Gay Erotic Stories

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 5

by Aussic Slick
15 Sep 1997

Sci-Fi Fantasy

Major Buck's Odyssey Part V Chapter Five "Well, I'm sorry Major, but we have a timetable to stick to." Peterson put his head back into the paperwork on his desk. It often appeared to be his escape shute from reality. "But yu' can't send me out there again, straight away !" Buck hadn't totally admitted what went down the day before in revolutionary America. Just enough to explain his condition and emotional stress. You've had a whole night to relax. Besides, this next trip will be much easier." He looked up at Buck, standing there in his Union Blues. "I'll be dropping you right into the heart of Washington so you won't have anything like yesterday to deal with." "If yu' gunna send me back to the Civil War, the least we can do is save Lincoln !" "These missions are not to change future events, but ensure what happened - happens." "Crap. Utter bull-fucking-shit ! I see no use in handing over documents you say they already have, according to history. If its happened, what's the use in it ?" "We've gone down this path before Wright !" "Then we can fucking well go down it again !" "You just have to accept what I tell you." "No ! I want to know exactly what's going on. The first trip you got some great photos of ancient Rome. But last time I didn't even have a camera. What did you get out of that one ?" "OK." Peterson stood up and turned around almost in circles, pondering how to explain things - without explaining them. Or at least, without giving up too much information. "When we send you somewhere, you don't go totally on your own." He quickly walked to the booth he had shown Buck on the first day, used in early test phases. He flung open the door and inside Buck could see various instruments stacked up on the shelf and floor. "We actually transport items through the booth as well. These instruments remain in a phase in time, just a fraction of a second outside the time period we send you into." He could see Buck wasn't following too well. "Just imagine something in time, a second ahead of this very second - now. It will remain invisible to the our naked eye but will still actually exist. It will be here, but because it exists a fraction of a second after this instant, we can't see it. While you are gone, those panels are telling us everything." He pointed to the many banks of instruments against the far wall. "I know what you see and hear, how your heart rate is, blood pressure - the lot." "You've seen everything I've done ?" Buck felt his heart skip a beat. "No. We only see the arrival area. These instruments are stationary, you're not" "You keep saying - we. I thought you worked alone." He felt a lot happier, knowing Peterson - and others didn't actually monitor all his activities away from the 1943. "No one works alone Major. Why should I ?" He turned back and faced Buck once more. "We're naturally interested in the data of those times and samples the instruments bring back, such as air quality, soil samples and other scientific statistics, which we can analyse and compare with today's and tomorrow's readings. We look at it much like any scientific study. We didn't want to burden our time traveller with all that equipment, so it goes separately." "You've got film of Rome, besides what I brought you back ?" "Yes, but again, only movies of the one location, by that temple." "How do you decide where I go, and when ?" "Time can be a little like a loop. Remember I told you the paperwork you brought back from 1993 was placed there by yourself ?" Buck nodded. "Well, that paperwork included a brief reports on each trip. I knew when I sent you, from comments noted down, which could be a difficult mission; where you are in some danger and so on." "Does the report say I go on this mission to 1861 ?" "Yes." "And anything I might need to know ?" Buck was sarcastic now. "No. In fact, I already told you, today's trip would be an easy one." "Will you warn me in future, if a report says something might happen ?" "Well, if you insist. I suppose what I could..." "Well, consider this !! I want to know everything, before flying off somewhere in bloody time - what to expect, who I'm suppose to meet, when, where and what will happen." "I can give you some of those things, but not always. As you know, your reports are very - brief. Besides, nothing in time travel is set in concrete. I could send you back to Rome now and things may turn out differently." Peterson looked to his watch. "You're due to leave in 5 minutes." Somehow, Buck felt he really hadn't achieved much with this man. "Then you better tell me what I'm supposed to do, who I'm gunna meet and all that." "Alright. You'll arrive outside the Defense Department building. It should be around 8.15 in the morning, give or take a few minutes. You should go into the building, to the front Waiting Room and look for a young George Armstrong Custer. You give him these documents, outlining Rebel activities in the