Gay Erotic Stories

Body Czech

by Jaycruz
01 Jul 2003

Athletics Interracial Tales From School

It's not easy for Rick Alvarez, being the only Latino at a prestigious New England prep school. Every day is a challenge to rein in his attitude and not to let the haughtiness of the white snobs get him down. Then, after a long day of restraining himself, Rick lets it all out at hockey practice. That's right. His last name is Alvarez, and he plays ice hockey. Not what people expect, but, shit, it's cold and boring up there. He has to do something!

The school's team is one of the best in the nation. It's been like that for years. That's why kids come from all over the country to go to school there. From all over the world, even. Like Elon. He's a scholarship student. The academy is paying to have him come all the way from the Czech Republic just to play on the school's hockey team! He's a senior, like Rick, but he's actually nineteen. He's there mainly to give the school some more prestige. And he really is a great hockey player. Unfortunately, he knows it. He's a cocky son of a bitch!

Rick had always thought that Europeans were more liberal and tolerant than Americans. After he met Elon, Rick found out how wrong he was! Most of the guys on the team are cool with Rick, even though his skin is darker than the ice. Not Elon. From the first day of practice, he has been antagonistic, stealing the puck from Rick whenever he can and checking the Latino into the boards with bone shaking force every chance he gets. Rick knows not to complain. With assholes like Elon, that's just adding fuel to the fire.

Rick gets back at him by playing better. In the first game of the season, Rick purposefully did not pass Elon the puck. Rick scored the only goal of the game. The Czech prodigy was not happy.

"Hey, Alvarez!" Elon called to Rick after the game. They were in a secluded corner of the locker room. Rick didn't like the hostile edge in Elon's voice, which was apparent even through his lilting accent. As Elon approached, Rick puffed out his bare chest, hoping to intimidate. Rick ignored him.

Without noticing, Elon spoke. "Why did you not pass to me? I was wide open." His ice- gray eyes and high cheekbones made him look mean and hard-edged.

Rick shrugged coolly. It wasn't a big deal, really--unless you had a huge ego like Elon's! Rick said, "It all worked out in the end."

"Yes, I guess you're right. Oh, well. Some of the guys warned me about you. I guess they were correct."

Unconsciously Rick flexed his biceps. "What do you mean?"

Now it was Elon's turn to shrug. His wide, square shoulders rolled. The towel around his waist didn't move. He even looked away from Rick. Rick noticed the boy had slightly large ears--his only physical flaw!

Elon said, "They said you were, how do you say, the pig of the puck."

"A puck hog? Shit." Rick wasn't sure the boy was lying or not. Rick swallowed his anger, but he wanted this arrogant Czech kid to know he wasn't going to take any of his crap. Rick poked him in the shoulder and said, "I don't care who scores, scholarship boy, as long as the team wins."

End of discussion.

When Rick jerked off that night--which he normally does, as soon as his nerdy roommate falls asleep--Elon popped into his fantasy. Rick didn't realize it until he had already cum and was licking the sweet syrup off his fingers. He had been living a little fantasy featuring a well known Latina pop star/actress when the face on the poster had suddenly changed. It was Elon's high-cheeked, sensuous good looks, and as Rick pumped his body the Czech winced in pain. When Rick thought of Elon's perfect white body in anguish, he shot his load farther than usual, even hitting himself in the eye! He had never thought about guys before. What did this mean?

After that first game, Elon was even worse to Rick during practice. First, he checked the Hispanic stud into the boards so hard Rick's helmet flew off. Next, Rick raced with him, about to score, when Elon slammed his stick into Rick's knee. Rick screamed in pain and fell to the ice. As he slid to a stop on his ass, Elon smiled. That was the last straw. The next time Rick saw Elon with the puck, he raced across the ice to catch up with him. At full tilt, Rick dove with his head into Elon's midsection. They crunched against the boards. Elon said something in his native language. They fell to the ice. That's when Elon tried to punch Rick.

