Gay Erotic Stories

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Conclusion: Part B: Into The COCKpit

by Controlone
05 Nov 2003

Arm Pits Bondage Discipline Fetish Hairy Hypnosis Jockstraps Romance Straight Men, Gay Sex

Into The COCKpit

James crawled to the door of the cockpit, reached up and knocked rather hesitantly, not knowing what to expect. The co-pilot opened the door and almost fell over the prostrated boy.

The co-pilot, Steve, 5’10”, wavy sandy colored hair over his collar, broad shoulders, rather thin waist, cute, 26 years old, looking down said, “And what can I do for you?”

James peered up at the somewhat younger man and said, “Sir, my master wishes me to express his appreciation for your work sir. I have been trained to please sir, to help you relax. I am yours to command.”

The co-pilot turned back toward the cockpit and said, “Hey Will, Control sent us this boy to relax us…to show his thanks. What do I do? What do I say? I’ve never done this before.”

Will, the pilot, 35, jet black hair cut short, 5’11”, with muscles to spare answered, “Don’t be an idiot, tell the boy to come forward and get both your asses up here.”

Steve, feeling awkward as hell, kind of petted James on the head and said, “Come on boy, follow me.” Then he turned back towards the pilot and said, “Was that okay? What do I call him?”

Will said, “Haven’t you had any training at all? He’s not your dog…unless you want him to be. I know you didn’t come up through candidacy, but wasn’t there some kind of indoctrination for new employees when you were hired?”

Steve replied, “They hired me away from the Agency while I was still stationed in Germany. They were desperate for commercial pilots so they hired me and pushed me straight through. Sure I know all about the Organization, the management, the hierarchy, candidacy, and they let me know that if I broke the confidentiality agreement they would have my ass, but I’m just the hired help. I guess they figured I’d learn along the way.”

Will answered, “Okay, then here’s lesson one; that guy on his hands and knees is a pussyboy; a cunthole and a mouth. He’s in training. Someday he’ll be hot shit, but for now he’s lower than camel snot. He’s yours to command. That’s what he expects. That’s what he understands.”

Steve interjected, “Yeah that’s what he just said.”

Will shot back, “Shut the fuck up and listen. That boy down there on the floor has been in training for months. He’s like a red-hot sex machine. He has knowledge of the body and sexual skills that you cannot imagine. That pussyslave can coax an orgasm out of a corpse. He can suck and fuck all day and all night without stopping. He can come nine or ten times in a row without an intermission. He’s ready to blow twenty-four/seven, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Control sent him to us as a kind of thank-you for having to work this 36 hour shift and let me just say, it’s a hell of a thank you, but you’re about to figure that out for yourself. Now Steve, sit down over there in that swivel chair and let this pussy on wheels do his thing for you… Oh yeah, and try not to come too quickly or all at once. You’re going to want to enjoy every nut-busting second. Try to relax and control yourself because if you play your cards right that fucktoy there can get you to come maybe three or four times in the next thirty or forty minutes.”

By this time Steve’s dick was straining to break through his white pilot pants and he was beginning to leak precum. Will’s description really had him going. Besides he hadn’t had a day off in over a week which meant he hadn’t seen his girlfriend in that long and the only sex he’d had was a couple quick jerk-offs in the airport john. At the same time he was a little self-conscious. The guys had been on duty for 36 hours. There had been a run back and forth to Rio de Janeiro, and a trip to Washington with layovers in between. Steve had been at it all that time without benefit of a bath or shower and he knew he was rank. During their four hour layover in Rio, temperature 97 degrees, humidity 99%; he and Will had gotten together with some other guys and played a game of pickup basketball. Steve realized he was still wearing that same sweaty jock strap. They had miscalculated their amount of down time and wound up having to make a run for the airport from the basketball court. There had been no time to clean up. The guys had thrown their dirty gym shorts into their bags and put their pilot uniforms over their sweaty jocks.

Steve said, “Ya know Will I’m kind of…well smelly. I’m still wearing my sweaty jock strap and my pits are reeking.”

Will said, “Don’t worry these boys love that stuff…the sweatier the better.”

Steve shot back, “Get outta town! No shit? You’re not kidding?”

Will looked across at his co-pilot, “Jesus Christ, are you retarded? Do I have to keep repeating everything I say before you believe me?”

Steve said, “OK, OK dude, don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

“Very original.” Will responded sarcastically.

Steve looked down at the kneeling boytoy; he felt very embarrassed; he’d never had any real man-to-man action. He averted his eyes and said, “OK buddy, how’s about a little action…maybe a hummer?”

Will chuckled, “He doesn’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You have to look right at him so he knows you’re addressing him. His brain has been taught to ignore everything we’re saying. He will only hear the words you direct right at him. Watch! Listen! And Learn!”

Will stretched out his arm and flicked James’ ear, “Hey cuntface, pay attention. This man here needs bathing. Get busy! Start with his pits.”

James didn’t have to be told twice. He gently began to unbutton Steve’s shirt and pull it out of his pants.

