
742 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Fetish

Gay Erotic Story

Jon, My Willing Hypno Volunteer, Part 2

by RobertFoley

I was getting used to living in Jerry and Rosa’s home. When I woke up, I rolled out of bed and went for a run in the park that was right next door. I would then shower, make myself a coffee and sit down to work. And work would go really fast. If I got tired, which was usually around 5, I sat back on the sofa and read the hypnosis book to learn more. Within the hour, Jon would park his car across...

Gay Erotic Story

Christopher, the Substitute Wrestling Coach

by RobertFoley

It was still early on a Monday morning as Christopher Haskins drove to campus. He was looking forward to get back to work. His job was at the North Dakota State College of Science as an associate professor in IT support. He and his husband Robin had just gotten back from a lovely honeymoon in Mexico, which had lasted two full weeks. It was only a few weeks before the wedding that Christopher...

Gay Erotic Story

Edging Party

by papercup69

It was my first time responding to an online sex ad. "Young guy wanted 4 edging" At 22, I was "the perfect age" he said in his response. Average build, very little body hair except for my thick dark bush which I didn't have time to trim, and a cute young face. I was okay with the way I looked. Would like to be more muscular but that was something for another time. I took the bus to...

Gay Erotic Story

Prison Diaries

by nj19

My name is jack I am a 19 year old pale Irish white man. I am short and thin only 5 7' and 140 pounds. I have dark brown hair its short. I was a frat star at Sigma Alpha Epsilon, I was being groomed to be president of the frat my third year at the fraternity. I was out one night trying to impress the current president. Long story short I was driving drunk and caused a car accident near...

Gay Erotic Story

Matt, the Fainting Musclebottom, Part 6

by RobertFoley

After a quick shower and a change, Matt and I headed to Esteban and Rafaela’s house for the barbecue. As predicted, Dad was in charge of the meat, Mom was running around with salads and other nibbles, and Esteban was making sure everyone had drinks. Rafaela was sitting in the garden, sipping her wine. The garden furniture looked a bit old and rickety, but also had character. Esteban motioned...

Gay Erotic Story

Matt, the Fainting Musclebottom, Part 5

by RobertFoley

When I woke up, Matt was no longer in the bed. When I checked my phone, he had texted me ‘Meet me downstairs for a run?’. I got up and squeezed my morning wood into some red running shorts, put on a black tanktop and my running shoes and walked downstairs. Downstairs I found Matt standing in my parents’ kitchen, wearing his smoking hot black running tights that stopped at the knee and a...

Gay Erotic Story

Old man next door

by Holmever

I was supposed to be working in the yard next door to his house. I had taken a job cleaning up brush. I was being paid by the hour and being a typical boy I was constantly looking for a way to take the easy way. There was a house next door that appeared to be empty. Meaning that the owners were away. There was a shed in the back yard next door. I hopped the fence and sat down behind the...

Gay Erotic Story

Matt, the Fainting Musclebottom, Part 4

by RobertFoley

After a thorough shower, I walked into the room to see Matt slipping into khaki dress pants without underwear. “No jockstrap tonight?” “Nah, this one’s soaking wet and I can’t rush through my underwear like that on vacation! So I’m freeballing tonight.” I knew myself well enough that just the knowledge of Matt going commando during a formal dinner with my parents would drive me crazy with...

Gay Erotic Story

Matt, the Fainting Musclebottom, Part 3

by RobertFoley

“Have a nice flight, Mr Burne.” The woman at the airport check-in desk smiled ear to ear when she gave Matt his passport and airplane ticket. “You too, Mr Andrews”. More of a half-hearted smile for me. In the six months that Matt and I had been together, situations like this had occurred regularly. Especially women, but sometimes men flirt with Matt quite often. Knowing he is bisexual, I am...

Gay Erotic Story

Strange Adult Theater Fun-[GH-102]-part-1-of-1

by charles-smythe

Strange Adult Theater Fun Part-1-of-1 I was feeling kind of horny and didn’t wanting to jerk off so I decided to go to a place where I’d heard a guy could get sucked off with no problem. In fact there were a couple places in town that was rumored would accommodate a guy’s cock. One was a bookstore with private viewing booths and a couple of glory holes. The other was a small adult...

Gay Erotic Story

Unleashed a beast-(SW-35)-part-1-of-1

by charles-smythe

Unleashed a beast Part-1-of-1 My wife Barbara and I’d been fantasizing and talking about swinging for a good while and it would really get things hot while having sex and talking about it. I created a profile on a lifestyle site and started looking around. At first when Barbara found out that I’d done this she was taken back but when she started checking out the site she warmed up to the...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Fitnesstrainer (13) - Die Dachterrasse

by deXXter

Tom saß während des Fluges in einem anderen Teil des Flugzeugs und sie hatten sich nach der Ankunft noch kurz einen Blick zugeworfen, bevor sie sich im Terminal aus den Augen verloren. Es war ein wundervoller Sommertag auf Ibiza, als Max den Terminal mit seinem Mietwagen, einem kleinen BMW-Cabrio, verließ. Der Himmel strahlte himmelblau, keine einzige Wolke war zu sehen. Das geöffnete...

Gay Erotic Story

Matt, the Fainting Musclebottom, Part 2

by RobertFoley

A honking car woke me up. A small ray of sunlight came into the room through the gap in the curtains. I felt a weight on my chest that I wasn’t used to. Slowly I turned my head to my left and saw that Matt’s head was resting on my chest and his left arm was wrapped around my waist. It had been a long time since I had last woken up with someone in my bed and it was a really good feeling. It...