near future, around Hanover. When his time comes, he'll remember them, act accordingly and save Washington from a major Confederate attack. From then on, he will begin his noted career." Peterson handed Buck the papers. Peterson looked at his watch again. "Time to go." He went to his station, checking that Buck was also heading for the transporting plate. Moments later, the room faded away as it did in the past. Peterson had been right. Buck found himself outside an impressive building, not far from the Capital Building - which looked different somehow. Men in Union uniforms filed in and out of the building opposite to the park where Buck appeared. He had an urge to go for a walk and see Washington in its early stages, but the Professor had said he should go straight inside, to meet Custer. He strolled across the cobble stone street, feeling delight, as he watched old carriages, drawn by fine horses, gliding down the avenue of the tree lined street. He had been to Washington many times and it still looked vaguely familiar, in some regards. As in Rome, the Yankee troopers guarding the entrance into the Defense Department building saluted him and didn't question his presence. But he was slightly confused once inside. There seemed to be more than one Waiting Room. He walked into a foyer where many Officers mingled and talked. But leading off this main entrance area, he saw a number of rooms where they were waiting. His memory of what Custer looked like, would help, as he went from one room to another, in search of the younger General-to-be. In a far Waiting Room marked with the sign "Commissions and Postings", he saw the now-familiar face. Blond, but clean shaven, wearing his uniform in a very classy style. Not a speck of lint, brass buttons shining, shoes polished - but the long locks Buck knew from drawings and old photos wasn't there either. Buck could see he outranked Custer. He walked over to the man, who looked a little sad, with a furrowed brow. "Custer ?" He extended a hand. "Good to see you again." "I'm sorry, sir." Custer stood and took Buck's hand. "I don't seem to remember..." "West Point. I run into you once or twice. Major Wright ?" "Oh yes, of course. I remember now." Buck smiled inwardly, wondering how many times others had pretended they knew him, when in fact they didn't ? Or how often had he done that himself ? "Waiting for your Posting ?" "Yes. I've been trying to get a field post for weeks ! Damn. You'd think they'd snap up someone with a commission from West Point." "Maybe I can put in a word for you, somewhere." "You seeking a posting too ?" "No, I'm not here for that. I was passing by and thought it was you. No, I'm here to submit a defence plan for the city, in the event those Rebs get to...say, Hanover ." Buck flashed the papers around. "Oh I doubt they'll ever get that close." Custer laughed. "We won't win battles doubting what might be, old man." Buck had noticed, most still spoke with a slightly British tone. The future American twang had not completely taken over, it seemed. "May I ?" Custer nodded toward the papers in Buck's hand. "Of course. I'd appreciate your views on them." Buck handed them to Custer and waited a couple of moments, as the man examined them. Then, he made his excuses. "Oh there goes Grant ! Look, hang onto them for me and I'll be back shortly. Don't let them out of your sight." "Safe with me old chap." Custer called after Buck, as he quickly headed for the doorway and turned from view, into the long hallway. Buck looked back over his shoulder as he walked out the front doors. He quickly took the steps two at a time. Once out onto the street again, he decided to fill in some time sight-seeing old Washington. He wandered along the broad expanse of green open spaces. In his time, much of this was now covered with government buildings. But for now, there was still plenty of space, which was being used wisely, as gardens, parklands and broad areas for carriage ways and horse paths. As he approached the Potomac, he could see the famous White House standing amid many trees. It too looked somewhat different to his recollections of 1943. The many flower gardens were not in place, for a start. It looked more like a grand manor house in the middle of the country, rather than the national monument in the midst of a bustling city, as it was now. On some of the broad lawn areas, army tents were pitched and many Union soldiers were thereabouts. The White House almost appeared to be like the headquarters for a major army unit, encamped in the woods. "Hello sir. Back from Virginia ?" Buck swung to where the voice had come to discover a young soldier leaning against a tree and holding his dick in his free hand. A stream of piss shot from it, spraying around the base of the tree. Although his uniform was clean, it was not pressed very well. "No. No. Like you, still waiting for orders to move forward." "But I'm with them - there - sir. We just got back." He pointed to the many tents on the lawns. "How did it go ?" Buck could hardly