Coach sent them both to the showers, allowing an assistant coach the honor of babysitting the two teen jocks (after chewing them out, of course). They showered silently, glaring at each other, not minding the normal shower etiquette of ignoring each other's naked bodies. As Rick watched the suds slide down the blond's muscled back and tiny, bubble butt, he grew to hate him more--for his beauty!

Mysteriously, Rick had half a hard-on as he walked back to his locker. He began to think about jerking off as soon as he got back to his dorm room. Then his previous fantasy popped into his mind. The idea of bending the Czech over the bench in the weight room and screwing his asshole pushed the front of Rick's towel outward. He was adjusting himself, holding his hardness down, when Elon strolled over.

Elon's towel hung low on his incredibly narrow hips. Rick's eyes quickly shot upward, over the smooth, pale piles of his wide chest, until he found the sneering lips. Rick leaned away from him, although he felt safe with the assistant coach watching from the other side of the locker room.

Elon clapped his opponent on the shoulder, like they were old buddies. Luckily, Rick's disgust tempered his erection. A little bit. Elon said, "I have been thinking about what you said before. About how it's best to think of the team first."

"Yeah?" Rick said. "You're a real team player."

"You are such a--how do you say?--anus?"


"Yes, that is it. You are asshole, Alvarez. But"--he held up his palm to stop Rick from responding--"you are right. The team's well-being is what matters."

"So, you're quitting?"

Elon gave him a look Rick probably deserved for that one. The Czech's long, full lips twisted. "What I mean to say is that our fighting does not do anyone any good."

Rick stroked his firm chest. All that work to tone up his pecs--and his nipples remained soft and fleshy! He hated it. Rick said, "What do you suggest, amigo?"

Elon said they should settle once and for all who was the better player. He took his hand off Rick's shoulder and settled back into a position of arrogant contentment. Unsure, Rick said, "Sure. Whatever."

"Good. I am glad you are so wise. The next game, then."

Elon started to walk away. Rick was amazed at how broad his foreign teammate's shoulders were, compared to his narrow hips. Elon's back was an inverted triangle. Rick stopped him. "What about the next game?"

As the blond looked down, Rick realized Elon was about two inches taller than his own six-foot frame. Rick didn't let it intimidate him. Elon said, "Whoever gets more points--goals and assists--will be the better player."

"Sounds like a bet. But what happens to the loser?"

He had no ready answer for that, the first time he had been silent the whole afternoon. He said, "I suppose he drops his attitude for the rest of the season."

"Easier said than done. You know how arrogant people are. They need to be SHOWN the error of their ways."


Now it was Rick's turn to sneer. "The loser will be the winner's slave for the rest of the evening. That should teach him some respect." The next game was scheduled for tomorrow at four in the afternoon.

Elon's gray eyes smoldered, but he said, "I agree."

"That means you--I mean, ‘the loser'--must do anything the winner wants. Understand?"

He stood up even straighter. "I hope you realize what you're getting into. I am a very-- how do you say, ‘horny'?--young man."

That statement was a tad surprising, but Rick couldn't admit he hadn't thought it also. Rick never figured for a second that Elon was a better player. He had thought about the degrading ways of using Elon's body to please himself. Rick nodded to Elon. "If that's how you want it, chico. I hope you like spicy, Latin food, ‘cause I've got a big burrito for you." He grabbed his half-hard dick through the towel. The longness and thickness were apparent as he waved it in Elon's direction.

He gave Rick a disparaging sneer. "Don't flatter yourself." With that Elon walked off. He made sure to peel away his towel before he turned a corner. Rick got the briefest glimpse of dimpled, white ass.

Later, Rick jerked off to that image. He tried to think about the hot young librarian on campus, but all he could think about was the next game and teaching the arrogant Czech a lesson with his big, Latin prick. As he imagined wrenching Elon's long, pale legs open and ramming his fuck stick painfully into him, Rick screamed so loud as he came that he almost woke up his roommate.

