Gay Erotic Stories

1,335 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Gay Erotic Stories

Gay Erotic Story

Wrong rest-stop?

by Alleykat69

I was still like an hour away from home after a party up north pool n hot tub with friends when I saw the sign Rest Stop ahead, having to pee and stretch out a bit I pulled in. It was almost midnight like only 6 cars in the lot. I parked in the back away from everybody so I could smoke a joint and stretch out my body. I was still in my swimsuit t-shirt got out looked around lit the...

Gay Erotic Story

First Boyfriend

by bonadude

First Date Joe and I were getting together at least twice a week at his place in the Hollywood hills. He lived on a private street in a quiet neighborhood just above Franklyn St. I had an open invitation and he was always up for fun.. I met Joe at a job i had at a studio. I had confided my queerness to him and he to me. We stayed in touch after I left, and he invited me on a...

Gay Erotic Story

Dachdecker mit Leidenschaft

by palover

Es ist Mittags an einem heißen, schwülen Sommertag. Ich stehe auf dem Dach und arbeite. Der Schweiß läuft in Bächen von meiner Stirn. Er läuft mir den Rücken herunter und durchnässt dabei mein ohnehin schon feuchtest, klebriges Muscle- Shirt. Er läuft an meiner Wirbelsäule in meine Arschritze. Ich bin 48 und für mein Alter recht Fit. Ich trage ein Kopftuch, wie man es von den Piraten...

Gay Erotic Story

My life with Bryce Harper

by warnnerboy815

***Author’s note: I do not know the sexual preference of any of the person written about in this story. Also, do not imply the sexual preference of any character’s written about in this story. Also, this story is completely pure fiction. I don’t know the real life story of the person this story is about. This story also includes men performing sexual acts so, if you are not...

Gay Erotic Story

Im Getränkemarkt

by sexandfun

Im Getränkemarkt Es war ein extrem heißer Sommertag. Ich fuhr mit Leergut zum nächsten Getränkemarkt. Normalerweise war die Tür zu.Wegen der Hitze war sie offen und der dort arbeitende Helfer stand vor de Tür.Er sah dass ich im Wagen viel Leergut hatte und kam um mir beim Ausladen zu helfen.Oh was ein bildhübscher junger Typ sehr schlank.Geiles T-Shioert was seine von vetten Venen übersäten...

Gay Erotic Story

Kisah Benar A to Z: pt02

by abgdaddy

Aku terpanggil untuk berkongsi kisah di sini setelah membaca kisah2 yang terdapat di dalam motn ini. Banyak juga yang menarik, tak kurang juga yang agak mendebarkan.. tu belum yang memancutkan lagi hahaaa.. Kita sambung part 02. ************************** "Terima Kasih abg, sebab sudi jumpa Arul" aku terima msg whatsapp dari Arul. Dia kata dia happy sgt dpt berjumpa dgn aku &...

Gay Erotic Story

Kisah Benar A to Z

by abgdaddy

First time aku hantar cerita selepas setahun lebih membaca cerita2 dlm ni. Kini aku terpanggil utk share kisah aku. Segala yg aku tulis ini adalah dari pengalaman aku sendiri. Pahit manis liku hidupku dari dulu di; KL hingga kini di sebuah pulau di Utara. Usiaku hampir menginjak ke status wargamas. Aku beristeri dan mempunyai 3 org anak yg dah dewasa. Sesungguhnya, tak terasa masa...

Gay Erotic Story

Tukang Cukur Langganan

by johan1234haris

Aku punya abang cukur langganan, namanya bang rifki. Tiap cukur pasti ke dia karena potongannya selalu bagus sesuai yang aku mau. Tapi selain itu faktor utama aku cukur sama dia adalah mukanya yang lumayan ganteng. Sebenernya ga ganteng- ganteng amat standar orang kampung lah, tapi mukanya agak cute dan postur badannya bagus, proporsional. Kalo ngegym pasti cepet jadi soalnya udah...

Gay Erotic Story

70s Jake 2: Sequel Part 9

by 70sman

"Fuck dude, what the hell was that?" Jake tells me. "I told you man your friend Paul pissed on me, and why the fuck are you asking me again?" I tell Jake. "Calm down man, I was just asking. Jake tells me. "You know what take me the fuck home, I don't need this shit!" I yell at Jake. "Baby, calm down it's okay. "I'm just concern that's all. Jake says to me. "Well, I'm pissed that you would...

Gay Erotic Story

70s Jake 2: Sequel Part 8

by 70sman

I walk up to Jake, and tell him, "Hey sexy let's go." "What's up? You wanna leave now? Jake tells me. "Yeah, I want to go. "I've had enough we've been here for hours, so let's head to your place." I say to Jake. "Okay, we can go. Jake smiles, and swallows the rest of his drink. "I got it sexy." as I lay the money on the bar. We both exit, and look to the side of the bar seeing Jake's ex...

Gay Erotic Story

Jim and I - Part 7

by bikiniteen

“Hey man, what are you up to?” the text from Jim read “Just working at home in my underwear, like normal” I quickly replied It had been a couple weeks since we were all sent home from work but luckily Jim and I were both able to still telework. I know I was taking full advantage of spending most of the work day in just a t-shirt and underwear but I don’t think Jim was as lucky...

Gay Erotic Story

Jim and I - Part 6

by bikiniteen

The rest of my weekend went by much like any other – pretty boring. Did some work around my house and got acquainted with the latest release on Netflix, but didn’t hear from Jim since I left his house. This wasn’t too surprising since I’m sure he wanted to spend time with his wife, but I know I thought about what we did several times that weekend and imagined being in his arms again...