Steve said, “Oh man, this is a gas…I don’t believe this! Christ, Will he’s got his tongue way up in my hairy stinky armpit and oh God he’s wiggling it around… Jesus, Will he’s so wet and…” Steve involuntarily shivered and got the chills.

“Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, Will he’s moping out my pit with his tongue and he’s kind of sucking and liking and tonguing every individual little…bunch of hairs… Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, Will he’s doing my pit so damn well…and it’s so fucking hot. I’m so fucking hot. Jesus, Will, I could blow my load right now!”

At first Will wanted to tell Steve to shut up, but his total excitement and play by play description had started to warm Will up too. So he let Steve continue.

“Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, Will he’s on my nipple man…he’s on my nipple and he’s kind of nibbling…and licking…and sucking…and Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, this guy is chewing on my nipple!”

James was using all his skill to make the copilot happy. He discovered a patch of straight brown hair between Steve’s pecs and he decided to work on it. The smell was intoxicating. The co-pilot reeked of gym sweat, and animal androgenic secretions, and pheromones, and it was getting to James, who naturally was hard as a rock and beginning to leak boyjuice.

“Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, Will he’s kind of latched onto the hair on my chest and he’s pulling it with his lips…and licking it…and like he’s rolling it on his tongue and tonguing it into curls. Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, Will this is so fucking hot… Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, now he’s got my other nipple man. He’s chewing on my nip…and sucking… and chewing… Oh man, Oh man, Oh man.”

Steve’s control evaporated; he couldn’t hold back another second; he pushed James’ head away and grabbed at his belt. As quickly as he could, he got his pants open and pulled his pulsing prick out the side of his jock strap. James didn’t wait for instructions; he dove for Steve’s 9” erection, deep throated it, and pushed his nose into Steve’s bush.


James felt Steve’s cock jettison gob after gob of fresh mancream directly into his gullet. James swallowed a couple times for good measure and backed off the co-pilot’s dick.

“Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, did you see that Will? Did you see what this guy did? I mean he took my cock all the way down his throat…all the way down and then and then Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, Will, this guy was like rubbing my dick head with his throat. How, how, how, how the fuck did he do that? Will how did he do that?”

Will laughing, said, “I told you he was well trained. He knows more about the male anatomy than most doctors AND he knows sex stuff that isn’t written in any books. If you operate him properly he can do a lot more.”

Steve’s face got serious, “Are you shitting me? If I ‘operate’ him?”

Will shot back, “You heard what I said. Now dick-slap him a few times to say thank-you, give him a little abuse to make him feel well-used, and get him back to work cleaning you off.”

Steve answered, “Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, I am gonna love this fucking job. No wonder no one ever quits this company!”

Steve turned his attention back to the pussyboy. He took his flagging prick in hand and slapped it back and forth across James’ face, leaving a trail of cum on the boy’s cheeks and nose. He looked down at James and said, “Okay ah…fuck…fucker…go back to ahh…work.”

James returned to Steve’s right nipple and started to gnaw on it. He lapped at it; he chewed it; he nibbled on it. Then he went under Steve’s shirt to clean his right pit.

Steve began again, “Will, he’s doing my other pit man. He’s licking and sucking out my other pit. Jesus, that feels so damn good.” When James had finished with Steve’s chest and pits and belly he put his hands on Steve’s open pants at the waist and looked into his eyes. Steve said, “Will, why’s he looking at me like that?” Shaking his head Will said, “He’s waiting, asking if it’s okay to pull your pants down. Remember dipshit, your wish is his command. You have to direct him and give him permission all along the way--he’s a perfectly trained pussyboy. He’s punished for even the smallest infraction, give him a break and guide him along…stop being such a dink!”

Steve looked at James staring up at him and he melted into James’ beautiful puppydog expression, “Sure, go ahead… You can… No, no…I know that’s wrong…so…lemme think… Okay uhh…fuckbrain, take my pants off and make it quick!” James’ face brightened up, “Yessir, master sir.” and he pulled Steve’s pants down to his ankles.

Steve continued, “Boy, take my pants all the way off and fold them neatly for me!” James followed Steve’s instructions to the letter depositing the folded pants on the co-pilot’s other chair. Steve sat there in his shoes and socks, shirt open, prick out the side of his sweaty jock; breathing deeply. He was wondering what to do next. He said, “Okay, cunt…ah…dickface, why don’t you clean up my jock… Yeah that’s it. Why don’t you put my dick back inside my jock and get to work cleaning up my sweaty, smelly, dirty jock strap?”

James went back to Steve’s crotch and began to lick and suck on his sweaty jock strap. The thing was really old, frayed at the edges, gray and dingy, with lots of old and new urine stains spotting it. James quickly got the strap saturated with his spit. Now the job was to suck it as dry as possible. Meanwhile Steve’s cock was doing the Mexican Hat dance from all the attention his jock was getting.

