Gay Erotic Stories

Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 1

by Robby Sr.
10 Feb 2004

Fantasy Sci-Fi Fantasy



The ambulance passed through the gates and in one voice the paramedic and two Emergency Medical Technicians said, "Wow!" Facing them was a very large, very old mansion--older than any of them could comprehend. It consisted of a main two-story wing with another two-story wing on either side. The driveway rambled up to and circled around a perfectly detailed garden.

The ambulance pulled up to the front entrance (it wasn't a front door--way too fancy for that--it was an "entrance"), where an old man was standing at the open door dressed in a severely pressed and starched tuxedo. The old man stood still with his hands clasped together in front of him and watched the ambulance roll to a stop.

"How 'bout that!" the paramedic said. "A real old time proper butler in full dress uniform!"

"Sure does go with this place!" one of the EMT's said as he headed around the vehicle and opened the back door. As the EMT's pulled the stretcher out of the back, the paramedic walked up to the butler.

The old man bowed very slightly as the paramedic approached and pointed into the house.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," he said with a slight British sounding accent. "The master is in his rooms. You can use the elevator at the end of the hall. His private nurse is with him."

"Thanks," the paramedic said simply. He didn't ask the butler anything, assuming he wouldn't get much of an answer. The nurse would have better information anyway. He half expected the butler to ask if he could get any of them a drink. He wondered if the guy even really cared about what was wrong with "the master." Maybe he was wondering what his inheritance was going to be.

The first thing the paramedic noticed when he entered the room was that it was larger than his whole apartment. The second thing he noticed was the guy standing up by the bed. Then he saw that the bed actually did have an occupant.

The man in the bed was even older than the butler if such a thing was possible. He was so emaciated that when the blankets were pulled up it appeared as though the bed was empty. The nurse was checking an IV line that snaked down and slipped under the blankets. The paramedic silently thanked the nurse for starting the IV for him. He wondered if the old man had any veins left!

The nurse looked up at their entrance and held up his hand; then touched his finger to his lips, instructing everyone to be quiet. He walked across the room - which took some time - and motioned for the crew to go out in the hallway. The butler entered the room and walked toward the bed.

Out in the hallway the nurse told the crew, "We have some time. He's fine for the moment."

"We were told it wasn't an emergency call. What's the problem?" the paramedic asked.

"Nothing really specific," the nurse replied, "I think his old body has finally had enough. But he's always been a fighter. Refuses to even consider giving up."

"How old is he?"

"Ninety three. He won't see ninety four."

One of the EMT's was looking in the room. The butler was sitting on the bed talking to the old man and wiping his forehead with a cloth. The nurse continued with a smile. "He functions as a butler, but they're lovers. They've been together for 75 years now but they never married - just stayed lovers."

"Damn!" the EMT said and smiled. "Cool."

The nurse handed a sheet of paper to the paramedic. "His pressure's dropping and so’s his heart rate. All day long they've been sneaking down. Easy to see it's a pattern that won't reverse. He's had a couple of heart attacks, couple of strokes, he's riddled with arthritis, he's diabetic, poor kidneys, poor liver--poor everything."

"Well hell!" the paramedic smiled, "He's 93, what do you expect?"

"Exactly what he says himself," the nurse said, "but he's adamant that not trying at all is tantamount to suicide, and he's totally against that."

"Okay," the paramedic shrugged his shoulders, "If he wants us to try something, we'll try everything. Who am I to question a 93 year old man?"

They went into the room and under the stern and watchful eyes of the butler they broke out their equipment and did their required exam; then gently lifted the old man onto the stretcher. He was light enough that one of them could have lifted him by himself. The paramedic and one of the EMT's wheeled him out of the room. The other EMT stayed behind packing away their instruments and looked up at the butler.

"Someone will call you with any news," he said.

"Actually," the butler said, "I was hoping for permission to accompany the master to the hospital. He has no one else," he opened his hands and shrugged, "and frankly, neither do I." His eyes were softened and he looked at the EMT hopefully. "I also believe, as the nurse does, that this time I will come home alone."

The EMT nodded, "Sure," he said. "We got plenty of room."

The crew met the nurse at the front door. The nurse had a couple of suitcases with him. The paramedic raised his eyebrows.

"Home health care seminar in Miami," the nurse explained, "I called the nurse that was going to relieve me and told her to sit tight. If he makes it home she'll come over, but I told her everything and she doesn't expect a call."