Gay Erotic Story

70s Jake 2: Sequel Part 7

by 70sman

Jake, and I danced the night away, enjoying ourselves while an ex jealous lover watches. I sit at the bar looking at Jake's eyes his crystal blue eyes are mesmerizing me. Jake smiles at me, and says 'What's on your mind babe? "Nothing just seeing how lucky I am to find you." I tell Jake. "Yeah?" Jake says, "Me too," Jake takes his hand to my crotch rubbing it. "Cut it out man, you know...

Gay Erotic Story

The Grocery Store Worker Sure Filled MY Cart

by anonymous.a

This is a work of fiction. All persons are intended to be age 18 and above. Even horndogs need to visit the grocery store, and that’s how I met the shelf- stocker. At the ripe old age of 20 he was all man and I have the happy memories to prove it. I had been working in the yard all morning, doing those chores you put off during the week because you’re too worn out when you get home...

Gay Erotic Story

70s Jake The sequel Part 6

by 70sman

Jake, and I go to the bar enjoying the music, Jake looks at me, and says "You look so fine today bro, I'm loving it. "The suit is so cool." 'Thanks, Jake." I tell him. Then all of the sudden there's a tap on Jake's shoulder, "Jakey, can't call a guy anymore huh?" The voice belonged to a blonde haired, blue eyed handsome Nordic looking guy, he was dressed in his finest 70s gear, wearing...

Gay Erotic Story

The Unexpected Dare

by Might_love_cox

I do not normally sit down and write about my experiences, but reading everyone else's was making my cock hard, so I wanted to be part of that, and hopefully make some guy’s cock hard reading about my experiences. I have a lot of them that I will be writing about in the future, but I figured I would start off with the beginning, which is not as detailed and graphic as the...

Gay Erotic Story

70s Jake The Sequel Part 5

by 70sman

I head downstairs as the loud echoes of my platform shoes on the hardwood floors, getting me so aroused. The loud clicks on going down the wooden stairs, woke Pops up, he looked at me, and said "Boy, where do you think you going dressed like that?" I tell Pops out on the town. "You look like you're in the wrong decade, and you look queer." "Oh man, Pops , get off my balls, I look good!"...

Gay Erotic Story

70s Jake The Sequel Part 4

by 70sman

Jake, asks me " I really meant what I said about falling hard for you. Jake walks over to me staring at me with those crystal ocean blue eyes, I smirk and start to walk away, "I mean it." Jake grabs my arm, and we both kiss. "Okay dude, I got you, I'm feeling the same as well." "Look , I got to get home, and cook for Pops." I tell him. "Okay, sexy. Jake tells me. Jake, and I get in his...

Gay Erotic Story

Dominate Houston Daddy

by tony cook

I was preparing a business trip to the Houston area and decided to post on silverdaddies travelers section and see if I could meet someone while in town. I got a few emails but one man really turned me on his screen name was Dominate daddy in houston. I had just turned 30 and he was 62 years old 6'2 and 240 he only posted a picture of his cock in his profile, but its looked huge and mouth...

Gay Erotic Story

70s Jake The Sequel Part 3

by 70sman

I smile at Jake, and unzip his tight denim bellbottom pants. Jake looks at me with those ocean blue eyes, smiling with those dimples. I pull out Jake's massive cock, and I go down and taste every inch of his rigid cock, bobbing slowly to a sexy rhythm, caressing his massive balls with my fingers, I can hear Jake moan, whispering "Oh fuck yeah, that's it, taste it baby, mmmm, yeah."...

Gay Erotic Story

70s Jake The Sequel Part 2

by 70sman

We pull up to the theatre, and Jake hops out, his platforms click on the pavement, he comes around, and opens the door for me, I get out, and as we're walking up to the door, the hard thumps of his feet gets me so hard , and me looking at his tight clothing, gets me rigid. We walk into the theatre, it's pack, all eyes are on me, and Jake. "Two adults please." Jake says with his masculine...

Gay Erotic Story

Nacktputzdates 4

by vorfuehrbar

Die Geschichte ist nicht für Leser unter 18 Jahren geeignet. Die Geschichte ist vollständig frei erfunden, in allen Darstellungen und Praktiken handeln nur volljährige Charaktere. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Einmal im Sommer hatte ich einen freien Tag mitten in der Woche und nach dem Mittagessen kam nach sehr warmem Wetter ein...

Gay Erotic Story

Nacktputzdates 3

by vorfuehrbar

Die Geschichte ist nicht für Leser unter 18 Jahren geeignet. Die Geschichte ist vollständig frei erfunden, in allen Darstellungen und Praktiken handeln nur volljährige Charaktere. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Es war in der dunklen Jahreszeit. Berlin. Ein 24jähriger Typ, ich nenne ihn Simon, blond, nicht schlecht trainert, hatte...

Gay Erotic Story

Durst II

by palover

Wieder einmal ziehe ich durch die schneebedeckten nächtlichen Straßen. Wie an so vielen Wochenenden zuvor suche ich jemanden, bei dem ich meine Gier stillen kann. Es ist wieder einmal bitterkalt und trotz meiner Bomberjacke fange ich leicht an zu frösteln. Es könnte an meiner knall engen Lederhose und der nicht vorhandenen Unterhose liegen. So sehr ich Jocks und Lycra liebe, ab und an ist das...

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