“Jesus Will this fucking stud is sucking on my dirty jock strap! Man I wish I had a video camera so I could get this all on film. I’d sure love to show that cunt Cindy what real dick worship’s all about. I’m lucky if she rubs my cock with her hand. She’s given me head exactly once and that was because she dinged my Mustang. Dumb bitch can’t drive for shit. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. Will this dude is tickling my hairy hole with his finger as he’s sucking my jock. Christ, that’s hot! Oh yeah dude, keep that up, keep tickling my asshole.”

Will shook his head, “He won’t know you’re talking to him if you call him ‘man’ or ‘dude.’ He’s a cuntslave, a dickwhore; his comprehension is limited; so speak directly to him and call him by one of those names so he clearly knows you’re talking to him. Ya know Steve, sometimes I wonder how you ever made it through school.”

“Stop being such a prick Will. How’s about cutting me a little slack? I’m new here and… Oh man. Oh man. Oh man he’s got his tongue on my hole, right on my asshole. Will, it’s right on my asshole, not next to it… ahhh…in my crack, his tongue is on my hole… And holy shit that feels sooooooo good. MMMMMM… MMMM... UUMMMM. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man that is so good. Hey Will did you go through this training? That’s not an offensive question is it man? I’m not being a jerk or anything. You can tell me to fuck off if you want to. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man Oh man. Will this guy has a ball on his tongue and he’s rubbing the damn thing all around my asshole. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man and now he’s pushing it into my hole. Jesus Will he’s tongue fucking my hole.” And Steve slid forward in his chair to further accommodate James’ hungry mouth.

Will spoke softly, “I started candidacy but I screwed up… left half way through... I just couldn’t do it…didn’t have the will.”

Steve said, “Hey man I can understand that. You’d have to hold a gun to my head to get me to kiss another dude. I mean, I’ve got nothing against queers. It’s just that I’m not one. Nope! I could never imagine doing any of that kinda stuff.”

Will laughed, “I kinda, sorta find that hard to believe as I sit here watching you get your ass reamed by another guy’s tongue.”

Steve noticeably stiffened, “Hey man…wait just a minute. I am not a faggot. I’m no queer. If some guy wants to clean out my asshole then I say a tongue’s a tongue and go to it, but you don’t see me down there kissing on him or touching his dick…nothing like that. I’m not gay.”

Will shot back, “Hey Steve, listen to me, and hear what I’m saying. Do not let these men hear you throwing around words like faggot and queer like you’re saying nigger or kike. They will put you down. And I mean they can clean your clock and take your life using only their thumbs. No shit Steve. These guys aren’t gay, not the way you think. Their way of life is male-to-male bonding. Strong bonding; like nothing you’ve ever known. They fuck women. Hell, most of the middle level controllers are married with kids, but they are all loyal, bonded, man-to-man to the Organization. And let me tell you. If you’re ever in a fight or some life-threatening situation you’d better pray one of these MEN are close at hand. I’ve seen that guy back there, C, take out a bar full of sailors and longshoremen…BY HIMSELF. I’m telling you, the guys who invented the martial arts were part of the early Organization, the ninjas and knights of Nippon made up the far eastern sector. They can pat you on the back and rupture your spleen without you ever feeling a thing. That’s not bullshit. I swear every word I’m telling you is the truth. I’d love to go back and finish my training. I didn’t leave because I had trouble being one of these pussyboys. I left because I couldn’t hack the strength of will necessary to surrender myself to another person. I was too weak.”

Steve relaxed some, “Will I’m sorry if I offended you. It’s just the way I was raised… being gay was like being in league with the devil… I mean till I was eighteen I’d never met anyone who was gay. Oh Jesus Will, this guy is doing things to my asshole… I’ve never felt anything like this… Oh Christ he’s got a finger in me. I don’t know if I like that… I’m not sure… Oh Jesus that feels soooooooooo damn good! Oh shit that feels good. Will he keeps popping that stud on his tongue back and forth past that ring of muscle in my asshole. Jesus that’s hot! Oh man. Oh man. Oh man, he’s got his finger on my prostate… Holy fuck that feels good! He’s rubbing me and tickling my hole and Oh shit… Oh shit… Oh shit… Oh shit… I’m cummmmminnnnnng gain… aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh”

As Steve’s dick began to shoot James took his tongue out of the co-pilot’s ass, but kept his finger on the man’s love nut, and without removing Steve’s cock from the jock James simply applied his mouth firmly over Steve’s prickhead and sucked for all he was worth. The pressure of James’ lips and the air friction against the jock’s lycra-spandex material raised the temperature in the boy’s mouth enough to make it feel quite hot. The result of all these activities acting in concert was that Steve’s prostate continued to convulse over and over and over and over and over.

