Gay Erotic Stories

Aussie Rules Football: Adam, Part 4

by Adam West
15 Jul 2002


Two days after the night Stubbs brought home the mystery man, my head was still spinning from the experience. The smell of Stubbs’ hot sweaty crack had since faded from my nose but I thought about it constantly. With Justin staying home those next two days I had not had a chance to talk to Stubbs about that night. Stubbs carried on as if nothing had happened. He had nothing planned for those two days so spent his days lounging around the house naked. The summer had really begun to get hot so I too began to go around the house naked, in the hopes of catching Stubbs’ eye. Nothing worked. I was becoming obsessed with everything about him. Whenever I could I would let him know I was interested in more. If Justin were out of the room I would stare at his low hanging cock, making sure he knew I was looking. If we walked past each other or were in the small kitchen together I would brush my hand over his bare ass or press my body against his. Once again he acted totally normal. Not getting any attention from Stubbs I took to doing the house laundry. The washing machine was in a small shed that was attached to the back of the house. Naked, I grabbed the dirty washing hamper from the bathroom and made my way outside to the laundry. Sorting though the pile of dirty clothes I finally found what I was looking for; my old jockstrap, the one I had swapped for Stubbs’. I also came apron an interesting discovery, Stubbs’ jockstrap. I had accidentally left it in the trees that day at the beach; I had not seen it since. Stubbs must have seen it in the trees and gone back for it later. Both jockstraps were badly stretched and stained. I put them to my face and breathed in heavily. Stubbs’ unmistakable manly smell filled my head sending me into frenzy. Grabbing my dick I pounded at it, reaching a climax quickly. I brought the jockstraps down just in time for them to catch the streams off cum shooting out my dick. Once again I brought the jockstraps to my face, pressing them against my nose and mouth. The smell was ruined. I could no longer smell the brute manliness of Stubbs. All that was left was myself, standing pathetically alone in the laundry, my own cum clinging to my face. God I wanted him so bad. On that second day after the night with Stubbs we all left to go to the camp with the team. Stubbs told us that we didn’t need to pack, that we would be issued our team gear when we got there The three of us got to the clubrooms half an hour before the bus was due to come. When we got there a group of four guys was standing around a new sports car talking. Being such a stinking hot day, three of the four guys were not wearing a t-shirt; the other wore a loose fitting tank top. Their torsos and chests shone with sweat. Stubbs came up to them and shook their hands. They all looked happy to see each other, especially Stubbs. Calling Justin and me over to the group, Stubbs introduced us to the guys. Nick was the first person he introduced me to. Nick was the captain of the team and the team’s ruckman. It was no surprise that Nick played ruck: He was taller than all of us by a few inches. Nick had been leaning on the hood of the car; it was obviously his. Shaking his hand, I looked into his eyes. They were a deep, dark brown, stern but friendly. I looked at the rest of his face; his jaw line was square and defined, coming together at his pronounced, dimpled chin. Five o’clock shadow covered his jaw and neck. A small triangle of hair grew below the centre of his lips; He stroked at it as he talked. The hair on his head was neat and short; gel holding it perfectly in place. He looked about twenty-eight and had a boyish charm about him. As he spoke I could hear an Italian accent mixed into his Aussie slang. He spoke confidently, he was fucking hot and he knew it. Letting go of my hand he stood back with his arms crossed. His skin had a natural olive complexion. Beads of sweat ran down his body as his muscles moved. Nick was well built. Playing in the ruck he had to be strong but also fast. His body was muscly and powerful without being excessively bulky. A gold chain hung from his neck, down over his chest. A gold watch and chain also hung loosely from his left wrist Nick had two big, hairy patches covering the areas around his nipples. The patches thinned out towards the centre of his chest and did not meet in the middle. His stomach was flat and smooth, not a hair on it. A thick scent of expensive aftershave floated about him. He was the perfect Adonis. The other three guys were not so memorable; I forgot their names as soon as I heard them. As we had introduced ourselves other guys had started to arrive. They gathered in small groups and talked. When the bus arrived all thirty-seven of us squeezed our way into the cramped bus. The air inside the bus was thick and hot. Within the first ten minutes everyone had taken off their shirts. We all sat pressed up