Gay Erotic Stories

'The Tunnel' Nightclub

by Tanya
31 Jan 2005

Lesbian Encounters

It all started on Nightshift...

It had only been six months since I'd graduated from the 'Police Training Academy' at Glen Waverley. I was a teenage 'trainee' policewoman, and I had been seconded to the 'City Patrol Group' in downtown Melbourne. Rostered on the Nightshift, I was working with another female police officer. 'Probationary' Constable Diana Hamilton was showing me the ropes. There had been a little trouble at 'The Tunnel' Nightclub and I was accompanying Diana as we did a routine 'walk thru' with a number of 'male' police officers. I'm not sure who came up with the idea. But, we were supposed to check out the 'Ladies' Toilets and make sure there was nobody using drugs.

There had been allegations of cocaine use in the Ladies and 'ecstasy' was still a problem within the Nightclub. It was a bit hard to see what was happening. Despite the light effects in the vicinity of the dance floor, 'The Tunnel' was dark. For the most part it quiet shift. There were still a few patrons within the Nightclub. But, they were mostly girls enjoying a quiet drink and a dance. The music was loud. And, the light display didn't help. I followed Diana towards the 'Female' Toilets. We were both a little tired. I was still getting used to working the nightshift.

But, as I followed the other policewoman, I caught sight of this dark-skinned woman dancing. She was alone on the dance floor. And, for a moment, I was transfixed by her movements, her smooth skin glistening in the lights as she moved slowly and suggestively. I hesitated. Toying with the collar of my uniform blouse, I could only watch her every move. And, beneath my uniform skirt, I could feel my 'pussy' begin to moisten. I'd never told anybody, but there was something about a Black woman that excited me. And, as I stood beside the dance floor, I could do nothing but savour the sight of this beautiful woman as she danced for me.

Diana hesitated. Pausing, she turned and looked at me. Smiling knowingly, the brunette policewoman glanced at the woman on the dance floor. My skin began to tingle beneath the soft polyester-cotton of my policewoman's blouse. I'd been to 'The Tunnel' before. I'd seen girls kissing in the 'Ladies' and watched a waitress perform cunnilingus on a drunken 'party girl' as she sat at one of the booths at the back of the club. Still dancing, the woman turned slightly. She looked at me and smiled wickedly. I offered a soft, girlish sigh. I had been caught. Tugging at the cuff of my shirtsleeve, I could feel myself blush with embarrassment. I'd thought that, the darkness would conceal my interest in the dancing girl.

Watch her. She turned and smiled at me.

The dancing 'Exchange Student' had caught me watching her every move. I smiled sheepishly. Red-faced, I turned away. Constable Diana Hamilton stood at the back of the Nightclub...

"Busted!" she teased. Beside her, there were two girls kissing. I walked slowly to where she waited.

"Mmmm..." I sighed. It had been a warm, Summer's evening in Melbourne. And, contrary to regulations, I wore no bra under my short-sleeved uniform blouse.

"She's so HOT?" Diana whispered...

"Isn't she just, Diana!" I agreed; beneath the flimsy pale-blue fabric of my blouse, I could feel my nipples hardening.

"I've seen her before, Policewoman!" Diana continued. I said nothing. Watching the two girls kiss over the policewoman's shoulder, I sighed. The music stopped and we were alone in the darkness...

"You liked her?" Diana teased. Saying nothing, I just poked my tongue out at her.

'Probationary' Constable Diana Hamilton giggled...

"Hmmm," she whispered in my ear, "I think she liked having a policewoman watch her, Tanya?"

"Bitch...." I retorted. Hesitating for a moment, I continued to watch the two girls kiss.

"You delicious Bitch!" Diana quipped. Standing behind us, the girls continued their kiss.

We were supposed to check the toilets. From where we stood, I caught sight of the Sarge and two younger policemen. They'd already checked the 'Male' Toilets...

"I think," Diana whispered, "She wants some police girl 'pussy' tonight, Tanya?"

"C'mon then..." I gasped. I could see the Sarge watching us.

"We've got to check the toilets, Diana!"

Suddenly, I felt somebody take hold of my arm.

"Hello?" a woman's voice murmured. It was the dark-skinned woman I'd been watching dance...

"I told you, Girl!" Diana murmured.