Steve said, “Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. I can’t stop coming. Will I can’t stop coming. Oh shit that’s starting to hurt. Christ. OH SHIT.. OH SHIT OH MAN... OH MAN… WILL THIS GUY’S DRIVING ME CRAZY…I’M STILL CUUMMMMING I’M STILL CUUUUMMMMING! JESUS, JESUS, JESUS…OUCH… OUCH… OUCH! OOOOOOOWWWWWW. WOW... WOW... WOW... HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, THIS REALLY, REALLY HURTSSSSSSSS SSOOOOOOO GOOOOOOODDD WOWEEEEEEEEE!!” and finally after almost twenty shots Steve’s cock stopped firing.

James slowed his activity a bit and went back to licking Steve’s jock strap. Steve, totally exhausted, said, “Christ Will this guy’s like the Energizer Bunny. He just keeps on going and going. I think I see what you mean by strength of willpower.”

Will answered, “No, no you don’t. Strength of will has very little to do with giving the best blowjob in the world. It has more to do with the single-minded determination of that man down there on his knees. Let me just say that that pussyboy would stay down their pleasing you till the cows come home. He will stay there, giving you pleasure, as his master commanded, for as long as it takes; until he is told to stop. That part is strength of will and do you know why he does that? You probably think it’s because he’s a cock hungry faggot, but you cannot imagine how wrong you are. It has nothing to do with his sexuality. I’d bet you a hundred bucks that he’s straight. But in any event he does it because he is single minded in following the orders of the man who directs his life, who manages his education, who controls his existence. A man he loves and admires and wants to be like… And dammit I wish to hell I could go back and finish what I started.”

Steve was still a bit puzzled, “You think this guy licking my jock strap is straight? Well I guess anything is possible. But Will I don’t understand why anyone would do this…be degraded…every day…get pissed on by everyone…constantly…have to suck other dudes’ dicks…let them fuck you. No man, I don’t get it.”

Will shook his head again, “Look at his life Steve. No, really, look at his life. He doesn’t have to worry about anything…not a thing. His every need is taken care of…food… shelter…clothing--yeah, yeah, yeah, but you know what I mean. He doesn’t have to concern himself with the daily problems of life. He doesn’t have to make a single decision. He’s told what to do, how to do it, and when. His controller takes responsibility for his every need, makes all his decisions, and cares for him. While he gets to be an open, active, sexual nerve end. His every waking moment is spent with a hard-on. You think that’s some kind of trick? Viagra, or shit like that? No way! These cuntboys are excited all the time--ALL THE TIME. They are turned on and ready to shoot practically 24-7. Steve, think about that…really think about it. These pussyboys live as sexual animals while someone else pays the piper. They worry about nothing except where their next orgasm is coming from and how to make their masters proud; that above everything because a boy’s master is his all, his life, his god on earth. Masters may seem to have the life of Riley, but they live for their boys, their charges; they mold them; they shape them; they teach them; they make them into great men. You think that’s easy? The whole deal is very complicated. C says they break them down to build them up and that’s just what they do here, and it’s remarkable. The men who graduate from this place, well Steve they run the world…the whole fucking world!”

“Oh man. Oh man. Oh man Will this guy’s got me hard again. What did you say? I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention. Jesus Will, he’s got me hard. Hey Will can I fuck him? What do I do? Is it okay? Can I fuck him Will?”

Will laughed, “Of course you can fuck him. Why not sit up and let him ride your dick. Try it. It really feels great.”

Steve said, “Jesus this dude is unbelievable. Christ Will I want to take him home. Can I get me one of these guys?”

Will responded, “Golly gee Steve someone might think you’re gay.”

Steve looked over at the pilot, “Fuck you Will! Okay pussyboy take off my shirt; then get rid of that jock and hop on my dick. You’ve got me all hard and hot and I want your ass. Oh yeah, if you want to you should probably spit on my cock a bit to get it wet, or this might hurt.”

James quite gleefully slid Steve’s wet jock strap past his big fuzzy thighs and down and off his feet; after which he helped Steve out of his sweat soaked shirt. Then he mouthed up some saliva, which he carefully dribbled off his lips onto Steve’s very hard, prick head. As the globs of spittle began to leak down the shaft James raised off the floor, turned around and impaled himself on Steve’s cock. In a second Steve’s cock was totally buried in James’ ass. Just as James was beginning to enjoy the tickling sensation Steve’s pubes were having on James’ ass cheeks Steve said, “No man, I don’t like this position. I’m staring at your back. No, look there’s no arms on this chair so why don’t you turn around and ride my dick that way. Then I can see your face enjoying every minute.

James lifted himself off the co-pilot’s lap turned around, facing him, and squatted back down onto the man’s ample cock. James’s very hard boyprick was poking Steve in between his pecs where there was that mass of soft dark hair. It felt good to both of them. Steve looked down and saw the pussyboy coating his chest hair with loads of prefuck that was burping out of James’ boycock.

James saw what Steve saw and turned bright red, “I’m very sorry master, sir. I’m a piggyboy cuntbox who cannot control himself. Please don’t be angry with me. I promise to clean my mess.”

Steve felt so sorry for the guy, “Look dude, it’s perfectly Okay. Hey man we’re guys and …” Then it struck him. He wasn’t talking to another guy. This wasn’t a normal conversation. He adjusted his lexicon.