The next day, Elon didn't seem nervous at all. He was as cocky and confident as Rick was. The Czech phenomenon was impressive, skating around the ice like a tornado, and with the power of a bull on an adrenaline high. Rick pushed his bigger muscles to the max in an effort to top Elon. But it wasn't muscles that decided the bet. After all, both were 18-19 years old and gorgeously fit. No, what made the difference was the brain.

Elon was so intent on out skating Rick that he forgot to outthink him. Elon made a few mental lapses when he had the puck. And he had the puck a lot. Rick nearly had to check his own teammate to get control of it! But, Rick kept his head on straight. He wound up passing the puck to two guys who scored. Rick ended the day with two assists and no goals. Elon scored once, but he had no assists.

Rick won the bet, 2-1.

In the locker room afterward, Rick finally caught the Czech's eye. Elon had a bruise on his left cheek, and his lip was swollen but not bloody. He glared at Rick, angry, and then looked away, ashamed. Rick didn't gloat.

Rick's dick wouldn't stay down all throughout his shower.

On their way out, Rick caught up to him. The taller blond wouldn't look him in the eye. All Rick said was, "Berkshire Motel. Room 115. Be there at nine."

Elon nodded mutely.

"Wear a jockstrap."

It took all of Rick's self-control not to masturbate for the next hour or so. Rick waited in the motel room for about twenty minutes. The heat was turned way up, the room was steamy, and the bronze-skinned Latino had his shirt off. All he wore was a pair of shorts; actually sweat pants he had cut off at mid-thigh. His heavy cock hung free inside the loose shorts. Rick could feel his pores opening, getting his skin nice and sticky. He tugged on his nipples. Soon they were hard. He pumped his biceps. The veins in his arms and chest stood out like a road map. Not that Rick felt he was all that muscular, but he did work out every day. He was slim, but hard-bodied.

Rick was completely unsure of what he would do. Sure, he was eighteen and incredibly horny, but Elon was a guy! Rick reminded himself that it was Elon who had turned the bet into something sexual. And any guy in Rick's position would take a free blowjob--no matter who was giving it!

Rick was actually surprised Elon showed up.

He let the blond boy wait for a minute before opening the door. He found the gray-eyed Czech with his shoulders slumped and his hands folded in front of his crotch. He said, "Well, I am here. Let's get this over with."

"Whoa! Wait a minute." Rick put his hand up to stop Elon from entering the room. "I said to wear a jockstrap."

"I am wearing one, you stupid American."

Rick slapped him on his high-cheeked face. "I won't have that sort of disrespect, blondie. I never said anything about wearing anything else. Now strip."

He looked as if his grasp of English was not so good. "It is cold out here, Alvarez."

"I said to strip, slave."

Reluctantly, Elon began removing his clothes. There was little light, and no one was moving around at the cheap motel, yet Elon looked shy and vulnerable as he stripped his shirt over his head. His nipples stood out hard in the cold night air, beginning to point downwards, right at the very bottom of his pecs. His shoulders were square and wide; slim in width but without any fat to hide the shape of his deltoids. His pecs spread from his shoulders to his eight- pack stomach like two steel plates shoved under tightly stretched skin. His waist was nearly half as wide as his broad shoulders. His European skin glowed eerily white in the pale light.

Poor Elon looked totally dejected as he disrobed. Rick allowed him to throw his clothes inside the door. Then he ordered him to drop his drawers too. Elon rolled his eyes and unhooked his pants. They slid easily down his slender legs. Rick was pleased to see Elon had worn the smallest, tightest jock he could find. Elon's three- inch penis and tennis ball-sized sac were pressed against the fabric. Rick noticed he was uncut, unlike himself.

To make Elon feel worse, Rick said, "I can see how cold it is." He motioned toward Elon's dick. The blond's face grew red. Rick almost felt bad. The Czech stud's dick wasn't that bad. In fact, Rick found himself staring at it far longer than a "straight" hockey player should.

