Gay Erotic Stories

Doctor Doctor !

by Wildman
02 Nov 2000


Hi! I'm Matt and while I'm not a doctor, I get to play one in real life! Actually by credentials, I'm a registered nurse and I contract out to insurance companies to do "health checks" for pre-insurance applications and applicants. My typical duties only include asking 20 or 30 health questions, vital signs and a urine and blood sample, typically by appointment at the applicants work or home address. But - when one of my applicants (typically guys) is really hot, the health check becomes a full physical exam! Whew, what a great job! Since applicants don't typically know what to expect except that they are to have a "health check" by appointment, that leaves me lots of latitude! Occasionally when I encounter a really hot guy and his office circumstances don't allow for enough privacy, I'll make an appointment to meet at his home after work. Otherwise, for the executive with a private office - we just lock the door (hold all calls!) so we can get down to business so to speak! I use all kinds of techniques to get my man undressed, sometimes with full nudity or we just take it step by step. Guys are so funny! Some are totally comfortable with nudity and will just automatically strip all the way down to natures best (or at least to their shorts), while others would about rather part with their life than part with their shorts! (Or hardly any other item of clothing!) Either way, I feel that it is my job to help them feel as comfortable as possible while I get to explore every intimate detail of their anatomy. For even the most tense and up-tight, most will tolerate an item by item stripping as I need to see more and more of them. I particularly enjoy helping my victim - uhhhhhh patient/client to remove each item of clothing as we go particularly the ones that really don't want to part with their shorts! So far there hasn't been a hot guy yet that I couldn't get him naked, one way or another! (Or at least get to fully examine all the parts I wanted to see!) I am after all a professional at getting my man out of his clothes! Otherwise, clients (applicants) run the whole spectrum from blue collar factory and construction workers to executives even including a few women - yuck! Needless to say I have little use for the gals - so their "health check" is strictly by the book and I'm outta there! Since I'm kinda hot looking myself, I have had a few gals who wanted to show me a whole lot more than I was interested in seeing and no doubt they are a bit disappointed when I tell them I have another appointment! (Thank you very much!) But through the years there have been so many Hot guys - gee where do I start? Let's begin with a guy named Jim, an executive with a local corporation. When I called him for an appointment - even his voice on the phone was a total turn on! Man - I couldn't wait to see him if he was anything like his voice! Allowing that his business hours were very intense, he expressed a preference for his "health check" to be conducted at home after hours! No problem! Is 7 p.m. ok? I asked. It was a date, uhhhh I mean appointment! Arriving at Jim's apartment, a moment or two before 7 p.m. I literally caught my breath when he opened the door! What a hunk! A well-tanned face said this guy no doubt enjoys the outdoors or might spend an awful lot of time in the tanning booth. I couldn't wait to see if the rest of him might be so well tanned! At what maybe 6' 2" , blue eyes, dark hair, I couldn't wait to get started! Jim's file also indicated that he was 28. Jim showed me into his living room, sat in a chair as I chose a spot on the sofa! I always begin with the paper work! Pulling his file from my briefcase which also contains the necessary tools of my trade and a few more! The 30 or so health questions reveals a lot about lifestyle and habits! Of course, I can also ask more prying questions when I'm really curious! This guy was going to get the works! Jim seemed very comfortable with himself and me - at least I didn't detect any fear or uneasiness about what this health check might fully involve. Right off, I knew that Jim would be easy no matter what I might want or need to see of him! I just love an easy confident guy! We quickly got the registration and typical health questions out of the way and definitely I wanted to know more about this guy, so I pressed on with some more questions about hobbies, etc. Jim enjoys sports, works out at a gym weekly, jogs a bit, is not married, but hopeful - just not having met the right bitch yet! (With this body - I'd say he has plenty of opportunity!) Of course during the discussion phase, I'm visually sizing him up, noticing any body hair visible, (yes some nice arm and a little visible chest hair at the neck line!) Obviously, Jim still had on his executive work clothes - only having shed the tie since getting home! Jim said he had only just gotten home a few minutes before I arrived having put in a long day at the office. As I got out my blood pressure and temperature monitor, I asked Jim if he would remove his shirt since it was a long sleeve executive dress shirt. I was at least going to need a bare arm for this part of the exam! Jim began to unbutton his sleeves and shirt front buttons (good manual dexterity as expected) and