“That’s okay cumboy. I won’t get too mad. Now ride that cock for all you’re worth…ah…cunt!”

So James rode Steve’s dick like he was doing dressage for the horsy set. He lifted himself as high as he could, which left a good two inches of dick still wedged in his boycunt, and then he brought himself back down. He flexed and relaxed his pussy muscles as he had been trained. He massaged Steve’s prick with his boypussy for all he was worth.

Steve called out, “Oh man. Oh man. Oh man! Will, Will this dude can grab my dick with his asshole! No shit Will. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. Will, dude you’ve got to try this kid out. He is special. This kid has a magic ass…Jesus and a magic mouth. Christ Will this kid should be in Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! He should be in the Guinness Book of Records… Fuck, he should be on the FBI’s ten most wanted list. What this guy can do with his body should be against the law. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man, Will he keeps grabbing my dick with his ass and then rubbing it like crazy...all the way up and then all the way down… Oh man. Oh man. Oh man! I think I died and went to heaven!”

Steve felt hotter than he’d ever felt in his life. He’d never come this hard, or this many times in short succession, in his life. He’d never felt this hard or horny or good. The pleasure spot near the tip of his cock felt like it was beginning to glow red-hot. It felt so good it was edging into painful. Steve began to pull and tug on James’ nipple rings, then he started licking the boy’s chest, but it wasn’t enough, so he wrapped his arms around James and held him tightly as he continued to rise and sit, rise and sit on Steve’s cock, but it still wasn’t enough. Steve felt like he was going to explode, he was drenched with hot sweat from head to toe. He violently kicked off his shoes. He felt like he had to be naked…totally naked…he rubbed his feet against one another hard…very hard…and curled his toes…and used his right big toe to get his left sock off. Then he repeated the procedure and got rid of the right sock. He was finally totally naked, but it still wasn’t enough. He began to flail his arms and bounce on his ass and slam his feet on the floor…but it wasn’t enough… Finally he grabbed James’ head and mashed their faces together. James was having trouble balancing, bobbing up and down, and allowing Steve free access to his mouth… But he tried his very best.

Steve was in outer space, all nerves pounding, and sucking James’ mouth. Steve forced his tongue into the pussyboy’s mouth and lapped at his pallet. He licked out James’ mouth and swallowed his spit. He continued to ram his tongue into James’ throat; then he removed his tongue from the boy’s mouth and began to lick his face all over. James was quite wet, hair all stringy, hanging down, dripping sweat into his eyes so Steve licked and slurped it up like he was dying of thirst. Steve tongued James’ face and as he felt himself about to powershoot he once again applied his lips to those of this magnificent cuntwhore pussyslave. He gave James a long, deep, wet, warm, kiss as he shot and shot and shot and shot and shot and shot into the boy’s very talented ass.

Steve looked over at Will, while James continued to gently massage his prick with his anal ring. Steve looked puzzled, “Hey Will, how do I thank this dude. Ya know how crazy this is? This guy is right in front of me riding my cock and he’s tuned out of any conversation I have with you. This is fucking weird man. Anyway, what do I do now?”

Will answered, “You could let him come.”

Steve said, “Oh Jesus man of course he can come. Hey man, go ahead and come.”

It took a second before James realized that he had just been given permission to orgasm. He looked down at Steve and as he shot his load straight up hitting his own chin he said, “Thank you master, sir.”

Steve stared blankly, “Will, did you see that? Fuck man I said he could come and he just came. He didn’t even touch his cock. He just came like a fucking squirt gun. Did you see that Will?”

Will smiled, “Of course he came; he’s been trained. How many time do I have to tell you; these guys are sex machines!”

Steve said, “Do you think he could do it again? What if I told him he could come again? Could he do it?”

“Of course he could. He could probably come two or three more times, till he was shooting air.”

Steve sort of tapped James on the shoulder, “Listen guy, I want you to come again.”

James said, “Yessir, master,” and another volley of boycream spurted out of his dick. This time it covered Steve’s sweaty chest.”

Steve said, “Man Will, did you see that? He just bing-bang-boom came again. This guy’s amazing. What exactly do you have to do in order to sign up for this program?”

Will chuckled, “You don’t sign up Steve. They come to you. It’s a very involved process, besides I thought all this ‘gay’ stuff’ repulsed you?”

Now Steve was laughing, “I guess it kind of grows on you.” He looked up at James’ smiling face, “And you boy, how about you get off my dick and clean up your mess!”

James said, “Yessir, master,” lifted himself off Steve’s flagging erection and went to work tonguing and sucking and scooping the jism off Steve’s chest and lap. Will said, “My turn cuntboy. Get over here. I have to piss like a racehorse!”

Steve said, “Oh Jesus, that’s gross! Are you gonna piss on him Will?”

Will answered, “Watch and learn. Boy, get over here! I need to empty my bladder, so I need your thirsty lips.”

Steve cried, “Shit no. You’re not going to piss in his mouth are you?”