"Hi...?" I gasped. She started to trace the 'Victoria Police' patch on my shirtsleeve with the very tip of her finger.

"You like?" she asked. Diana groaned. Toying with the sleeve of her own uniform blouse, she shook her head slowly with mock disbelief...

"You get all the luck, Tanya!"

"I did..." I heard myself confess to the woman.

"Tanya?" Lisa interrupted.

"The Sarge wants us to check the 'Ladies' now!"

"Mmmm..." the dark-skinned woman murmured. My nipples pressed against the soft polyester-cotton of my blouse.

"You're so HOT..." I told the girl.

"Angelique!" she purred. Diana took me by the hand. She could see a couple of our 'male' colleagues taking a particular interest in us. Standing near the bar, they had been watching the girl on the dance floor...

"I'm Tanya..." I whispered to Angelique.

"Constable Tanya Margarson, Angelique!"

"Sorry..." I heard Diana whisper to the girl.

"We're still On Duty?" I apologised...

"Constable Diana Hamilton..." my colleague added. She nodded at the Sarge and tightened her grip on my hand.

Moments later, Diana was opening the door to the 'Ladies' Toilets. Hidden from view, the policewoman held the door open for Angelique and me. Our 'male' colleagues were still near the bar. There had been a couple of girls standing by the door. But, the sudden appearance of two uniformed policewomen seemed to scare them off.

I knew. Diana knew. And, the Sarge knew. We were just showing the Flag. We all knew that, there were patrons using cocaine and 'ecstasy' in 'The Tunnel' that night. But, unless they did it in front of us, it was almost impossible to catch anybody. We were just a visible police 'presence' that might prevent anymore trouble at that time of the night. As the other policewoman held the door open, Angelique slipped through the doorway. Pausing midstep, the dark-skinned woman turned to Constable Diana Hamilton...

"Would you do me a favour?" she asked the fresh-faced police girl. I hesitated. I glanced back, over Angelique's shoulder. I wanted to see what the two policemen at the bar were doing. We had been subject to a few comments earlier in the shift. They'd been watching us from the bar.

"Angelique?" Diana enquired. Angelique gently caressed the policewoman's cheek with her fingertips.

"I want to 'FUCK'...?" I heard Angelique ask...

"What?" I muttered. Diana licked her moist lips.

"I want to 'FUCK' her, Officer?" Angelique whispered.

"Tanya...You owe me, Policewoman?" Diana hissed. Angelique took hold of my wrist.

"Diana?" I gasped. Angelique pulled me into the 'Ladies' Toilets.

"I'll make sure nobody interrupts you, Angelique!"

"Diana...?" I exclaimed. She closed the door..

"You owe me a favour, Tanya!" Diana retorted. Angelique bundled me into the nearest cubicle...

"Please...I'm a Policewoman?" I protested half-heartedly.

Before I could do anything, I was standing with Angelique within the toilet cubicle. Forcing me against the side wall, she pressed her trembling lips to mine. We kissed. Standing close to the door, I could see Diana smiling wickedly. The dark-skinned woman's tongue slid between my moist lips. Leaning back, Constable Diana Hamilton crossed her arms and watched us intently. She'd make sure we were not disturbed. We kissed...

"That's a good little Police slut!| I heard Diana hiss. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around Angelique's waist. Our tongues entwined.

"The COP SLUT..." I heard a girl tease. There had bee a couple of girls in the toilets already. Angelique fumbled with my belt buckle.

"Mmmm..." Diana quipped. I was only vaguely aware of the other policewoman.

"Fucking COP SLUT!" I heard another female voice say. The door of our cubicle was still open...

"You owe me, Tanya!" Diana reminded me. Opening my eyes, I found myself gazing over Angelique's shoulder at Diana. Standing beside my colleague, there was another girl - the two of them watching us...

"Shit..." another girl exclaimed. We kissed again.

Angelique unzipped my uniform pants.

"Tanya..." Angelique murmured, whispering into my ear as our lips parted. A dribble of saliva hung between our quivering lips as I felt my uniform pants slip to the floor...


I kissed her cheek.

"Fuck her..." I heard another voice demand. I sat back on the toilet and watched Angelique kneel between my outstretched legs. We'd been at 'The Tunnel' for about ten minutes. And, we still had to check the King Street clubs...