as he stood to remove the shirt he said: "I just got home from the office and I'm kinda sticky. Do you mind if I grab a quick shower first?" While I had no other appointments this evening - I glanced at my watch and said: "Sure, go ahead if you like!" Jim looked relieved and almost promised: "This won't take but a minute! - I'll be right back!" "Make yourself comfortable!" With that he quickly stepped into his bedroom, (leaving the bedroom door open) and within moments I could hear the shower running! While I was really looking forward to seeing Jim strip - hey - I'm negotiable! Within moments, Jim returned to the living room, having dried off some but still glistening and only wearing his towel, locker room style. Cool, this was going to be real easy! No doubt, he was expecting a pretty through exam! I noticed he smelled real fresh - just like I like'em! Though I don't mind a manly smell as long as a guy ain't stinking! I have on occasion asked if a guy - construction worker type, might like to shower first if they were just from work and real sweaty! Anyway - Jim was nice and fresh! I was almost tempted to ask what bath soap he used cause it was real nice! His manly fresh odor filled the room as he sat back down in his chair. "Would you like something to drink?" Jim asked. Thanks, I'm fine for now, but if you need one, please. Jim said he could wait since he preferred something with alcohol. His health questions had revealed that he enjoyed an occasional drink. I stood and put the BP cuff on his arm and put the temperature probe in his mouth and then kneeled beside his chair waiting for the numbers to come up! Again another opportunity to look over Jim's chest which did really have some really nice chest hair, with nice male distribution. Not beasty looking, but very nice with a definitive trail down across his stomach. Jim indeed, works out a bit as evidenced by a well developed chest and abs! Man - it was so tempting to skip the rest of the exam, grab his towel and just check out his manhood! Ahhhhhhhh patience! One thing kinda validates another! While Jim is one Hot and studly male, his temperature is normal and his blood pressure is totally normal - particularly that he is submitting to a physical examination, which does seem to drive a guys BP up on occasion. I usually try to get the BP reading before any hint of stripping just so we don't get an unusually high reading which can effect the application and rating of a policy. Anyway - Jim is totally within a good range! What a confident guy! Pulse is normal too. Okay, time to move on. I stand and move his head to check range of motion. Good. I reach over and get my scope to examine (ENT), eyes, ears, nose and throat. Both pupils equal and reactive and otherwise nothing remarkable, except that this "in your face" does allow me to smell a fella better and of course, he gets to smell my closeness! More than once I have to remind myself not to grab a guys head and lay a big wet invasive kiss on him! Ahhhhhh - the smell of a man can be kinda overwhelming sometimes! Whew - I'm almost dizzy now! Likewise, I have to watch my crotch as I'm bending over - so I don't just put my parts into somebody's hand unless of course that might seem appropriate at some point. Otherwise, I try to play this role pretty straight most times even if I am about to pant - like now! I have my stethoscope around my neck and it is time to listen to arteries in the neck, then heart sounds of the chest, and some deep breathing to check lung and breath sounds! All good on Jim here! He's really in great shape topside anyway! Sometimes I get so carried away with a guys upper body or in anticipation of his lower body - I have actually forgotten to put the ear pieces of the stethoscope in my own ears! Duhhhhhhhh? Definitely looks kinda fake! Of course once I don't hear a beating heart - I usually remember such little details!! Jim here has a great upper body as I feel his pecks, and run my hands all over every surface feeling for lumps or anomalies. Ohhhhh crap! Screw the lumps - I just like running my hands over a guys body! Jim is sitting in a recliner, so I suggest that he tilt back so I can check his abdomen. He obliges with ease and I begin to feel up his abs also feeling deeply for internal organs! Jim's belly feels wonderful!! He also has this delightful little trail of hair that leads me down below his towel line and as I loosen the towel Jim shifts and lifts his hips a little so that I can uncover the rest of his body! I feel my own pulse quicken as I free the towel and get to see all of the rest of his body! Ahhhhhhh - fantastic really! Jim is very well equipment in the manhood department and seems totally at ease. I straighten up just to take him all in and also to give my own man parts an opportunity to fall back into place! Ohhhhh, things are getting a little tense down there! While Jim is very nicely tanned, he does have a distinct tan line resembling a bikini line, so no doubt he owns a Speedo or two. As I lean back down, Jim too is looking over himself and I hope he hasn't noticed the tension in my pants. Even if he has - I can't help it! Pant, pant, pant! I reach down and begin to fondle Jim's ball sack, searching out each testicle! My, what nice nuts we have! Large oval fruits - maybe 2.5 inches long and fully an inch and a half across! Very nice! Jim has a nice warm moist ball sack, no doubt fresh from his shower! I move his dick meat aside so I can more fully explore his ball sack. It also helps that I pull each nut down a bit. I love to see how low they will go and this too gives me a chance to feel the cords sometimes even separating and tracing each back to each individual nut. I really spend some serious time on this ball action, rolling each testicle around thoroughly between my fingers so I can feel each and every surface. Normally, I'm checking for any lumps or hard spots on a testicle that might indicate a problem, but mostly, I just love feeling up a guys nuts and exploring his ball sack!! (While trying not to drool!) Sometimes I like to watch a guy’s facial expression while I feel him up - since I feeling for what ever I can't really see. Otherwise, I'm taking it all in for every visual splendor of a naked man! Gotta love that. Jim's facial expressions change as I finger and fondle him and of course, my justification for checking facial expression during this part of the exam is just in case I might notice a grimace or some indication of pain or discomfort. Jim seems very comfortable - even though another guy has a good hold on his nuts! Some guys seem to handle this intimacy better than others! Geeeeze - I've had some guys look so worried or nearly pull their dick and nuts nearly all the way up inside themselves trying to avoid my touch! Jim here seems quite ok with it. Otherwise, some guys - really have trouble with all this ball action and some will even pop a bone in the process! It varies from mild firmness to a full blown erection! I note Jim has a bit more firmness and even observed his penis move and lengthen ever so slightly. Some guys get so embarrassed at popping a bone in the hands of another guy - they nearly turn red all over! Jim has a fine looking dick (penis) that has been nicely trimmed, leaving a good 7 inches or so, with nice full head on it. I lift it up for a good look and of course, I detail the hand action very thoroughly beginning at the root and sliding my fingers down again following the veins and interior urethra (piss pipe!) Tempting as it might be to pull out a rule and measure precisely, I've learned to guesstimate length and diameter quite precisely. Jim has a nice diameter too! Very meaty! Now a lot of guys will lose it right here! I usually glance up thoughtfully to check their facial expression as I'm getting a good feel of their dick - as facial expressions get really interesting here. If there is a foreskin - of course, I pull this back and this often elicits either a dick action or certainly a change of facial expression - that sometimes speaks volumes about what a guy is feeling in the hands of another. Some seem to enjoy it, others look like they could just die and can't wait for me to get it over. There's also a little neurological reflex exam I like to do whereby I take a q-tip and trace a little circle around the navel. Believe it or not - kinda like an eye - the navel will follow the stick as part of a normal abdominal reflex! That's always cute unless the guy gets the tickles! Also with the same stick, you can trace or stroke the inner thigh and observe some free ball action in the scrotum i.e. each testicle will rise or be pulled up tighter into the scrotum depending upon which thigh you are stroking. Some guys tend to lose it here too since the inner thigh is also part of the whole male erogenous zone greatly effecting a man’s manhood! I really enjoy detailing this part of the exam, watching for lots of ball action and of course for anything else that might pop up! Jim is passing all the tests really well and even the dick meat exam only elicits some mild additional firmness! But I can tell his dick is at least mildly interested in receiving this attention. Also, Jim has inadvertently fingered me occasionally since my crotch is laying right over his hand as it rest on the arm of the chair and I'm leaning over him. I'm sure however that it was only a stray finger reflex while I'm handling his man meat - but hey - I appreciate any attention I can get too! Usually, if a guy hasn't risen to the occasion by now, he's either pretty straight, has incredible control or is either ball and dick dead, just doesn't give a shit, or has just passed out on me! I rather suspect Jim here is just pretty straight and otherwise has a fairly good tolerance for some man handling! I finish up his topside by feeling down each leg feeling for muscle symmetry. Jim has really nice thighs and calf muscles. Nice looking feet too! No evidence of disease or deformity. I check both his knee and foot reflexes, reactive and equal on both sides! Excellent really! At this point - I reach over and retrieve a glove from my bag of tricks and tools. I just love watching a guy watch me slip on a glove - cause, I know that he knows what's going to happen next. I don't know why guys seem to dread the "digital rectal exam"? I've never thought it was all that big a deal. It doesn't really hurt (even dry) and heck - I think it feels good and rarely last anywhere long enough - unless of course I'm doing it. Jim too watches as I carefully fit the glove on my hand, which I'm taking