Gay Erotic Stories

The Linemen

by JamesBJones
07 Mar 2003

Tales From The Workplace

The Linemen

By James Buchanan Jones

Guy Ferguson was one fine piece of work for a man. Not really what you would call "hunky" or outwardly muscular, just a really nice bit of work for a man. I noticed him right off at the union hall were I came on a "travelers card" as a Journeyman Lineman. We were to work on power lines to and from the substations that dotted the land in a southwest part of Montana. It was in the "line-truck", huddled together as it was a bit cold in the morning hours, we were going to the job-site that I had my first good view of him. He had light brown hair kept under his baseball cap. A good but usual well and healthy looking well proportioned body under the Carheart jacket to keep his body warm. Sitting in that dim light in the rear of the truck, I ‘undressed him with my eyes'.

At lunch on that first day, he came over and sat next to me sitting on a toolbox. He pulled another box just across from me, sat and opened his lunch box. "Saw you at the hall yesterday," He began. "Saint Louis, Missouri eh?" I could not answer as I had my mouth full and just nodded in reply. Finely managed a "Yep!" and took a drink of a lukewarm Coke. "Local One - apprenticed under my father."

"Man!" Guy said. "That was tough, I bet." smiling as he took a bite of his sandwich. "I know that it would be on me." I could see now what a fine sunbathed body he had as he removed his shirt to cool off for a bit before lunch was over. Or was he doing that just for me? There was "something" in his glance that signaled me about something - but I did not really catch on. Not at all the chest hair I had, but a nice little "pleasure trail" running over and around his belly-button, then down into and below his belt-line. Now in the warm of the early afternoon, the sun glistened off his light brown arms damp with sweat as the light broke into "diamonds" before my eyes. I could not help myself staring at him and his fine put-together array of manly positioned features. Then, after lunch, to my delight, we were paired off together on the same pole to run wires to the secondary side of the transformer. We talked of places we had been and just general things as we worked. When we took a "piss-break" - I notice that Guy really did not have to "go" that urgently, but came over beside me and glanced over at me. "Hmmmm!" I thought - do you suppose that he is...NAW--probably just will-full thinking on my part.

After work and back at the motel, I was in my trunk getting my portable radio out to put on the table in my room when I heard the crunch of gravel beside me. I got a whiff of his aftershave, and knew whom it was. Turning in his direction, Guy was holding out a beer for me. "Here, want some suds?" "Sure". I said, taking the beer and I felt his fingers almost entwined in mine, and then lifted it in a toast to him as he brought his can beside mine - CLINK! "Here's to us". I said. "Gottcha - man!" Guy replied, with a little wink. I could not help but notice that he was now in shorts almost "short-shorts" and - like - WOW! What a nice set of legs. But most linemen have nice looking legs. His were really extra fine, and just the right amount of hair on there too. It almost looked "groomed". "Wanna come in my room?" I offered. "All the other guys went into the larger town about fifty miles away and it looks like it is just you and I." And to me that was just fine and dandy.

"Sure." Guy Said. We entered and sat, me on the bed and Guy in the chair by a table. "Hey!" Guy said, sounding surprised as he walked in to my room. "You got the best room in the joint. I do not have a stove and a ice-box. And you have two queen-size beds. What did you give the owner of the motel? A blowjob?"

"Well! - No! Not that. This was the only one left and I just happen to get it. And besides, I think that the owner is straight." I said smiling.

"Oh! Really! You can tell the difference that a man is gay or straight, just by looking?" He said moving closer to the edge of the chair.

"Nope! Not really. Just a feeling I get from time to time. Most of the time this is wrong, but I get surprised sometimes." I just looked into his green eyes and thought to myself... ‘Hmmmm! It would be really nice if you were a gay man too...' "I gotta get to a store here and get some beer." I said. Guy said there was a bar just a block away we could get some there most likely.