Gay Erotic Story

Matt, the Fainting Musclebottom, Part 1

by RobertFoley

A bit unnerved, I walked through the hallways of the school that employs my brother. It was the first time I ever set foot in the building since I had been a student there long ago. It was a lower school, and like for many young skinny gay boys, it wasn’t the greatest of times. Memories came rushing back and they weren’t good ones. Normally, I would meet my brother Jesse at the bowling...

Gay Erotic Story

Go Figure-[E-168]-part-1-of-1

by charles-smythe

Go Figure Part-1-of-1 Charles and my first swinging experience wasn’t at all what we expected. Of course, we really didn't know what to expect, but we were both excited and willing to go all the way with sharing intimacy. And I know I was excited about the prospect of getting laid by a relative stranger and my husband Charles was completely prepared to watch me have sex and orgasms with...

Gay Erotic Story

The Physical

by papercup69

I'm sitting in the reception area of the doctor's office, waiting for my 1 o'clock appointment with the doctor. It's my first general examination since being a child. I'm 20 and now that I'm living away from home for the first time and attending school, I figure I should be do everything I can to maintain my health and well-being, and since my school insurance covers general...

Gay Erotic Story

Rubber Hausboy 12

by racoon82

RHB 12 Der Abschluss Nach dem die Gruppe den Abend hat noch entspannt ausklingen lassen und einzelne immer mal wieder verschwunden sind, leert sich so langsam meine Wohnung. Zurückbleiben nur wir 3, da sich Jannis, Lukas und Louis ein Hotel genommen haben und auch die Zwillinge wieder unterwegs sind. Wir landen auf dem großen Sofa und genießen die Ruhe und das Kuscheln. Da Ferien...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Fitnesstrainer (9) - Eine harte Lektion

by deXXter

Am nächsten Tag war Max wieder an der Rennstrecke, um das 6h-Rennen zu erleben und natürlich auch um Patrick wieder zu sehen. Er bekam Zugang zum Fahrerlager und stellte seine Maschine zwischen den ganzen Fahrzeugen und Wohnwagen der Rennteams ab. Es war früh am Morgen und schon viel Betrieb an der Strecke. Patrick hatte ihm gestern gesagt, in welcher Box sein Team ihr Quartier aufschlagen würde...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Fitnesstrainer (8) - Auf der Rennstrecke

by deXXter

Kapitel 8 – Auf der Rennstrecke Endlich war wieder Samstag und Max wollte sich mal wieder einen Tag auf der Rennstrecke gönnen. Im Sommer fuhr er gelegentlich auf der nahegelegenen GP-Strecke seine Runden, um sich und seine Maschine ans Limit zu bringen und so zu fahren, wie es im normalen Straßenverkehr nicht empfehlenswert wäre. Dabei konnte er sich voll austoben und sich mit anderen...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Fitnesstrainer (7) - Dreierpack

by deXXter

Kapitel 7 – Dreierpack Vor einem der Waschbecken stand ein süßer Twink, nur mit einem hellblauen PUMP!-Jockstrap mit neongelben Zierelementen bekleidet und richtete seine Handykamera gerade in den Spiegel, um ein paar hübsche Bilder von seinem fast nackten Prachtkörper zu machen: Er hatte dunkle strubbelige Haare, war ca. 1,75 m groß, sein Sixpack, die Brustmuskeln, Oberarme und Schultern...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Fitnesstrainer (6) - Totale Entspannung

by deXXter

Kapitel 6 – Totale Entspannung Es war die Woche nach dem sexintensiven Wochenende mit Markus und Max versah wieder seinen Dienst im Fitnessclub. Der Montag verging recht ereignislos, von Markus bekam er abends noch ein paar verliebte Nachrichten via Messenger, doch der konnte ihn wegen seiner Eltern nicht besuchen und Max war zu müde, um bis tief in die Nacht Nachrichten zu schreiben....

Gay Erotic Story

Der Samenspender, Teil 47_neu

by steve19

Als ich hinter die Wand trat, spürte ich bereits meine voll Härte; mein Schwanz schwankte majestätisch hin und her, und als ich sah, wie Cem sein fettes Gerät durch das Glory Hole schob, tat ich es ihm nach: Es war ein eigenartiges Gefühl, zum einen weil das eng aus-geschnittene Loch meinen Schwanz fest umfasste, zum anderen spürte ich den Bolzen irgend-wie nicht mehr zu mir gehörend; das Ganze...

Gay Erotic Story

Nackte VotzenHure im Bunker

by ExhiMan

Inzwischen schon 48 Jahre und im echten Leben doch ganz seriös unterwegs, bin ich in der schwulen Szene immer wieder gern ein anderer: eine nackte Hure, die willig ihre Votze präsentiert. Zuletzt lies ich vor zwei Wochen in Dresden im Bunker mal wieder die Sau raus. Vorher war ich im 30km entfernten Neustadt/Sachsen in der Sauna, einem ganz netten Erholungsparadies, in dem man viel nacktes...

Gay Erotic Story

Die Melkmaschine

by happy_sb

Peter konnte nicht mehr. Seit über einer Stunde hing er schon an der Melkmaschine und wurde gnadenlos abgemolken. Wie konnte er nur in so eine Situation geraten? Vor einer Stunde saß er noch in seinem Lieblings Gay Kneipe in der City und flirtete mit einem geilen Boy. Doch Peter konnte ja nicht ahnen was der mit ihm vorhatte. Sie hatten sich zuerst ganz nett im Chat unterhalten und Peter fand...

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