against each other’s sweaty bodies. If not for the heat it would have been a huge turn-on. For all of the two-hour drive I sat next to Justin. Stubbs and Nick sat together on the opposite side of the bus; they talked all the way there. Some of the players introduced themselves to us; they were a good group of guys. They all looked fit and for the most part pretty straight. As soon as the bus stopped at the campsite everyone rushed out into some cooler air. After a minute or two standing around, Stubbs yelled out for every ones attention. When we were ready he led us to our cabin. The cabin was a long wooden building. Inside the front door was a huge hall with tall ceilings. The hall was divided up into smaller rooms by seven-foot tall, wooden partitions. As we all were led down the middle of the hall we saw that in each room were three bunk beds, fit to sleep six people. At the end of the hall were two metal doors. Opening these, Stubbs led us in to the bathroom. The bathroom was one huge room, the floors and walls covered in white tiles. Down the middle of the room was a waist-height divider, basins hung from both sides of it. On one side of the divider were rows of benches and lockers and a row of cubicles, on the other a communal shower. “All right fellas,” Stubbs yelled. ”Cool yourselves down in the showers, we have a big afternoon.” He added as an afterthought, “Chuck your clothes in a pile. The head coach should be here with the uniforms shortly and we’ll have these clothes cleaned for when you need them.” Stubbs peeled off his sweaty shorts and threw them to the floor. His meaty ass bounced as he made his way over into the showers. A stampede of men removed their shorts, threw them on Stubbs’ and ran to the cool water of the showers. I waited till almost last, watching all theses prime men exposing themselves so willingly. The next moment I too was naked, swimming in a sea of naked manliness. The team seemed happy just to stand around together and talk. I made my way through the pack, introducing myself to everyone and checking out the different body shapes and sizes. Most of the men were in their mid to late twenties, about my height but much better built. I found it interesting to see the different tan lines the guys had: you could tell who liked to wear Speedos, or footy shorts or, in a few cases, nothing at all. Looking around at the guys I couldn’t help but stare at their bodies, most had lots of hair sprouting on their chest and cocks, some were more naturally hairless, while most fascinating were the guys who obviously trim or shave their hair. I fit into the last category. Since I was old enough, I had trimmed my bush, keeping it short and straight edged. By the time I had introduced myself to the whole team, I made it to the back wall; Stubbs and Nick were there standing with a teammates. Nick stood with his arm around some guy; he was still wearing his gold chains. His body was to die for; his olive complexion covered all of his firm body. His cock was dark and circumcised. It was halfway between the size of mine and the size of Stubbs’. His jet-black pubes were cut and shaved into a small rectangular strip about an inch and a half wide. The rectangle stopped just above his shaft. His legs, shaft and balls were clean-shaven, soft and tanned. Stubbs introduced me to the man he was talking to. It didn’t click at first but as I scanned the white hairless body I realised this was the mysterious man from the other night. He had a silver ring around the base of his cock and balls; it sparkled in the cold water. “Hi, I’m Simon. How are you fitting in?” We talked a bit with no mention of the other night. The metal doors swung open and there was silence. A man in his fifties walked in carrying a box. Two men walked in behind him, also carrying boxes. The two men dumped the boxes and headed out to get more. The remaining man spoke. “To any one who doesn’t know who I am I’m Coach Masters. I will lead this team to the premiership we all know we can win!” The team cheered. “You will all be issued your training uniforms: one jumper, two shorts, two Speedos, a jockstrap, three pairs of socks and some running shoes. Towels are also supplied, one each. This is all you will wear for the next two weeks here at camp. You’re a team so you all will dress like one. You will all wear exactly the same thing at the same time or people will be punished. You will all train as hard as you can or you will all be punished. It may seem tough but you will all be in it together so help each other out. Come get them.” Masters opened his box and put it on the floor. All thirty-seven of us huddled over the boxes, trying to get clothes that fit. In the hurry it was hard not to press against the other men so I didn’t fight it. I felt different shaped bodies pushed up against me as I scrambled for my share. After the fuss died down we were broken up into different groups of six. In the course of the day it was in these groups we would