It was not too much of a town really, one bar, one convenience store, one gas station, and a few old buildings that needed a paint job and some people in them. We walked into the barroom and sat down on the stools at the bar. I took note of what a fine butt Guy had as he sundered his way to the bar. There was a bartender at the other end and came to take our orders. After I just sat looking into the mirror at Guy. He looked into the mirror and smiled back at me, as I lowered my eyes to my beer; I did not wish to give him any "ideas" that I was a gay man. He turned on his barstool and his knee touched my thigh, lightly. This sent a shiver through me, and I must have reacted with a jump of surprise. "Oops! Sorry." He said being truly apologetic. "That is okay, I don’t mind at all really- you can bump into me any damn time." I said, and truly meaning that. "Good." He said. "I would hate to get a friendship off on the wrong foot here."

There was just one other man at the far end of the bar and the bartender was talking. Guy again looked out the front of the window. "This does not seem to be a really whooping town does it?" Taking a drink of his beer. "Nope." I told him. "Looks like we shall have to be our own entertainment while we are here." I said turning to look into his green eyes. I had not noticed them before, as I did now that we were up close, and saw just how beautiful they were.

"What?" Guy said. "Oh nothing." Not wanting to show I really had any interest at all. "I just noticed that you have green eyes." I confessed, not wishing to give away all too much that green eyes make me stare and I cannot take my gaze from them. "Yep! That is my mothers' side. My dad, his are blue - about like yours." He moved a little closer and just happened to bump my thigh again and smiled a really nice smile.

Guy and I bought two twelve packs a piece and went back to the motel room. I had some thick stakes and invited Guy to share one with me. I always carried a small charcoal grill with me when I traveled to cook on, as most of the motels did not have kitchens. To my surprise when taking this motel, I had a small refrigerator and a three-burner gas stove. But I prefer a charcoal broiled. Guy came to my room with another beer opened and gave it to me. I looked at him and quipped. "Gee-wiz. Any more of that and I will get really horny." He just shrugged his shoulders. "Hey! If it happens - it happens." Guy smiled and took another drink of his beer. "You can't really tell if a guy is gay can you? I mean, by just a one sentence or two can you?" Guy said . "Well", I began. Like I said, I do get a few surprises now and then." And then to myself I thought - ‘come on Guy - be gay for me PLEASE!!'

"Well." Guy said looking at the floor for a little, and back into my eyes. "What would you say if I told you that I was a gay man?" I think at that point I dropped my mouth open at that point and my eyebrows went up. I do that without knowing it when I get hit by a surprise.

"I would tell you that I would feel like a most happy man." I moved my head a little closer to his and saw that his eyes began to close, as he too moved closer to me. Our lips barely touched, and I felt his mouth open a little as mine did, and found his tongue enter my opening mouth to take him in. We parted and sat the beers down on the table near the bed. "Hmmmmm! How about that - !!! Two gay linemen, on the same job in a motel room together... Hmmmm!" Was all that I said.

Without saying another word we each stretched out on the bed and with bare chests pressed and arms wrapped around each other began the most passionate necking I had ever had as to date in my life. I could feel Guy getting really into this necking session and it was no time till I was fully hard and erect as he was. Still looking into each other’s eyes and necking, we stood and each managed to get out of the blue jeans and off to the floor. Guy had briefs on, but I never did ware underwear - it tends to get in the way. We felt each other’s cock touch the other’s and parted to look at each other. I laid back onto the bed and took Guy in at a full view, as he did with me laying there waiting for him to lay down beside me. Man! Was he a treat for the eyes. I saw each muscle work as he took off his briefs and bent down and back up. Oh Man! Did he have a cute smooth ass. His smiling face was mirrored to mine as me knelt on the bed to lay down along side me. His cock was fully erect as mine was. A bit larger and cut like mine, and curved up nicely. Dinner would wait for a little now. Our hunger was not from the stomach just now, but more for the man-to-man sexual needs that we both harbored.

Guy placed one hand on my cock and reached around it to fondle my balls. I followed to his crouch and did the same. A nice bush of brown hair he had too. We parted our lips to look at our cocks rubbing together and pre-cum oozing from each. His hand and mine were wrapped around holding our cocks and stroking lightly. Guy made a little "hummmm" noise and I went down to see what he might taste like.