keep his eyes off the sizeable slab of soldier-meat. "Oh a bit both ways sir. You must have read it in the papers ?" Buck shook his head to let the soldier know he had not. "Never mind. You will, once they get to telling it." The man finished his piss, shook his large flaccid cock and slowly packed it back inside his blues as he walked toward Buck. "And there be other stories I could tell." He stood face to face now, while deliberately fumbling with his buttons. "Oh ? Such as ?" "Well, when men are brought together under pressure and no females about, then they have to make do with what they have, sir." Buck was surprised how blunt this soldier was. "Officers especially. Been a Batman for two now. They want more than shoes shined, I can tell you." The man gave a little laugh as he re-arranged his package and brought it back outside his pants. "You always so - forward, Private ?" Buck was completely overwhelmed. "Oh ! Sorry sir !" He looked about him and now showed an equally puzzled face. Then, fear, as he realised he had overstepped his mark with this Officer. "I thought - I mean - well - those that drift down here are usually - well..." He stuffed his dick away again. "Have I walked into a...special meeting area, Private ?" Buck whispered it, as if a secret. "Well, yes sir. Them that comes here are not looking for female company, sir." Although Buck was inwardly delighted to hear things have changed little over time, he was still - shocked. "You could be charged for such activity, Private !" "Charged, sir ? Oh no, we never get charged. It be accepted - always has." He said it with such courage, that Buck now wondered when acts of homosexuality become frowned upon. The soldier smiled widely, as he seemed to stare across Buck's shoulder, then gave a nod. Buck looked behind him and saw other soldiers wandering through the trees. "You see, we all come here from time to time, sir." "So, where do you go, after you meet someone here ?" "Into the thicket or back to our tents." He pointed, first to the thicker scrub and then to the tents. "God ! Screwing on the White House lawns ? Wait'll I tell the guys." Buck laughed to himself. "Screwing, sir ?" The young soldier laughed along with Buck but not knowing why. "Yeah, yeah, you know.." he gave a hipping action, "fucking." "Oh. Never heard it called that, sir. But no, I won't be doing them things. That's for queer street. No we just fondle and comfort one another, if you understand the pleasures of men, sir." "Oh yes indeed. And a fine pleasure it would be handling that dick I saw you using a minute ago." Buck lightly stroked the open fly of the heavy woollen trousers. The young soldier didn't move, but smiled. "Maybe you should be showing me where we can go." His fingers slipped inside and gave the heavy snake a tight squeeze. It jerked under his grip and began to swell a little. "Follow the others, sir." The soldier pointed to where the others had gone. "Or here be just fine." He was enjoying Buck's firm, warm fingers on his cock too much to interfere with the massage. "No, you seem to know best, Private. Lead the way." Buck gave the meat one last squeeze then gently took his hand away. The soldier smiled, then moved off. Buck noticed the soldier wasn't bothering to do his fly up, so guessed that might mean - they wouldn't be travelling too far. The young soldier-blue led Buck through some tall grass, springing up under the trees. Some lower shrubs dotted here and there made an area very well hidden from anyone, coming from any direction. He noticed the taller reeds by the river created cover, even from any boat or ship on the Potomac. But some other telltale signs didn't escape Buck. Signs, which in any period of time, gave off a similar signal. He could hear some grunting noises nearby, punctuated by intermittent outcries of pleasure-pain. The soldier and Buck moved through the bushes and trees, slowly, ignoring these sounds, as well as the occasional boot or leg, that would thrust forth from the brush, as a man thrashed around in ecstasy. Some other men were less careful. A shirt hung across a bush to their left, while two men lay chewing on one another's dicks in a more open area, watched by another man, who stroked his fat organ, but ignored Buck and the young soldier passing by. As they moved on, Buck glanced back and saw this man go down on his knees and knew he was now becoming more involved with the other two, rather than watching on. All this activity urged Buck on. He could feel his own cock swelling up inside his pants and wished the youngster would find a place for them soon. "This is my favourite spot." He answered Buck's prayer almost immediately. They walked into some high bushes and found a grassy mound, sloping up toward the base of a tree. The soldier boy sat into the bottom of the dip, disappearing from view, to anyone passing along that same path. Buck sat down next to him and they looked sheepishly into one another's eyes and smiled. "Well, sir, what be your pleasure ?" "Lets see what happens." Buck