The EMT pointed to the butler's back as he went out the door, "What do we call him?" he asked. "If I didn't know he was a butler I'd think he was some kind of royalty or something."

The nurse snickered, "He's a character and a half all right, but he's a really nice guy and he's brilliant. Both of them are. But both of them always insisted on first names only. The butler's name is Ely. The "master" is Greg. . ."

Seventy-five years earlier, Ely swooped into Greg's life when Greg was just eighteen years old. Some would say that Ely actually did swoop: that Ely turned himself into a bat, and with fangs bared descended on Greg, but it didn't happen that way. According to legend it was supposed to happen that way, but Ely explained to Greg that they didn't work like the stories and movies said they did. In fact, they themselves actually perpetuated the legends so the public at large wouldn't discover the truth.

At the time, Greg was ready to explode with the desire to get the hell out of the tiny little town he grew up in and get away from his abusive parents, abusive neighbors, abusive townsfolk, and just a generally fucked up life so far. Ely offered Greg a chance to become one of "them" like Ely was, and Greg accepted. But before Greg could officially and physically make the "change" he had to live out his entire life. He could only die of natural causes. If he was murdered, committed suicide, or died as a result of execution he would only die like everyone else and wouldn't complete the change to join Ely's ranks. And now, 75 years later, the change was ready to be completed.

Ely initiated the change back in Greg's town by mixing their blood right before they left town for good. During his life, Greg continued to feed Ely his blood. Now it looked like they both would have to find a new source very soon. . .

As they drove out of town all those years ago, Greg kept his eyes squarely in front of them; watching the miles go by and relaxing more and more as each marker zoomed by. That night Ely made himself look eighteen again so it would look like he and Greg were just buddies traveling down the freeway. Ely appeared to be in his 60's when he first met Greg, and changed his appearance when Greg accepted his offer.

"Greg," Ely said as he glanced to his side, "We have traveled over one hundred miles so far. We have gone around many, many curves. It is perfectly acceptable to look back now. There is nothing more to see there."

"I know," Greg smiled at Ely, "I couldn't wait to get outta that place, but I was thinking I might be scared, ya know? Like I wouldn't be able to do it. I feel like if I look back it'll be like wishing I was still there." He rubbed his temples like he had a headache. "But I damn well don't wish it!" he said softly, as if he was trying to convince himself as much as Ely.

Ely reached over and squeezed Greg's thigh, "That is obvious," he said. "Many teenagers leave home under the worst of circumstances and are not prepared for it. They had no plans made, no money saved, no idea where they were going to go, no job ready for them. They wound up getting in one kind of trouble or another. It is always sad, but that will not be your fate - I can promise you that."

Greg curled his fingers into Ely's on his thigh, "I'm not really worried about it, dude. Anything is better than that place."

"I think," Ely said slowly, "that what you could use now, is something that is very important both for humans and for us. It is called 'closure.' It works wonders for the soul. And it is nothing to be ashamed of." Ely flicked his head behind them, gesturing toward the route they had come. "All you will be doing is saying 'goodbye,' and there is nothing wrong with that at all."

Greg smiled sheepishly. "I guess," he said. He squeezed Ely's hand, "I'm glad I'm with you."

"Ah," Ely smiled, "It feels wonderful to hear you say that." Greg leaned over and kissed Ely's cheek.

"Here we are!" Ely pointed ahead. They were passing a sign that said there was food, gas and lodging to be had at the next exit. "You must be hungry. I know I am. We can have a late dinner and find a hotel for the night."

"You mean you guys have to eat real food, too?" Greg asked.

Ely laughed. "Yes, yes we do. I rather enjoy a fine meal. One of my hobbies is cooking; more of a passion actually, but it is so much more enjoyable when you have someone to cook for. I look forward to many enjoyable evenings preparing meals for you!"

They pulled off the freeway. This town was considerably larger than Greg's hometown. At the end of the exit were signs for a few all night restaurants and some hotels. Greg opened his backpack to look for his travelers checks. Ely stopped him with a snicker.

"Don't worry, Greg. I have more than enough."

"I wanna pay my way."

As Ely pulled the car into the parking lot of a restaurant he tapped Greg's neck where the hickey was and told him, "You are more than paying your way! And I am not trying to be condescending in any way. Put simply, I have more money than I know what to do with. Far more than anyone would need in several lifetimes."

"Damn!" Greg said. He had trouble picturing having that much money. He felt his neck and tried to see himself in the rearview mirror, "Does it show too much?"

