Gay Erotic Stories

Le Concorde: Cruising at Mach 2

by Bearliners
12 Nov 2003

Mile High Club True Stories

It all started when I saw the man coming down the jet way, while we were boarding flight 001 JFK - CDG. It was like if, among that gentle stream of passengers, someone was standing out, among the crowd. Not really tall, he had that man's look I just love. Baseball hat covering a buzz crew cut, a square face with a thick handlebar moustache and a shadow of beard, nice emerald green eyes, round metal spectacles that gave him an intellectual look, short sleeve shirt that showed nice hairy arms, some hairs showing through the open neck of his shirt, a laptop bag on his left shoulder...a white collar bear...

"Bonjour Monsieur. Bienvenue a bord du Concorde."

Yes, that was one of the few trips I did on the mystical bird, and that one was bound to be nice. See, it is always great when there is someone on board you secretly have a gentle crush on. Don’t get me wrong here. Being adults, we flight attendants do perfectly know that at the end of the flight, it will be the end of our secret crush, even if sometimes we always hope some kind of happy endings. I should get used to that nice feeling of having champagne in my veins after all these years, but well...even now, I still do feel a warm tingle in my heart and a gentle rush of blood in my underwear when a cute bearish passenger boards one of my flights. Yes folks, some flight attendants fantasize about you...

Concorde: What a magical name. I was not officially in the Concorde crew list, but, like the rest of the Flight Attendants attached to the North Atlantic Division, I had to pass Concorde's Safety and Emergency qualifications in order to be able to work a supersonic flight; and well, last day, I was on reserve at Charles de Gaulles airport, when I got called and assigned flight 002 CDG - JFK and return the next day on flight 001: The Concorde trip! What an experience...

Completely new service, smaller crew compared to what I was used to flying with, quite snobbish attitude I must say, from some of these ghastly tarts that thinks that because they do fly Concorde wearing a classy haute couture uniform, they are "the creme de la creme"... but also, a nice pilot, very friendly cockpit crew and Daniel, a camp gay friend of mine I had not seen for ages...

After a nice flight to JFK, and a quiet evening in Manhattan, it was time for us to fly back home, with a hot beefcake on board and my heart already in motion, trying to find a way to catch that guy's attention.

In fact, when you are flight attendant, it's not that hard really... Just be extra nice with the guy, make sure that he is traveling alone, or that his wife (or partner) does not pay too much attention on what is going on and you can have some fun. Yes, I have cruised some of my passengers, and three times it ended where I was hoping it would....

Have I been cruised while on duty? Openly cruised by passengers? Yes, and indirectly cruised (the card with the phone number when you gave me back your food tray...) as well... Sometimes it was so funny--especially when you are cruised by some so called straight guys willing to test their charisma on an openly gay flight attendant (I do wear a little rainbow flag on my uniform) or by businessmen traveling alone, or by female passengers that think that because I wear a beard and have a furry complexion, I am a woman's man... Their mistakes, my fun...

Its take off time, the cabin gets suddenly noisy, and each member of the whole cabin crew is strapped on its crew seat; Didier and I on the back crew seats in the rear galley, and the girls with our purser taking care of the front cabin. What a noise inside as well... you feel like being rocketed through the sky...amazing really.

We were already high and speeding toward Mach1, when I went and do a safety check through the cabin. The bear looked at me, gave me a gentle smile, and stopped me

"Is this plane always that noisy? I never thought it would be like that." He had a lovely west coast accent and even lovelier eyes.

"Unfortunately yes…we should provide you with some ear plugs..." We both laughed "Thanks Heaven..."did he say flashing a lovely smile " the flight is only 3 hours. That 's why I choose Concorde. Do you work this plane a lot?"

"I wish I could...but fact it's my first supersonic trip. I normally work on bigger planes than that one."

"You're used to bigger things...really...that 's interesting." he said, raising his eyebrows, a grin on his face. Gosh, the guy caught me by surprise on that one, and I just could not believe what I just heard. Was he cruising me or what? I needed an excuse to get out of the was still too early... I had that flight to work.

"Anyway, I've got to go back to work. Talk to you later, sir. Enjoy the cruise. We should be passing mach 1 in a couple of minutes."

With a smile on my face, and a boner in my underwear, I head back to the galley. I must have been walking funny because as soon as I entered the galley, Didier looked at me and, and being Miss Nelly Queen as usual, wiggled his ass all excited, "Oh oh oh! Bernie my dear...which one is it? The cutie on 19C or the young boy on 21B?"

