is An Incredible Pig MOTN - Mike - Part 1

MIKE PIGS OUT By Part 1 The chronology of the story has this chapter following STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN - LOGAN - Part 3 which follows STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN - Steve - Part 4. Though each chapter might get you off independently, character introductions and plot developments progress from chapter to chapter. So, check out Steve, parts 1


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