train, eat and sleep; then the groups would change every day so we all would get to know each other. The first week was uneventful; many laps up and down the beach, many long swims through the calm waters of the ocean. The temperature stayed the same, stinking hot, so when not training as a team we decided to wear our jockstraps. I got to know some of the guys really well. I was fitting into the team fantastically. I had not seen much of Stubbs that week but thought about him constantly. I didn’t have time to have a wank that whole week so I kept it bottled inside me. On the Wednesday of the second week I was put into a group with Stubbs, Justin and Nick. The other two guys were Pete and Tim whom I did not know so well but were friendly and easy to get along with. After dinner that evening the six of us sat around in our little room. Nick and Stubbs sat on the bottom mattress of one bunk, Justin and myself on another and Pete and Tim on the third. It was a hotter than usual day and we were all in our jockstraps. Sweat rolled over my chest, down my stomach and into the absorbing elastic of my jock. I was feeling incredibly horny; I needed relief. Pete was sitting across from me, facing in my direction with his back on the wall and his legs spread, dangling over the edge of the bed. He was half asleep, as were we all. We had had a killer training session that day. We all sat not saying a word. I could tell Justin was asleep beside me. Looking across at Pete I noticed that one of his balls was hanging outside the pouch of his jockstrap. It was large and hairy. The skin was stuck to the side of his leg from the heat. Sweat formed at the bottom of it. Nick stood up and walked out of the room, Stubbs moved his body so that he was lying on his side. I looked over to him and saw that he was facing away from me, towards that wall. The jockstrap he was wearing was too small, the straps dug into his meaty cheeks, pressing them together at his hairy crack. Sweat had formed in the inviting gap. My dick went hard; I placed my hand on my pouch to cover it. Because of the heat of the evening and in my tiredness I started to daydream. I imagined licking at Stubbs’ hairy crack. I started to squeeze my pouch, becoming hard. Nick walked into the room. “Masters said to get changed and run some laps along the beach before retiring for the night.” We all stirred back to life. Wearing our Speedos, the six of us marched up and down the sand. Clouds began to gather in the darkening sky. With every footstep the group became more tired. After about six laps it began to rain. The big wet drops struck against our weary bodies. The chill of them stung our skin. Our nipples stood erect. Our whole attitude changed: we began to jog faster, talking and joking as we went. Stubbs ran out to a big lead. The rest of us chased after him. As I passed him I couldn’t resist but to grab his Speedo and give him a wedgy for old times sake. To my initial surprise the stitching of the Speedo split. The fabric fell to the sand as Stubbs kept on running. “You know what Masters says: ‘You will all wear exactly the same thing at the same time or people will be punished’,” Stubbs yelled back at us as he sprinted ahead. The five of us quickly ripped off our Speedos and threw them in a pile. The five of us ran after Stubbs tackling him to the ground. He lay face first in the sand, his ass sticking into the air. Sand flecked the hair in his crack. I playfully jumped on his back; the others followed suit. My cock pressed against his ass. Nick jumped on my back; I could feel his manhood along my side. In all the confusion of this game of stack-on, and through extreme horniness, I decided to relieve a bit of tension. I moved my hips back and forth rubbing my cock along Stubbs’ ass. My now-hard cock slipped into the crack, scraping along the bottom. The others were still on top, jokingly getting each other in headlocks and other wrestling positions. We stayed piled on top of each other for a few minutes, a mound of sweaty muscles on the beach, moving against one another. I thrust at Stubbs’ crack in blind lust. He clenched his ass muscles around my cock. All of a sudden Stubbs gathered his strength and flung us from him as he stood up. He ran for the cabin. When looking back at us I could see his dick swinging from side to side. We ran after him. I was still hard and my boner slapped my stomach as I ran. Looking around as we ran, I noticed that all the other guys except Justin were sporting woodies. Later that night we all lay on top of our beds talking. It had been dark for some time; my eyes had adjusted to the dimness. Despite the early rain, the night was just as hot as any other. From my top bunk I could see the naked backside of Justin asleep on the top of the nearest bunk. On his bottom bunk laid Stubbs; he was on top of his sheets wearing the team issue jockstrap. It had not stretched to accommodate his size yet; half of his cock poked out the side of the pouch. Stubbs