Cuddle Bear has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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FOUR DIRTY LITTLE LIMERICKS By Cuddle Bear Some of these are original to me, some I’ve modified for your pleasure and some are just good.. A pansy who lived in Khartoum Took a lesbian up to his room. And they argued all night Over who had the right To do what, and with which, to whom. (Say this one aloud in your best fake British accent. It works!) A lusty young Bottom of...
My name is Randy McClellen and this is my story—and Steve’s, but more about him later. I’m only 5’7” weighing in at nearly 150 pounds—and that’s all muscle. My hair is sunny blond and wavy (if I let it grow); my eyes are a clear, sky blue. I have the open, innocent (which I’m definitely not) face of a corn-fed choirboy (which I was) from the Midwest (which I am). I like to think of myself as...
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