Will said, “Shut the fuck up or I’ll piss on you, you dumb fuck!”

James crawled over to the Pilot’s chair and began to open his pants. Seeing that Will was going to be busy, Steve, still naked, went back to the co-pilot’s chair and took the controls. James gingerly unzipped Will’s fly and rather involuntarily drew back a few inches.

Will said, “Smell familiar? During my Washington layover I hooked up with one of the chicks from The Society. A real class act… So boy, can you smell that exquisite Society pussy?”

(NOTE: “The Society” is a group, similar in type to the Organization, only for women. The two companies were on more than cordial terms and there were, through the years, many informal candidate exchange programs. However, the two agencies were totally separate and distinct. Sexual congress between groups was permitted because “The Society” adhered to the same ultra-stringent health screening procedures. In the last fifty years there had not been a single STD transferred within or between the two groups…not even a cold sore.)

The acrid combination of scents filled James’ nose and for a second he flashed on the image of a beautiful woman… he thought he might have known her but…

“BOY!! What’s the holdup? I need to piss. Get those lips around my hose. It’s watering time!”

James barely had his mouth closed around Will’s cock when the floodgates opened and the strong current issued forth. “…GGGGUUUURRGGG! “ James gagged, and for a moment he actually blushed, embarrassed by his momentary lack of perfect control. Then he began to swallow for all he was worth… A minute later James started to wonder just how large the pilot’s bladder was. He became progressively more aware of just how full his stomach was…then he began to worry…he felt a growing discomfort in his abdomen…his gut was full…full of cum and sweat and spit and now piss…and now he became conscious of just how full his own bladder was.

Will said, “That’s it boy, take every drop…suck…suck…swallow…swallow…very good. There’s a lot in there, isn’t there? Sorry boy, but it’s been a long flight. You just keep drinking.”

All the while Steve was watching the scene with growing interest…and his cock was growing too.

Finally the torrent of piss came to a stop and James went to work cleaning Will’s cock, and then onto his pussy coated pubes.

Will said, “Oh yeah, that’s it boy, get me all hot. I want that ass of yours, so get me all hard and wet. Yeah, that’s it lubricate my joint for me…and don’t forget my balls… Oh yes, that’s it get my hairy ball sac. Yes, yes, yes, tickle my hole boy, tickle my hole, that’s it, now deeper, get way in there…push that stud on your tongue way up my hole…that’s it boy, you’re halfway to my tonsils, don’t you dare stop now.” and the pilot threw his head back and closed his eyes and slid his ass way out so James could have easier access.

James’ bladder was beginning to send SOS signals to his brain, but there was no answer. His brain was doing what it had been trained to do; to attend to the orders of a superior; that was all that mattered…nothing else.

A couple minutes passed and Will couldn’t take any more stimulation so he rose from his chair and took James’ by his curly locks and unceremoniously bent him over the radar screen. A couple seconds later Will was pressing his hard prick home into the boy’s pretty, warm, tight pussyhole.

Will groaned, “Oh boy, what a pussy you have. It’s like pushing my cock into warm vanilla pudding, so soft, and inviting… Okay boy hold on for the ride of your life!” And Will began to thrust his cock into James’ hole. Every time he’s go balls deep then pull out till his glans popped out the boy’s anal ring then back in till his sac slapped James on the ass. Back and forth Will deep fucked the boy for many minutes. Will whooped and hollered. He rode the boy like a bucking bronco and James did his best to supply a good ride. He pushed his ass back to meet every one of Will’s thrusts, and then he rise up on his toes and squat so that Will could get all the way into his cuntbox. James was hard and hot and had to piss something awful. At least his growing need and his strong arousal was making it more difficult to accidentally piss himself, but his bladder was near capacity and this thunder-fuck was only making it worse. After maybe ten minutes James’ could tell Will was getting close. He was breathing harder and James could feel his hard cock swelling and throbbing in his boypussy. James used his sphincter muscles to squeeze Will’s prick and that did the trick. It sent Will home; he yahooed a couple times and pulled out of James’ love canal, grabbed the boy by his platinum curls and brought his face up to the head of his prick which he held in his other hand.

Will said, “Open wide boy.”

As James complied Will’s cock exploded. Gob after gob after rope after stream of supercharged prickcream shot into James’ waiting mouth. The boy stuck his tongue out to catch every drop. Will’s prick shot at least eight or nine times before the stream of cockspit slowed down and turned into a dribble, bubbling out of Will’s pisshole.

Will looked at James, “Enjoy yourself boy!”

So James brought his nose closer to Will’s leaking prick and rubbed it all over his face. James took Will’s cock out of the pilot’s hand and into his own so that he could wipe it all over his face and hair. When it had stopped issuing seed, James eagerly popped it into his mouth for a good rinsing. All the while, from the minute Will’s cock began to erupt James had never taken his eyes away from Will’s stare. The boy always gave that kind of full eye contact as his way of showing total surrender and complete fidelity to his master of the moment.