"What are you talking about?" I laughed

The Captain’s voice could be heard in the cabin "Mesdames et messieurs, nous venons de passer le mur du son. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve just gone through the sound barrier." some passengers applauded in the cabin. The Mach O Meter was showing Mach 1 and still going up

Didier, being camp in the galley, went on: "Come on Petula.. Be honest with your sister Cleopatra... You've got a crush on a passenger, am I wrong? I can see it in your eyes" "Would you please stop calling me Pelula, that does get under my tits!" I calmed down "And if you really want to know...yes...well…there 's that guy...Hmmm." Didier let out a loud hysterical scream. Talk about being discreet. "My God, she is in love...she is in love...”

"Stop it NOW! Please Didier... You’re gonna alert the whole cabin!"

"Ho my God... Miss fuzzy is all upset. Come on Daaaahling... it's wonderful...Tell me, does he have a big dick?"

"What? How on earth could I know...I did not look inside his underwear..."

"You did not... Well Honey... look at me... I shall give it a look for you... Which seat is he?"

"Won’t tell ya."

"American or French?"


"I don't need his seat number this."

And acting like miss Chichi Rodriguez in "To Wang Foo…here goes Didier walking across the cabin, looking at passengers’ crotches, like if he was performing a seat belt check... I just could not believe it…the guy is an absolute nutcase. And if that snobbish bitch we have as purser catches us, he’s gonna get us both fired...I swear!

Didier came back into the galley...all happy. "Petula…got it. It's the big hunk with a baseball cap, a mustache and a 5 o’clock shadow on 12A..."

"How do you know it's him?" I looked at the cabin, grabbing a yogurt out of the side cupboard.

"It’s the only one with a bearish look. And I know that you do like hairy guys. I saw you reading bear magazine darling...Well…it's bingo day for you! The guy is hung like a bull."

"Now…stop bragging, you can't have seen that?"

Didier rolls his eyes, raising his shoulders…"Listen Cripella... I tell ya…the guy is a bull... I checked out his crotch and the size of his hands. Hmmm...if you don't want him... I’ll take him home… I’ve never had a caveman yet!"

"Would you please stop it and help me getting the food trolley ready?"

We got things done and on our way along the cabin…when we passed row 12, Mr. Cutie gave me a smile. I gave it back. Didier caught us "Told ya…see.." he muttered.

And here started the litany, "Please, enjoy your meal, would you like white or rose champagne?" and of course, when we arrived row 12, here comes Didier with a broad smile on his face. "Hello Sir, would you fancy something to eat? Today it's Caviar Imperial, or mousse de foie gras with cognac or you can have this flight attendant as well... it comes with hair but we can undress it and shave it for you. I’m Didier by the way and this is Bernie...welcome on board."

I jumped…and became white. The guy looked at us and burst out laughing. I just could not believe it.

Didier kept on, "Naaaaw! Ain’t he a sweetie when he blushes...see Sir, he is very shy...he does not look like it, with her bearish look, but he is ever so delicate, ain't you dear? Come on Bernie…ask the passenger what he wants to drink. We know you find the passenger sexy as hell, but you’ve got to be professional here sweetie..."

I was crimson red with embarrassment. "Champagne sir…rose or white?" I just could not say anymore. I would have jumped through one of the windows. The guy saw it and smiled nicely. He was obviously not bothered by Didier's flamboyance...

"You guys are having a good time... I guess" he said his green eyes sparkling with energy. "I’ll have a glass of Don Perrignon rose please."

I managed to say a gentle, "Enjoy your meal, sir" and of course Didier adding, "Please feel free to come up and have a chat with us in the galley later…"

Thanks God, I did finish the meal service correctly and had time to regain some composure during the process... Finally we entered the galley; I pulled the curtain behind us.

"YOU!" I said poking my fingers in his chest, "You’re gonna get us in trouble! Why did you do that? I was so embarrassed!"

Didier laughs, "You will be lovely together. Let me match you Daaaahling. Trust me. I'm your sister, sweetie...he's soooo cute. Have you seen his hairy tuff above the collar of his shirt... Lovely. He must be so hairy... "

"I thought you did not like hairy guys?"

"My dear, in our job, we can't be picky...a man is a man...and well, as long as he does act butch... I am not regarding...and by the wa...."

"Mesdames et messieurs nous sommes maintenant a notre vitesse de croisiere de Mach 2... Ladies and gentlemen, we have now reached our cruising speed of Mach 2 twice the speed of sound."