When Elon was stripped down to his tight, white jockstrap, Rick made him turn around. The small butt looked even firmer outlined by the straps. Rick whistled in mock appreciation. Elon kept his hands folded in front of his shivering genitalia. Rick let him stand there for a good two minutes, scanning him up and down the whole time. He knew Elon was smoldering with resentment.

Finally Rick grabbed the jockstrap and pulled Elon into the room by it. The blond teen slumped in the center of the small room, near the foot of the bed. "What do you want me to do?"

"First, shut the fuck up!" Rick yelled. Elon snapped his head up in surprise.

Rick came right up into his face. He spat, "I didn't like you the moment I saw you, with your European arrogance and your model good looks. I proved this afternoon that I'm better than you. And after tonight, you're never going to forget who's the master of who."

Elon said meekly, "Yes, Master."

That was unexpected. Rick laughed. "That's right, pretty boy. That's respect with a capital R."

"I never meant to treat you like that."

"Shut up already!" Rick perched on the edge of the bed. Elon stood three feet away, his veiny hands in front of his white jock. Elon was tired from the game. Rick knew, so, with an evil grin, he put the beautiful blond boy through a grueling set of calisthenics. First, some jumping jacks, to get the blood flowing into his groin. Elon's long, lean body stretched, and his too-small jockstrap flopped about.

Next Rick ordered him to do push-ups. Rick counted off, not telling how many he would have to do. The Czech's physical prowess was impressive. Rick watched the bunched back muscles easily get to 60 before his arms started shaking. Rick pushed further, loving the animal sound of Elon grunting as he struggled to push his 6-foot-2 frame off the ground. As he quivered through the seventieth push-up, Rick stood and put his foot on Elon's back, adding more pressure. Rick said, "Would you like to do some more, slave?"

"Yes, Master," Elon grunted. His blond hair and broad back were drenched in sweat now.

"Good." Rick counted off as the blond slowly continued. As Elon's elbows locked, Rick slapped his bare butt hard. He began counting off each push-up with a loud smack to the unbelievably hard ass.

Elon withstood the torture. He worked his way, sweating and panting, all the way to one hundred. Rick tweaked his ass, told him what a good slave he was, pinched that gorgeous boy butt once more, and sat back down. Then Rick told him to stand. Elon stood, looking up at the ceiling. Sweat dribbled from his chin, down the taut cleavage between his well-formed pecs. Rick noticed for the first time that Elon's legs were shaved. Of course, he thought, it all fit in with how arrogant Elon was.

The Czech's ridged stomach heaved as he struggled to breathe. Rick grinned. "Squat thrusts," he said. Elon groaned and rolled his eyes, but he immediately complied. As he brought his body up and down, stretching his legs out, Rick found himself watching the way the pouch of the jockstrap lurched, then bunched back up against firm, young body. The pouch was really stretched. Despite his exhaustion, the cocky athlete was getting aroused “Slave, stop!" Elon paused, his legs stretched out behind him, supporting himself on his shaking arms. Below him, his jock swayed, engorged as he was. He was about to collapse with exhaustion, but Rick made him stay like that for almost a minute.

"Crawl over to me, Elon," Rick said. He spread his legs, as the blond stud inched his way to bedside. Elon's round butt swelled where his slender back ended. Elon knelt between Rick's legs, his smooth chest coated with sweat, his mouth open and panting. Rick told him he was a sorry sack of crap as he adjusted his shorts. The ice-colored eyes fixed on Rick's smoldering ones. Elon waited for his orders. For such a cocky bastard, Elon sure had taken to his role as slave with gusto.

Without warning, Rick yanked Elon's face into his crotch. Elon gasped for air for a couple of seconds before settling firmly against Rick's meaty thigh. The blond's open mouth breathed hot air onto Rick's expanding dick.

Elon stared at the outline of Rick's prick. Rick said, "Do it, Elon."

The Czech let his tongue find Rick's cock. He sucked through the sweats, pulling Rick right into his warm mouth. Rick gasped, surprised he had a boy sucking him, and surprised that it felt so damn good! Elon sucked hard, a little too hard. Rick boxed his ear and told him to treat him with the respect he had won.