great care to assure a proper fit. By the time I'm ready to apply a little lube on my finger, Jim sits up, stands and awaits further instructions. Man, he really looks good standing there buck-naked head to toe awaiting and anticipating for his butt hole to be fingered. I ask Jim to turn around, bend over, place his hands on the arm of the chair and spread his legs quite a bit. He assumes the position with ease and spreads his legs apart nice and wide! I just love looking at a man’s firm butt cheeks, spreading them and also the view of his nice scrotum, dick and balls hanging from the rear. Jim provides a wonderful full view and I just stand back and enjoy it for a few moments. He hangs nice and low! I lightly part his cheeks and visually examine Jim's anus - which is well formed, nicely puckered and pink! Clean too! Jim has some nice downy fur on and inside his butt cheeks and between his legs. He has some nice soft downy-ness on the back of his ball sack too. We will stroke that in a minute! Jim's anus is really tight as I slip in a finger, but he accepts my finger pretty willingly. I stroke in and out a little bit to loosen things up a little more and lubricate the area well. Searching around inside, everything feels nice and smooth and I can feel his sphincter muscle tighten a bit as I explore around, feeling the smoothness of the muscle and then search out in the lower recesses for Jim's prostate gland. I usually reach between a guy legs at this point and tug lightly on his balls and ball sack, pulling things down a bit as I finger the prostate checking for symmetry and smoothness. Personally, I think this feels real good myself (to have this done), but most guys just tense up all over, pulling their balls nearly up into their body and clamping their sphincter muscle down on my finger as if to say: "Stop That! - Enough! - Get outta my Ass!" That's why, I really take my time with this part of the exam - so that a guy has a little more time to get used to what he might be feeling, relax and enjoy it a little bit. Most guys do relax at least a little before I'm through and one reason why I give the balls a little tug because this sometimes also signals and provokes a little less tension. If they pull their nuts up again, I just pull them down again while continuing the finger action on their prostate - so they get to feel just how good it might feel if you are not trying to shit a finger out of your hole! Most doctors just run past this part of a physical exam - perhaps even sharing the dread another guy might feel and so guys rarely get to experience any pleasure in this part of the exam - unless I'm doing it of course. I take my time and try to give a guy a chance to realized that this isn't the terrible, awful experience that he might have had in the past. Hell, when I get through, a guy will have a whole new appreciation of his hole and prostate! Some will even get a raging hard on during this phase - straight or not. Ahhhhhhh, such is the case for our manly man Jim here! I noted from the rear that this finger action was just what he was needing to show me his bone as he is sticking straight out now! Wish I could have watched his facial expression while I was giving him this little finger fuck and particularly as his man meat became aroused! Well mission accomplished, I withdrew my finger ever so slowly and removed my glove. Patting Jim on the ass - I said you can stand now. (If indeed his knees aren't too weak at this point!) Whew - it is a good work out from the inside out and I've even had guys cum or at the least be dripping pre-cum by the time I'm through with the finger fuck exam! Few can manage not getting an erection for me and like I said, some will shoot their wad before I'm through. If I detect an interest, I can prolong this part of the exam quite a while - checking more and more of their colon, even with the aid of a second finger while revisiting their prostate for a more thorough exploration. Hell, I've had guys start to wiggle their ass and hump the chair or what ever I have them bent over on more than one occasion! While I don't really need a sperm sample - I often get it and have even had guys say: "Thanks! - I needed that!" after they have shot their load! One guy that really got into it, humping and everything - turned kinda red faced, apologized and said: "I'm really sorry about that - but geeeeze - I just kinda lost control there! And there was just no holding back!" I told him - no sweat - it's natural really! Another said: "Shit man, how much more insurance do I have to buy to get you to come back and do that again!" Hehehehehehe - he pays for a physical exam every three months now whether he feels bad or not! Ohhhh yeah, my services don't have to be ordered by an insurance company. I'll return "for fee" and can provide all kinds of medical services. I do a mean colon cleansing (very gentle really) and a few guys just love having their bladder irrigated with warm saline water! One guy claims he needs to be catheterized every now and then and also responds well to a lubricated pipe cleaner occasionally! I think he just likes to have someone handle his dick! (It's a really BIG one!) Anyway, back to our boy Jim here! While he held out pretty well, the finger fuck definitely seems to have him