Looking down at the boy, Will felt a strong stab of tender emotion. Jesus, he felt himself longing for the young man at his feet, this wonderful, quite beautiful, graceful soul, so full of…what...peace? Will pulled James to his feet and used his tongue to clean the boy’s face of his manspunk. When he finished he gave the boy a long, slow, deep kiss, and he put his arms around James and held on for dear life. For his part James was puzzled by this odd behavior; as far as he was concerned he had done his job, as he had been taught. As this scene was unfolding the door to the cockpit opened and C entered the cabin.

C said, “How are you gentlemen doing?”

Both the pilot and copilot were caught by surprise and both felt more than a little embarrassed. Steve turned red as a beet. He was mortified to be found sitting in his co-pilot’s chair, naked, with a great big hard dick. Will was chagrinned for having been found drooling over a pussyboy.

C ignored the discomfort, “Has my boy expressed how grateful I am for all that you have done?”

Both men answered as one, “Oh yes, Yessir.”

C said, “I’m glad. Are you both…ah…finished with this pussyboy?”

And when both pilot and copilot said yes, C led James away by the neck. As they left the cockpit C turned to James, “I’d imagine you need a trip to the head. Am I correct?”

James beamed in the light of the sun. His master, this fantastic creature, as if by telepathy, as if he was omnipotent, knew that his boy needed him. James, his eyes filling with tears, said, “Yes master, sir.”

So C took the boy, his boy, into the small lav and stood behind him at the toilet. As James prepared to piss C reached around the boy and played with his nipple rings; then he began to nibble at James’ neck. Naturally the boy began to writhe…and moan…and his rigid prick got twice at hard and began to bounce…and of course James couldn’t pee.

As they stood there C’s hands began to explore James’ body. He grazed his fingers over the golden hair on the boy’s chest and diddled with his beautifully defined abs. James was going nuts. He really had to pee, but he didn’t want this attention from his master to end, not now, not ever. He wanted to turn around and give C a big wet kiss and plead with him for a good fuck, but he was terrified that if he said anything at all this joy might end. So James stood there, aroused to the limit, his bladder yelling for some relief, while C continued to send him towards the pearly gates.

Minutes passed and James was moaning and groaning and his very hard cock was drip, drip, dripping pre-fuck into the toilet. James, minutes ago, had thrown his head back to rest on C's shoulder, so now C began to lick and nibble on the boy's neck and ear, and nuzzle his silver-gold tresses. James was quite literally going out of his mind. He wanted to cum. He wanted to piss. He didn't want to ask for either in fear that C would stop what he was doing. James' turmoil kept getting more and more complicated and more and more urgent.

C moved his right hand down to James' groin and tickled the boy's supersensitive balls. James sac tightened to the limit pushing his balls tightly into the base of his boycock. C used his left hand to rub James’ bubble butt and traced the boy's ass crack with his index finger. James got goose flesh head to toe and shuddered.

"Master, I am so sorry sir, but I'm afraid that I am going to come. I am so sorry sir. Please tell me what you wish of me sir."

C said, "As you please boy... Anything…as you please."

So James said to himself, "what the fuck," turned around put his arms around his master and tenderly kissed his velvet lips. James took his right arm from around his master, reached between his own legs and as painful as it was he forced his boycock toward the floor so that as he shot he avoided C's beautiful suit and instead fired over and over onto his own feet.

The pair kissed for many minutes and when C finally moved away. All James wanted to do was to grab his controller and beg to keep going, to stay there, in that airplane john, together, holding each other, forever and ever and ever.

C turned to the boy as he opened the door back into the cabin proper, "Hurry up boy, we have things to attend to. So piss, then use one of those towel sets to clean yourself up; then put on the clothes I gave you. There's a lot to do."

C's mind was full of details, so many details, things to fix, people to call, strings to pull. He had a meeting scheduled with this punk reporter. What the reporter didn't know was that the Organization ran his rag of a scandal sheet. The publisher was a senior control; the editor's nephew was currently in training and so on and so on.

C picked up three manila folders. The first was labeled Kenneth Fitzpatrick, family, education, birth through high school; the second, Kenneth Fitzpatrick, the years since high school; and the third was Kenneth Fitzpatrick, health, tests and records, sexual history. C had some reading to do.

The pilot came over the intercom, "Sir, we should be arriving in Los Angeles in about an hour."

C pressed a button and asked for some Champaign, orange juice, and cracked crab.

When James was in reasonable order, hair combed, eyes bright, he left the john and began to dress. He put on the boxers, the khaki pants, his sweat shirt, socks and shoes, and by rote, without thinking, he reached around to be sure his boypussy was available for his master; then he smiled. He quietly returned to his master and sat at C's feet. Without being told James removed C's shoes and began to rub C's warm, wool socked feet. C, for his part, read the files and fed his boy pieces of crabmeat and gave him alternate sips of OJ and Champaign. They made quite a handsome couple.