"In the trunk I have some suitcases," Ely answered. "There are a few turtleneck sweaters that you can put on. No one will see."

Ely opened the trunk and Greg pulled on a sweater. "This time," Ely said as they headed into the restaurant, "I want you to eat a decent meal."

"Know what, dude?" Greg laughed, "I think it's gonna be a long time before I'll want another burger and fries!"

They had steak. Greg insisted that Ely let him order. He said it would look weird for someone as young and buff as Ely to talk like the king of England this late at night and confuse the poor waitress. Greg grinned throughout the entire meal as Ely commented on the restaurant, the atmosphere, the service, and the food, even the design of the menu itself. If they were just meeting for the first time tonight, Greg would have thought Ely was a food critic.

Greg walked back to the car as Ely paid the bill. When Ely walked out of the restaurant he saw Greg staring back up the freeway in the direction they had come. He stayed quiet while Greg said his silent goodbyes. Greg turned when he heard Ely approaching and quickly wiped his eyes. Ely saw the streaks down Greg's cheeks and not caring who may be watching he hugged Greg and pulled his head into his shoulder. He felt Greg smear his face into his t-shirt, wiping his eyes. "Closure," he whispered in Greg's ear. "It is good for you."

They got in the car and Greg touched Ely's arm. "Dude?" he asked. "Do we have to go to a hotel? I'm too excited to sleep anyway and I wanna get farther away. I can drive if you're tired."

"Actually I slept most of the day; knowing this was going to be a long night," Ely answered, and grinned teasingly at Greg. "However, I wasn't thinking of sleeping..."

"Ah!" Greg laughed and reached between Ely's legs and played with his bulge. "In that case - we're plenty far away."

They entered the hotel room, dropped their suitcases, and Greg immediately used his body to pin Ely against the just closed door. They stayed at the door making out and groping each other for several minutes.

"I need a shower," Greg told Ely when they broke their kiss.

"I hope it's big enough for two," Ely said.

They held hands and walked into the bathroom. Greg turned on the water, and while the shower warmed up they slowly stripped each other naked. Greg bent over, took Ely's socks off and stood up. He took a couple of steps back and eyed the young Ely.

"I never seen you in the light," Greg said while his eyes took in the jet black, shortish cut hair. Ely's eyebrows were just as black as his hair. Ely smiled and struck a pose for Greg. His chest was baby smooth, prominent pecs behind two large nipples. Broad shoulders and narrow hips with a nice cock standing straight up and his ball sac hanging between almost hairless thighs.

Some guys have buff, muscular bodies that anyone could tell at a glance were gym bodies. Not that they didn't look good, but their muscles were the result of regular workouts. Ely's body was different--muscular but not overdone. His muscles looked like they came not from regular workouts, but from regular work. Like he had spent all his life doing heavy physical labor. It was a more natural look, a real look. Greg salivated taking in Ely's body from head to toe.

Ely, still smiling, turned around. His back looked just as good. Still smooth, almost no hair on his legs. Wide shoulders with a V shaped torso and one of the cutest little bubble butts around. Greg simply said, "You're beautiful!" and went to his knees to kiss Ely's ass. He stood up and took Ely by the hand and they stepped in the shower.

Immediately they wrapped their arms around each other and the water soaked their hair and ran down their bodies as their tongues explored each other's mouths and their hands explored each other's backs. Greg once again pushed Ely up against the wall and they ground their dicks together and reached between them and stroked each other and played with each other's butts and tickled each other's holes.

Greg pushed Ely down in the tub and turned around to straddle him and they sucked each Other’s dicks up in their mouths. The water kept streaming down their bodies as each sucked the cum out of the other. Neither spoke but each was thinking the same thing: Greg kept some of Ely's cum in his mouth and turned around and lay on top of Ely in the tub. His tongue slid into Ely's mouth and Greg found that Ely also saved some cum and they made out and passed their cum to each other until it dissolved.

They stood up and slowly, sensually soaped each other down. They took turns with the handheld shower and rinsed each other off, playfully kissing and tickling each other’s dicks and holes and licking each other's nipples and pits. They took towels and dried each other off, all without saying a word.

Ely took Greg's hand and led him to the bed. They didn't even pull the blankets down, but lay on the bed and for a long time their bodies didn't even part. Ely spent some time and some cum on top of Greg and then they rolled over and Greg fucked Ely and shot a load of cum into his ass. They lay between each other's legs and sucked each other's dicks clean and ate each other's butts and gave each other such a tongue bath that they had to take another shower that lasted as long as the first one with even more cum splatting on the shower floor.