had the impression the boy might not become too involved with action outside jerking off. But since he had asked Buck what his pleasure might be, then maybe Buck could expect him to expand beyond that, given the encouragement. Buck reached across and found that button fly still undone. His fingers edged inside once again and gripped the more swollen dick, waiting there. He manhandled it a little before dragging it outside to view it. A large purple-red head popped out of the uncut rolls of foreskin. The boy shuddered, either due to the cooler air hitting it, or because of some anxiety at having a Major toy with him. Although he had freely admitted to Buck, he had serviced his other Officers in more ways than is normally expected by a Batman. The soldier shuffled his butt, spreading his thighs wider and leaning back on his elbows. This let his pants fall open wider and gave Buck easier access. But Buck went for more. He unbuckled the belt and undid the top button on the pants, letting them fall open wider still. Sprouts of pubes clustered around the base of the thick cock and his balls were now in view. Buck dragged them free as well, resting them onto the outside of the soldier's pants. His fingers moved more quickly as the cock grew and firmed up all the more. Some early signs of juicing appeared at the eye of the large dick and Buck tried to force more out. "That feels nice, sir. You like to do that until I squirt ?" The boy asked with a giggle, as if he couldn't always expect such a treat. "Ever been with the Indians ?" The soldier boy shook his head; he hadn't. "Well they're really rough men and demand their warrior mates to give them every pleasure." Buck squeezed tighter as he worked the thick foreskin back and forth at a more rapid pace. The boy lifted his hips slightly and sucked in some air. "You're not a real warrior to them, unless you prove yourself by knowing what a man wants." He tossed his head back. " what ?" His thighs thrust wider and he started to hump into Buck's fist. "Like this..." Buck stopped his fisting and dropped his lips over the head of the boy soldier. "Oh angels in heaven !" He fell back and lay spread-eagle. "Oh sir ! My woman don't do that !" "Women don't know what warriors need." He lifted only his lips away, to speak, tasting the heavy flavour of the young man's dick. This soldier hadn't been too near water for a while, but it wasn't unpleasant, all the same. Licking his lips and finding no resistance, he drove his lips back over the head and swallowed the shaft until the crown hit the back of his throat. His hands went to work on those heavy young nuts and run over the youthful belly, chest and played with the hairs under his arms. Extracting the hand, he brought it to his nose and smelt the essence from the soldier's armpit. It to was strong, but in a manly way. These flavours and scents lifted Buck to animal levels. His teeth grit over the shaft and he sucked that dick as hard as his mouth could. His hands hurt wherever he drove them but the youth lay there squirming and sighing, raising no objection in the least. He could feel through the ripplings of the man's body; his churning; his groans and the tightening of his balls, that he would blow at any moment. Buck stopped all action and tore his mouth from the cock, which throbbed, jerked wildly and glowed from the spit, lathered across its surface, by Buck. "Want to give my some treatment ?" Buck had his trousers undone and flung down to his knees before he finished his question. His mighty, fat cock springing out and away from his body. The soldier opened his eyes and looked in shock at the 12" dick. "Ye Gods ! Your Father be a horse !" His eyes scanned it up and down but the smile coming across the corner of his lips announced to Buck, that he liked what he saw - very much. "Take a hold of my baton and give it a really good polishing soldier." Buck lent forward just enough to let the boy reach up, from his laying position, to grab a firm grip on the shaft. Once his fingers found its hardiness and strength fighting back, he was compelled to go for more. Sitting up on elbows once again, he took it firmly in one hand and rubbed it in long, determined strokes. "Wet it with your mouth, like I did for you." The soldier brought his nose up and sniffed around the head. This wasn't all that knew to him after all. Once he found the dick clean, his lips opened wide and he attempted to take the head inside. He found his jaws stretching but eventually he swallowed the head and washed it around inside his mouth while his fist continued to play a tune along the hard pole. Buck waited until the boy seemed comfortable with it and was slurping on it like any other man he'd had suck his dick. Then, he screwed around, dropping his knees behind the soldier's head and lowered himself over the blue boy, until he was able to gobble the soldier's cock back into his mouth as well. It wasn't long before they were humping into one another. Buck thrust himself deep into the mouth but made sure