Elon's lips enthusiastically tugged Rick into his mouth. He tugged at Rick's shorts. "No," the heated Latino said. "You haven't earned it yet." Elon's hand dropped back down. He squeezed at his too-small jockstrap.

Rick felt the front of his shorts get completely soaked. His dick grew and grew, finally standing fully upright at nine pulsating inches. Rick allowed Elon to bare his cock. He yanked down the waistband and stared at the dripping end of Rick's sausage. The young Czech muttered something in his native tongue, which Rick took to be awe. Rick's penis is several shades darker than his swarthy complexion. It is almost black. Elon had every reason to be impressed at the thick nine-incher. No one in his home country had a dick like this one!

Elon tucked the waistband behind Rick's smooth, bulging nutsac. As the slave opened his puffy lips to swallow Rick again, Rick whacked Elon in the face with his boner. The fleshy sound was louder than he had hoped, and Elon winced when the greasy burrito struck him. Rick laughed. "Too much for you, blondie?" he sneered. Rick whacked him again.

After a few more meaty slaps, Elon looked up and said, "May I please suck your beautiful cock, Master?"

"You've done this before?"

"Yes, Rick." He sounded almost ashamed. "But never one so big."

"Good, cocksucker." Rick held his root out to the waiting mouth. Lips stretched to get around the cut tip, which was the purplish color and bulb-like shape of a plum. As Elon's lips slid over it, Rick couldn't help but groan.

Elon slurped noisily. It was obvious he had done this before. His teeth never scraped, he sucked in his cheeks, and he took Rick down to the pubes right away. Elon began bobbing, letting Rick's prong almost completely leave his mouth before slowly sliding back down on the thick pole. The sweating Latino leaned back and relaxed with his palms on the bedsheets. He figured, what the fuck. Let the hungry little cocksucker go at it. Elon obviously enjoyed it. Rick could see how hard Elon's dick was, bent as it was in the tight jock.

The noise of Elon chowing down filled the small room, from the curtains (drawn tight) to the slats of the cheap-looking closet doors. Elon moaned with pleasure as he worked Rick into virgin areas of his throat. This was turning out to be way better than Rick's jerk-off fantasies of the last few days!

Elon tugged at Rick's shorts. But Rick was sitting on them, and the horny slave couldn't get them off. He rode the whole penis, sweeping up and down with his hungry mouth. His hands started roaming Rick's body, all the way up to his perked-up nipples. Rick thrust the slave's hands off his body. He ordered Elon to get up on the bed. Elon lay down on the pillows, his long, muscled legs splayed out toward Rick. The full pouch of his jockstrap pressed upward. His slim, uncut dick and tightly drawn balls were obscenely outlined in the white cotton.

Rick was sufficiently boned up, but patient. It was time for Elon to humiliate himself further. Rick said, "Finger your asshole slave."

He didn't hesitate. His slender fingers shot down to his groin and tugged his pouch out of the way. Elon's hands spread his solid cheeks to give Rick a great view of his hairless anus. Rick had never seen another guy's asshole before. He wondered if they were all so pink and soft looking, so tiny and tightly puckered. And yet, Elon's index finger had no problem sliding right into the compacted hole. Both boys groaned as Elon eased his knuckle in and out, slowly easing the rosebud to bloom. He grunted as he tried to get two knuckles in. The hole was so tightly constricted, so very tiny, he had to be having trouble. As he lay there bathed in sweat, prying his own asshole open, Rick said, "How does it feel, slave?"

Elon said, "Unh. Oh, God. It burns a little."

"Good," Rick said. "Just like your harsh words burned me in practice. You deserve to be in pain."

Elon writhed. "Yes, Master. I want to be hurt."

Rick thought he had misspoken, maybe having a problem with English. He let it go. Elon's legs jumped as he fingered himself. With a grunt, Elon got both his index fingers in. Rick sat and watched, stroking his aching cock. He was surprised how horny he was watching another dude fuck himself. Elon's blond beauty was intoxicating.