Back on the bed they turned down the blankets and lay facing each other. Greg ran his hands over Ely's chest. "Is this real?" he asked.

"Real? I don't understand."

Greg's hand cupped Ely's balls. "Is this really you - or is it how you want me to see you?"

Ely smiled, "It is really me," he answered. "This is exactly how I looked when I was really 18."

"Wow dude! You're stacked!" Greg grinned.

Ely kissed Greg. "I lived in a small village where everyone was farmers. I spent every day working in the fields, tending the crops, taking care of the cows and horses, chopping wood. Hard work does a body good, but I wasn't the only one. All the men were very well built."

"Did you have a boyfriend?"

Ely sighed deeply. "Ah yes! There was a lad the same age as me. We used to sneak off every chance we got and he was wonderful. But in those days marriages were very much arranged. He took a wife that his father had chosen for him. He had no other choice. Her father secured employment for him that required them to move far away to London. I never saw him again."

"Damn!" Greg said. "That's some tough shit."

Ely wrapped his arms around Greg. "Obviously that was a long time ago--about six hundred and ten years or so. But I don't need to worry about that any more. I have you now," he reached around and cupped Greg's butt. "And you are more than worth the wait!"

Greg had said that he was too excited to sleep but he was wrong. The tension of the last few days finally caught up with him when both of them were finally spent. The sun was just coming up, so it was good that Ely had the foresight to pay for two nights. He slipped the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, went back to the bed, grabbed the blankets, and tucked an exhausted and sleeping Greg in. He got in bed and Greg snuggled up to Ely.

Being asleep and dreaming can often show how a guy really feels. Greg turned in his sleep to face Ely and snuggled up to him the same way a small child - frightened by a raging thunderstorm - will jump into bed and snuggle up to his dad where he felt safe enough to fall back to sleep. Ely pulled the blankets over them and whispered to Greg, "Don't worry my love - I'll take good care of you."



The EMT's wheeled the stretcher into a cubicle in the Emergency Room while the paramedic reported to the ER staff. A nurse came in, nodded to Ely, and took Greg's pulse, temperature, and blood pressure. After she left, Greg slowly turned to look at Ely.

"Can I just go this time?" he asked hopefully.

Ely leaned down and patted Greg's shoulder. "Yes," he said. "It is safe now."

Greg sighed. "I don't mind telling you," his voice was shaking, "I hurt. I hurt all over. I'm ready to end this however I must."

Ely smiled, "In the last few minutes all your pain will go away. You will feel good again."

Greg managed a small smile. The last few years were tough on him. The arthritis wracked his body. He could barely walk but tried whenever he felt able. In the house he was mostly confined to a wheelchair. He and Ely were very active throughout his life and he hated having to stop doing this and stop doing that, as the elderly are forced to do. Bit by bit his life ended even though he was still breathing. His head was bald; he was dangerously thin where he used to be buff. He hated looking at himself in the mirror and tried instead to see the Greg he used to be instead of the Greg he was now. Ely kept reassuring him that it was only temporary. After the change was complete he could be eighteen again any time he wanted.

"I would be satisfied," Greg said weakly, "If I could just walk again."

"You will do that and more," Ely promised. "Much more."

"I suppose," Greg said. His hand shook, but he managed to reach over to clasp Ely's hand. "You haven't steered me wrong yet."

The nurse stuck her head in the room and asked to speak to Ely outside while the doctor examined Greg. Ely left the room and the doctor began his exam. He was impressed that Greg wasn't a complainer, but lay stoically while the doctor poked and prodded. Greg decided against running the battery of tests the doctor mentioned, and the doctor didn't argue. After he left, Ely returned and fussed over Greg some more.

"The nurse was warning me," he told Greg, "that it was time to say our goodbyes, and the doctor agreed with her." Ely snickered, "If they only knew that this is just the beginning."

"I feel ready," Greg whispered. "It feels like it. It feels like it's time," he opened his eyes wider and looked at Ely hopefully. "Did you call any of the boys?"

"Yes," Ely assured him, "They are on their way. Most of them should start arriving very soon. I think you have time for that."

Again Greg sighed deeply. Ely saw his eyes mist over. "I am not looking forward to that," Greg said while staring ahead. "I must make my goodbyes to them real."