The plane was rocketing through the stratosphere, and it was so smooth, not even a bump, like if we were on the ground, parked...not at Mach 2. A hand was pulling the curtain apart. I got weak on my knees, it was the bear... Didier went all smily. "Look who we have here," he said. "You two have a nice talk, I shall do the cabin service... Be good... By the way, sir, I’ve got some condoms and KY doses in my uniform jacket in this pocket." he said pointing it out to the guy. "Please help yourself." Didier went out of the galley, and looking at us he added, with a twist of whimper in the voice "Ain't they adoooooooooorable???"

The Bear went by my side. "Is he always like that?" We both smiled. "Actually, he was fairly well behaved this time. We know each other sooo well, and he is a nice guy." I said, getting the coffee machine working. "Can I get you a coffee?"

"No thanks. I’m fine. By the way, I did not introduce myself Bernie. I'm Gary." And we shook hands, the way old friends do. "May I ask you a question?" he added.


"Haven’t we met before...I mean I’m sure I’ve seen your face, but I just can't figure where." Well baby, I thought to myself, If I had ever met ya before, I can guarantee you that I would have loved to know you in a way that would have matched the frenzy of King Salomon in the Song of Songs.

"Maybe. See I do travel a lot. Seldom to New York, but a lot to Washington, Philadelphia, San Francisco..." His eyes suddenly rose up.

"That's it!" he said with a sound of victory in his voice. "You were in San Francisco two weeks ago, at the Rawhide for a country dancing Saturday evening."

"Let me see…I went to San Francisco three times this month…and yes, in fact, I did go dancing a couple of times."

"You did a Tush Push just in front of me… That's where I saw you. "He looked at me, and gave me a smile "Where did you learn to two-step?"

"Mainly with some friends in Phillie, and also, when I fly to the Bay.. I like the rawhide." "You did good. You looked great actually." He came closer to me, and grabbed a biscuit in one of the tray I had left out...

My turn to keep him talking "Are you staying in Paris for a long time?"

"Just three days. I’ve got a big meeting for my company. I work for a computer program company in Silicon Valley, and we have a major deal to sign in Paris tomorrow with the local telecoms."

"Where are you staying?"

He looked at me, and grabbed my hand, "With you if you want a poor lonely American bear to keep you warm." Boy, he was so close to me, and so sexy. I could feel his breath on my face. Before I said anything, we kissed, softly, nicely, like if we both were afraid to be caught, to do something forbidden. I was having a boner... and so was he. I could feel something hard in his slacks...hard and big... He grabbed my hand in his paw. I was getting dizzy. "You‘re all right! I don't want to be pushy, but the hardon you had while you were talking to me before, made me realise that I made a touche with ya..."

"Sorry…I guess my dick speaks what my brain can't."

"No need to be sorry…you had the same effect to me...and as you work on big things, I thought that you should not have any kind of problem with that." Without any other forms of introduction, Gary pulled on his zipper and pushed my hand inside his fly. The guy did not have any underwear, and I got in contact with something warm, hairy and heavy... He came closer to me "Come on..." he whispered "Take it in your hands. It won't bite ya.." And I did feel it pulse with energy. He kissed me again, while I was teasing his cock with my hand .My fingers could barely join together around his dick. He was that thick! Gary was pushing his thick slab of hairy meat against my hand; he was looking at me, playing my cock through my uniform slacks. "Your hand sure does feel good down there, buddy" he whispered in my ear. We kissed again and I released his cock to go downwards and play with his two egg-like hairy balls...they were heavy in my hands. In fact I had my hand still inside his fly, playing with his equipment, when Didier came back in the galley.

He smiled, "Am I disturbing something here? Listen guys...why don't you go inside this lavatory and have a nice time. This one is for wheelchair passengers, and is wide enough for two. Don't worry…I'll be in the galley and I 'll declare the loo inops…you won't be bothered."

Gary was all smiley now, "That is so nice of you Didier, and you sure you don't mind?"

"Absolutely not Sir, but I do have a condition to that…"and coming by my side, Didier pulled my hand out of Gary's fly and put his inside, taking hold of Gary's cock. "I must check up if everything is working correctly," and looking at us with a smile, Didier went down on his knees and pulled out Gary's throbbing hard on out of this fly and started to tease it with his tongue. Gary was shivering and moaning.

"I must be sure it tastes as nice as it looks" said Didier winking at us...and in one slow gulp, he managed to swallow Gary's whole 9 inches down his throat. He raised his thumb up. Didier released the now slick and throbbing dick, "Bernie, go ahead. This one is a must try. Take this," he said grabbing me some condoms out his uniform jacket". You must take it up your ass--it's a mandatory condition. And I do want to get the used condom back to me, understood?"

He pushed us both inside the lavatories and we locked it behind us.