Elon's entire body rocked as he got into it. He emitted high-pitched squeals as he shoved four fingertips through his tiny asshole, then groaned low and long as he slowly withdrew them. He kept repeating this, jamming himself hard. Rick asked if it hurt as much as it looked like it did. Elon's response was, "Shit! Fucking hell."

Rick gripped his own shaft, still jutting out of his pants. "Your girlish hands are nothing compared to my fat, Latino sausage. So you better get good and ready, chica." Rick's cock leaked pre-cum just thinking about fucking that pink pucker.

Elon stammered, "Master wants penetrate me?"

"Fuck, yeah, shithead. What'd you think?"

"Rick," he said, sounding scared. "I have never done that before."

The darker-skinned boy told his slave that he found that hard to believe. "You're so damned pretty, Elon, your whole fucking village probably used you as a cum bucket."

"No, I only sucked some of my friends, my uncle. I never, no, no--"

"Shut the hell up!" Rick swung his legs up onto the bed. He threatened him by wagging his enormous fuckstick over Elon's jockstrap. Elon stared up at his master as he continued to ram his fingers into his pucker. His gray eyes were wet.

"But first," Rick said, "you're gonna cum."

Elon chewed on his lip as his left hand groped his asshole. With his right, he pulled his jock aside and exposed his rigid shaft. His dick was as slim as a garden hose, and it looked just as flexible as it sprung onto his flat stomach. Twin, thin veins ran down either side, all the way to the torpedo-like head. His foreskin stretched back as far as it could go. He had about five inches.

Rick had never seen an uncut cock before. He restrained myself from reaching down and touching it. He felt up Elon's thighs as the Czech took his pulsing member in his fist and began slowly jerking with soft, circular motions around his exposed cockhead.

"Yeah, baby," Rick said. "Put on a good show."

Elon moaned like a baby as he jacked. Their eyes remained locked on each other's. Against his groin, Rick felt Elon's fingers fucking his hole. Rick rubbed the hairless legs all the way down to the taut ass as Elon jerked and stretched his butthole. He moaned louder. "Unh, unh!" Rick told him to keep it up; he was such a horny little slut. Elon closed his eyes and smiled. His broad shoulders squirmed against the pillows.

"Cum into your jockstrap," Rick ordered. The slave didn't question. Elon kept his eyes closed and eased his slender dick back into the pouch. It was so tight he barely had room to get his fist in there to pump.

Rick put his hand over Elon's, with only sweaty cotton between them. Elon jerked smoothly and quickly. His other hand ravaged his asshole, practically digging in in an effort to find the sweet spot. Rick wasn't going to help him. He loved watching his slave. He hoped Elon would last all night.

Sweating and moaning, Elon's muscles writhed in ecstatic torture as he waited for his body to climax. Rick tugged on his balls as he fisted. Rick's other hand held Elon's tired leg high up in the air, keeping his tight asshole free for me to view, and for Elon to impale.

When Rick felt the blond's nuts rise, he watched Elon raise his lower back off the bed. The once-cocky Czech gave three girlish squeals as his rapidly jerking hand flew. He leaned his head back and shrieked as the jockstrap suddenly showed wetness. Elon's whole body shook as he came. Rick kept his body pressed close to the boy's butt, making sure those fingers remained far up his poop chute.

Elon screamed and quivered for about thirty seconds. The whole front of his jock was soaked with thick fluid. His sweaty body remained tense, his hand up his butt. He looked up at Rick and waited. The outline of his slender cock was easily visible in the soggy jockstrap.

The blond hockey player panted with exhaustion. "Nice job, slave," Rick said. Rick ground my loose shorts against his ass. "Now it's time for you to show me the most respect a boy can show to a man."

"Are you really going to--?"

Rick fell on top of him. The blond's legs splayed out, wrapping around Rick's waist. Rick kept his stomach off the sticky jock. He breathed into Elon's face. "After I fuck your creamy white ass, Elon, you'll never fuck with me again."