the head of his dick never punctured the throat. He opened wide himself and let the soldier punch upwards into his own mouth, slaving over the swelling head as much as he could. The young soldier was very close when Buck had stopped his advances earlier and knew it wouldn't take much to bring him back to that stage again. It was a few days since he had a cock up his arse, although he knew those Indians back in the Revolutionary War period had done something wild with his tail - it hurt still - but it felt like it needed something to sooth it. A nice hard dick would do just fine. But he also knew this youngster was too close to give him a proper fucking. Besides, that might be just too much. He had already said he thought it "queer street" to fuck another man. Buck worked harder on the cock, remembering this. The man jerked, coughed and almost ejected Buck's dick from his throat. Then, Buck felt the hot slime clout the back of his throat. It pierced his flesh and gathered in a mighty pool at the back of his mouth. The more that flowed, the more it filled his mouth and eventually coated his taste buds. The boy was sweet. Buck swallowed it all down and sucked harder for more. But little came after the main bursts. The young man lay back, spent, willing to let Buck fuck the mouth just the same. "Excuse me, sir." Buck almost jumped from his skin. His dick came away and both of them sat up in a rush. The man they had seen observing the other two men, now stood just inside the line of bushes, away from the trail. As with the last time they saw him, he stood there stroking his fat cock. "I'd be wondering if you might like me to join you." He let his dick go free and it sprung hard, against his belly. It was a more potent cock than the young soldier boy. Much thicker and slightly longer. He mastered around 10" thick and strong. He was hairy as a bear around his prick and nuts too. "Careful sir, he likes to do strange things." The young soldier almost whispered his warning. "What did you have in mind, Corporal ?" Buck noticed the two wide chevrons on his arms. "I had a mind to plug that hole I saw pointing at me a minute ago, sir." Buck was again surprised how forward these men seemed to be in the 1800's. Obviously, the Victorian era had not reached its zenith. "I might be willing." Buck reached out toward the man and he stepped closer, allowing Buck to take the weapon in his hands. It certainly was hard. Much harder than the boy had been. It was rough, covered in stone veins, that twisted across its surface in a tormented way. Like huge varicose veins, they wrapped in cords around its length and made it appear even more dangerous. One mighty squeezing jerk with the foreskin brought a long string of precum out the end. Buck caught it in his jerking hand and washed it back over the head, making it more slippery and easy to manage. He forced a little more from the eye and did the same with it. Soon the dick was shiny and well oiled. "I think its ready now." Buck let it go free, smiled up into the manly face of the young Corporal, then turned around to face the youth once more. His butt went into the air and the young soldier lay in shock, as he watched the Corporal position himself behind Buck, squatted and lined himself up. "You look like you just had something big, sir." His fingers probed the hole and without the slightest resistance, two digits drove inside. He immediately extracted them and replaced it with his fat cock. "You had your whole company up your arse all night !" He rammed himself into Buck with a great thrust. His long, hard prick slipped with abandon up the love tunnel. There was no restraint in his plunge, nor did Buck's arse offer any limitation either. He still didn't know what those Indians had done to him the day before, but it was obvious, they used more than their own cocks on him. A broken chair in the cabin, may have been one instrument. The legs had been planed and polished, and would have been as thick as a large man's wrist. Yes, that was possibly what they used. But whatever it had been, this cock was now making it all good again. Its hard, but smooth surface scurried beautifully inside him and the man certainly knew how to fuck. His thrusts went deep, then shallow. Hard then gentle. To the right, left and dead centre. He massaged the insides with a impassioned love. His grunts and groans were bear-like, as was his hirsute body. Those massive balls swinging dangerously to both of them, crashed and mashed into Buck, making him desire their contents all the more. The younger soldier lay back, mouth open wide, watching this amazing display. His fingers went to his own groin and he worked on his cock once more. Soon it was growing hard again. Buck licked his lips as he watched it extend in all directions. Their eyes met and the soldier moved in closer, so Buck was able to engulf that head anew. With one stinging fuck-rod up his arse and another swimming inside his mouth, Buck was in his heavens. He could feel his own juices mustering up inside his