"I'm afraid so," Ely said gently. He took a cloth and wiped the sheen from Greg's forehead. "We can't take a chance on them seeing you again, you know that. I never promised you that this part would be easy. You are, after all, ending your human life, and you must leave that life behind."

"Yes, yes, you've told me that more times than I care to count," Greg said. "Especially the last few years." He squeezed Ely's hand a bit, "I am not looking forward to it, but I am ready. You did a good job with that. You did a good job with everything."

That job started years ago when Greg and Ely arrived at Ely's home in Florida. . .

They took turns driving, and after disciplining themselves a little bit and not stopping at each rest area on the way to have a good fuck, they drove through Florida and just south of St. Augustine the next afternoon.

"Why St. Augustine?" Greg asked Ely with a somewhat knowing look on his face. "You were here then, weren't you? This was the first permanent town in this country and you were one of the first to be here, right?"

Ely laughed softly. "I wasn't actually the first," he told Greg. "I was on the second or third boat, though."

"Seems like there'd be a lot more people for you to feed off of back in Europe. Why come here where there weren't anybody?"

Ely smiled and nodded, "One of the other passengers was with me." He reached over and patted Greg's thigh again. "Patience, Greg, patience. I have to ask you to wait for many years, but all will be clear to you in time."

"Oh man!" Greg rolled his eyes. "I don't know if I'll get used to all this mystery."

"Of course you will! Ah, we are home!" Ely pointed ahead. They drove through a small gate and the house came into view. It was a large, square, two-story house, obviously old but very well maintained. The driveway was a long one and while driving it, Greg had time to see the grounds. It wasn't a yard; it was "grounds." Once they passed through the gate, Ely told Greg that he owned all the land they could see from that point. Greg started saying, "Wow!" over and over again.

"I have services that take care of the place when I'm away," Ely said. "I take care of everything myself when I'm home. I called them yesterday while you were sleeping and told them we would be arriving today. They won't be here, but they will have stocked the kitchen so we shouldn't need to go running errands for a few days."

They carried the suitcases inside and left them by a large curving staircase in a foyer that was big enough to hold quite a party in. With their arms around each other's waists, Ely showed Greg around the house: the living room with a fireplace that took up one whole wall, a large den with a grand piano at one end, a huge kitchen that still had the original walk-in fireplace designed for cooking, the formal dining room with it's own fireplace and seating for 12 at an old and intricately carved table, and a library with books on all four walls from floor to ceiling with a rolling ladder to reach the top ones. Greg said "Wow!" in each room. They took the suitcases upstairs where there were five separate bedrooms including a master suite with it's own sitting room, balcony, and hot tub.

Every room in the house was filled with antiques. The furniture was handmade, large, bulky, but comfortable looking. Tapestries were everywhere. Tables were covered with knick-knacks that even Greg could tell at a glance were old and very expensive. The entire house showed money - old money - and impeccable taste.

Back downstairs Greg turned around and around and smiled. "How old is this place?" he asked, then squinted his eyes like he was a little afraid of the answer.

"It was originally settled in the late 1500's, but it was only a cottage then. One of the first bankers bought it with the land, and built this house sometime around 1630. He had foresight, quite a bit of it actually, hence his success as a banker. He had the original cottage dismantled and re-erected at the rear of the property for posterity. I use it as a storage cottage for the equipment to care for the grounds."

"When did you buy it?" Greg asked as he ran his fingers over the detailed moulding around the door of the library.

"In 1763," Ely said matter of factly. Greg rolled his eyes again.

"Wow!" he said for the umpteenth time since their arrival. "This is gonna take some getting used to, dude!"

Ely laughed and kissed Greg, "And that's not all," he teased, and pointed to some of the books. "I have been collecting these books since then. This entire library is quite priceless. I'll have to show you the alarm systems very soon."

Greg looked at the books like they were something that could attack him and laughed. "Don't worry about me, dude! I'm just too happy to be here to mess with anything."

"Greg, Greg!" Ely snickered as he hugged Greg, "My love - this is your home now. This is no longer my house, but our house. You can 'mess' with anything you want."

Greg hugged Ely back and let his hand slide down to Ely's butt, "Including you?" he teased.

"Especially me!" Ely laughed and gave Greg's butt a playful slap. "But come out back with me. I have something more to show you!"