"Yes, Rick," he said meekly.

Rick sat up, smiling. He pushed the well-honed legs far apart. Elon winced. The Czech slid his fingers out of his pried-open hole. Rick held out his ankles and ordered him to hold them. Elon did, pulling his feet almost all the way down to his shoulders. His pink hole winked out from the shadows between their young bodies, looking as small and constricted as it had before he'd fingered himself.

Positioned between the lean, splayed legs, Rick ripped off his sweat shorts. His massive cock stood straight up. His sweating nutsac hung down four inches, swaying because it was so heavy with male juices waiting to come out. Elon licked his lips as he scanned his master's naked, brown body.

"Are you ready, slave?"

"I don't think so, you cocky son of a bitch."

Without thinking, Rick jammed a fist into his slave's balls. Elon's doubled-over body tensed, but he gritted his teeth and didn't flinch at the pain. "You will be fuckin' silent, slave!" Rick shouted. "You will take my cock like the slutty cuntboy you are!"

Elon said, "Fuck you."

"That's it, you piece of Czech garbage. Time for some Grade A American beef."

Rick gripped his cock in one hand, barely getting his fingers all the way around its girth. He pressed down on Elon's ridged abs, pinning him. Rick lined up his dripping cockhead and shoved his hips forward. He watched the cocky blond's face as the flared end of his missile burst into his puckered hole.

"Oh, God! Master, I beg you! Oh, fuck! I can't. I...I...Oh, please, let me go! Don't--"

Rick yelled at him to shut up as the master leaned over the slave and pushed with his pelvis. The whole fat, wet dickhead rammed into Elon's butt. He screamed and whimpered and begged Rick to stop fucking his virgin ass.

Rick couldn't. The blond stud was too hot, too tight, too delicious to even imagine. Elon clutched his ankles, near his big ears, obediently. Rick's dick dug its way into the incredibly narrow passage. "Damn," Rick said. "Gonna fuck your tight pussy, girl."

Elon whispered, "Yes, Master." Rick ignored the tears in his eyes and shoved down hard, getting half of his nine inches rammed into Elon's mancunt. Elon struggled and fought. Rick told him to stop fighting it. Elon looked up, his wide, icy eyes pleading for mercy, his open mouth quivering with unspoken words. Rick smiled warmly and said, "I'm not going to hurt you, Elon. I just want to screw your tight ass."

"Please, go slowly."

"Baby," Rick said, "we're just two guys sharing each other's bodies. No more slave- master shit."

"Really?" His body shifted slightly, his asshole clenching even more tightly.

"Yeah. Shit, just let me fuck you, dude. I've never felt anything like this."

"Okay, Rick," he said. "How do you say, fuck me with your big dick?"

Rick smiled and nodded. That's what we say, all right. Rick held himself up on his toes. His chest hung over Elon's face. Rick's hands pressed into the pillows. Elon's spine curved upward from the bed, his legs perpendicular to his body, wide open as Rick's bone sank into his canal. Elon whimpered again, but this sound ended with a little moan.

With balls resting against firm buttocks, Rick looked his fuck toy in the eyes. Elon smiled, his full lips pulling back from amazingly white teeth. Rick ground his crotch into the boy. That tiny fuckhole had easily taken Rick's thick nine inches. Rick began softly banging ass. The cheap motel bed creaked with his rhythm. Elon lay still, letting his tunnel open to the slowly fucking piston. He rubbed Rick's shoulders and tweaked the sensitive nipples as the fat dick re-embedded itself in his hot hole.

Elon whispered in Czech as his ass got pounded. Rick kept saying, "Shit, chico, shit." Elon's roaming hands were magic. The blond's chute tensed and squeezed the Latin's pole.

Rick grabbed the back of the bed and held himself up. He was fully stretched out on the bed, with a blond hockey stud nearly broken in half beneath him. "Take my cock, you slut," Rick moaned as gravity tugged his tamale deep into the upturned bowels.