"Go on, Angelique!" yet another female voice whispered. The woman's fingers caressed my thigh. She lowered her head between my legs and

I felt her lips tease at my moist vulva.

"Oh...?' I heard myself gasp. Angelique's tongue teased at my waiting vagina - the dark-skinned woman caressing my 'pussy-lips' with the very tip of her tongue. I could see Diana out the corner of my eye. She was watching Angelique's ever move.

"That's it, Angelique!" I moaned. The woman's tongue slid into my 'pussy'...

"You damn SLUT..." the other police girl called. As the dark-skinned woman tongued at my clit, I watched a couple of bemused girls walk passed the cubicle. Another girl stood beside Diana. And, from time to time, I could hear them exchange the occasional obscenity as they offered me a little encouragement!

I squirmed on the toilet seat. My uniform pants were down about my ankles. It had only been six months since I graduated from the 'Police Training Academy' and I'd never experienced anything as erotic as this...

"Yes...Yes...Angelique!" another voice sighed.

I gripped the edge of the toilet seat and closed my eyes. Helplessly impaled on the woman's tongue, I knew that I was about to CUM!'

Every so often, another girl would stop and watch. Some of them were disgusted. Many of them found it an utter 'Turn On' as they paused, to watch Angelique perform cunnilingus on the young policewoman. Only this time, the uniformed policewoman was me. The dark-skinned woman sucked at my clitoris. I bit my tongue...

"Angelique...Bitch!' I heard a voice groan. It was mine. My hips moved in unison with the woman's tongue.

"Yes..." I heard Diana groan. Standing together at the door, Constable Diana Hamilton and the girl with her shared a kiss. The policewoman however, had enough common sense to know, that she'd have to refrain from any fun. The last thing we needed was to be caught by the Sarge in a 'compromising position' within the 'Ladies' Loo.

"Angelique..." I purred. I could barely speak. The girl standing beside Diana was teasing my colleague. As she watched, the girl slowly ran the tip of her tongue around the 'Victoria Police' shoulder patch on the policewoman's sleeve.

"You want 'a piece of the action' too?" the girl asked Diana. They kissed again as I watched.

Angelique's tongue slid deeper. She found my G spot...

"YOU BITCH...YES!" I squealed. Staring at the ceiling, I gripped the toilet in desperation.

"SLUT!" Diana hissed. I lowered my head.

"Policewomen are such SLUTS!" the girls with Diana gasped. And then, I saw the blonde...

"NO..." I gasped. As I struggled to retain my composure, I found myself staring at a blonde 'Clubber' snorting a line of cocaine from the adjacent wash basin. Seems, she didn't care about the two policewomen. For some reason, the voyeuristic policewoman had not seen the girl. Constable Diana Hamilton was far too preoccupied with keeping one eye on me. And, as the girl standing beside her kissed her neck, a close eye on who was coming into the 'Ladies' Toilet. Seated on the toilet seat, there was little I could do about it. Constable Tanya Margarson was about to Orgasm!

I could not believe what I was experiencing. I bit my lip. Angelique's probing tongue continued to explore my cunni as I squirmed about on the toilet seat. Pressing her mouth to my slit, the dark-skinned 'Exchange Student' continued to tease at my clitoris as the other girls watched. My 'pussy' felt as if it were on fire...

"That's It, Girl!" I heard Diana whisper. Staring at Diana, I ran my fingers through Angelique's dreadlocks. The other policewoman's uniform blouse had been unbuttoned. As I gazed at the voyeuristic police girl, a dribble of perspiration oozed down between her firm breasts.

"She's going to CUM..." a female voice squealed. It was the girl with Diana.

"Mmmm, " Diana groaned, "You delicious Slut, Tanya!"

I could still see the Toorak socialite at the nearby wash basin. Opposite my cubicle, she contentedly snorted cocaine from a compact mirror as she watched Angelique and I. When she'd finished her cocaine, she mouthed an obscenity at me and wiped the white powder from her nose. Despite that fact, that she was standing a few feet from Diana, the other policewoman had not seen her at all. Constable Diana Hamilton had been preoccupied with keeping en eye out for the Sarge. And, the girl with her had been rather busy kissing my fresh-faced colleague. She turned. Glancing at Diana, the Toorak socialite savoured the euphoria she was no feeling. She glanced at me and smiled knowingly...

"Policewomen can be such fucking SLUTS!"