nuts and the seeping tube flung strings of precum with every second or third thump into his rear. The young soldier saw some of this wasted treasure splatter onto the ground and Buck's bare thighs. He broke free from Buck's oral grip and slipped under him, head first, until Buck was again able to swallow that meat down, but now the young man could eat his fill under Buck's body. He lapped and licked the already moist head, tasting the salty clear fluid being expelled. His mouth opened and he gulped the head inside his lips. His tongue lathered over all that came in reach, then he clamped his jaws closed and sucked as wildly as he remembered Buck had done for him a matter of minutes before. The Corporal gave little or no warning. He crammed deep inside Buck's arse and held tight. Next, Buck could sense the hot jets pouring the manly ball load into his devoted retreat. Only when he was nearing the end of his blasting, as he gave a few short, final stabs, did he grunt loud enough to show his satisfaction of dropping his cargo into Buck's dock. The young soldier seemed unaware of all this and kept on sucking enthusiastically on Buck's prick. Having just enjoyed the sensations of a man shooting his spunk up his arse, Buck let his own discipline fall away. He consciously allowed his own seed to move without being held onto. He permitted his brain to give into the teasing and stimulation. In fact, he urged it on, flexing his dick muscles, which made his balls bounce and climb away, inside their torso cavern. The Corporal drew away and Buck felt his butt empty to the sound of a prolonged suction noise. Juices trickled down his crack, onto the back of his thighs and run away to the trousers, which caught it all. He munched harder on the boy, hoping he might encourage another spunking from him as well. He squeezed those young balls and fingered the virginal hole. The boy bucked, slightly objecting, but was too busy working on the pole of flesh in his own mouth. Besides, he could feel the surges now and again, rolling as waves, down the shaft, rattling his teeth and making his tongue quiver. He knew he was bringing Buck close. The Corporal walked on his knees, around to the side of the two men, watching them sucking like crazy dogs on heat. He tore some grass from the ground and wiped his soiled tool clean, then pulled his trousers up and hitched them into place. But neither Buck, nor the young soldier blue took any notice. They were both busy, enjoying their labours of love. And the soldier was soon paid a full wage, as Buck opened his flood gates and exploded shot after shot of creamy spunk into the back of the boy's mouth. He gagged at first, but quickly composed himself and sucked all the harder. The excitement straggled his own nuts deep inside his body and he responded quickly by firing a few rapid bursts in retort to Buck's effort. But he had already ceased firing, when Buck was still ejecting the last muscle-wrenching flow. The two fell apart and lay in the cool grass, breathing deeply. The Corporal stood, gave the a nod then walked off. They lay there watching him disappear through the bushes, then slowly gathered themselves up as well. "So, what unit are you with soldier ?" Buck asked, as they walked slowly back toward the lawns, where they had met. "2nd Michigan, sir." Buck thought a moment, then remembered. "Cavalry ? I thought you were Infantry ?" The soldier smiled and shook his head. "Well, you watch out for a young guy called Custer. I hear he'll be joining you all one day soon." Buck gave the young soldier a firm handshake then walked back toward the park, where he had arrived. Looking at his fob watch, he was due there in exactly 20 minutes. But it was only a few minutes walk, so he took his time. Looking back, he hoped if he ever got to Washington, in his own era, he'd like to try and find the spot he had the enjoyable encounter with those Union soldiers. But was sure it would be somewhere near the spot the Washington Memorial now stood. He thought with a snigger - maybe one of the flagpoles now marks the very spot. "Well, according to our records Major Wright, you can enjoy a few days furlough." Peterson took Buck's report, which didn't cover all his encounters while in Washington DC in 1861. "Not much around here to see, however." "Well, I might make my way over to San Francisco." "Then you better get yourself moving. We've got a transporter leaving for there in an hour." Buck hoped his inner glee didn't show too much. Hey - maybe he can meet up with Hank again !!


More Gay Erotic Stories from Aussic Slick

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 5

Major Buck's Odyssey Part V Chapter Five "Well, I'm sorry Major, but we have a timetable to stick to." Peterson put his head back into the paperwork on his desk. It often appeared to be his escape shute from reality. "But yu' can't send me out there again, straight away !" Buck hadn't totally admitted what went down the day before in


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