They went out through the kitchen door onto a huge stone terrace. It wasn't a simple patio. The stones were obviously as old as the house and worn smooth from the years of traffic. They stretched from one end of the house to the other. The terrace was almost as wide as the house itself. Here and there, seemingly random, the stones gave way to plants and small trees, obviously meticulously cared for. Beyond the terrace was a smallish swimming pool with a hot tub built into one end. Hedges surrounded the place, tall enough to block any view. They walked to the hedges to a tiny gate, and beyond the gate was the beach and the ocean.

"Wow!" Greg said again.

"Greg!" Ely laughed, "You are going to have to work on expanding your vocabulary!"

As an answer Greg swept Ely up in his arms and kissed him. They stripped down naked right where they stood and Greg jumped on Ely's cock and rode him hard until Ely's cum squished out of Greg's ass. Greg stayed on that cock and shot his load all over Ely's face.

They stood up with cum running down some part of both of them and Ely peeked out the gate. "There's no one out there!" he told Greg. "Come, let's rinse off," and he ran naked across the beach with Greg right behind him watching Ely's tight little butt cheeks jiggling, and ran right into the ocean.

They both dove into a wave and splashed around and splashed each other and then stood in the water wrapped up in each other, kissing, while the waves pounded into them almost knocking them down.

"This is the first time," Greg told Ely, "I ever seen the ocean!"

Ely smiled and kissed Greg again, "You are going to have a grand time here," he said, "I'll have to show you how to hunt for shells and teach you to snorkel and so much more!"

They stood in the water and held each other and made out a while. They had to wait a little bit to leave the water until the beach was empty again. Then they ran back to the house with their dicks swinging and butts jiggling and laughing. They rinsed the sand off their feet with a hose at the gate.

"I feel funny," Greg said as they gathered up their clothes and walked across the patio toward the kitchen.

"It's the salt in the water," Ely told him. "The water dries from your body but the salt remains. It feels like a film of some sort covering you. A shower with fresh water is all you need." They went back upstairs to take a shower, and one of the first things they learned was that if they were in any kind of a hurry for whatever reason, they had to take showers separately, or one of them fucked the other under the spray until the water turned cold.

The first week they stayed at the house. The house and grounds were surrounded by the extra tall hedges and Ely and Greg stayed butt naked the whole week. They ate naked and hung out naked and ran around outside naked. When one of them got horny he simply walked up to the other one and fucked him. Since Greg and, technically, Ely were both teenagers, one of them or the other was always horny. They swam naked in the ocean when no one was around and played with each other in the pool when the beach was crowded.

Greg noticed on the first night that Ely wasn't exaggerating about cooking being a passion. He sat in the kitchen and watched and grinned as Ely chopped and peeled and mixed and stirred and brought everything to stand still while he tasted. Greg helped when he could, and felt that Ely wasn't merely cooking - he was performing. But the food was the best Greg ever had so he didn't mind Ely's theatrics in the kitchen at all.

Ely noticed that Greg seemed to enjoy paying attention to the details of the architecture of the house and to the detailing inside. He explained that it was all done in the 1600's when such work was done by hand by artists in that field. They were few and far between and didn't come cheap.

Toward the end of the week Greg was in the library looking at some of the older books. The one he had open on the desk was properly bound, but the pages were covered in a curious style of calligraphy. Ely came in and sat his bare butt on the desk, pointed to the book and told Greg, "This one and a few others I occasionally lease to museums. They are worth fortunes individually."

"This doesn't look like it came off a printing press," Greg said.

"It didn't," Ely answered. "It was copied by hand. I bought the book in Europe when it was new. I had to order it special, as the copying took painstakingly long and was only done when the sale of the book was assured."

"I'd be scared to keep something like this in my house!" Greg said. Ely had already shown Greg the protection the house had, and it was impressive. Greg was amazed at the things Ely had. The entire house was a museum in its own right.

Ely pulled up a chair and sat at the desk opposite Greg. He leaned forward and put his chin in his clasped hands. "What do you want to do, Greg?"

"Do about what?"

"With your life. What do you want to be? To become?"

Greg scrunched up his eyebrows. "Well, I thought that was already decided," he said while he rubbed his neck. The hickeys were both gone.

"You have already decided what to do in your after life. But you still need to find a passion to keep you occupied during your human life."

"Well..." Greg thought a bit, "I always been interested in architecture. I dreamed sometimes about being an architect," he said and lowered his eyes as if he was expecting Ely to laugh as others have.