On tiptoes, Rick's legs strained to pound ass as hard as they could. Hard flesh smacked teen rump with cannon-like reports. Elon's smooth body flew around like a rag doll. Only his flexing cunt hole could handle the piston-like ass-reaming.

"Jesus, Elon. You were made for this."

"Fill me up, you American stud."

Those nine inched DID fill him. It seemed as if his bubbly ass swelled with every downward push of Rick's fuckstick. The bed rocked with their rolling. Both grunted. Rick's velvet baton beat his ass mercilessly. Rick clutched the boy's ankles and shoved all his weight down on them, beside Elon's ears. The Czech cried in pain as his body nearly cracked in two. Rick pile-drived into the tight hole. Smack, smack, smack! He slammed into the hot boyhole.

Elon's once-proud body turned to jelly under the pounding. His limp arms jumped about on the bedspread. Rick took huge strokes into his pipe. Rick's well-muscled thighs did the work of screwing the Czech twink. Faster and faster, louder and louder, he struck Elon's body. Thick cock fucked tight hole.

Elon came again into his jock as Rick felt his own balls rising. The blond stud squealed like a little boy. As his dick pumped, his rectum seized Rick's throbbing dong, his asshole trapped Rick inside the steamy canal. Rick cried, "Fuck, Elon! I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna-- gonna--Shit!"

Rick tore his dick out of the clenching asshole. Elon screamed in sudden pain. Immediately Rick's swollen tube exploded. A shower of cum flew onto Elon's smooth chest and face. He winced as the hot stuff slammed onto him. Rick's dick pulsed and spit, resting on the wet jockstrap and Elon's spent young cock. Rick came and came in a flood, his whole body wracked with a pleasure never before experienced. Rick squashed the boytoy beneath him as his balls emptied onto the hockey-playing stud. Rick nearly passed out.

When Rick was done, there was a viscous stream of boyjuice from Elon's navel all the way to his neck. The 19-year-old reeked of spunk. Rick eased the boy's aching legs down to the bed. He lay between them. Rick leaned down and kissed Elon. He tasted a big drop of his own cum on the puffy lip. They shared its flavor as their tongues merged.

Rick whispered, "Okay, buddy. You're off the hook."

Elon remained breathless. "How do you say? Unbelievable."

"Yeah, it fuckin' was." Rick rolled off him. "I guess you can go if you want to."

"Do I have to?"

Reluctantly, the panting Latino said, "Yeah. Go back to campus. Do your homework."

He stood from the bed. Semen dripped down his gorgeous body. "I do not think I will be able to concentrate. I can still feel you inside me."

"Yeah, remember that feeling the next time you disrespect me, you little punk."

He smiled mischievously as he bent to pick up his pants.

"One thing, though," Rick said. "Leave the jock."

Elon gave him a funny look but complied easily. His pubic hairs were sticky with jizz. His skinny dick was slick and shiny. Strands of cum stretched from the jock to his body as he pulled it down.

Rick took it from him. Elon slipped his pants on over his sticky crotch. He looked uncomfortable. He left without looking back or saying a word.

When the door shut, Rick stood. His muscles ached from this intense workout. He held the cum-heavy jock by the strap and waited.

The door to the closet opened. Out walked Ron, Rick's agent. Naked, his hairy chest and stomach were covered with spunk. He grinned widely and said, "Good show, kid. Thanks a lot."

"No problem," Rick said. Ron took the jockstrap and held it to his face. He inhaled deeply. Rick watched his agent's cock respond.

The teen said, "I can see you want to be alone. " Ron nodded enthusiastically. The agent had just watched Rick fuck the beautiful Czech athlete, and now the used jockstrap would be fodder for another solo session. For a guy in his early thirties, he sure was horny, Rick thought.

Though Rick had torn his shorts, he had worn other clothes. He quickly slipped on a pair of track pants and slid his sneakers on. He grabbed his shirt and said adios to his horny, voyeuristic agent. Ron thanked Rick again as the door shut.


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