Diana and the other girl were kissing once again. Constable Diana Hamilton had been trying to keep an eye out for the Sarge. Standing at the toilet door, the policewoman had been checking on the girls coming in and out of the 'Ladies' as her companion unbuttoned her uniform blouse. And, as I watched, she was slowly tracing the woven 'Victoria Police' shoulder patch on Diana's shirtsleeve with her tongue. Later, I would notice the lipstick smeared over the policewoman's blouse...

"Please..." I heard Diana protest. The woman standing beside her, kissed the police woman's neck.

"YOU GO, GIRL!" another voice said.

I gripped the toilet roll holder with my other hand. Angelique teased at my clit.

"Angelique..." I heard myself gasp.

Every so often, another patron would appear in the doorway of the toilet cubicle, watching as the 'Exchange Student' continued to perform cunnilingus on me. I snatched a hurried deep breath. Diana kissed her new girlfriend. And, as I watched, she peered over the woman's shoulder as the toilet door swung open. Despite the obvious distractions, she was trying to keep an eye on things. Diana had guessed we had twenty minutes. Thirty minutes at the most!

"GOD..." I groaned. The girl who I'd just watched 'snort' cocaine, walked up to Diana.


I could hardly believe my eyes...


As I watched, the blonde caressed Diana's cheek with her fingertip. The policewoman's other companion watched. Instinctively I knew that she'd seen the Toorak socialite snort cocaine.

Constable Diana Hamilton however, had not seen it at all.

"I'm going to..." I heard myself gasp. For a moment, Diana and the blonde socialite gazed into each other's eyes. Her black dress contrasted with Diana's pale-blue issue blouse...

"CUM...YESSSSSSSSS!" I screamed. Diana and the cocaine addict kissed!

It had happened...

It was just after three o'clock in the morning, and I'd been brought to an 'ORGASM' by Angelique. As the other policewoman savoured an illicit kiss with the Toorak socialite, I fell back on the toilet seat. Struggling to regain my composure, I could only watch the other policewoman kiss the blonde. The dusky woman savoured my fragrant 'pussy-juice' as she gently tongued my 'pussy' - Angelique lapped gently at the cunni juice that now dribbled down the inside of my thigh. I could barely speak. In sheer desperation, I'd stifled a desperate cry of ecstasy as I'd finally 'ORGASMED!'

"Mmmm, " Angelique murmured, "You liked that Policewoman?"

"Yes..." I confessed. She wiped the perspiration from my brow.


She paused. Licking her lips in a most suggestive manner, Angelique glanced back and watched Constable Diana Hamilton kiss the blonde. She knew the Toorak socialite from previous nights at 'The Tunnel' Nightclub. And, she knew the girl had been 'snorting' cocaine within the 'Ladies' Toilets...

"You fucking Bitch!" Angelique murmured. The warmth of her nubile body seemed to reassure me. I could feel her fingertips move over my thigh. I held her to my chest. The soft fabric of my dishevelled uniform blouse sending a shiver through her as it caressed her smooth skin.

"You like it, Copper?" the blonde girl hissed. The other woman with Diana, leaned forward and offered her sexily-pouting lips to the police girl.

"You know I do, Girl!" Diana muttered in reply. She pressed her mouth to the other girl's waiting lips, kissing the woman as I watched from my seat on the toilet cubicle.

"You like it?" the Toorak socialite whispered to Diana.

"When your girlfriend gets 'FUCKED'...?"

'The Tunnel' Nightclub had always enjoyed a certain notoriety in Melbourne...

"Diana?" I moaned. Angelique was now fingering my shaved 'pussy' as I watched the other policewoman's every move. There was lipstick smeared over the collar of her uniform blouse.

"No!" Diana exclaimed. We'd been in he 'Ladies' for almost half an hour. Tempted by the two women, Constable Diana Hamilton looked at me over the blonde girl's shoulder. Red-faced, I could only smile sheepishly as I sat on the toilet seat.

"Please," I heard myself protest, "I'm a policewoman?"

Angelique kissed my belly-button...

"The Sarge..." Diana continued. The blonde leant back, resting against the very wash basin she had snorted cocaine from. She cursed...

"We've got to get going, Policewoman!" Diana announced.

"The Sarge...They will be looking for us...?" she added, almost as an afterthought. The other girl slowly ran the tip of her tongue along the dark-blue 'trim' of the policewoman's collar lapel...