was talking to Nick, who was below me. Pete and Tim were on their beds listening to the conversation. It was getting late; all the other guys would be asleep. “I’m so fucking horny, I haven’t cum in two weeks. I need a bitch to suck me dry,” Nick groaned, shifting in his bed. “The other week I had this girl who made me cum three times with no break in between.” Pete and Tim scoffed. Stubbs said, “Who needs a bitch when Adam here’s a fucking poof.” “Is that so?” Nick asked me. Dying of embarrassment, I pretended I was asleep. The conversation continued in a different direction. At some point I really did fall asleep. The next thing I knew a hand grabbed me by the arm and dragged me off my bed. I hit the ground with a thud. Sitting on the edge of his bed was Nick; his meat was fully hard. He grabbed my head and drew me closer to his cock; it was covered in a thin layer of cum. I dove forward, eagerly taking his dick in my mouth. The salty cum made my taste buds come alive. After sucking on the head for a minute I started to take the shaft. It was not as big or as thick as Stubbs’ so I took most of it quite easily. My nose rested against Nick’s small strip of hair. The end of his cock was poking the back of my throat. I had gagged a few times to get that far, but now I was there I felt relaxed. Nick, with one hand on my head, started to push his hips back and forth. He moaned loudly, not caring who heard. One of my hands traced the edge of his small strip of pubic hair. The hair was short but thick. With the other hand I played with his hairless nuts, rolling them in my hand. After about five minutes they tightened up, clinging to his body. I braced myself not knowing what to expect. I moved my lips to the base of his head. He thrust two more times before squirting lines and lines of hot cum into my mouth. I couldn’t swallow it all; most of it ran out of my mouth and dribbled down my chin and neck. After he had finished he pulled away from me. Pete got off his bed and sat next to Nick. I didn’t need to be told. Pete was smaller than Nick and I took him easily. He must have been working himself up watching Nick and me because I had barely started when I felt his hand pull my head back. Pete pumped his cock with his hand, my face centimetres from the action. The first gob of cum hit me in the nose, the next on my cheeks. They clung to my face, slowly dripping down. I felt light headed: I was still tired from training that day and this excitement was taking its toll. Pete simply stood up and went back to his bed. Tim quickly filled his spot on Nick’s bed. Looking around the room I saw that Justin was still asleep. Stubbs was sitting on his bed leaning against the wall. I could not see his face but I could see his legs and torso in the faint light. He was still wearing his jockstrap. The pouch was fully stretched. His hand lay on his thigh. Tim grabbed my head and forced it down on him. I didn’t have time to breathe and I gagged right away. This made Tim mad. He pushed on my head making me touch his pubic bush with my nose. He was no bigger than Pete but because of the limited freedom of movement I could not handle him as well. As Tim forced my head back and forth, Nick stood up and went behind me. I could feel his hands spread my cheeks and his tongue lick my crack. The stimulation made my hole twitch with ecstasy. Nick stopped and I could feel one of his well-manicured fingers press against my tight bud. Tim continued to fuck my face. I didn’t enjoy it but I though if I could make him cum it would all be over. Nick’s finger entered me; he slid it in as far as he could. My tight ass squeezed against it. Nick wriggled his finger, exploring my ass. He pulled out his finger and tried two, then three fingers. “You better pull out or he’ll bite your dick off,” Nick warned Tim as he spat inside my crack and onto the end of his dick. Tim let go of me and I pulled back myself. “This will hurt like a bitch,” Nick told me. Knowing the drill, Tim picked up Nick’s jockstrap and, rolling it into a long sausage, shoved it in my mouth. I started breathing heavily in anticipation. I tried to loosen my ass muscles, ready for what would happen. “The start is the hardest so hang in there,” Nick said to me as his head pressed against my hole. His hands were holding my cheeks firmly apart. I could feel him pressing against me but it did not go in. Slowly as I loosened my muscles he started to enter. It was the most painful thing in my life; my breathing was long and deep. I bit down on the jockstrap, clenching my face in agony. With his head already inside me he paused. I could feel the lips of my ass around the base of his head; they were red raw. Slowly he pushed forward an inch. I bit down harder. Once that much was inside the rest slid in much easier. With his cock only an inch away from being totally inside me he began to slowly pump. The pain was amazing. I couldn’t help but to scream out, the sound muffled by the jockstrap. Nick pumped