Gary pulled me close to him, and started to undo my trousers, giving my aching cock some relief. "Hmm," he said. "Nicely furry belly…and nice cock as well," and he engulfed my 8 inches right to the spot. Precum was oozing out of my cockhead. "You taste nice," Gary said, releasing my aching member "Like a cub." We smiled and kissed again.

"Suck me please," he whispered in my ear. "I want to feel your mouth on my dick." And before I could react, I felt his hands pushing me downward, until I got his pole in front of my face. I opened my mouth and swallowed the massive pillar of flesh. Gary moaned. "You're a good bear! Yes, make me feel real good…make my dick all nice and wet, I do have a big load of cum for you...just for you...get it..."

I was jerking off myself frenetically bringing myself to a not too far away orgasm. I could hear Didier outside storing things in the galley. I was exploring his thick cock with my tongue, teasing the rim under his mushroom like cockhead, playing with his pee hole, than teasing the whole length of his dick with the tip of my tongue, or rubbing the tip of my thick moustache against it... Gary was getting crazy and bucking against me, forcing his dick deep inside my mouth, feeding me his fuck pole... He was now fucking my mouth with strength and depth.

I loved the feel of it, and the sensations I got from his fucking motions. I tried to swallow as much of his length as possible, letting it slip down my throat, until I ended with my nose crushed against his pubic forest. The guy smelled of "Opium For Men", my all time favourite cologne, and the hair on his belly was so silky. I put my left hand under his shirt and started to play with his hairy chest. Didier was right; the guy had a thick mat of hair on his chest, silky soft hairy chest...the kind you would like to lay your head against before falling asleep.

My dick was so slippery, I was now fisting myself furiously, savoring the sensations racing through me. My mind was focusing on the fact that I was sucking a Bear, in the Concorde, at Mach 2, somewhere between New York and Paris...

I knew I could not hold off much longer. I hoped this would last, but I was supposed to do some work, not giving passenger head...

Gary pulled me up. "Bend over…I wanna give you a quick fuck, so that Didier can have his souvenir of the fun too." And after he quickly put the condom on his dick, and rubbing some KY on the condom, he finished the little one dose by rubbing his slick fingers against my already puckering asshole. He pressed his fingers inside my hole until he found my joy nut. My cock throbbed, dripping pre cum like a tap. He pressed his thick cock against my hole, and I did it naturally, I pushed myself against it and let it slide inside my stretched ass. Gary let out a grunt, and pushed it all the way to the hilt, his pubic hairs brushing against my ass. In fact, it was like if my asshole grabbed hold of his cock and sucked it in.

He did not have to do anything. I pulled forward, exposing his whole shaft, and then I pushed back, swallowing it all up again. I did it again and again. Gary was hot, resting against the sink, letting me fuck his cock with my ass. When I lowered my butt against the base of his pole, he smacked it and he went wild. He took charge and fucked my ass fast and furiously. He grabbed my cheeks to hold me steady, I was getting like a wild beast, on the verge of one hell of an orgasm...

Gary was grumbling, "Yeah…your ass looks so nice against my thick cock...keep that up, I’m gonna come soon ...come on... Feel my cock in your ass..." and suddenly, his breathing became rough and guttural, and he crushed me against his body, burying his cock deeper inside my already stretched to the limit insides...and he let out his pent up sperm filling the condom. At that time, my balls ripped open a stream of cum and I sprayed my whole palm, it dripped inside my underwear, thanks heaven, not on my uniform trousers.

We rested for a while, enjoying the presence. He withdrew his softened cock out of my ass, and we kissed again, my hand playing with his hairy chest, and my eyes lost in his. "That was a hell of a ride, Bernie. Thanks a lot..." said Gary, while getting his clothes back on, and checking out his looks in the mirror. "Give me your underwear." he said, pointing at my sperm soaked Calvin Kline’s "I wanna keep it as a souvenir." and without any underwear, I pulled up my trousers and we unlocked the lavatory door, to feel it immediately pushed back by Didier outside speaking loudly. "Yes Madam! We do sell Chanel Number 5 on board. Why don't you go back to your seat, I'll be right with ya!" and two seconds after, he opened the lavatory doors, letting us get out.

"So..." said Didier "Where is my little gift?"

Gary gave him the heavily loaded condom. "Well...look at that! Thick spunk or what? I shall keep it thinking of both of you." said Didier giving us a nice group hug.

Gary looked at me, " So...your place or mine?"

I looked at him, and gave him a kiss. "Just wait for me by the Lost and Found desk, in the customs hall in the terminal. I’ve got my car, an extra set of keys, five days off ahead of me and a king size bed waiting for us."


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