Cumdumpster has 5 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Hung Young Brit
I am hooked on being facefucked. I have a new thing where i go to different gay bars and find some random guy to blow and get what i want, a big hot is pretty easy to find guys to blow. I have no problem askin a guy if he wants a blow job, it really is amazing how many married straight guys will let a guy suck his dick. I want to see how many cocks i can suck in one night. That...
So a month ago i figured out i am bi. I always wondered what it would be like to suck a dick. So one night i had few beers and decided it is time to see how it is to have a dick in my mouth, so i hit a local gay bar, followed a few different guys to bathroom so i could see who had a big dick. Figured if i was going to do this i want a big fat dick to suck. Finally i followed this guy and...
So i went to a gay bar to see if i could get my fantasy filled. I was in luck it was a party so i started talking to a group of guys after about 2 hrs of talking i asked one guy if he thought him and his buddies would like to fuck my mouth, i said i want to be your cum dumpster tonight. He asked and of course they said yes.. We went back to one guys house i did not want to wait i needed...
I was on a long trip. I had to pull into a rest stop to stretch out. Not a soul around. So i walked the lot for a few min. Then a pick up pulled in. There was an older guy in it. So when he pulled in he parked kind of close to where i was. I glanced over, then checked out my phone. Looked up he was still staring at me. Did not think much of it because i was quite tired. Again a few min...
Had a ad in craigs list to just drain some dick. I was kind of shocked had 3 straight married guys show that day, i seriously can not get enough cock and cum. I find it to be a lot of fun to just grab some random guy and just ask if i can suck him dry. 90% say...
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