Now getting a full view of Guy's manhood, I could not resist the temptation to give his throbbing cock a good lick and without thinking really, found it just slid right down my throat with little effort on my part. I did not gag nor feel the reflex to constrict. His cock was magic. I let him out slowly and just to the top of the head, swirling my tongue around and around, letting the pre-cum flow. And great tasting "pre" it was too.

We each moved into a better position for a "sixty-nine", and I felt his wet warm mouth on my cock - Guy knew what he was doing and how to give great, I mean great head. We each fell into what I call the "two-man-saw" rhythm as we slowly sucked each other to the music in our minds. I felt like shooting right then and there so I took my mouth off his cock and said. "Hold it a moment.... please! I want this to last a long time." He raised his head and looked into my eyes. I saw for the first time a look that I found myself giving to only one man in my life. But this time this look, it was for me, coming from another man like I was. It was a look of desire and satisfaction intermixed. We decided to take a little break and do another necking session for a time.

When we did resume an on the bed lay-down, Guy was taking a position of a "top". This gave me a little apprehension, as I never was a bottom before, only took a guy orally. I had dreamed about this and thought this would be the time I would get fucked and fucked right. He tried to turn me over, but I managed to get a leg in the way and wrapped both around his middle and with both arms hugged him into a frontal position with a deep and welcome kiss. To this he broke away momentary to get the lube from the side table and apply it to his cock and my ass. I just smiled and looked into his wonderful eyes--and became lost there.

I felt the head of Guy's cock at my hole as our lips meet again and with one hand I guided him into me. I stopped him just about after the head got in. "Let me get used to you first". He looked down at me smiling and held his position till I gave the OK by tightening my legs around him and pulled him into me deeper. Guy slid all the way in - and for the first time in my gay life I felt what only a man could feel from another man. It was simply wonderful; not at all what I would call "painful". Words cannot totally describe this--it must be felt to be known. He started a slow and even stroke just about coming completely out but leaving the head in me, then back in all the way. It was all too much for me and I quivered in relight. My hands lightly caressed the hair on the back of his neck as your lips folded into each other, our tongues blending and playing lightly encircling each other.

We lost track of time as we fucked. Taking only a little rest and take a piss - then to wash up and back to sucking each other in the sixty-nine position - then again having him fuck my willing ass over and over again. On the last time we fucked for that first session I took the position of what I now call the "Dom-Bottom" position. That is me on the top "riding" Guy's pole, and it was I who called the strokes as Guy rotated and quivered. When Guy did cum, I felt a mighty load erupt in my ass, and his arms wrap tightly around my back holding me and locking on a "lip-lock" as our lips met. He was large enough to fuck me from putting me on the edge of the bed and then going down on me to give me head - all at the same time. I was in helpless total nirvana.

It was about sundown when the call for real food began to rise to each of us. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to clean up. I was standing at the sink looking down when I felt Guy's hands on my hips. My ass cheeks felt the light caresses of his lips lightly kissing and tongue licking. I placed my right hand on the back of his head and moved away, turned and came down to where he was and faced him in a squat to kneeling position. Held his face in my hands and kissed him gently. We parted and Guy's voice came. "You have the nicest ass I have ever seen. I just can’t keep myself away from it." We stood and I kissed him again and said. "Well! As long as we are together on this job that ass is totally yours." We dressed in our jeans cut-offs and cooked our dinner for that night on my little grill. Then back into the bed for yet another great sexual romp together.

Guy moved out of his unit at the motel and into mine. Telling the owner that he could rent out that one to another, as in his words - we got along together really well and it would be a waste of a room as mine was so large we would bunk together. Guy and I lived with each other for three months in that motel room. When the job was over, we went to another job in Northwestern Montana for about two months more. This time we took a room together and lived the gay - but secret life of two linemen on the job. As far as we knew no one else on the job ever suspected the two of us to be gay. Guy and I were lineman together for that summer and after that we parted to go on to different jobs. I never forgot Guy, my first real male lover. I know he never forgot me either. Some things you just can feel, and in that it is enough.


(This is my first work of gay fiction -- But drawn form a true life experience, except for the sex part.)



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