I offered a muffled sigh. The drunken 'party girl' had left a smear of saliva over the collar of Diana's uniform blouse...

"We're still 'ON DUTY'...?" Diana murmured. She took hold of the woman beside her. "We can't have the Sarge 'BUST' us!"

I knew she was right. Hesitating for a moment, I smiled at Angelique. It had been the most erotic moment in my life. And, I so wanted to repay the favour. Angelique let her fingers slips from my moist vulva and raised her hand to her mouth...

"Angelique?" I heard myself whisper. The dusky 'Exchange Student' took her fingers between her lips and started to enjoy the taste of my 'pussy' once again...

"So sweet, Policewoman!"

"Tanya?" I heard Diana call. She forced the Toorak socialite to kiss the other woman. "Mmmm..." Angelique sighed. I could hear the music outside. Two girls slipped back into the Nightclub.

"What time do you get off tonight?" Angelique asked.

I stood up awkwardly. Avoiding the stares of several patrons in the toilets, I fumbled with my uniform. Diana took hold of my arm. Supporting me as I pulled my uniform pants back up, she smiled wickedly...

"I can almost taste you, Tanya!" she teased. Angelique positioned herself on the toilet. We'd be 'OFF DUTY' in another couple of hours.

"I want to 'PARTY'...?' Angelique purred.

Diana's uniform blouse had been unbuttoned to her waist. Adjusting my tight-fitting uniform pants, I stared at the small diamond pendant she wore on a silver chain.

"We'll meet you, Angelique?" Diana reassured her. I paused. My uniform blouse hung loose and unbuttoned, from my shoulders... "Out the front of 'The Tunnel' at six o'clock?"

Angelique nodded. We knew that it was 'WRONG!'

But, the thought of Angelique's firm body was so irresistible...

"And," I quipped, "We'll make it worth your while, Angelique?"

Angelique took hold of my arm. Standing in the doorway of the cubicle, the 'Exchange Student' did not want it to end there...

"Promise?" she enquired. Lisa turned. Toying with the cuff of my sleeve, Angelique gazed into the other policewoman's seductive eyes.

"We finish at six?" Diana whispered. The conversation was interrupted by another couple of girls entering the 'Ladies' Toilet....

"Mmmm, " the dark-skinned girl purred, "You want to 'FUCK' me too?"

"Yes..." confessed Constable Lisa Farrar...

"Slut!" Angelique retorted.

"Diana..." I murmured. As I watched them closely, Constable Diana Hamilton and Angelique kissed.


There was a moment of silence in the 'Ladies'...

"Fucking COP SLUTS!" a voice called. Diana caressed Angelique's cheek with the very tip of her finger. Their tongues entwined - the policewoman and 'Exchange Student' hidden from view, behind the toilet door. I looked over my shoulder at the Toorak Socialite.

"Bitch..." I mouthed.

We were meant to be checking the 'Ladies' for Drugs. I could still see her in my mind, kneeling before the wash basin as she 'snorted' cocaine in front of me.

"Policewomen?" another female voice asked.

"POLICE SLUTS!" a third voice answered...

"C'mon...?" I groaned. The 'Ladies' seemed to be filling up with patrons. And, the Toorak Socialite had disappeared from view. I wanted 'a piece of the action'...

"Six o'clock?" Lisa murmured, whispering into Angelique's ear as their lips parted. Angelique nodded her head. She said nothing.

"Well," Diana joked, turning to usher me out of the toilets, "I've been waiting for you, Tanya!"

"Diana..." I replied. It was dark in 'The Tunnel' and we'd have a chance to tidy our uniforms. Pausing, I buttoned my 'Victoria Police' blouse. Beneath my crumpled panties, I could feel a dribble of cunni ooze from between my 'pussy-lips' and slide down the inside of my trembling. Nobody suspected a thing!


More Gay Erotic Stories from Tanya

'The Tunnel' Nightclub

It all started on Nightshift... It had only been six months since I'd graduated from the 'Police Training Academy' at Glen Waverley. I was a teenage 'trainee' policewoman, and I had been seconded to the 'City Patrol Group' in downtown Melbourne. Rostered on the Nightshift, I was working with another female police officer. 'Probationary' Constable Diana Hamilton was showing me the ropes. There


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