Ely didn't laugh, "I suspected as much," he nodded. He rapped his knuckles on the desk top like a judge with a gavel. "Then an architect you shall be!" he announced.

"Aww..." Greg mumbled, "I don't know if I can really be one. But it would be nice."

Ely reached across the desk and cupped Greg's face in both hands, making Greg look in his eyes. "Greg!" he said and smiled, "I told you before I came to you because of your potential, and I meant that." He tapped Greg's head with his fingertips. "You have a wonderful brain in this head. Until now you simply weren't given the opportunity to make use of it. Right now your brain is similar to a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces are all there, but they are mixed up." Ely caressed Greg's face, "What you need to do now, is re-arrange those pieces so they fit together, and then you can do wondrous things. But you need to re-arrange them in a systematic, organized, step by step manner." Greg looked a little confused but didn't say anything. Ely saw the look and knew the thought. "What you need," he told Greg, "is an education."

"You mean I need to go college?"

"Exactly," Ely said. "There you will be taught the means to organize your thoughts, and before you object, an education is not as frightening as it may seem to you now."

"Did you go to college?"

Ely snickered, "Yes, I suppose you could say that."

"Meaning what? Did you go or didn't you?"

"In the centuries I have been here," Ely looked Greg in the eye, "I have graduated from 14 universities."

Greg's eyes bugged out, "What?!? You went to 14 colleges?!?"

Ely laughed, "Yes, yes I did."

Greg looked away with his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Then he looked back at Ely. "On purpose!?!?"

Ely almost fell out of his chair laughing.

"Yes! On purpose," Ely said when he could talk again, "You will have to take my word for it, but it actually becomes fun, and as the years go by you can go back anytime you want. For most of us, getting an education in different fields of study becomes something of a hobby." He got out of his chair and walked around and pulled Greg out of his chair and hugged him. "If you wish to study architecture, then that is what you will study. I will help you, and I hope you can see that I should be something of a fairly competent study partner."

"Wow..." Greg looked out the window again, "College, huh..."

Ely lay on the desk and pulled Greg on top of him. They made out for a few minutes.

"I know you," Ely said as he traced Greg's face with his fingertips, "so much better than you think I do. To you, we only met a couple of weeks ago. But I actually have known you much longer than that."

"How do you mean?"

"Again you must take my word for it and not ask why. But I was told about you when you were still a young boy. I have been to your town several times and watched and evaluated you." Greg tensed up a bit but said nothing. "I know many things about you that you may not be aware of yourself. We have met before but I made myself look different. When we made eye contact then, I knew you. I knew all of you. It was then that I fell in love with you. I am not talking about loving you as if an infatuation from the past two weeks, but from years of studying you. I didn't expect it myself, but I fell in love a long time ago with who you are and who you are going to be."

Greg just looked at Ely, "Your eyes, right? You sort of read me with your eyes, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. I hope that doesn't upset you. I meant it from my heart that evening in the woods when I told you that no one has captured my heart as you have."

Greg didn't know what to say. Even his parents never told him they loved him that he could remember. Ely was the first to actually say it, and he's said it twice now. Greg didn't know how he felt, either. He looked at Ely lying under him on the desk and could tell that Ely didn't expect Greg to say that he too was in love. All Greg did was lean down and kiss Ely; the longest kiss they'd shared yet. And as has been usual for them since they met, Greg ended up between Ely's legs and by the time the sun went down, they were both sweating profusely and the desktop was slippery.

Greg raised himself up on his elbows and gave Ely a quick afterglow kiss and simply said as he snickered, "Okay dude, I'll go to college." They both laughed and headed once again to the shower. If the shower had been a living thing, it would have been afraid to see the two of them heading toward it yet again!



More Gay Erotic Stories from Robby Sr.

Closer Than You Think

The following story is complete fiction. It is about intergenerational gay sex. If this offends you, the solution is simple - don't read it, and go away quietly. If it turns you on - read on!!! CLOSER THAN YOU THINK BY ROBBY SR. My neighbor and his wife had to go out of town suddenly to visit her mother who'd had a stroke. A mild one - and she was fine - but it was a good

Cross My Heart, Part 1

Eric burst into his apartment and practically threw his briefcase across the room. "Fucking, lying, silicone slut cunt!" he yelled to no one in particular. Good thing - no one else was there. He tore off his suit coat and slammed it to the floor. "Stupid bitch can't even sign her own name unless someone shows her how!" His tie flew somewhere across the room; shoes sailing somewhere else. "If