turned on! I try not to notice as I turn him around - but hell - only a blind man might not notice that bone! What? Now maybe 10 or more good inches! Jim looks a little embarrassed at sporting a bone here in front of me - and comments that he doesn't ever remember such a thorough rectal exam. I tell Jim, shoot, I suspect that most doctors don't even know what a good rectal exam is all about. You can't just stick your finger up somebody's ass like a temperature probe and immediately know all you need to know about how things are structured in there! You indeed, have to feel around and see what condition the condition is in! Jim asked what condition HIS condition might be in there and I said: "You're in good shape and of course, it appears that your sexual function is in tip, top shape too!" Jim blushed and said, it appeared so! I then asked Jim to stand at attention (like he wasn't already) with his feet together, close his eyes with his hands down by his side. At this point he looked a little suspicious (like yeah close my eyes and you grab my bone!). I assured him - I just need to check your balance! Then I asked him to extend his arms out to his side while keeping his eyes closed. Then move his arms straight out in front of him and then straight up over his head! Any vesicular problems (balance) become quickly evident during this exam. It is also now - that I wish I could take pictures! Darn, I just have not yet figured out HOW I can justify or validate taking nude pictures of my victims - uhhhhh patients/clients! At least not until we get to know each other a little better! A few of my "after clients" do enjoy little photo-sessions and I have quite a collection! We call it an X-ray session! Hahahahaha! (X-rated so to speak!) One guys calls frequently saying:" I think I broke my dick and need to have it X-rayed and checked out!" Another service I offer! (Yeah - he's a very active guy!) Anyway, Jim here has excellent balance and not a problem I can discover besides this horrendous hard-on he's sporting. I tell him that his exam is complete and he says: "Excuse me for a minute then, I'll be right back." As he heads back to the bedroom, I well imagine he just has to do something about that monster bone! Indeed, less than 10 minutes he returns - still completely naked, but much more relaxed now and an interesting shine and glow on his man meat. A little hand cream no doubt. Jim smiles as if quite relieved and says: "How about that drink now?" I said: "Sure I'm on my own time now that we have taken care of business!" (Mine and his, so to speak!) Jim returns with the drinks and I notice he is still naked. Jim apparently noticed that I noticed and says: "You don't mind if I don't get dressed do you?" I said: "No - it is not like I haven't seen you naked before!" and Jim said: "Damn straight about that - inside and out!" We both chuckled. Jim continued that he often relaxes in the nude, living alone, why wear clothes if you don't have to? I agreed saying: "My sentiments exactly and that I often did the same!" Jim said: "Well you are welcome to get comfortable now - unless that might be unprofessional?" I laughed and said: "What's unprofessional about nudity if everyone is consenting or feels that it is a normal state of being - which I do!" As I undressed, I also told Jim that I am a nudist and even enjoy social mixed nudity - either naked in nature or at nudist parks/resorts! Jim sat forward in his seat as I continued to strip and said: "Really, I'd like to know more about that?" (As if he didn't really believe me) Needless to say, while I'm sure Jim enjoyed seeing me strip, we talked way up into the evening even sharing another drink or two and some snacks! Jim definitely noticed and admired my all over tan without tan lines. Jim seemed very interested in naturism and I told him, well how about camping, remembering he had said he enjoyed that as a hobby. Jim said sure! I said, well we just might have to enjoy a naked in nature adventure some time and Jim said: "Looking forward to it." He also commented on his physical exam asking if I was available otherwise. He said: "Our company physician isn't worth a shit for even the common cold! and that he didn't have a personal physician otherwise." I told him, sure, anytime and handed him my card. He looked over the card and said: "You're not a physician?" I smiled and told him no, but I play like one in real life, all the time! He laughed and said: "Well I'll call on you anyway, cause, I believe you know what you're doing and certainly could tell me if I need to see a real doctor or not!" Then Jim laughed and said: "By that rectal exam, I bet you've even probably got a cure for the common cold!" I laughed and said: "Well there is no cure for the common cold, but there are a whole lot of things I CAN do to help a fella feel a whole lot better!" Jim said: I'm sure of that! With that, I said: "I've got to go, busy day tomorrow!" Jim looked disappointed, but watched me put on my clothes item for item. We shook hands and he showed me to the door. I rather imagine I might hear from Jim again and who knows - a little naked in nature adventure might not be very far off. At any rate, I'll definitely look forward to seeing Jim again!


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