harder and harder with longer thrusts. My body was being ripped apart by this Adonis’ cock. Nick started to talk, working himself towards climax. “Oh yeah! Oh, oh. You like my dick up you, don’t you?” Without warning Nick blew inside of me. I could feel the cum squirt inside me. He continued to fuck me until he went soft. Slowly he pulled away. My ass had a good grip on his cock and he had to force it out. Without time for me to appreciate this amazing moment, Tim pushed Nick aside and pressed his cock against my ass. I did not want this madman inside me so I clenched my ass. This did not stop him. He forced his way inside, I screamed with real pain. I knew that he was going to fuck me if I wanted it or not. I was making it more painful for myself by fighting against him. Despite my refusal to be fucked by Tim I had to loosen myself up. Tim did not go easy on me. He slammed hard against my ass, his balls slapping mine. I felt dirty and violated, how could Stubbs let Tim do this to me? Tears filled my eyes; everything went blurry. All I could feel was Tim’s cock ripping me apart. I wanted it to be over. I tried to move away but Nick stood in front of me, blocking my escape. Nick bent down next to me and whispered in my ear. “Don’t wuss out now; Tim’s almost done and Pete’s a lot gentler. Just be glad you had me as your first time and not Tim, or Stubbs for that matter.” Nick was right: no sooner had he said that to me I felt Tim speed up. He banged hard against me a few more times before exploding deep inside me. Although I was still in pain I found some pleasure in the moment. Quickly pulling out of me Tim made for the door. I could hear him walk down the hall and open the big metal doors to the bathroom. He must be cleaning up I thought as I felt Pete slowly slide into me. By the time Tim returned Pete was ready to climax. I could feel him tense up and breathe heavier. Pete had been much gentler with me, allowing me time to get used to him being inside me. Slowly he pumped at me, with his hands he fumbled with my balls and rubbed my ass. I was fully turned on. For the first time I thought about how horny I was. I closed my eyes and imagined it was Stubbs fucking me. I removed the jockstrap from my mouth and began to groan load with enjoyment. I imagined it was Stubbs’ large manly hands massaging my cheeks. Pete fucked me harder. I yelled out to him, “Fuck me; harder, harder. I want your cum inside me. Give me that huge cock, pound my ass.” Pete began to cum. “That’s it, Stubbs, keep going. You know I love that monster.” I began to cum in all the excitement, puddles formed across the floor. I began to feel faint again. I lowered my body to the floor. My cum squished against my body. I closed my eyes and began to drift off. The last thing I heard was Stubbs’ gruff voice, “Pick him up, and take him to the showers. Wake the guys up as well.” When I woke up I felt the cold tiles against my cheek and shoulders. Everything was dull and far away. I could faintly feel someone inside me, fucking me. I slowly became aware of my surroundings. With my head on its side, pressed against the tiles I could not see much. As my eyes slowly focused I could see many pairs of legs standing around me. I moved my head so I could see the people better. Standing around me in a circle were about twenty-five naked guys. They stood around leaning on or draping their arms around each other. Their dicks pointed out, towards me. Some stood stroking themselves or the guy next to them. I put my head back on the tiles and passed out. I woke up with the morning sun filling the room. I was lying on a bottom bunk in my room. I tried to move but some one’s huge arms kept me in place. I felt a thick layer of fur scraping across my back. With one of my arms I felt along my body to my ass. I felt a strong body slowly moving back and forth against mine. I clenched my ass muscles; they wrapped around a thick meaty pole that was moving back and forth against them. A sharp shooting pain ran up my back. I felt the large cock starting to pull out of me. My now stretched ass allowed the cock to slide out freely. There must have been at least eight inches of this meat inside me, filling me. After pulling totally out, Stubbs climbed over my body and off the bed. His cock was large but not fully erect. It was covered in a thick layer of cum. How many guys had fucked me last night? How many of them had cum in my ass? I ran my fingers down my crack. My hole was gaping open; my index finger easily slipped in. A worried look came across my face: What had I done? “Relax,” Stubbs said “Go back to sleep. You can have the morning off.” He bent over and kissed me passionately but roughly on the mouth. He pulled away, smiling. “Coach’s orders.” I really want to know if people want me to continue with these stories and if so what types of things to include. Send any comments to Thanks for the mail I've already gotten.


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