Cross My Heart, Part 2

The bar was called, "The Queen of Hearts." Eric and Trevor got there just before midnight. On the outside, the bar was an unassuming kind of place. A small sign with words lit up around a picture of the appropriate card from a poker deck announced the name of the establishment, but otherwise no fanfare. They had to park a few blocks away, and while they walked Trevor told Eric something about the

Double Coupon Day

Hank normally hated grocery shopping at this hour. The time just after most folks got off work but before usual dinnertime was when the damn place was always so crowded. But he did need all the things he'd filled his shopping cart with so he couldn't really complain: though he wouldn't have any way in this particular store. The weather was going sour. Even though the clouds were

Double Coupon Day, Part 2: Redemption Time

George got to work and immediately headed for the back of the store where the storerooms and the loading dock was. Today was a big day of the week for deliveries. He hated having four big semis show up on the same day, but he didn't control that part of the schedule. All he could do was try to schedule extra guys to work that day to get the trucks offloaded and the stock put away as quickly as

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part One

CHAPTER ONE The sound came to him the way light tries to make its way through a fog. He felt himself floating in that fog. He couldn't tell if he was floating around the sound, or if he was still and it was the sound that was moving around. "Greg..." He expected the proverbial brilliant white light but it wasn't there. There was no light at all, only the sound--the sound of his name.

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Three

PART THREE BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER EIGHT The waiter arrived carrying a small folded table. A busboy was right behind him balancing a large tray on his shoulder. The waiter popped the table open and the busboy placed the tray on it with the same drama Ely used when he ordered. Greg and Ken were still staring at Ely. "Ah!" Ely exclaimed as though nothing untoward was going on. "The

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Two

PART TWO BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER FIVE Greg crawled up onto the bed and sat cross-legged. He hugged a pillow and sat. He glanced at the door when he heard footsteps and wondered why he didn't hear the front door again if Ely was coming back. He wasn't sure if he wanted Ely to come back, but found he was at least a little happy to hear the footsteps, and that feeling confused him even more.

Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 1

BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER ONE The ambulance passed through the gates and in one voice the paramedic and two Emergency Medical Technicians said, "Wow!" Facing them was a very large, very old mansion--older than any of them could comprehend. It consisted of a main two-story wing with another two-story wing on either side. The driveway rambled up to and circled around a perfectly detailed garden.

Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 2

BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER THREE The nurse entered the cubicle to check Greg's vital signs again. She told Greg and Ely that there were several gentlemen in the waiting room. "Ah," Ely told Greg, "The boys are arriving." "If you'd like," the nurse told Greg, "We can move you to a larger room, and they can all come in and sit with you. Or we can do the usual and let them come in two at a

Eighteen Forever, Part 1

Greg felt like skipping down the street but of course he didn't. An 18 year old skipping would be crazy, but that's how good he felt. Not only did he just get his butt fucked (some guy who came in for an oil change - Greg didn't even ask his name), but also he'd just made a big decision. He was going to run away from home. He didn't have an actual day picked out yet, and he didn't know exactly

Eighteen Forever, Part 2

Ely slid his body off Greg and lay beside him. Greg felt like a massive boulder had just lifted off him but still he couldn't move. He could only follow Ely with his eyes and Ely's eyes stayed connected to Greg's. Greg had never felt so weak. He knew he couldn't move a muscle no matter how much he wanted to. All he could do was look into those damn eyes! "None of what you read or heard about

Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Games People Play

BY ROBBY SR. Billy loved his morning routine. He woke up first as usual, and hurried naked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for his dad. When the water started to drip he ran back into the bedroom to wake up his dad. If dad was laying on his back or side, Billy would wake him up by sucking his cock. If dad was laying on his stomach, Billy would eat and finger his ass until he woke

Robby's First Was a Double

The following story is true except, of course, for the names. If the idea of reading gay sex stories offends you, you shouldn't have even come here in the first place, so get out! And you can't claim that you got here by "accident." You had to click your way around to get here, and you had to know exactly what you were clicking on, so don't try to weasel your way out of it. If you

Rule Of Thumb

I was a 19-year-old hippie then. My tiny little hometown was seven miles from a college town. The huge university had over 10,000 students so there was a lot of student-type traffic cruising back and forth between the two towns. A lot of students lived in my hometown because the rent was cheaper. A lot of them didn't have cars: there wasn't a bus service between the towns, and there

The Club

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