As the doors to the jet opened the sun was rising on a beautiful California day


Wasn't that sweet? Love it? Hate it? Let me know. Well, that's it for a while. I'll be on hiatus for a couple weeks. If you want more you need to write and tell me. Sorry, but that's my price for sharing these odd little fantasies. (Email me at:

Anyway, in the next few chapters I will introduce some new characters, the nosey, straight reporter, who will eventually take the leap and agree to become a candidate but not before an unforgettable induction into the Organization, i.e. lots of rough sucking and fucking to introduce the guy to his pussyboy alter ego. I'd like your input about who he is and what he's about. Perhaps you'd like to star as this character who joins the organization rather reluctantly. If you like the idea, give me a description of yourself, age, eye color, hair color, physical appearance, likes and dislikes, education and background (maybe a nickname) etc. Don't over stylize yourself, i.e. puff up your measurements and abilities so much that you make yourself fictional. The only two people who will know the character is based on you are you and I. I will not use names, or specific dates and places. Like I said it will be your private fantasy. I will also be introducing new Controllers and various other characters. Sound interesting? Drop me a line. One last word; I cannot promise anything. I will do my best to include anyone who logically fits in.

So long for a while...controlone


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Billy's Adventure in the Woods, Part 1

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The Flight C took his boy for a change of clothes. If they were going to travel together he had a specific idea in mind and for that the kid needed different clothes. Once they got into James’ room C turned the young man around. C said, “Let’s see what we’re going to do with you. You are a fucking mess.” The kid was covered in sweat from head to foot and he reeked of spunk and sex and

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Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Part 2, The Movie

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Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 1

Day 4, Part 1 As C walked toward the airport terminal James followed, half walking, half skipping, two feet behind his left arm. The boy couldn’t stop grinning. The pilots and flight crew were twenty feet behind them, bringing up the rear. As they were about to enter the building a square shouldered man, 5’9”, 160 lbs, green eyes, with a shock of brown hair that stuck up and seemed to

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 2

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Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 3

And the creeps continued to degrade him at every chance. They slapped his face and punched his balls and tore at his nipples as they fucked his mouth and ass. Then they rolled him onto his back and continued in that position. When these two finished two more came and took their place. Scott was soon covered in sweat with welts and bruises beginning to show everywhere. They went on like this

Face In The Mirror, Day 4, Part 4

[SUGGESTION: This part will make a lot more sense if you go back and skim the last three pieces of this section. ALSO this last bit is EXTREME, so prepare yourself for some rough stuff. If I believed the violence was gratuitous I wouldn’t have included it. It’s not my style. You will get a lot of information about the Organization in this episode. I hope you can see its purpose.] Scott

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Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 2: Scott and James

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Face In The Mirror, Part 3

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How I Got Under Your Skin

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How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 2: Riff's New Life

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How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 3: His Return

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How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part A

Suddenly Riff was electrified. From the very moment C walked into his life he’d brought only unbridled joy and amazing adventure. Riff felt his empty life suddenly fill to overflowing. He wondered what new exciting exploits C had in store for him. He had no idea… No idea at all. ------------------------------------------ The inside of Dottie’s was fantastic, mirrored balls, go-go boys

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part B

As Bryce continued to babble C took his foot off the prostrate man’s cervical vertebrae. C turned once more toward the others and pointed one finger at them. They knew instantly to stay put till he was far, far away. -------------------------------------------- C put his arm around Riff’s waist and guided him to Dottie’s parking lot. He led Riff to a stretch limo. The driver raced

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: That Night

Chapter 4—That Night controlone It took Riff an hour to calm himself enough to do any work. He was exhausted and happy and very confused. He couldn’t think about anything but C. C was in his head; C was in his heart; C was everywhere. The more Riff thought the more he wanted to be with C; to love him; hell, to worship him. He’d never felt anything like this. He’d never imagined

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 5, Part A: Caleb's Day

controlone As Riff dragged his totally spent body toward his apartment his eyes focused on his door. Outside under the breezeway awning, sitting on the cement stoop, leaning against his door, all huddled up, sound asleep; there was Caleb. Riff didn’t know whether to slap him or scold him or hug him or slug him. Instead he just shook his head. Riff got his key ready and as he came up to

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6, Part A: Caleb's Day--End

Chapter 6A--Caleb's Day--End “Okay boy stand up and spread those legs; time to take your harness off. I’m afraid with all the turmoil I forgot all about it. Oh yes, and try not to piss yourself.” Caleb stood up, glowing red from his scrubbing. He was very worried about what might happen next. He looked spectacular, six feet and three inches of total masculinity, muscles shining from

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6B Caleb's Day Continues

Chap 6B—Caleb’s Day Continues Controlone With no further ado Riff pulled Caleb up toward the head of the bed. The two men shared a pillow as Riff spooned behind Caleb. When Caleb felt Riff push the length of his cock up between his butt cheeks he wanted to squeal, but he withheld that response; instead Caleb reached behind with his right hand and pulled his butt cheeks further apart, so


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